The martial arts immortals in the modern world

Chapter 130: Hundred Refinements

"Longxiang City is the second largest city in Jiuxiao Region after the capital Jiuxiao City, and it is also a transportation hub city in Jiuxiao Region. If Jiuxiao Region had not implemented a strong capital strategy and moved the headquarters of the Ministry of Energy in Longxiang City, Longxiang City would be even more It is the largest economic city in the Jiuxiao Region, but even so, Longxiang City is still the most populous city in the Jiuxiao Region and the first choice city for foreigners to live, with an annual GDP of 200 billion. "

In the car, Zong Yan introduced the basic information of Longxiang City.

The fluctuating light sounded a bit counterintuitive at first, but now I see the surrounding streets are full of lights and entertainment, and there is a constant flow of floating cars on the road...

Gradually numb.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓉𝓌𝓀𝒶𝓃.𝒸ℴ𝓂]

Especially now...

Traffic jam!

The first problem he encountered when he came to the cultivation city of Cangwu Great World was the traffic jam!

Vehicles began to enter the city at a turtle speed.

After a little acceptance of the reality in front of him, he felt out of place. Instead, at an altitude of hundreds or hundreds of meters, on the tracks paved by flowing light, sword-wielding monks passed by each other from time to time.

Those who refine their Qi to the seventh level or above can fly with a sword, and wealthy fifth- and sixth-level sword cultivators who buy a spiritual weapon flying sword can also control the void sword.


In such a modern metropolis, a monk would pop up and pass by with a sword from time to time. Is it appropriate?

"call out!"

While I was thinking about it, another sword light passed by from low altitude, and it also brought with it a gorgeous light effect, which was eye-catching.

"These bastards are showing off their flying swords again, and turning up the light pollution so much that I almost can't see the road ahead. Aren't you afraid of causing a traffic accident?"

From the vehicles moving side by side, the driver could be heard cursing.

"Stop being envious and jealous. If you have money, you can buy it. If you have a flying sword, why do you need to drive a broken car like now, stuck in the road and unable to move?"

In the passenger seat, a woman in her thirties mocked.

"What's wrong with flying swords? The experience is not good at all. It's better to sit in the car."

The driver said harshly.

"If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Is it so difficult to admit that you can't afford it? But it's also true that such top-notch luxuries can only be obtained if you are born in a wealthy family. If you can't afford it, you will never be able to afford it in your life."

The woman spoke again.

Yaoguang glanced at the flowing light that was going away, and asked: "Are flying swords so popular now? Do practitioners of the fifth and sixth levels of Qi refining have spiritual weapons?"

"With the vigorous promotion of industrialization and large-scale production, and the substantial increase in production capacity in all walks of life, originally valuable things have indeed depreciated greatly. In the past, it was good for high-level monks to have high-level magical weapons, but now... spiritual weapons are basically It is standard configuration, and may even be upgraded to medium-level spiritual weapons and high-level spiritual weapons, just like many high-level monks who refine the original foundation building or even simplified golden elixir level spells.”

Zong Yan said, then added: "However, the Jiuding Sect has experienced turmoil not long ago, and its industrial production capacity has not yet been improved. The magical weapon-level flying sword is just a backward product, and the spiritual weapon-level flying sword... has not yet become popular. Nowadays, those who can afford to buy a flying sword as a spiritual weapon are all rich and powerful, even if the flying sword has almost no combat function and can only fly, the price is in the tens of millions. "

"A spiritual weapon without combat function...?"

After all, Yaoguang is a ninth-level weapon refiner, and he knows a lot about magic weapons and spiritual weapons.

This kind of thing has always been a powerful magical weapon used in fighting, and a spiritual weapon without combat effectiveness is as ridiculous as a fighter jet that cannot launch missiles.

"What's the point of refining these things?"

"Brand effect. The materials used by others are all magic weapon level, but yours can reach spiritual weapon level. It sounds very high-end. It is said that the new 'Guang Ling' type 14 Flying Sword Immortal from the Great Sun Sword Sect has been released. The Jun version is not as practical as a high-level magic weapon, but the price is more than ten times that of a high-level magic weapon, but even so, it is still out of stock. "

Zong Yan said.

"Guang Ling is no longer available. It is said that the 'Immortal Lord Edition' involves discrimination against women and has been removed from the shelves. Now the best seller in the high-end market is their rival's 'Liu Xian' Nine Type Fairy Edition Flying Sword, which is only Sales in the first half of this year have exceeded 10,000.”

Ji Pingtian interjected.

"The Liuxian series? Didn't the Jiuding Sect's quality inspection department report it? This is a pure IQ tax."

Zong Yan was a little surprised.

"Many people think that the imported products of the Great Sun Sword Sect are high-end. They even think that the quality inspection department deliberately prevents them from using high-end products from the foreign sect in order to engage in trade protection."

Ji Pingtian said with a smile.

They are all people who have been in high-level positions, and the tricks can be seen at a glance.


This may not necessarily be the case for local practitioners.

Vehicles stop and go.

In terms of the clothing of the people I met along the way, modern style, ancient style, and strange clothes accounted for 30% each.

The architectural styles include high-rise buildings and jade buildings.

But even the antique Qionglou Yuyu is filled with a large number of electronic products, much like modern antique buildings.

Yaoguang saw many shops hanging magic weapons and spiritual weapons directly on the walls for sale.

The same is true for various types of elixirs.

However, store goods and decoration seem to be polarized.

The Jiuding Sect's own stores sell mainly mid- to low-end goods, while the stores with the names of some foreign sects sell quite high-end goods.

On the electronic screen of one of the more magnificent shops, there was even a sign of GG selling treasures.

"Can I also buy treasures?"

Yaoguang looked at the electronic screen and said.

"Don't even mention treasures, you can even buy spiritual treasures."

Zong Yan said this with some emotion: "Now, whether it's refining, alchemy, formations, or talismans, they all tend to be large factory models, which greatly reduces production costs and speeds up production efficiency. This concept has permeated everyone's cognition, and the myth of gathering thousands of great powers in one person is gradually being broken, turning to a group cooperation model... So, when we come to Cangwu Realm, the first thing we have to do is to change our cognition and learn new knowledge."

Yaoguang didn't speak, but turned his eyes to the bustling streets around him.

Treasures and spiritual weapons can be bought, and the same should be true for the elixirs used for cultivation.

In this way, the time it takes for him to complete his cultivation of the body of a celestial being may be much faster.


A city with a population of 16 million is naturally not a small city.

After more than an hour, the vehicle finally stopped in a courtyard in the old city. There was a sign hanging at the gate, which read-Bai Lian Men.

Bai Lian Men looked not small, no less than a middle school.

Not only did it have six buildings, but it also had several squares and gardens.

Considering its location...

This courtyard is worth more than 100 million.

Zong Lian's weight in Longxiang City is just the tip of the iceberg.

After parking the car, Zong Yan, Ji Pingtian and Yao Guang entered the courtyard.

There were many people practicing martial arts in the outer courtyard.

There were also people giving instructions.

Seeing Yao Guang and his group coming, a man who looked to be in his thirties came out to greet them.

"Brother Yang."

Zong Yan hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

The man called Brother Yang nodded, and then turned to Yao Guang: "He is indeed very young."

Yao Guang looked at him and quickly judged that this was a celestial being with his "perception" talent.

He was a stronger celestial being than Xie Boen.

"This is the fourth brother Yang Kaitai."

Zong Yan introduced Yao Guang.

"Master is waiting for you, follow me."

Yang Kaitai said, and walked towards the inner courtyard with Zong Yan and Yao Guang.

Ji Pingtian stayed.

He is one of the three presidents in Jishihui, but in Bailianmen...

More than half of the formal disciples are stronger than him, so he is not qualified to enter the inner gate.

After walking hundreds of meters, the group came to a courtyard.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, Yaoguang keenly noticed something.

The inside and outside of the courtyard were like two worlds.

Whatever he heard or saw was completely different.

This difference...


He understood.

At this time, two people were fighting in the courtyard.

There were three people watching.

Among the three people, there was an old man wearing antique clothes.

The other one was a man and a woman, and their clothes were also more ancient.

The man was about thirty or forty years old, wearing a white jacket, and the woman looked less than thirty because of her good maintenance. She was wearing a cheongsam that outlined her slender and perfect figure.

Seeing Yaoguang, several people nodded slightly.

But they did not speak, but watched the two people fighting in the field.

These two people...

are also masters of the seventh level of body refining.

Boxing, fighting skills, secret techniques, and experience are all top-notch. Even if they were to fight Xie Boen, who was possessed by Leng Tianfeng, they would not be much inferior.

A few minutes later, the two decided the winner.

Yaoguang paid special attention to the fact that the punches from the two people's fight seemed to be absorbed by some invisible force, so that the battle between heaven and man did not make a mess of the yard.

His eyes stayed on some special runes on the ground for a moment.


It seems that magic tools, elixirs, formations, and cultivation have penetrated into every corner of the lives of people in this world.

"How is it?"

At this time, the old man sitting in the first seat asked.

Yaoguang thought about it and said politely: "Very good."

Before he trained the body of heaven and man, it would not be easy to defeat any of them.

"Not bad?"

This remark caused dissatisfaction among the two winners of the duel.

His eyes fell directly on Yaoguang: "Chen Shu, you have been in the seventh level of body refining for four years, can you compare?"

Yaoguang did not speak, but looked at the old man Zong Lian.

Zong Lian said: "I heard from Zong Yan that you are very confident in your talent. Do you plan to set up your own sect and then integrate into Jiuding Sect?"


Yaoguang nodded slightly.

Zong Lian's Bailian Sect is in this mode.

They enjoy the treatment of honorary elders of Jiuding Sect. When Jiuding Sect encounters danger and needs them to take action, they have to take action.

But the rules of Jiuding Sect do not apply to them on weekdays.

Like the officially enrolled Bailian Sect disciples, as long as they are not practicing magic or being tortured, even if they die, Jiuding Sect will not ask.

"You should not switch to sword cultivation or magic cultivation, right?"

Zong Lian said.


His new branches will not grow until he cultivates to become a star master.

In other words, before becoming a great cultivator, he cannot practice other paths at the same time.


Even if you become a star master, the new branches that grow may not necessarily be [Qi Refining].

"Sword cultivation and magic cultivation are not something that anyone who starts from scratch can afford, but if you choose physical is not easy to gain independence."

Zong Lian said calmly: "In today's world, there is a saying that there are one god cultivator, two sword cultivators, three magic cultivators, and four body cultivators. This ranking directly proves the importance of the four major systems. The god cultivator system has weak combat power and is extremely talent-oriented. Even though the Jiuding Sect strongly advocates it, it still develops slowly. What people really yearn for is the sword cultivators and magic cultivators who can win thousands of miles away, rather than the body cultivators who rush to the front line of the battlefield and have the highest casualty rate. Therefore, the body cultivators are ranked last."

Yaoguang nodded.

He knew this.

"The cultivation of sword cultivators and magic cultivators requires a large number of magic tools, spirit stones, and natural treasures, but the Jiuding Sect has a lot of work to do. Although the weapon refining has the foundation left by the weapon sect, the technological innovation in today's world is too fast, and the technology of the weapon sect has become outdated. Needless to say, the importance of spirit stones... Jiuding Sect is extremely lacking in these two aspects. The reason why it can sit firmly on the throne of the world's major sect is that it relies on physical cultivation!"

The great cultivator who took the path of magic cultivation looked at Yaoguang calmly: "Only in terms of physical cultivation, Jiuding Sect is comparable to the six major immortal sects, so, do you want to take the path of physical cultivation to stand out in this competitive environment?"

The current combat form of Cangwu has long changed.

The characteristics of physical cultivation are consumability, high stability, and long endurance.

But when the two sects really fight, it is often the divine cultivators who explore, the sword cultivators who attack, and the magic cultivators who bomb, and finally it is the turn of physical cultivators to enter and occupy.

Jiuding Sect only has strong physical cultivation.

Before the enemy's fortifications are removed and before the enemy's deployment is figured out, rashly entering the enemy's territory is simply suicide.

I'm afraid that before I figure out where the enemy is, they will be locked by the enemy's divine cultivators, and guide the sword cultivators and magic cultivators to launch long-range attacks, and the whole army will be wiped out.

Therefore, the importance of physical cultivation is declining.

The importance is declining, the danger is extremely high, and the entry threshold is still low. Jiuding Sect is still a major sect of physical cultivation...

When there are too many cultivators of any category, it is easy to form internal circulation.

In this case, it is conceivable that it is difficult for Yaoguang to stand out from the physical cultivation path.

"So, tell me, what is your confidence in setting up your own sect."

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