Two months later.

On the top of a mountain outside Longxiang City, Yaoguang fully integrated his power into the world of Cangwu, feeling that his body was as powerful as if it could open mountains and cut rivers...

All right.

This state is not very strong.

Compared to this moment, not long ago in Jiuxiao City, hundreds of sword cultivators, magic cultivators, and divine cultivators were mobilized to launch attacks with the help of formations. That was truly powerful.

"In terms of physical cultivation, he has also reached the realm of Star Master."

Yaoguang said in his heart.

However, because he had already experienced a more powerful state of power, there was no big surprise after his star master broke through at this moment.

at best……

It can be said that his life-saving strength has been enhanced.

However, at this moment, the entire Jiuding Sect treated him as a treasure, and he could mobilize hundreds of great monks.

Not to mention that he had just broken through to the Star Lord realm, even if he cultivated the body of the Star Demon God and reached the third level equivalent to the late Star Lord, it would still be far from enough.

"Sure enough, times have changed."

Yaoguang sighed with emotion.

The monks' individual fights became history.

He was slightly distracted and sensed the spiritual world.

The ancient tree did not grow new branches due to the promotion of [Martial Arts].

It seems that the growth of the next branch has received the Dharma or Star God.

"Congratulations, Chief, on being promoted to Star Master."

Seeing the fluctuating light fall, three people came up to meet it at the same time.

Qin Yi, Bai Lu, and Tang Fenghua, the fourth-level sword cultivator who built the Taoist foundation.

Tang Fenghua was not only a fourth-level great sword cultivator who ignited the true fire with his Taoist foundation, he was also a direct disciple of Jiuding Sect's leader Li Qingshan.

His existence will serve as a direct link between Yaoguang and the sect leader Li Qingshan.

From this point, it can be seen that the Jiuding Sect attaches great importance to him.

"Just the new star master."

Yaoguang said.

Then he glanced at Tang Fenghua again: "I always feel that great monks like you who have built the Dao foundation should focus on how to enrich your own foundation, promote the Dao foundation to the immortal foundation, and then prepare for the attack on the golden elixir. To prepare for the situation and provide personal protection, Wang Feng and the others are enough.”

"My family knows my own affairs, and I can raise my foundation to the Taoist level only because of the support of my master. I don't dare to hope for the Immortal Foundation. Instead of wasting precious resources on me, it is better to help those who are more powerful." The gifted young monks are freed up opportunities, and I... rush to the front line to avoid being idle and living up to the cultivation of the master. "

Tang Fenghua said with a smile: "Besides, I don't have much time to go out on weekdays, so I still have a lot of free time that can be used for practice."

Yaoguang glanced at him.

This sect leader's personal behavior is polite and courteous, without any trace of the arrogance of the main sect and backed by the sect leader.

When encountering danger, he is also on the front line.

In fact, all thirteen disciples of Li Qingshan were like this.

Except for the three great monks who have not yet reached the third level, there are ten remaining. Six of them have been lost due to charging at the front of the East China Sea Islands, Shiwan Mountain, etc. The other four, except for one, assist Li Qingshan in handling sect affairs. Outside, he is also sitting outside.

Compared to the other two, Tang Fenghua, who kept Fluctlight safe, was indeed relatively relaxed.

At that moment, Yaoguang went down the mountain and came to the mountainside.

Here, there is already a group of buildings filled with greenery.

As for the bottom of the mountain, there are a large number of densely packed buildings. At a glance, it is easy to accommodate 100,000 people.

This is the Zixiao courtyard that moved outside the city and expanded again.

Although this expansion is mainly focused on quality improvement and upgrading, the number of weapon refiners in Zixiao Academy has not increased much, but space must be reserved.

Now because of the suppression of Wuji Star Palace, it is difficult to sell spiritual weapons, but who knows what will happen in the future.


Spiritual weapons are not easy to sell. What if the Jiuding Sect starts selling treasures one day?

Treasures like treasures have always had a price but no market. The Jiuding Sect really dares to sell them, and they are sufficiently cost-effective. Even if many forces try to offend Wuji Star Palace, they will definitely rush to the Jiuding Sect to place an order.

When Fluttering Light returned to his residence, he found that Zi Qiangwei was already waiting here.

Seeing Yaoguang, she stood up immediately: "Yaoguang first, we have passed the verification of the first batch of fifty low-grade treasures delivered. Not only the values ​​of the flying sword have reached the standards of the third generation of flying swords, but also the The spiritual consumption is much lower than that of ordinary third-generation flying swords. Both the Weapon Refining Palace and the Fighting Palace are very satisfied with the performance of this flying sword."

"Oh, as long as you're satisfied."

Yaoguang nodded, not surprised.

A third-generation flying sword, even a low-grade treasure-level flying sword, would cost one hundred thousand spiritual stones to purchase from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

At present, thirty thousand spiritual stones can buy a third-generation flying sword that is not inferior to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect which can only be purchased for hundreds of thousands...

Just the first batch of orders for three hundred low-grade flying swords can save the Jiuding Sect tens of millions of spiritual stones.

Of course, knowing that the Ten Thousand Beast Sect has a serious premium, the Jiuding Sect has purchased less than one hundred third-generation flying swords so far. Most of the great monks use the first- and second-generation flying swords produced by the sect itself.

But despite this, this fluctuating light is still equivalent to saving tens of millions of funds for the sword repair department.

If these tens of millions of spiritual stones are used on some high-level sword cultivators with top-grade and top-grade spiritual roots, dozens of foundations can be built within three to five years.

"This is the final payment for the first batch and the deposit for the second batch of flying swords."

Zi Qiangwei brought over a piece of gold foil.

"Well, Zixiao Academy can complete the production of fifty flying swords in two months... Of course, this is mainly due to lack of manpower. If two or three more teams of weapon refining masters can be mobilized, three hundred flying swords can be produced. It can be produced in half a year.”

Fluctuating Light took the gold foil, which was equivalent to at least two million spiritual stones.

"A team of two or three weapon refining masters..."

Zi Qiangwei was a little helpless: "Every weapon-refining master has his own task. Some weapon-refining masters produce magic weapons to improve physical fitness and combat power, some weapon-refining masters focus on patrolling battleships, and some weapon-refining masters focus on Focusing on the construction of the Star Gate and the exploration of the new world, there is too little free time.”

Yao Guang naturally knows this.

Refining flying swords is just one of the major items of weapon refining.

It's just that flying swords are too important to sword cultivators, so they appear to have a high weight.

In fact, in addition to flying swords, there are more than a dozen directions for weapon refining.

Even the flying sword has various directions inside.

Some flying swords are good at speed, some flying swords are good at killing, some flying swords are flexible in turning and suitable for swordsmen fighting, and some flying swords are extremely stable and are not afraid of interference from spiritual thoughts, etc.

Actually this information...

Yaoguang has it all in his mind.


His time is limited and his energy is limited.

Just like if you have learned martial arts, you still have to put it to the test with your own body.

These experiences must be put into practice before they can be put to use.

Currently, his main focus is on flying swords.

Thinking of this, he said directly: "All the masters of flying sword refining should be transferred here. Even if they are tackling key problems now, they are only working on the second and third generation flying swords, right? But at present, the top immortal sects have already used the fourth generation flying swords. Well, even if they complete the research, it doesn't make much sense. Instead of that, we might as well focus on a set of flying swords and extend them to the fourth generation of flying swords, or even the fifth generation of flying swords, and the sixth generation of flying swords! If the generation gap really reaches this level, does the flying sword category they are working on still make sense?”

"Fifth Generation Flying Sword, Sixth Generation Flying Sword..."

Yaoguang's words stunned Zi Qiangwei on the spot.

Not to mention the Sixth Generation Flying Sword, even the Fifth Generation Flying Sword, there was a little bit of news from the Wuji Star Palace.

There hasn’t been much movement from the Immortal Alliance and the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

Fluctuable light...

Has he already set his sights on this level?

"Soldiers are more valuable than their numbers."

Yaoguang said: "The current Jiuding Sect should not seek to develop in all aspects, but try to concentrate on developing one direction to the extreme. Once it is absolutely leading in this aspect, it will not be too late to consider all aspects."

"Chief Yaoguang, you...are you really already planning the fourth and fifth generations of flying swords?"

Zi Qiangwei's tone was slightly trembling.

Yaoguang did not speak, but went inside the house and took out a jade talisman: "This is my fourth-generation flying sword concept for Zixiao 13. Although the design has not been completely completed, it is only time to completely upgrade Zixiao 13. question."

After saying that, he paused: "This is why I asked you not to place too many orders for the Zixiao 13 Flying Sword."

"I see."

Zi Qiangwei took the jade talisman and said cautiously: "I will let the Refining Hall verify this information and convey your wishes to the first Yaoguang."


Yaoguang nodded.

Although Zixiao Academy has completed its quality improvement and expansion, the treasure-level flying swords are much more complicated than the spiritual-level flying swords. It is difficult for ordinary weapon refiners to even do the initial work.

Because of this, Zixiao Academy worked overtime for two months to produce only fifty flying swords.

At this rate, it will take a year to produce three hundred flying swords.

Completing a large order worth tens of millions of dollars in one year, other weapon refining institutes are naturally overjoyed, but for Yaoguang...

Too slow.

The speed of making money is too slow, it is better to help the Golden Temple refine spiritual weapons.

This is also the reason why he took out the fourth-generation Zixiao 13 improved flying sword that has not been completed yet.

Attract more teams of weapon refining masters to help you and improve refining efficiency.

And, he was right.

As time goes by, his formation skills will soon improve. When his formation skills catch up with the weapon refining, it will not be difficult to complete the last shortcomings in the weapon refining and design the fifth generation flying sword and the sixth generation flying sword.

In a quiet room.


Yaoguang said.

After completing the delivery of the first payment, he had the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones in his account.

I accumulated a lot of [businessman] experience in one fell swoop.

His eyes stayed on [Shinto] for a moment, and he tentatively improved it.

The conclusion was quickly reached.

"It will take about five to six million spiritual stones to raise the realm to the Dharma phase level."

The cultivation of Yuanshen Dao is biased toward idealism. Once the realm is reached, it is very easy to improve one's cultivation.

Moreover, if the realm of the soul is raised to that of Dharma, the branches can also blossom and bear fruit, forming an innate magical power.

I think it will be of great help to the practice of Yuan Shen Dao.

"Five to six million, the gap is not big, but because the economy is blocked and the market is suppressed, it is a bit difficult to accumulate this amount of spiritual stones if you want to make money through the internal circulation of Jiuding Sect."

Yaoguang thought about it and had no choice but to turn his gaze to the branches of [Formation].

In the final analysis, we still have to break the situation from this aspect.

With a thought, the branches belonging to [Formation] climbed up step by step, instantly breaking through the stages of apprentice, formation master, and high-level formation master, and reaching the master level of formation.

But after reaching the formation master, it slowed down significantly.

In the end...

It only advanced 41%, which is the level of a level 5 one-star formation master, and then stopped.

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