Above the sky.

A group of hundreds of sword cultivators guarding ten large flying boats are riding the wind and waves in the sea of ​​clouds.

The sword cultivators flying around the flying boats, looking at a city passing by below, are talking about it.

"Good guy, don't you want to fight?"

"Is the city we just passed by serious? They didn't even activate the defense formation. Do they really think we are here for tourism?"

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

"Palace Master, what's going on?"

Some people are even more puzzled.

This Xuanming Sect...

Why does it give people the feeling of giving up treatment?

"What's going on?"

Lou Yuyu understood something and sneered: "They are afraid and dare not fight."

Obviously, the Xuanming Sect has received news of the battle between the Jiuding Sect and the Dayi Sword Sect not long ago.

"Palace Master, I sensed several bad incidents happening in the city below against the descendants of the Weapon Sect."

At this time, a Soul Realm cultivator suddenly said.

"What are you waiting for!? Why should we show mercy to such people who have lost their humanity!? Kill!"

Lou Yuyu gave an order without hesitation: "Soul Guidance! I will personally lead a team down!"


The Soul cultivators who received the order quickly marked the bad incidents that were happening.

At that moment, Lou Yuyu and a dozen other great sword cultivators stepped out of the crowd and rushed to the scene of the incident.


In a shop that had been smashed, dozens of fierce and evil Xuanming Sect body cultivators pulled out a family of eight people hiding in the basement.

A body cultivator who seemed to be the head of the family wanted to resist, but was severely injured on the spot, with his hands and feet broken, and watched his elderly parents, wife, daughter, and son being dragged out roughly.

Among them, his parents were quickly doused with gasoline.

A man quickly rushed forward with a fire source, his face full of ferocity: "Ours, these things are all ours, dare to come to our land to make our money! You all must die!"

"Stop... Stop..."

The man with broken hands and feet struggled, but was trampled under the feet of another powerful physical cultivator.

"Kill them all and take back our things!"

Another high-level physical cultivator was giving orderly instructions.


Seeing the Xuanming Sect member holding the fire source getting closer and closer to the elderly couple who were beaten and bleeding and unable to move, the middle-aged man shouted in despair.

The next moment...

Sword light broke through the air!

A sword energy pierced through the head of the Xuanming Sect member with incredible speed, directly shooting his head into a bloody mist.

This scene made the fierce and crazy Xuanming Sect people's expressions slightly stiff.

Then, a figure flew in the air, and his eyes fell directly on the struggling middle-aged man: "I am from Jiuding Sect?"

The middle-aged man did not consider himself a Jiuding Sect member, but at this moment, facing his question, he nodded frantically: "I am, I am, I am from Jiuding Sect..."


The man with the sword nodded slightly.

As he pinched his fingers into a sword, a sword light shot into dozens of Xuanming Sect body cultivators as fast as a dragon.

The average strength of these body cultivators is basically only the third or fourth level, how can they resist the shooting of such sword light.

Where the sword light passed, the heads of the Xuanming Sect body cultivators were like watermelons exploded by sniper bullets, and they exploded one after another.

The speed was so fast that no one had any room for resistance.

Seeing this scene, the people of Xuanming Sect around fled in all directions.

The high-level physical cultivator in the lead roared: "You are from Jiuding Sect!? How dare you run wild on the territory of my Xuanming Sect!? You deserve to die!"

He suddenly threw out an object, shooting out a dazzling light, straight into the sky.


The sword light flashed, and this high-level physical cultivator also followed the others, and his head was shot in the air.

He used his spiritual sense to sense the signal, and the Xuanming Sect physical cultivator who came quickly snorted coldly: "It is indeed an organized and premeditated action."

He directly ordered several people around: "Let the Yuanshen cultivators use their spiritual thoughts to cover the entire city and guide the sword cultivators to launch an attack. All those who are triggered by the signal will be killed without mercy!"


The great cultivator who received the order responded.

As the Yuanshen cultivators' spiritual thoughts swept down, covering a radius of thousands of miles, marking the targets one by one, and suddenly, thousands of sword qi shot out from the bodies of these sword cultivators.

Don’t think that the sword cultivators can’t continue after more than ten rounds of life-and-death fighting. That’s because they need to use the strongest means of attack, and they show power far beyond the current realm, so the consumption is naturally huge.

At present, they are just dealing with a group of physical cultivators who are at the third or fourth level of physical training, and the highest is only the seventh or eighth level...

That is a real one-sided slaughter.

Each great sword cultivator can easily condense thousands of sword qi.

The sword qi is like silk, and under the guidance of the Yuanshen cultivator, it madly shoots and kills the physical cultivators who are attracted by the "help signal".

In an instant, this city with a population of tens of millions is like a river of blood, and corpses are everywhere.

During this period, there are star master-level physical cultivators, foundation-building sword cultivators, and magic cultivators who are furious and want to stop their killing.


There are only three or five great cultivators in each city of Xuanming Sect, which is the limit.

And basically they are all great cultivators of the first or second level.

Facing a sword cultivator from an elite war academy, who was at least level three and formed a sword formation, their fate was no different from that of ordinary cultivators.

As long as they showed up, they would be met with the concentrated fire of dozens of their own flying swords.

After one round, there would be nothing left.

However, Lou Yuyu did not need to consider these.

At this time, he had landed beside the middle-aged man whose hands and feet were broken, and gave him a pill.

At the same time, he said: "I will take you back to Jiuding Sect, are you willing to go back?"

"Yes, yes, we are willing."

The middle-aged man hurriedly said.

The exclusion, looting and slaughter of the descendants of the Qi Sect by the Xuanming Sect has lasted for a month, and it has become more and more intense in recent times. Their family has been living in this fear.

Now that he heard that he could return to Jiuding Sect, the middle-aged man even cried with joy.

At this moment, Lou Yuyu activated his true essence, took a group of people into the air, and boarded the large flying boat parked above the city.

When they get on the large flying boat, the accompanying staff will take them to their respective rooms to rest.

The middle-aged man looked at this scene, moved and a little bit unbelievable.

After a while, he thought of something and asked a staff member beside him: "We...just park the flying boat here...will it be dangerous?"


The staff smiled and said: "You mean the Xuanming Sect will attack us? Don't worry, they dare not. As long as they dare to come, the seniors of Qingfeng Academy and Shenwei Academy will dare to keep them all."


"Why do you think we can drive the flying boat here? It's because not long ago, we won a major victory in the East China Sea. First, we eliminated more than 300 of the most elite main battle monks of the Xuanming Sect, and then on the other side, we hit those troublemakers of the Sun Sword Sect and destroyed one of their patrol warships! The current Xuanming Sect...how dare they have the courage to resist?"

The staff member said proudly.

"Eliminate more than 300 elite monks of Xuanming Sect and destroy a patrol warship of Da Ri Jian Sect?"

The middle-aged man felt a sense of fantasy when he heard what the staff said.

Any sect will promote its own strength and belittle its opponents.

The Xuanming Sect is no exception.

Not only did they promote themselves as being on par with large forces such as Da Ri Jian Sect and Shou Yang Sect, but they also labeled Jiu Ding Sect as backward, weak, and corrupt. It seems that the Jiu Ding Sect will collapse if Xuan Ming Sect exerts a little effort.

So the middle-aged man felt as if time and space were subverted when he heard what the staff said.

Jiu Ding Sect, is it really that strong! ?

In a moment, this suspicion was shattered by the iron-clad facts.

The large flying boats of Jiu Ding Sect have arrived at the Xuan Ming Sect's homeland, but Xuan Ming Sect can't even take out a decent resistance force. Is it strong or not?

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man took a deep breath and could not help but look forward to the wonderful life he could have when he returned to Jiuding Sect.

On the other side, Lou Yuyu arrived at the flying boat and directly instructed the Yuanshen cultivator of his war academy: "Connect to the virtual world of Xuanming Sect and issue a notice! Anyone from Xuanming Sect who dares to persecute Jiuding Sect members by violent means will be killed without mercy!"

After that, he added: "Collect some images of what happened in this city and publish them to let them see clearly the determination of our Jiuding Sect. Pay attention to screening. It should have a deterrent effect and should not affect the image of the sect."


The Yuanshen cultivator responded and quickly got busy.

Not long after, this message was sent directly to the virtual world of Xuanming Sect.

As the message was sent, accompanied by the thunderous killing methods of Jiuding Sect, the entire Xuanming Sect was in an uproar.

Understanding the behavior of killing the descendants of Qi Sect, the Jiuding Sect had actually attracted the city! ?

There are even sword cultivators from the Jiuding Sect's War Academy who are killing people in the city of Xuanming Sect?

For a moment, unspeakable fear quickly spread throughout the Xuanming Sect.

The war is coming!

And it's coming so fast!


Fast forward to the time when they don't know when it started, it's already over.

Yes, it's over.

Anyone with some knowledge in the Xuanming Sect can guess that the Xuanming Sect must have suffered a heavy defeat, otherwise they would never allow the sword cultivators of the Jiuding Sect to directly enter the Xuanming Sect's homeland!

The emergence of this situation undoubtedly means that the Xuanming Sect no longer has the power to stop the Jiuding Sect, and can only allow the Jiuding Sect to do whatever it wants in their territory.

In this case, panic quickly spread in the Xuanming Sect.

Looting, smashing, arson, and even killing gradually rolled out of control towards other people in the Xuanming Sect.

The entire Xuanming Sect felt like it was completely in chaos.

Not long after these messages were sent out, Ma Hong, the Lord of the Battle Hall, came alone to the flying boat fleet led by Lou Yuyu, bringing the Xuanming Sect's hope and the Jiuding Sect's sincerity to reconcile.

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