Xiao Qiao slowly raised her eyes and met his gaze.

He looked at her with both eyes, without blinking, under the dark eyebrows, the bottom of his eyes seemed to gradually gather dark waves, surging silently.

The room was silent except for the sound of their breathing.

Perhaps it was because he hugged her too tightly, and Xiao Qiao gradually felt short of breath.

Seeing that he never let go of herself or opened her mouth, she finally moved slightly and struggled: "Husband, you?"

"Manman, I have always wanted to ask my grandmother one thing. Why did she decide to marry the daughter of the Qiao family."

Wei Shao finally spoke slowly, a little abruptly.

"But later, I gradually stopped wanting to ask. It doesn't matter what my grandmother thinks. Now, I want to thank my grandmother. If it wasn't for her persistence, I would have been able to marry you in this life. Wife, treat me like this?"

Wei Shao let go of her arms, walked to the window, pushed open the window, and took a long breath towards the influx of Ye Feng.

The candle flame was blown on and off by the night wind, and the projection on his face became flickering.

Xiao Qiao was a little surprised, but didn't say anything, just watched silently.

Wei Shao turned his face. stared at her.

"I told you a long time ago that I am happy with you. I didn't lie to you. Just the same, no matter what concessions you made for me and how hard you worked, in my case, it has become a matter of course. ."

"Everything is because your Qiao family once owed my Wei family, and when you married me, it was the Qiao family who begged for my Wei family, so all along, even if I marry you, I love you, but I never think about it. Your feelings. Just as I treat you well, that is my gift to you, you are grateful to me and repay my Wei family, it is a matter of course..."

He paused for a moment.

"Think about it now, what a **** I am, Wei Shao!"

Xiao Qiao did not move, his eyes fixed on his face.

"Your tolerance and seeking perfection are taken for granted by me. I also know that because of your debt to the Qiao family, no matter what I do to you, you will not leave me. Besides, I have always believed that I have done what I have done to you. The greatest is good, so time and time again, I always ignore your feelings and take it for granted."

"After the Shanggu War, before I could catch my breath, my mother died in such an unexpected way. She was confused all her life and was not a competent mistress of the Wei family, but to me, she was a loving mother, and I felt unacceptable at the time. At the last moment before she died, her heart was still filled with selfishness and hatred. Thinking about it carefully, how similar I am to my mother, although my eyes were not blind, my heart was always filled with hatred and selfishness. During that time, the Xiongnu Stressed, grandmother fell ill, how difficult it was for you to endure alone, but I only immersed in my own grief, I ignored you again, even if I felt guilty in my heart, I always thought, you can understand me, You will also support me... Until that day, you asked me to go back to Qiao's house in front of my grandmother without saying a word to me in advance."

Wei Shao walked towards her again and stopped in front of her.

"Manman, at that time, I suddenly had a feeling, I felt that you were alienating me, and you seemed to want to leave me. I knew clearly that you would still come back, but I couldn't get rid of this feeling, even It got to the point where I couldn't sleep or eat. Then I took you to Qiao's house. I saw with my own eyes how you looked in front of your family yesterday, and I felt even more uneasy..."

He paused, frowning.

"Although my Wei family is not a fan cage, for you, it may be the same as a fan cage. You have been in my house for several years, how have I ever seen you feel so comfortable?"

"I didn't want to leave today. I think I still have things to do. It's just that if you don't leave me, I can't say anything. When I left, your father took me out of the city. In the end, I solemnly entrust you with the rest of your life. I. After I set out on the road, I asked myself over and over again, if Shanggu City was destroyed, Yuyang City was destroyed, and I lost my grandmother and you, then even if I was told to destroy all my enemies and gain the world, the beauty would be in my arms, and the world would be But there is no second you, and no one can call my husband like you, so what will be the joy for the rest of my life from now on?"

Xiao Qiao's eyes slowly overflowed with twinkling tears, and the tears gathered more and more, and finally, a crystal teardrop suddenly came out of her eye socket and rolled down her cheek.

Wei Shao stared at her, raised his hand, and gently wiped her tears with his fingers.

"I knew then. I had to let you know what I was thinking these days. If I don't take this opportunity to speak out, no matter where I go, I will feel uneasy in my heart. So I am back."

"Manman, I always felt wronged for myself in the past, and I mentioned it to you more than once, because of you, I made concessions against my will, but I never thought that you would be because of me. What kind of pressure and grievance you are under such a thought. You were not born to come to my Wei family to atone for your dead grandfather. Even if that was the case at the beginning, now, you don’t owe anything. Instead, it’s me who ignores you. too much…"

The more he wiped, the more tears fell from Xiao Qiao's tears, which wetted the front of her clothes and the back of his hands.

"I, Wei Shao, being captured by you is a blessing in my life. It's just that in the past, I kept saying that I loved you, that I was happy with you, and that I wanted you to fully entrust me with my sincerity, but I used family feud as an excuse and never refused to accept it. , and I never thought to consider your situation at all, and when it comes to arrogance and selfishness, who else in this world can compare with me..."

Xiao Qiao kept shaking her head and burst into tears.

Wei Shao stared at her with tears falling and shaking her head desperately, her eyes slightly flushed.

"I'm a bastard, I only know how to make fun of you, but I don't know how to love you and cherish you. I promised you before, if I offend you, you can just hit me and vent your anger. It's the same now, I hurt your heart. , if you hit me, just don't be apart from me, let alone have a relationship with me..."

Xiao Qiao clenched her pink fist, thumped his shoulders and chest randomly, and whimpered: "You're a bastard... I'm fine, who wants to hear you suddenly come back and say this..."

Before he finished speaking, he jumped into his arms again, hugged his waist, buried a tear-stained face in his chest, and refused to lift it up again.

The soft body in his arms trembled uncontrollably, and tears seemed to flow out, soaking his shirt for a moment.

He put her on the bed and hugged her tightly.

After a long time, I finally felt that the body of the person in his arms stopped shaking, but his face was still buried in his arms, refusing to face him.

Wei Shao moved his body slightly.

A small hand immediately grabbed the placket of his shirt and clenched it tightly.

"I want you to stay...don't go..."

Xiao Qiao sobbed in a heavily nasal tone, speaking vaguely.

Wei Shao straightened her face gently.

Her eyelids had turned pink from crying, slightly swollen, her nose was red, and a strand of hair wet with tears was tightly stuck on her cheeks, looking very embarrassed.

A pair of eyes were tightly closed, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a teardrop on her head.

He bent down and kissed her eyelids lovingly, licking away the tears from her eyelashes and cheeks.

Xiao Qiao finally opened his eyes slowly.

The four eyes are facing each other, their eyes are intertwined.

"I'm not leaving. I've made up my mind on the way here. Even if you want to chase me away, I won't leave."

Wei Shao murmured, and lay down with her neck crossed, covering her red lips.

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