"How is it possible!?"

Zuo Chuan's thoughts seemed to pause for a moment.

Twelve layers of defensive formations.

The weakest one reached level six.

Such a strong defense, even if it was hit by the Yin-Yang Dissociation Technique, could not be broken so easily.

Unless the opponent mobilized more than a hundred third-level great magic practitioners to attack together.


How is it possible! ?

The number of third-level great magic practitioners in Zhenhai Academy and Zhijian Academy combined is less than a hundred, and they have also investigated in advance that the number of enemy magic practitioners is indeed more than thirty people, even if some people hide their means and practice both sword and magic, and count their fifty great magic practitioners.

But that is only half of the number of a hundred people.

In addition, not to mention that the Yin-Yang Dissociation Technique they sensed is equivalent to the scale of more than thirty people working together, the more people there are, the longer it takes to cast a combined spell!

It took the opponent less than twenty minutes to cast this Yin-Yang Dissociation Technique...

Obviously, it is impossible for a hundred people to join forces!

"Broken! The formation is broken!"

"No! Repel the enemy!"

"The flying sword is coming!"

The panicked shouts woke Zuo Chuan up from the unbelievable shock.

"Be careful! Everyone, take action to resist the flying sword!"

Zuo Chuan shouted and flew into the air.

Whether he was willing to accept it or not, the facts were in front of him.

What he really had to do now was to do his best to protect the lives of everyone on the patrol warship.

While rushing into the void, he ordered his deputy: "Contact the Tiangong monks and ask for help from the surrounding teams!"


The deputy who received the order immediately stimulated his divine thoughts.

But just when their divine thoughts were stimulated to interact with the Tiangong monks of their own sect, a divine thought wave that was so powerful that it seemed to dominate the battlefield swept across and dispelled all their divine thoughts.

At the same time, headed by Tang Fenghua, more than 20 sword cultivators who had deliberately preserved a certain amount of strength came to kill, and they passed through the few sword cultivators who blocked them like a whirlwind, and shot directly in the direction of the Yuanshen cultivators.

"Jiuding Sect! How dare you! You are going to go to war with our Da Ri Sword Sect!"

Zuo Chuan roared angrily and immediately activated the emergency defense formation on the patrol warship that was only aimed at a small number of important departments.


Tang Fenghua's expression was cold.

All-out war! ?

If Jiuding Sect was indeed very weak, there would be a possibility of war.

But as long as Jiuding Sect could continue to show enough strength, war would not happen to Jiuding Sect.

Looking at the emergency activated formation, Tang Fenghua was about to make a move, and Yaoguang's extremely timely guidance had come to his consciousness.

Suddenly, three of the twenty or so flying swords that were shot at separated and flew out, tracing the energy fluctuations emitted by the formation as fast as thunder, and destroyed the formation at its most critical node with extreme precision.

This precise attack...

Finally made Zuo Chuan realize something.

"Formation Master!"

There is a formation master in Zhenhai Academy!


It is a master-level formation!


I am afraid that a master-level formation master does not have this ability!

After all, the twelve defensive formations on their patrol warship not only include several levels, but also include several types.

Even a formation master cannot be proficient in all six-level formations!

There is only one real possibility...

The other party not only has a master-level formation master, but also has figured out the distribution of formations on the Chunyu patrol warship through espionage, so he has studied and cracked these formations early.

This also makes it understandable why the other party relied on a Yin-Yang dissociation technique to destroy the twelve defensive formations on their Chunyu patrol warship at the same time!

Just when he realized the "truth" of the matter, more than a dozen of the twenty flying swords had already passed through the heavy interception and killed into the camp of the Yuanshen cultivators.

At this moment, the weakness of the Yuanshen cultivators was fully displayed in front of Yaoguang.

Facing the flying swords of the great sword cultivators shooting at them, no one could resist even a sword.

Wherever the sword light went, blood rained!

None of the twelve Yuanshen cultivators on the entire patrol warship survived and were instantly wiped out!


Zuo Chuan let out a painful roar almost the same as that of Song You, the leader of the Xuanming Sect.

He did his best to burst out, and struck the sky with his sword, trying to cut down the flying sword that was killing indiscriminately in the crowd.

But under the guidance of Yaoguang, Tang Fenghua's natal flying sword had already met it.

Tang Fenghua's natal flying sword is an improved version of Zixiao 15, a true fourth-generation flying sword, more advanced than Zuo Chuan.

The key is...

There are also three great sword cultivators to support from the side.

With the combined efforts of the four, Zuo Chuan was unable to resist at all, and two gaps were quickly cut on his natal flying sword.

While the four surrounded him, the remaining sword cultivators were full of sword energy.

Although the sword cultivators of the Chunyu would fight desperately from time to time, most of them were already at the end of their strength.

In addition, Yaoguang's divine thoughts kept interfering, and the combat power they could exert was not as good as that of the magic cultivators.

As for the magic cultivators...

With the second spell released by the thirty-six magic cultivators of Zhenhai Academy - the annihilation purple light descended, the magic cultivators without the protection of the formation were also quickly eliminated.

Although the battle in the field could not be called a one-sided massacre, one side completely suppressed the other.

Especially with the death of the soul cultivators, and the absolute advantage of the soul cultivators of Zhenhai Academy, who dominated the battlefield, Zuo Chuan couldn't even send out a message for help.

"Zhenhai Academy! Zhenhai Academy!"

Zuo Chuan rushed left and right, his heart was filled with grief and anger.

Although the quality of sword and magic cultivation in the Zhenhai Academy of Jiuding Sect could not be compared with that of Zhijian Academy, the spiritual cultivation was one level stronger than that of Zhijian Academy, and even compared with all the elite battle academies of Da Ri Jian Sect.

In terms of the strength of spiritual cultivation alone, it can even be called the first academy in Tianxing Continent.

It is conservatively estimated that there are no less than a handful of fifth-level soul cultivators in it.

Moreover, this battle academy is actually equipped with a formation master...

This is a treasure that must be placed in the rear!

Letting the formation master go to the front line is a waste of natural resources!

But Zhenhai Academy did it!

It is precisely because of their strange personnel configuration that they led to the defeat of Chunyu!

Feeling his burst weakening, Zuo Chuan realized his fate.

Looking at the head of Zhenhai Academy who had not appeared in the distance, he finally realized why Wuji Xinggong was willing to pay such a high price for him.


He was no longer able to complete the task assigned by the higher-ups.


He couldn't do it, but at least...

He had to let others do it.

With this thought, Zuo Chuan shouted with reluctance and determination: "The sect will avenge me!"

He stimulated the last of his true energy and raised his sword to the sky.

The violent sword light soared into the sky, as if it would turn into a radiance that penetrated the heaven and earth and went straight into the sky.

This radiance carried his resolute will, which could not only inform the Tiangong monks of the Great Sun Sword Sect where he was at the moment, but also warn them and make them aware of the threat posed by Zhenhai Academy!


As this sword light soared into the sky, Yaoguang instantly contacted Murong Hui through the "Virtual God Realm".

Murong Hui, who was fighting against the Sun Sword Sect's Heavenly Palace cultivators, made a big noise after hearing Yao Guang's news, as if he was going to use a big move.

Of course, Murong Hui was responsible for the noise, but Yao Guang actually made the move.

With the two of them working together, the Sun Sword Sect's Heavenly Palace cultivators were directly forced to retreat, so that they could not see the shining light in the East China Sea clearly.

In the sword light.

Tang Fenghua's natal flying sword tore Zuo Chuan's body apart like lightning.

Other great sword cultivators also quickly cleared out other Sun Sword Sect cultivators on the Chunyu patrol warship.

Soon, the great sword cultivators led by Wang Feng landed steadily on the warship.

Everyone's face was full of joy.

It was even a little unbelievable.

"This... we won already?"

They Zhenhai Academy...

Not only did they defeat a patrol warship head-on, eliminated all the masters on the patrol warship, but they also directly captured a patrol warship! ?

Or is it a more advanced second-generation patrol warship than the one bought from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect! ?

"Patrol warship!"

After Tang Fenghua landed on the warship, his eyes were filled with uncontrollable joy.

Capturing a patrol warship that was equivalent to a mobile mountain gate, this kind of record was no less than the achievement of destroying the sect!

They did it with the power of the Zhenhai Academy alone?

Who dares to believe it!

"Zhenhai Academy, which is not even an elite war academy, not only defeated a patrol warship, but also captured this warship? This is outrageous!"

Some great sword cultivators couldn't help but shout excitedly.

"I know you are now very exhausted and your mental state is extremely tired, but please hold on a little longer. I will guide you to drive this patrol warship away quickly!"

Yaoguang's divine thoughts instantly rang in everyone's mind.

"Not much! Not much consumption at all! It's worth it to drive this patrol warship back!"

"Yes, Lord, I'm in good spirits. Please command us as much as you want. We're not tired!"

"Drive the patrol warship! I never thought that I, Yue Zhanlong, would have such a day! Lord, please drive us as much as you want!"

The great sword cultivators responded one after another.

Although the true essence in their bodies had indeed been almost consumed, they were no longer mentally exhausted as Yaoguang said.

Instead, they were all in high spirits, without any sign of fatigue or weariness.


Yaoguang was also unambiguous. He quickly promised to order Tang Fenghua to activate the concealment formation carried by the patrol warship itself.

At the same time, he asked Wang Feng and others to activate the patrol warship.

And he himself directly sacrificed the information black domain and directly erased the warship from the information level.

Amidst the roars, the patrol warship restarted and headed towards the Jiuding Sect.

As the patrol warship was captured and sailed to Jiuding Sect, the Tiangong monks of Da Ri Jian Sect seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter and concentrated all their strength to break through the interference of Jiuding Sect in this area.

For this reason, they even asked for help from Wuji Xing Palace.

However, when the assistance of Wuji Xing Palace arrived, it was more than ten minutes later. Not only had the battle ended long ago, but there was no trace of the Chunyu patrol warship.

It was as if...

it had never existed.

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