Wei Shao was stunned, but fortunately, he responded very quickly. Before Xiao Qiao could unfold it, he took the file from her hand.

Xiao Qiao glanced at him, stretched out a small hand towards him.

Wei Shao put the hand holding the file behind his back and laughed dryly: "This is not well written, look at the other..."

"I want to see."

Little Joe smiled at him.

Wei Shao didn't move.

Xiao Qiao stretched out his hand behind him and took out the file in his hand.

Wei Shao held it tight.

The smile on Xiao Qiao's face disappeared.

"let go!"

As soon as Wei Shao's hand was released, the file was taken away by her.

Seeing her opening the dossier, looking down at the article, her eyes finally fell on the column of names, her concentration was thoughtful, she suppressed the sourness that was bubbling in her heart, and said, "Gao Heng is just emptying words in this article. No words. What does Manman think?"

Xiao Qiao put down the file.

"On the way I came here, I happened to meet Dr. Fang, and I asked about the test paper. The doctor's opinion is completely opposite to yours. According to the doctor, Gao Bohai's answer is Dingyuan, which is well-deserved."

Wei Shao was embarrassed, and coughed dryly: "It's not me who slandered the previous dynasty! How did people like Fang Xi get into Taixue Doctors? It's clearly a hodgepodge, and it has to be described as a Dingyuan article! Not so much! Because of Gao Heng's reputation, writing it is shit, and they smell like..."

He had a look of righteous indignation on his face, but when he saw Xiao Qiao looking at him, his voice gradually softened and finally stopped.

"keep going!"

Xiao Qiao also sat sideways on his lap, and when he saw that he had stopped, he urged him and raised a delicate brow.

Wei Shao and her gazed at each other for a moment, then suddenly said, "You also deliberately went against me, didn't you? Let me tell you the truth! I just can't stand this Gao Heng! Not to mention..."

He squinted at her: "What's more, he came to take the test, obviously because he has no plans! How dare you say you don't know?"

Xiao Qiao stared at him for a moment, with a sullen face at first, but suddenly he couldn't hold it any longer, and laughed out loud.

"Why don't you have any plans? You make it clear!" she said with a smile.

Wei Shao said angrily and slipped his lips, originally a little worried that Xiao Qiao would be annoyed, but suddenly seeing her smile, looking like a hibiscus, he took the opportunity to hug her: "But you want me to say, I said you don't blame me! I knew from a long time ago that this Gao Heng has no plans for you! It is clear that you have married me as his wife, but he said that you are his confidant. Don't have any plans? Originally, I thought, after so many years, I don't care about him anymore! I didn't expect him to come again now..."

He paused.

"What's coming again?"

"I'm here to draw your attention again!"

The more Wei Shao thought about it, the more annoyed he became, "In the name of the Bohai Gao clan, he wants to be an official, and he did it a long time ago! But he didn't come out early, and he didn't come out late. If he didn't appear at this time to participate in the imperial examination, he obviously heard about it. This imperial examination system was advocated by you, so I deliberately voted to your liking to draw your attention!"

"You are not ashamed! How many years ago the old imperial calendar, Philip was also three years old, but you still remembered such a small matter and made a big fuss! When the imperial examination system first came out, there was a lot of opposition from the world's gentry. I know Your Majesty, you are wise and talented, and you disdain relying on the old local nobility to stabilize the country, but if they really form a group and oppose it fiercely, and the place is not stable, Your Majesty, you can't cut their heads because of this, you have to find a way to settle it. , right? Gao Bohai not only publicly supported His Majesty, but also resisted the pressure to take the exam, which sealed the mouth of the nobility. What is the purpose of Dayan opening the imperial examination? You will try, and instead of rewarding you, you are making trouble!"

Xiao Qiao stretched out a finger and poked his heart: "I see you, the heart is not much bigger than the nose of a needle!"

"I'm like this, and it's not the first day you know about it!" Wei Shao sullenly said, "Those gentry will make trouble again and annoy me. There are some ways to kill them, without his Gao Heng coming out to be a good person for me!"

Xiao Qiao frowned slightly: "Why do I think you have the potential to be a dizzy prince?"

"Hunjun is stupid!" Wei Shao didn't blink, "No matter what you say, I don't think Gao Heng is pleasing to the eye! No matter how well he writes, no matter how capable he is, I don't want me to record him! "

Xiao Qiao stared at him, took away his two hands that were holding his waist, stood up and said with a smile instead of a smile: "It's good that your majesty is happy. The concubine will retire first."

Turn around and go outside.

When the emperor and the queen were in the same room, there was an unwritten rule in the palace. If they were not summoned, the palace staff would take the initiative to retreat outside.

So at this moment, there are only two emperors and queens in the huge Xuan room.



"and many more-"

Xiao Qiao walked to the door, there were footsteps behind her, Wei Shao chased after her, and grabbed her hand from behind.

"I recorded him as the second place! Is this the head office?"

Joe turned back.

"I can't give him the top spot on this list! Although it is not to shut out the children of the nobility, the purpose of this first game is to show the determination of the court to use talents in an unconventional manner. It’s up to you to tell me! Gao Bohai’s article is good, but to take him as the top spot in the first game is against the original intention of the New Deal! I took him as the second place, and if it’s a big deal, I will give him some extra awards as compensation for taking his top spot. !"

"So, are you satisfied?"

He had a stinky face.

Xiao Qiao smiled slowly, she stretched her arms around his waist, stood on tiptoe, kissed him, put her lips to his ear, and said in a low voice, "My husband is obviously as wise as Yao and Shun, but just now he wants to Eating jealousy, not afraid of people laughing..."

Wei Shao's face softened.

"In Manman's eyes, there is only His Majesty, and the rest of the men in the world, not to mention that there is no one who is better than His Majesty, it is true, and Manman will never take a second look..."

After finally waiting for the sweet words like Meiren'er, Wei Shao's body froze, and all the sullenness that had just disappeared immediately disappeared. I know you've always wanted to see that cliff in the clouds, and I said before that I'm going to take you to see it, but I can't get out of it, and it hasn't happened until now. Why don't you put things aside and I'll take you and Philip out palace!"

Xiao Qiao was startled, smiled and shook his head: "You can see the cliffs or not, husband doesn't have to go to great lengths for me to go on a pointless tour."

Wei Shao answered vaguely at the time, but he was holding back about it. The next day, he summoned Gongsun Yang to show him the top three in the imperial examination. Then, he focused on revealing to him that he wanted to leave the palace for a period of time. idea.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Gongsun Yang stopped him with a bunch of reasons that sounded reasonable.

The emperor was depressed and had to suppress his thoughts.

Half a month later, Dayan's first imperial examinations released the imperial list.

The most eye-catching Bohai Gaoheng won the second place.

In the first scientific examination, among the top three, there were two poor scholars and one nobility. This kind of result can be regarded as a great joy.

Although Gao Heng failed to occupy Kui Yuan, he had achieved his original intention and had no regrets.

That day, the palace gave a banquet, and the emperor and the queen came together. After many years, Gao Heng was finally able to meet the woman who had painted and inscribed together in the temple of the Queen Mother of the West. This made Gao Heng very excited.

In his mind, Queen Qiao had already become a goddess-like existence, and she had no blasphemy at all. Besides, with her status, how could she be disrespectful?

He had no intention of entering an official position, not to mention nowadays, a talented scholar like Gao Heng who came from a noble family, is a noble and romantic in his bones, and the emperor may not really take it seriously, but the Mrs. Yanhou who made him unforgettable at first sight, but Different. She is now a queen. He also heard that the new imperial examination system promulgated by the imperial court was first advocated by Empress Qiao. When he learned that the gentry were opposed to it, he immediately became enthusiastic and did not think much about it.

Gao Heng is honored to be able to contribute to Qiao's aftereffects.

So today the imperial palace gave him a banquet. He knelt down and accepted the wine from Queen Qiao, and when he saw Qiao, he nodded to himself with a smile, and asked questions cordially. There are rubbings of the top ten cliffs in the world at Weichen, especially the rubbings of the cliffs in the cloud, which are made by me, and they are almost the same as the original. If the queen does not abandon it, Weichen is willing to present the queen to show her loyalty."

The emperor's face sank slightly. The queen declined with a smile, saying that she did not dare to take love. Gao Heng's face showed regret, but the emperor's complexion was only slightly better.

Half a month later, the emperor sealed the office and sent Gao Heng to Luoyang far away, which finally made him feel much more comfortable.

But he still had one thing on his mind.

One day two months later, finally, a huge behemoth was packed in a large closed box with a height of three feet and a length of four or five feet. The front was driven by six horses. The soldiers of the team escorted them to the south gate of Luoyang.

This huge box, which looks very heavy, swaggered through the city and passed through half of the imperial city. It was so ostentatious that it attracted almost half of the city's residents and watched it finally be sent to the gate of the palace.

What's in the box?

Passersby talked a lot, and in the end, everyone agreed with a statement. From the perspective of weight and the level of guards, the box should be full of gold, silver and treasures.

When the hot discussion of passersby drifted into Jia Xi's ears, his tightly tensed face was about to collapse.

He was quite worried, if the people of Luoyang knew that the box was actually a large stone that had been chiseled from the top of the mountain by dozens of masons day and night, with the eyes of the locals in the cloud who dared not speak out. , In order to transport this big stone into Luoyang smoothly, it took a lot of manpower and material resources to travel by water and land. In fact, it was just something that the emperor did to please the queen, even in his opinion, it was a bit absurd. , will the people arrange behind the scenes that the emperor is a foolish monarch who is very likely to die in one lifetime?

The author has something to say: I calculated it again. At the time of the last chapter, the little princess should have been three years old, so I will change it.

The following is the cat fairy.

The writing is very loose, and I am actually not very good at writing this kind of daily life. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it.

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