The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 97: twenty-one

Xiao Qiao woke up from a long and drowsy sleep.

It was dark outside, and there was a lamp in the room. The bed tent drooped quietly, and there was no sound in my ears.

She was alone on the bed.

I never thought that I was so drunk that I woke up only now.

Xiao Qiao slowly got up and sat on the bed.

Her head was still a little dizzy. The mouth is thirsty, dry and dry.

Also, it's not very comfortable.

Full of stickiness. even…

It's wet between my legs...

Xiao Qiao couldn't help but glance down.

She was still wearing the middle coat from the day, only the coat was missing.

Chunniang should have helped her take off the coat. The place where the front of the middle coat is closed is slightly messy, but it is generally neat.

It's normal to take such a long sleep.

Xiao Qiao supported her forehead, lifted the bed tent and climbed down. As soon as he landed on the ground, he felt that his limbs were so soft that it was so soft that his knees became soft, and he leaned forward and leaned on the bedpost, so he did not fall to the ground.

She calmed down and called out "Chunniang", but when she heard her voice was abnormally hoarse, she called out several times, and only then did the sound of footsteps approach outside the door.

"The lady is finally awake?"

In front of her was Chunniang's familiar and reassuring smile.

Xiao Qiao still held the bedpost with one hand, and slowly sat back on the edge of the bed, in a daze.

She had never been drunk before.

Unexpectedly, after being drunk, not only a headache, but even the limbs and the most private parts will be like this kind of deja vu...

Xiao Qiao bit her lip. A little bit of shame.

"Chunniang, I want to take a bath."

I really don't feel comfortable. She raised her eyes and said.

In the steamy bathroom, Xiao Qiao immersed herself in the tub, and gradually, she finally felt comfortable. He let out a long sigh.

She soaked for a while, and the tender skin of her whole body slowly showed a faint pink color. The cheeks are like two peach blossoms. The blue silk hangs down on his shoulders, slowly floating on the water like algae flowers, and on the dark eyebrows and eyelashes, there are a few fine condensed water droplets.

Chunniang was behind her, washing her long hair.

Xiao Qiao closed her eyes and suddenly remembered what happened in the morning. She put a pair of lotus arms on the wall of the barrel and said, "Did I get drunk on the way back today? Was it Chunniang who brought me in?"

Chunniang remembered that scene.

The male gentleman carried the drunk female gentleman in and put him on the bed, and screened himself and Lin Li away.

Then, for some unknown reason, when he appeared from the room again, the sun was already leaning west.

He told Chunniang, who had been waiting outside the room, that the lady was still drunk at the moment, and asked not to disturb her.

Then he seemed to hesitate, and then ordered himself not to let the lady know that he had come back on this day.

The male gentleman left with an expressionless face.

Chunniang was inexplicable at the time. After the male gentleman left, because he was worried, he quietly entered the room to inspect it.

No big exception.

The female gentleman was indeed as drunk as the male gentleman said. The clothes on her body are also neat, and a piece of pink brocade is neatly covered on her shoulders. The only abnormality that can be seen is that her cheeks are flushed, her forehead and neck are covered with fragrant sweat, her breathing is uneven, and her breath is mellow and fragrant. Sleeping drunk and not awake, and charming posture, spring sleeping Begonia is also incomparable.

Chunniang served Xiao Qiao closely. She is close to the man, even if she can't see the inside through the door, she can't hide it no matter what.

From the next day of Zhengdan, Chunniang had not yet come out of the joy that the queen was finally able to enter the family temple with dignity, when she noticed that there seemed to be a split between the two.

Although the male gentleman stayed in the room as usual and the female gentleman greeted each other early and late as usual, Chunniang could see the difference in the eyes they looked at each other.

Not to mention, when the two are on good terms, the female monarch will often help the male monarch to straighten the front of his clothes before sending him out of the house, or stroke the silk sash hanging from his waist.

And the man took the opportunity to squeeze that little hand. Not avoiding her at all.

In the past two weeks, after the Lantern Festival, when the male emperor returned from the city tour, until now, Chunniang has never seen such a scene again.

Chunniang hesitated and did not answer.

Xiao Qiao didn't pay attention to her expression, thought she had acquiesced, and put her jade arm around her and said, "Chunniang, you are so kind to me. Fortunately, I have you by my side. I don't remember drinking much, but I was so drunk. Next time I won't dare..."

How could Chunniang stand up to the female gentleman in such a coquettish manner in front of her, showing her young daughter's mood, her chest was full of softness, and she was about to say her words. Swallow the words back.

Long hair has been washed. She ordered the lady to turn around and lie on top of the barrel wall, took a jade palm with round and raised bumps, and pushed and rubbed her back to relieve her fatigue.

Chunniang is skilled and knows how to control. Xiao Qiao closed her eyes and felt at ease when she suddenly heard her say behind her: "The man may be leaving Yuyang in the next few days. The woman is really left alone. , do not go with the man?"

Xiao Qiao opened his eyes, closed them again, and said nothing.

Unlike before, she always told Chunniang about her thoughts or her relationship with Wei Shao.

Now I don't want to talk about it. I don't know how to speak up.

Chunniang continued to use her jade palm to rub her soft white back, and sighed: "On the day of Zhengdan, the maid clearly saw that the lady and the man were fine. The lady went to the temple to worship. The maid was happy. But I don't know how it's good, how can the lady and the man be separated again? The lady now has some words, as if she doesn't want to tell the maid. But according to the maid's thoughts, it is good to go together if you can go together. , if you really ask the lady to spend the last half a year at home alone like this..."

"Chunniang, I'm fine."

Xiao Qiao turned back and smiled at Chunniang.

It was very late and Wei Shao hadn't come back yet.

Joe is fine. Seeing that he didn't come back, he went to bed again.

I slept drunk during the day, took a bath, and felt much more comfortable. But there is no sleep at the moment. She closed her eyes and thought about her thoughts. It was only near the end of Hai Shi that she heard the footsteps of Wei Shao coming back.

"I'll be leaving in the morning."

After Wei Shao lay down, he suddenly said such a sentence.

Xiao Qiao opened her eyes and turned to face him. He met Wei Shao's eyes.

There was a dark gleam in his eyes. His eyes were tightly woven with hers.

"I think my husband should be leaving in the past few days. Good husband. I will send my husband out tomorrow morning."

Xiao Qiao said softly.

Wei Shao asked Gongsun Yang to accompany the army to Bingzhou. Ride lightly on your own.

His feet are fast.

I left Yuyang early yesterday and arrived in Zhuo County tonight.

Stop overnight tonight and continue west tomorrow morning.

According to this route, it will take eight or nine days to reach Jinyang.

The current Zhuojun county governor has learned from the doorman that he was unlucky when he took office and was dismissed.

It is said that a Hui Junhou came to Zhuo County for official duties. When he was sleeping at night, he took office to please the Junhou and sent a beautiful girl to his room. This was all too common. As a result, the prince was furious, and the beauty ran out of the room in fright. The next day, the county guard was also evacuated.

After this incident, the people in Zhuo County secretly said that the lord and the prince did not like female sex. It should be as good as Longyang.

With this lesson from the past, the current county governor will naturally not do the same stupid thing again.

Welcome Junhou, set up a feast, and send Junhou to the post house to stay. The wife specially borrowed a steady maid to serve in the daily life.

Neither beauties nor male pets will be given away, so they will never go on business trips.

Wei Shao fell asleep that night, but couldn't sleep.

When I closed my eyes, the scene from two days ago appeared in front of my eyes.

Even when he thinks of it at this moment, he still feels his ears warm and heartbeat, his palms sweat, and his whole body seems to be seized by a deep sense of shame mixed with strong stimulation.

Wei Shao admitted that he liked this woman. Sometimes I even feel that I love her to the bone, to the point of being fascinated.

He is willing to make some concessions for her, if these concessions can please her.

For example, promises like allowing her to hit herself.

However, Junhou also has his own bottom line.

He couldn't tolerate that night on the New Year's Day, when she relied on her kindness to her, so recklessly challenged her bottom line.

He felt embarrassed, embarrassed, angry, and a little sad.

So from that night, he really made up his mind to cool her down.

He hasn't touched her for a month, and he's still gone, and he's been doing pretty well.

But at that moment, when she was lying on the bed, she was so different from how she was awake.

She was drunk and unconscious, her eyes were closed, her eyelashes were curled up, and her face was flushed.

He leaned over, and when he smelled her breath, there was a sweet and drunk fragrance in her breath.

Wei Shao was not interested in touching her anymore. But she must have been drunk by smelling her breath. Can't handle it. Just undressed her. A white flower and jade body that he hadn't seen for a month lay before his eyes.

Absolutely beautiful. He couldn't take it anymore.

This jade body can be enjoyed by him, she doesn't know yet. What could be a greater temptation than this?

Besides, he was her husband, what could he not do?

So the prince no longer hesitated. At that time, not only did he hold her in his arms, he knelt down in front of her, opened her jade legs, and did something private that he had thought of in his mind more than once before, but had always been ashamed to do. …

Wei Shao suddenly woke up from his sleep, feeling his heart beat faster, his mouth was even more thirsty, and his throat seemed to be burning.

Before lighting the lamp, he lifted up the whole teapot and poured half a pot of water into his mouth before he went down to touch the table.

The tea has cooled down. The cold water ran down his throat, finally quenching his thirst.

He let out a long sigh, put the teapot back on the table, and was about to turn over and lie back when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a faint fire outside the window. He pushed it away and saw a village not far from the post house The roof was slaughtered, and there were rounds of fire rising up.

It's on fire.

Wei Shao immediately went out of the house and called the postmaster to call someone to put out the fire.

There was a fire near the residence where Jun Hou was staying in the middle of the night. The postmaster was shocked, and while calling someone to put out the fire, he sent someone to inform the county governor.

When the county governor got the news, he didn't even have time to put on his clothes, so he immediately dispatched a team of people and rushed there.

Fortunately, the fire was discovered early, and it had just rained a few days ago. After half an hour, the fire was put out, but it still affected several nearby homes.

In the streets and alleys late at night, there was constant noise, mixed with faint cries.

The county guard was afraid that he would bump into the prince, his face was ashen, and when the fire was extinguished, he immediately rushed over to apologize to him.

Wei Shao was no longer sleepy. Ask about fire.

In the late spring night, the cold is still expected.

The sheriff was covered in sweat. Wiping his forehead with his sleeve, he said: "In the middle of the fire, a woman was burned to death. The neighbor said that the woman's husband went out to do business and did not return for many years. The woman was home alone and hooked up with the man. In the evening, a neighbor saw the woman. The adulterer was recruited to live in the room. For some reason, a fire started. In the fire just now, I saw the burnt body of the woman, the adulterer must have escaped by himself..."

The county magistrate said, seeing Wei Shao's gloomy expression, and even more trembling, and hurriedly said: "This woman took advantage of her husband's absence to cheat her husband and set off a fire at night, not only burning her own house, but also affecting her neighbors. The adulterer, the lower official has sent someone to arrest him, and when he is caught, he will definitely punish him in a righteous manner…”

Wei Shao stood up and walked to the window, facing the dark night outside the window, his back was motionless.

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