"Da Da Da Da!"

Blood splattered everywhere.

The guards protecting the strong man had no place to hide under the rifle fire, and all became live targets.

While controlling the rifle in the guard's hand with one hand to shoot at the crowd, he took out a pistol with the other hand and aimed it at the guard who went downstairs to investigate.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

Three shots were fired in succession, hitting accurately.

Compared with ordinary people, the master who has reached the peak of the human body has quick reactions, sharp eyes, steady hands and feet, and can be easily trained to be a master of guns.

In the past year, Yaoguang has inevitably encountered martial artists who use guns when hunting demons, and he has spent time practicing professionally afterwards.


A magazine was emptied.

Yaoguang pushed the body of the guard and stepped forward with the pistol.

In an instant, he came to the strong man who was more than two meters tall and dressed in a suit.

At this moment, the strong man was no longer the successful man he was before. He was shot countless times and his whole body was stained with blood.

Thanks to the demon's tenacious vitality, it did not die. Instead, it opened its eyes with difficulty and looked at Yaoguang, saying weakly: "Whatever you want, I can give you... money... women..."

But Yaoguang did not give him any chance to continue.

He stepped towards the strong man and pulled the trigger of the pistol.

"Bang bang bang!"

Blood splashed on the strong man again.

He struggled, his body expanded and mutated, trying to stand up.

But the blood holes all over his body made him lose all his strength.

Looking at Yaoguang who was close at hand, his expression gradually became ferocious: "Leader... won't..."

Before he finished speaking, Yaoguang's gun had already reached the head of the demon.


The last bullet was fired.

The voice of the strong man, who had just manifested less than 10% of his demon body with difficulty, stopped abruptly.

After completing the shooting of the last demon, Yaoguang quickly changed a magazine.

He glanced at the guards in the stairwell...

No matter if they were breathing or not, he aimed at their heads and shot them one by one.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

After he emptied another magazine, he listened to the noise coming from afar, quickly put two of the latest rifles on their backs, and took out all the magazines on their bodies, and then retreated upstairs.

However, when he left, he seemed to have discovered something, and found a watch and a ring with a huge gem from the demon's hand.

As for the others...

Time did not allow him to search one by one.

Yaoguang quickly went upstairs and reached the fourth floor.

He glanced at the downstairs from the corner of his eye while going upstairs.

Dozens of people were approaching quickly and pouring into the building.

He looked calm, his eyes swept over, and he kept recording the corridor map.

During this period, there were guards living on these floors who heard the news and came, but almost all of them were shot the moment they appeared in front of Yaoguang.

When he reached the fourth floor, Yaoguang calculated silently.

When he calculated the number of people entering the building, he found a window and jumped down.

At this height, ordinary people can survive if they can master the skills, let alone he, a master.

After landing, he entered through another window and headed straight for the stairwell on the first floor.

At this time, most of the guards in the stairwell were focused on the upstairs.

In addition, Yaoguang was wearing similar clothes to them.

In this case, when Yaoguang appeared, their reactions were involuntarily slow.

It was this time that could determine the life and death of several or even dozens of people for modern and efficient killing weapons.

"Da da da da!"

Fire burst out.

The red blood splashed from the guards in front of him.

One by one, the armed guards fell like wheat under the baptism of dozens of bullets per second.

Soon, gunshots were heard in the stairwell.

The bullets spun and shot at the wall, splashing a lot of cement chips.

But Yaoguang had left the corridor and pointed his rifle directly at the guards outside the building.

Several guards fell into a pool of blood amid the flames.

After finishing the shooting, Yaoguang suddenly rushed out and came to the other side of the building.

Almost within a second after he left, gunshots rang out, and the stone chips flew everywhere where he had just stood.

But at this time, he was already more than ten meters away.


He left the building directly and rushed to a building opposite.

Soon, gunshots were heard in the building.

This movement forced the guards in the main building who had climbed to the fifth and sixth floors to go downstairs and surround the building again.

But before they could complete the encirclement of the building, gunshots rang out in another direction.

The greatest advantage of the Grandmaster is his amazing physical strength, terrible burst, and sharp reaction.

As long as he does not choose to fight head-on with a dozen gunmen, and face three or five gunmen alone, even face to face, he can rely on his faster reaction nerves and agility to shoot them in advance before they shoot and aim.

Fast and accurate.

In particular, the Grandmaster has a keen hearing. If the distance is not far, he can even hear the opponent's breathing clearly.

This makes him have a similar effect of "opening the whole map" in "street fighting".

Relying on this ability, the number of guards is large and they are extremely vigilant. If he attacks, he may also be injured...

At worst, he can just leave quietly.

Those people don't even know that the god of death was just a stone's throw away from them.

And people can't be on edge all the time.

Many complex terrains cannot always allow more than a dozen armed guards to search while maintaining formation.

Just wait for them to relax, and what awaits them is Yaoguang's thunderbolt attack.

This is the horror of the Grandmaster without restraint and equipped with full armor!

To deal with ordinary armed personnel, it is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

When this one-sided killing, where the enemy is almost invisible and will inevitably bring death as soon as the enemy appears, lasted for more than half an hour, the guards of Qingyu Industrial Park finally collapsed.

A burst of shouts in the language of Feiyu Country sounded one after another in the crowd.

You can hear the fear contained in the tone without understanding the meaning.

A man who seemed to be the captain or a senior executive scolded and wanted to call on the guards to fight again, but as Yaoguang took a break to sneak over and shoot him, the remaining guards finally dispersed.

They can only be regarded as armed personnel with simple training, not truly professional soldiers.

Their fighting will is far less solid than that of the army.

At the same time, in the industrial park, many people who were originally guarded and detained saw hope, rushed out, and fled outside the industrial park.

With the first batch, there will naturally be a second batch.

Especially when they saw that there were no guards chasing them, the remaining people could not sit still and rushed out one after another.

Some people who were severely oppressed even picked up the guards' guns, turned back and killed some of the high-level executives of the industrial park.

Others quickly picked up their mobile phones, took videos, or made phone calls, as if to report safety to their families, or to call the police.

In just ten minutes, the industrial park was completely out of control.

At this time, Yaoguang realized that there were probably thousands of people in the entire industrial park.

Yaoguang did not stop the out-of-control park.

He did not even stand up to lead anything openly, and still wandered in the shadows of the park like a ghost.

Soon, he returned to the infirmary on the second floor.

The guards in the infirmary did not know whether they ran away or escaped, and Yaoguang had no intention of chasing them.

He went directly to the basement and opened the basement door.


It was still a woman full of numbness and even a little fear.

But some people heard the voices outside, and seemed to be aroused by the desire to live, and there was a little light in their eyes.

Yaoguang didn't say anything, holding the sword, he cut the locks of the iron cages one by one.


Fire burst out.

The crisp sound echoed in the basement.

Many people heard it and even trembled with fear.

Yaoguang ignored it, and cut the chains one by one.

With this method, his dagger quickly rolled.

But Yaoguang didn't pay attention.

During the whole process, he didn't even say a word, just repeatedly cut the iron chains of the cages.

After cutting this room, he went to another room.

As he cut the chain of the last cage, the dagger that cost hundreds of thousands to buy also ended its life and broke on the spot.

Looking at the sword that was damaged to the point of being out of shape, Yaoguang threw it to the ground.

At this time, he raised his head and said the first words since entering the basement to the people who were still afraid and dared not step out of the cage.

"You are free."

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