"Sect Master, the Promise Star Palace Sky Patrol Battleship sent a warning... saying that we stole the Promise Star Palace's advanced technology, and said... as long as the person who stole the technology is taken away..."

The Lian Shen disciple responsible for transmitting information reported.

But before he finished speaking, Zhao Siliang interrupted without hesitation: "This matter must never be mentioned again!"

He added eloquently: "This is the enemy's plan. If our Jiuding Sect cannot even protect the sect's talents, wouldn't it make all the loyal people feel chilled!? What's more, do you really think they will do it once we make friends with them? Retreat! ? Wuji Xinggong is strong but weak! The weaker you are, the more they push forward!"

The disciple immediately stopped talking.

He also understands this truth.


Apart from this method, he really didn't know any other way to protect Longxiang City.

Even say...

Can keep the Jiuxiao Domain.

The territory of Jiuding Sect is too big.

The most powerful sect, the only ones capable of fighting against the Sky Patrol Battleship, were unable to reach the battlefield in the Nine Heavens Territory so quickly.

By the time they arrived, the other party had already achieved their goal and retreated calmly.

"Zhao He."

Zhao Siliang said to a communication channel: "Can't you break even one layer of formation?"

"The sword formation composed of our flying swords cannot enter the vicinity of the Sky Surveying Battleship at all... As soon as it approaches the Sky Surveying Battleship, the sword formation will be suppressed and broken. Without flying swords to attack the enemy, relying on spells with relatively dispersed energy, it is impossible to defeat the Sky Surveying Battleship. defensive array."

Zhao He was a little helpless.

At the end, he added: "It will take at least ten minutes to break through the formation, and it will take at least five hours to threaten the survey fleet itself..."

five hours...

It was enough for the opponent to pack up everything in Zixiao Courtyard and Longxiang City and sweep them away.

This is when the opponent only intercepts and does not fight back.

If we fight back and weaken our own strength...

No need to fight.

The power of one domain cannot stand up to the Sky Patrol Battleship.

Only the combined forces of the five regions, or even the ten regions, may be qualified to confront a sky patrol warship from the Wuji Star Palace!

Zhao Siliang took a deep breath.

He turned to another disciple feebly: "Fetch the sect leader for me."

Above the nine heavens.

Within the first heavenly palace.

Li Qingshan's shadow was projected in front of a man who looked to be in his thirties, but had gray hair on his temples.

This is……

Any great monk in the entire Cangwu world would definitely be able to recognize his figure immediately if they saw him.

The Supreme Elder of the Jiuding Sect, one of the top powerful men in the world, a world-beating being who condenses the Yaoyang Golden Pill - Li Hanqiu!

He and Li Qingshan have the same surname as Li, but they have no blood connection.

At this moment, in this palace with a radius of only a hundred meters, but with many formations carved on the feet, walls, and ceilings, a voice was echoing.

"A large wild elephant needs to eat half a ton every day. A third-level star master demon body that is 100 meters tall and weighs 100,000 tons consumes one spirit stone energy for normal activities every day. Maintaining the most basic practice consumes three spirit stones. , a battle can easily consume dozens of spirit stones, and a foundation-building monk can consume twice that amount.”

The golden elixir master calmly said: "The internal structure of our golden elixirs is extremely unstable. It consumes 10,000 spiritual stones a day just to maintain the basic state. If we want to take action, we need to activate the golden elixirs in our bodies and restart the runaway situation faced by the golden elixirs." Putting aside the risks, do you know how many spiritual stones will be consumed during this period?”


Li Qingshan said seriously: "From one million pieces."

"So, is he worth it?"


Li Qingshan bowed to the man and said, "Uncle Master, please take action."

And Li Hanqiu...

His eyes lingered for a moment on this sect master who had worked hard for eighty years and never slacked off.

Don’t ask about the process or the reason.

Just say a word.


other side.

In the core palace of Longxiang City.

Everyone, the Lord of Longxiang City, Luo Yunhai, including Qin Yi and the Star Lords who were guarding Yaoguang, looked through the screen at the patrol battleship that was intact under countless sword lights and magic attacks, and were speechless for a long time.

Without exception, their faces were filled with deep reluctance and utter weakness.

Seventeen years ago, when the Wuji Star Palace destroyed the Quicksand Sect, it shocked the entire Jiuding Sect.

At that time, the power displayed by Wuji Star Palace in defeating the Quicksand Sect was so devastating that everyone became aware of and recognized the power of this force.

Even the extremely powerful Northern Alliance, headed by the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, lost its ambition to fight against the Wuji Star Palace due to the power it displayed during the battle, and began to collapse.

And Jiuding Sect...

Their strength is actually about the same as that of the Quicksand Sect back then.

Although the Jiuding Sect has been forging ahead for more than ten years, vigorously reforming and focusing on the development of spiritual cultivation,...

What can be accomplished in more than ten years?

At present, the arrival of the sky patrol battleship Wuji Star Palace also proves their guess...

Really, it doesn't make much sense.

This is just a patrol battleship.

When all the fleets of Wuji Star Palace are mobilized, the outcome of Jiuding Sect may be like the Quicksand Sect seventeen years ago, which was destroyed by the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

The palace was completely silent.

Everyone and no one spoke.

It seemed that he no longer had the energy to even open his mouth.

This is true for Qin Yi, and so is Zi Qiangwei, the formation master, weapon refining master and Yuanshen realm monk who is also under special protection.


Yaoguang looked at the approaching patrol battleship on the screen: "With so many people attacking, can't this battleship even get a single blow?"

No one answered.

Some people even looked at him angrily.

His eyes seemed to say: "Isn't the fact here?"

Zi Qiangwei heard that no one spoke for a long time, and out of concern for Yaoguang's face, she explained: "There is nothing we can do. It's not that the monks on our side are not strong enough, but that the enemy's patrol battleship's defense force is too strong. The attacking sword cultivators were suppressed by the flying swords and the sword formation formed by the flying swords before they even entered the vicinity of the Sky Patrol Battleship."

She said in a somewhat low tone: "You should be able to see that the spiritual thoughts of the Yuan Shen Realm monks on our side were directly blocked, while the other party was not only able to block the spiritual thoughts of the Yuan Shen Realm monks on our side, but also had sufficient power. Guide their side's sword cultivators to attack the weak points of our sword formation, thereby easily completing the interception of the sword formation."

"So, if our Yuanshen realm monks can break through the enemy's spiritual defense and guide our sword cultivators to attack the Sky Patrol battleship itself, can we defeat the Sky Patrol battleship's defensive formation?"


Zi Qiangwei said heavily: "Although the flying swords used by our sword cultivators lag behind the opponent's, attacking is always easier than defending. The target of the sky patrol battleship is too big and cannot be evaded as flexibly as other sword cultivators. We can only resist hard. If our The Yuanshen cultivators can really guide the sword cultivators' attacks to break through the interception of the flying swords of the Wuji Star Palace sword cultivators and attack the sky patrol battleship itself. No matter how strong the defense formation of this battleship is, it can't stop many rounds of attacks..."

After saying that, she paused: "At least... before the defense formation of Longxiang City is destroyed, we can directly cause substantial damage to the battleship itself."

"That's fine."

Yaoguang said, then turned to Qin Yi: "Contact Master Zhao for me, and all sword cultivators and Yuanshen realm cultivators should return to Longxiang City!"

"Already returning."

Qin Yi said: "Now that things have happened, we can only survive the attack of this sky patrol warship for a little longer with the help of Longxiang City, a city defense formation that is stronger than Jiuxiao City..."


Yaoguang nodded: "Get through Sect Master Zhao's communication. I need to talk to him."

"Zhao Zongzhu is probably very busy right now..."

Someone reminded me tactfully.

"Maybe I have a way to repel this patrol battleship."

Yaoguang said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone, Qin Yi, Zi Qiangwei, and City Lord Luo, all looked at him at the same time, their eyes full of astonishment.

In the end, the younger Zi Qiangwei couldn't help but take the lead and said: "Master Yaoguang, don't be joking. Although you have extremely high attainments in weapon refining, you are not even a great monk. How could it be possible..."

"Contact Sect Master Zhao."

Yaoguang said again.

Qin Yi looked at Yaoguang. Although he, like Zi Qiangwei, could not imagine the method Yaoguang would use to achieve such a feat that would be difficult for all the masters in the Jiuxiao Domain to accomplish, but considering his weight and all the people now Even though no one could think of any possible solution, he still nodded.

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

At that moment, he contacted Zhao Siliang.

Zi Qiangwei on the side saw Fluctlight's appearance and became a little surprised: "You... really have a way?"

"Give it a try."

Yao Guang looked at the patrol battleship projected down on the screen like a dark cloud.

This feeling...

It's so uncomfortable.

It's so uncomfortable that it's hard to breathe.


"I'm Zhao Siliang."

Soon, a ray of light and shadow was projected from the instrument in Qin Yi's hand.

"I need the command authority of all Yuanshen Realm monks and Foundation Establishment Realm sword cultivators."

Before Qin Yi could speak, Yaoguang had already stepped forward to speak.



Yaoguang nodded slightly: "Let me take command, maybe I can repel this patrol battleship."

Zhao Siliang looked at Yaoguang...

Suddenly there was silence.

Seeing this, Yaoguang also said nothing.

But behind him, a shadow has appeared.

"This is!?"

The sudden change made not only Zhao Siliang, but also Qin Yi, Zi Qiangwei, and Luo Yunhai look shocked.

"Yuan Shen!?"

"Have you broken through to the realm of Yuanshen?"

"Yes, you have the Divine Transformation Pill. Calculating the time, you should have made a breakthrough long ago. Your promotion at this time...is a little later than we expected."

There was a hint of joy in the eyes of several people.

He was happy that Yaoguang had broken through to the Yuanshen realm, but he was not too surprised.

This scene was expected by all of them.

However, the joy only lasted for a moment, and the eyes of several people dimmed again.

The better Yaoguang performed, the more the Jiuding Sect felt regretful for his death in this disaster.

After all, the Wuji Star Palace is now approaching the city...


At this time, Luo Yunhai seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly exclaimed: "Your soul..."

When he exclaimed, everyone who was a little disappointed quickly felt something unusual.

After the fluctuating soul manifested, it solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and became increasingly clear. For a moment, it was difficult to tell whether it was the soul or the energy condensed using itself as a template. entity.

There is only one possibility for this situation...

Yaoguang is in the realm of refining the soul...

He is at a very high level.

He has accumulated a lot of experience and then released it!

Just from this clear and solid soul, if he calms down a little, he can pass through all the blazing sun thunder in one breath and enter the purple thunder layer.

"Zi Qiangwei should have seen that I have a talent that can attract the divine thoughts and consciousness of all the refiners in the purple courtyard to speed up their work efficiency."

Yaoguang looked at Zhao Siliang on the screen: "But this talent is not only useful for refiners, but also for all the soul cultivators and foundation cultivators...!"

There was a kind of desperation in his tone: "So...give me the command of all the soul cultivators and foundation cultivators, and I will lead them to break through this patrol warship!"

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