The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 3: Bi She

After his father went, Xiao Qiao and Zuo Ci waited anxiously. About half an hour later, when he saw him returning, Qiao Ci hurried up to meet him and asked, "Father, can you talk about uncle?"

When Xiao Qiao saw his father's brows slightly furrowed, his heart cooled down. Sure enough, Qiao Ping shook his head: "Your uncle wants to make peace, I'm afraid he can't talk anymore!"

Qiao Ci went out and was stopped by Qiao Ping: "Stop! This is the end of the matter, it's useless to say more!"

Qiao Ci was stunned, with a gloomy expression.

Qiao Ping paused, his tone was a little slower, and he added: "The Wei family may not accept this marriage. Let's wait and see. If it is not fortunate, I will contact Chen Liu for my father at that time. I think your uncle There will be no objection.”

Although he said that, Xiao Qiao heard it, and his father didn't have any big hopes for this.

Qiao Ci believed it to be true, with a look of hope on her face.

Qiao Ping looked at Xiao Qiao, hesitated for a moment, and said softly, "Manman, please stay with your sister more, and persuade her to be more reassuring. The marriage may not be complete. Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if it does, then Wei Shao is young and has the name of a hero. He is the overlord of a party. Hearing that his appearance is also British and American, he is also a good match."

That night, Xiao Qiao and Da Qiao slept together again. Xiao Qiao saw that Da Qiao had a very serious mind, but he still forced a smile in front of him, and he never mentioned marriage, which made him even more sad.

Her father let her comfort Da Qiao. But she felt that all the words of consolation were so pale and helpless.

The two sisters fell asleep face to face. In the dark night, Xiao Qiao suddenly heard her cousin's voice come over: "Manman, you haven't met Liu Shizi for a while, have you?"

The "Liu Shizi" in Da Qiao's mouth is Xiao Qiao's current fiancé, the former husband and emperor Liu Yan, whose word is Maoqing. But now, Liu Maoqing was just a neglected eldest son in Langya Kingdom, which was divided into Han Dynasty. When he was thirteen years old, his stepmother slandered his father in front of his father in order to support his son, saying that the king of Langya had doted on his youngest son. Because his aunt was Xiao Qiao's aunt, he came to Yanzhou and asked for shelter.

At that time, the Han Dynasty was in decline, and in the imperial capital of Luoyang, the fourteen-year-old young emperor who was raised to the throne by the Prime Minister Xingxun seven years ago was like a puppet, and the government was actually controlled by the Prime Minister Xingxun. The emperor is like this, not to mention that the Liu family members of the enfeoffed country have no prestige in front of many local warlords who support their own troops, so the Qiao family is not afraid of the king of Langya, and accepts Liu Yan. With his outstanding appearance and talent, he is very fond of Qiao Ping and takes care of him in many ways. Finally, three years ago, when he was eighteen years old, the King of Langya listened to the persuasion of his ministers, knowing that he had wronged his eldest son, regretted his actions, and took him back. Not long afterward, the King of Langya sent an envoy to Yanzhou, intending to marry Xiao Qiao for Liu Yan.

Qiao Ping had seen it long ago that his daughter Xiao Qiao and Liu Yan were in love with each other. He asked Xiao Qiao what she meant. Seeing that she was shy and silent, he knew that she was willing. When Xiao Qiao was fifteen years old, she was married.

Half a year ago, Liu Yan came to Dongjun once in the name of Qiao Yue's birthday. He misses Xiao Qiao for a long time, and originally thought that he could take this opportunity to meet Xiao Qiao and complain about the pain of lovesickness, but for some reason, Xiao Qiao always avoided seeing him, and finally he could only leave in dismay.

The nightmare of the previous life left a deep psychological shadow on Xiao Qiao, which lingered. What's more, she is no longer the Xiao Qiao who grew up with Liu Yan, and she has no feelings for this fiance. , so I avoided meeting at that time. At this moment, when he suddenly heard Da Qiao mention him, he was slightly startled.

These days, during the day and night, she opened her eyes and closed her eyes, thinking about the marriage of her cousin, Da Qiao. next year.

"Manman, if my sister gets married this time, the north is far away, and when you get married next year, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back. I'm afraid our sisters will not see each other again in the future. Fortunately, you and the prince are of the same mind. After marriage, it must be Luanfeng and Ming, so there is nothing to worry about."

Xiao Qiao heard her say in a gentle tone. My heart was sour, and my eyes slowly warmed up.

Da Qiao didn't notice her strangeness, and continued to laugh: "Your needlework used to be bad, and it's even worse in the past two years. My sister has nothing to give you. I thought about you getting married next year. Liu The family is the royal family, and the needlework for the Liu family should not be sloppy, so at the beginning of the year, I took advantage of my spare time to help you with Chunniang and made some things for her. There is only one pair of red scoops left to honor your father-in-law. Because it takes a lot of time, I will put it to the end. My sister has already started, and the color matching is a little uncertain. Do you want to take a look and see how it will be better, let's discuss..."

Da Qiao moved and wanted to get up from the bed. Xiao Qiao held her down and said in a calm voice, "Thank you, Sister. Don't look at it. Sister is also tired. Go to sleep."

Da Qiao said: "I'm impatient, I'm afraid that it will be too late..." She stopped, fell silent, and smiled: "Tomorrow is fine. Go to bed first."

The house fell silent.

Da Qiao seemed to be sleeping peacefully, motionless, and his breathing was very steady.

Xiao Qiao was always awake at first, and in the early hours of the second half of the night, sleepiness finally struck, and when she was slightly hazy, she suddenly noticed that Da Qiao, who was sleeping outside him, moved, and then she crept off the bed without lighting the light. He put on his clothes in the dark by the moonlight coming in from the window, and then gently walked out, slowly opened the door, passed by the sleeping maid outside, and left the bedroom.

Xiao Qiao thought she was up at night, so she didn't make a sound, but she felt that something was wrong. When Da Qiao went out, she suddenly thought of something that happened in her previous life, and immediately followed and quickly crawled out of bed. He got up, dressed indiscriminately, held his breath, and walked out gently.

Tonight, the moonlight is clear and cold, and the courtyard is illuminated by Lingling. When she stepped out of the threshold, she saw Da Qiao's figure flashing quickly by the flower window, as if she was heading towards the back garden.

Deep in the flowers and trees in the back garden of Qiao's house, a young man was already waiting there.

His face is handsome, his body is as strong and agile as a cheetah, and every muscle contains a huge power that is ready to explode at any time.

The top of the wall in the back garden of Qiao's house is two people tall, but this is not difficult for him at all.

He stood fixedly in a dim corner where the moonlight could not shine, his back was engulfed by the night, and he merged into this boundless dark night.

He has been waiting here for a long time, and the flimsy, patched and rough linen clothes on his body have been soaked in the cold air of the winter night.

But he didn't feel cold at all.

He didn't know his sweetheart, so that the noble and high-ranking woman in the palace would be willing to come here to meet him. But he still came here early to wait.

In his heart, a cluster of flames is burning at this moment. Although this flame is weak and small, it may be extinguished at any time, but it is enough to keep him warm in such a cold night.

When he was born, one eye was green, and it glowed brightly at night. His parents thought it was strange and were very scared. They left him near a pigsty next to Qiao's horse farm. It was freezing and snowing. He didn't freeze to death. Entered the pigpen, ate the milk of the sow, and survived. After the stableman found it, he thought it was strange and reported to the owner of the house that he was left behind and was raised as a slave in the stable.

He has no last name, no first name. Because he was thrown into a pigsty when he was born, Bi She became his name.

Xiao Qiao followed to the back garden, and saw from a distance that her cousin was first hugged by the young man who came out of the shadows, and then she broke free, as if she was talking to him.

Her mind immediately understood everything.

In the previous life, not long after Da Qiao got married, this manu named Bi She also disappeared one day. There are hundreds of servants in the Qiao family, and there is one less, and it did not attract much attention from the owner. A few years later, a severe drought in the south of the Yangtze River led to chaos, and the refugees were wandering everywhere, and gradually they became many groups of thieves. Among them, a green-eyed thief rose up at the right moment and annexed various forces. At that time, Luoyang Xingxun sent troops and horses to encircle and suppress them, but they suffered repeated defeats. In addition, the war with Wei Shao was tight, and it was over. Later, when Wei Shao destroyed Xing Xun, seized Luoyang, and dominated the Central Plains, this green-eyed robber, who had always been a loner, suddenly voluntarily surrendered to a group of ministers who were loyal to the Han family and established him as Emperor of Han in Yongdu. Liu Yan. Liu Yan was short of major generals at the time, so overjoyed, he named him King of Huaiyin, and he became an open enemy with Wei Shao.

It could be said that if it wasn't for the blocking and counterattack of this King Huaiyin who appeared to be born out of the sky, Wei Shao's timetable for finally conquering the world would have been at least two years earlier.

The final outcome of this Duke Huaiyin was also quite legendary.

After the decisive battle of Weinan, which finally determined the outcome of the world, the King of Huaiyin disappeared from the chaotic army. Some say he is dead, others say he gouged out a disfigurement and fled. Wei Shao hated this man to the core, and offered a reward with thousands of gold and Wan Huhouhou, ordering to see people in life and corpses in death. But always to no avail. It was not until half a year later that news came to Wei Shao, saying that someone seemed to have seen a person who looked like King Huaiyin appear near the tomb of the ancestors of the Wei family. Wei Shao rushed over immediately, but did not notice anything unusual. Later, it was discovered that the barren tomb outside the mausoleum had been broken open, the loess cave was empty, and the coffin was nowhere to be seen.

After Wei Shao's abolition, Qiao's daughter, who was unable to enter the Wei family's mausoleum after her death, was buried in this solitary tomb outside the mausoleum.

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