The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 21: moonlit night

Wei Shao was wearing a white single coat with a slightly open collar, and the right hem was loose to cover his waist, and he came out of the bathroom with no ties. The servants from the Westinghouse who had been serving him in the bath in the past swiftly cleaned up and bowed out. Chunniang glanced at Xiao Qiao, then backed out, closing the door lightly.

The two of them were left in the room.

Those things he had just returned to their original positions. One of them was a chi-long flat mahogany box, which was fastened with a concealed lock. It was originally placed on the top layer of the shelf, and now it was put back as it was.

Wei Shao originally got on the couch, but suddenly seemed to remember something, turned over to the couch again, went straight to the shelf against the wall, took the box, turned his back to Xiao Qiao, as if he had fiddled with the secret lock, and suddenly turned around and asked: " Have you ever opened this box?"

Xiao Qiao immediately shook her head: "No. I haven't touched all your utensils in this room at all. When the servants cleaned them up at first, they just put the things together temporarily according to my instructions. How dare you open them without authorization?"

Wei Shao put the lid back on its original position, turned around and said, "In the future, don't move my things at will." The voice was cold.

Xiao Qiao nodded: "You don't need to tell me, I also know. Today, I was indeed negligent for a while. I won't move again in the future."

Wei Shao walked back to the bed with a noncommittal look and lay down.

Xiao Qiao was still standing in front of the bed. Seeing him get into bed and closed his eyes as if he was about to go to sleep, he couldn't help but feel a little troubled.

As soon as Wei Shao returned to Wei's house, she unexpectedly lived in the same room with herself, which surprised her. Naturally, she wouldn't think that he was suddenly merciful to take care of his own face, and it was even less likely that he was thinking about her. Although the reason was a bit puzzling to her, she guessed that it should be related to the meeting with his mother Mrs. Zhu in the evening.

These can be studied slowly in the future, the problem is now.

Where should she sleep now?

She speculated that this man should not want to share the bed with him.

As far as she is concerned, the two share the same bed, even if she does nothing, she is actually a little awkward in her heart...

"Why are you still standing?"

Wei Shao said suddenly.

Xiao Qiao was startled. glanced at him.

His eyes were still closed.

It was already very obvious what he meant.

Little Joe climbed into the bed. Gently. She lay down slowly, being careful not to touch him.

He didn't say any more, his eyes remained closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

After a while, Xiao Qiao's originally tense body slowly began to relax. At this moment, Wei Shao opened his eyes suddenly, turned over and got out of bed, grabbed his long sword resting on the desk, and walked quickly towards the door.

Xiao Qiao was a little surprised and didn't know what he was going to do. He sat up halfway with one arm on his shoulder, and before he came back to his senses, he saw that he pulled the door open. The servant girl who was eavesdropping at the crack of the door.

The maid's surname was Wang, and the maid called her Wang Mi, who was the steward in charge of serving the soup in Westinghouse.

Wang Li pressed her ear against the door, listening with great effort, and suddenly realized that the situation seemed wrong, and was about to slip away, but she didn't want the door to open suddenly, and with a swipe in front of her eyes, the tip of Xueliang's sword pointed to the tip of her nose, and when she looked up, she saw A figure was shrouded, Wei Shao appeared in the door, his clothes were half open, but his eyes were staring at him incomparably gloomy, he shivered, his legs softened, he knelt down, and he kept kowtowing and begging for mercy. .

"Men, spare your life! Men, spare your life! The maid is also helpless... Madam ordered, but the maid dare not refuse to obey..."

Wei Shao squinted his eyes and made a move to the side.

"Open your dog's eyes, can you see clearly?"

Where did Wang Hao dare to look at it, she couldn't stop kowtowing and begging.

"Tell you to see, you see!"

Wang Hao was trembling and trembling, finally reluctantly raised her head and glanced in quickly.

The light in the room was dim, the snail screen was warm and emerald, and there were several layers of hanging curtains, and a hazy figure could be faintly seen half seated on the bed.

Wang Hao didn't dare to look any further and closed her eyes.

"Can you see clearly?"

Wei Shao's gloomy voice sounded in his ears.

"See... see clearly..."

Wei Shao swung his sword abruptly, and with Wang Yu's earth-shattering screams, one side of the door frame was cut off.

Wang Li thought that the sword was aimed at her, so she sat down on the ground, and finally found that she was fine, and slowly opened her eyes, the person was already shaking like a sieve.


Wei Shao took the sword, and a word popped out of his mouth.

As if receiving amnesty, Wang Hao got up and stumbled away.

Wei Shao slammed the door that had been closed loosely and walked back.

Joey looked at him holding his breath. Seeing the gloomy expression on his face, he went to the bed, threw the sword on the desk, opened the tent and lay back again.

He quickly closed his eyes, and after a while, the anger on his face seemed to gradually disappear, and his expression finally returned to calm.

The candlelight passed through the tent, casting an almost soft light on the contours of his profile.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes again and met Xiao Qiao's gaze.

"Have you seen enough?"

he asks. The voice was flat, with a bit of indifference. There was a look of tiredness in his brows that couldn't be concealed.

Xiao Qiao hurriedly closed her eyes.

The candle on the candlestick finally burned out, and the light dimmed.

The moonlight dipped in from the window, and the curtain became hazy.

Wei Shao breathed evenly. Fell asleep.

Xiao Qiao opened her eyes again, looking past the man beside the pillow, looking at the white moonlight in front of the window outside the tent.

The moonlight is very good tonight.

The same piece of moonlight is also shining thousands of miles away, in a small mountain village at the foot of Lingbi Mountain in Huainan.

It was late at night, and under the moonlight, this mountain village where there were only a dozen scattered families who lived by firewood hunting was quiet, and the villagers had long been like a dream. Occasionally, one or two night owls chirped from afar, adding to the tranquility of this spring night.

At the end of the village, in the open space beside a flowing mountain stream, Da Qiao and Bi She's new home here is about to be completed.

They passed by here half a month ago. It is also fate. That day, I was going to continue south, but I happened to encounter a few thieves on the road who were robbing the food and salt that Wang Laohan and his grandparents exchanged from the county fair with their fur. run away. Wang Laohan suffered some injuries. His grandson was only in his teens. His son was conscripted into the army by Xue Tai, the prefect of Xuzhou, a few years ago. He died within a few months. Now there is no one else in the family. He sent the two of them home, and the old man Wang was grateful. During the chat, he heard that the two of them were a married couple. Because of the war in their hometown, they could not live any longer, so they had no choice but to flee to the south to settle down. The old man deeply felt the pain of the chaos, and invited the two of them to stay beside his house.

This small mountain village is hidden in the mountains, surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear waters, and few outsiders come in on weekdays, but it is a good place to live in seclusion. Da Qiao's heart was moved, and Bi She followed her, so she settled down, chose an address here, and began to build a thatched cottage. Bi She fell trees, and Da Qiao learned to twist hemp ropes. The two worked together. After more than half a month, they finally built this cottage that can shelter them from wind and rain.

Bi She has been working from the morning till now. He had already covered the roof, and there was only one last piece left on the side.

Da Qiao sat on a stone in a simple courtyard surrounded by a fence, looking at the man who was still busy on the roof under the moonlight. Although he also had some back pain, he was very happy.

Their house is almost ready. Although it was only two huts, she was already satisfied that it could shelter them from the wind and rain.

With a house, they can settle down and no longer have to wander around. In the future, after life has settled down, she still wants to let Bi She build a chicken coop, raise a few chicks, and grow a vegetable field by herself...

"Are you tired? Let's do the rest tomorrow!"

Da Qiao felt a little distressed for him, and shouted at him.

Bi She asked her to go to bed first, saying that she would be fine soon.

Da Qiao refused and continued to wait for him.

Bi She quickened his movements and finally laid the last piece of the hut roof, making sure it was firm and not leaking. He jumped off the roof with a vigorous and neat posture.

He worked all day and was covered in sweat. Putting down the machete in his hand, he waded down the mountain stream in front of the door.

The water was below his waistline. The moonlight shone on his muscular and knotted back, which was wet and reflective, and his back became more and more lined. The back looked as solid as a mountain peak, full of steady power.

Bi She is really capable. Anything will do. Fight, open roads, chop down trees, build houses, and even cook and wash clothes.

The food he cooks is much better than the food she cooks.

This made Da Qiao feel a little ashamed. She determined that she must learn these things as soon as possible, so as not to let him eat half-cooked rice with half-cooked rice after working all day.

Unfortunately, he devoured it and praised her for making it delicious.

Across the fence, Da Qiao looked at his back in the stream, and his face suddenly became hot.

When Bi She came back from the shower, it was already the second half of the night. The two entered the house to rest and sleep.

Until now, they still slept separately. Da Qiao slept on the bed in the inner room that Bi She had made for her a few days ago, and slept on the grass bunk in the outer room.

Big Joe couldn't sleep.

There was a faint scent of thatch in the air. The moonlight tonight seems to be really wrong.

She couldn't help but think about the scene of him standing naked in the stream just now.

She felt that her face was still hot, not only her face but also her body seemed to be a little hot.

She held her breath and listened carefully to the sounds outside.

He didn't seem to be asleep either. He heard a slight rustling sound when he turned over on the grass bunk.

Finally, she finally got out of bed, walked slowly to the door that had no door in the dark, and said softly, "I'm a little cold."

Bi She didn't fall asleep.

In fact, many nights, he couldn't sleep well.

He took her away, the daughter of the Qiao family who was originally delicate like a goddess. At the beginning, in order to avoid the pursuit of the Qiao family, they had been walking on the road without a fixed place to live. When they were unlucky, they didn't even have a broken temple at night, so they could only spend the night in the wilderness. Beasts, thieves, soldiers... There are too many dangers around. He took her away, even if he can't give her a stable life now, at least, he must ensure her safety. In those days and nights, he turned into the most ferocious hunter. He once killed those with ulterior motives who had no good intentions towards Da Qiao who he encountered on the road without blinking an eye, and he was also the most vigilant guardian. Whenever it fell into the night, he didn't dare to relax for a moment, and when there was a slight disturbance around him, he opened his eyes immediately, and he could not breathe a sigh of relief until he saw that his woman was still sleeping beside him.

Now, they finally have a nest of their own that can shelter from the wind and rain.

Da Qiao's adoring eyes when he looked at him made him feel very happy and a little guilty.

The experience of fleeing during this period made him clearly realize that in this generation of soldiers and horses, there is no justice, no law of nature, only the weak and the strong. Only by making himself stronger can he better protect his women.

Now these are far from what he wants to give to Da Qiao.

She deserves more and better everything.

When Bi She closed his eyes in the dark night, and his mind was churning with some thoughts that belonged to him that he had never told Da Qiao, he suddenly heard her footsteps lightly descend to the ground, and then, her voice came over.

He was startled, and immediately sat up from the bunk.

She said she was cold.

Although it was mid-spring, it was normal for her to be frail and cold in the middle of the night in the mountains.

He didn't even have a decent quilt by his hand. There was only an old deerskin that had begun to shed and a few pieces of clothing.

He suppressed the guilt in his heart, got up and lit the oil lamp in the dark, and said, "I'll cover you with clothes, you lie down first..."

Da Qiao didn't move, just looked at him.

Bi She felt that she was a little different from usual, the oil lamp was extremely dim, but he could see that her cheeks seemed to be a little red, and her eyes were shining.

He seemed to feel something. The heart in the chest suddenly beat faster. His blood immediately heated up.

"I want you to give me a hug. It should warm up a bit..."

She finished softly, as if out of shyness, she leaned over and blew the oil lamp in his hand with a puff.

Immediately the room went dark again. Darkness can't see five fingers. The sound of their breathing became clearer.

Bi She suddenly threw away the oil lamp, grabbed her hand, led her to the door, and took her to stand under the bright moon hanging high on the top of the mountain.

"Can I really?"

His voice trembled slightly.

Da Qiao felt the heat in his palm, and even heard the sound of his heart beating violently.

She shyly whispered: "Don't they all know about Father Wang, are we husband and wife?"

Bi She no longer hesitated, dragged her to kneel on the ground, bowed to Mingyue, stood up and hugged her, quickly carried her back to the hut, and gently put her back on the bed.

Depressed, with pain and joy, the groan came from the hut like nothing, and melted into the rustling sound of the stream outside the fence wall. Bi She seemed to have inexhaustible strength, hot sweat dripped from his young and strong body, ironing Da Qiao's soft and delicate body... When everything subsided, she was still being held tightly by the man. In my arms, love is like a treasure.

She pressed her face to his chest and shed tears silently.

This is happiness, but also tears of guilt.

"I miss my mother a little bit, I don't know how she is..."

"I also miss my pretty sister. I've only recently come to understand that she must have lied to me when she told me that she wanted to marry Wei Hou. I don't know how she is doing now..."

Bi She was silent and hugged his wife tighter.

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