The investiture ceremony was held the next day.

What was originally a rumor turned into news and was released to the Virtual God Realm.

The major news media of Jiuding Sect rushed to report on it, and a huge wave of news quickly arose.

The solid evidence, and the specific process of this battle confirmed by the Wai Xuandian, made everyone watching it excited.

Every student at Longxiang Taixue Academy in Longxiang City cheered when they saw these reports.

Especially when the news of the destruction of the Chunyu was confirmed to be true by the Foreign Propaganda Hall, these students' emotions were full, and they had thousands of words in their hearts, which eventually turned into the purest form of catharsis through words.

"F*ck! I just want to say one word, bull*!"

"Is it true!? I saw the news not long ago, but I think this is impossible! Now it seems... we really destroyed an elite battle academy of the Great Sun Sword Sect, and also destroyed one of their sky patrol battleships! ?”

"Has the sect secretly become so powerful without telling us? If there are any good things that haven't been said yet, please tell them all. Don't worry, I have a good psychological quality and can completely handle it."

Amid the excitement inside and outside the sect, the journalism major of Longxiang Taixue University was also busy.

They need to rush to report on these major events that can be recorded in the history of Jiuding Sect.

Everyone is trying to find ways to contact the members who participated in the East China Sea battle.

Su Yaoshuang, who founded the "Long Yuan Society" and created their "Listen to the Dragon's Roar" column in the Virtual God Realm, is no exception.

When their Longyuan Society founded the "Listen to the Dragon's Roar" column, they received strong support from Longxiang Taixue University. It not only provided an interface to the Virtual God Realm with tens of thousands of daily views, but also allocated hundreds of thousands of Jiuding Currency is used as operating capital, so everyone in Longyuan Society is working hard to achieve something.

"Quick, quick, quick, Mo Yu, you have developed your spiritual consciousness. Quickly browse all the information about this war in the Virtual God Realm. We need to refine this information and present it to the audience in the neatest and most direct way."

"Shao Li, go find the relevant information about the Chunyu, compile and distribute the information, and let the audience know how difficult it is for our Zhenhaiyuan to destroy this battleship."

"Gao Longfei, see if you can go to the relevant departments and ask for information on the seniors of Zhenhaiyuan, even if you only have rough information."

"And Su Yaoshuang, don't be idle. Go conduct a round of street interviews and ask everyone for their opinions on this glorious victory. Everyone, let us all take action."

As the president, Long Yuwu quickly assigned tasks.

"President, I have seen that many local Void God Realm columns have reported on the personnel of Chunyu, Zhenhaiyuan, and Jianjianyuan. If we really sort out the information and send it out, there will be no attention at all. The sect The Void God Realm Realm Control Center will not give us any exposure."

The man called Gao Longfei said.

"Although the level of our 'Listen to the Dragon's Roar' column is not the first level like a personal column, it is only a second level column of the school. It is not even as good as the lower-level media in Longxiang City, but we can't get any effective interviews. Moreover, not to mention the lower-level media in Longxiang City, even the mainstream media in Longxiang City may not be able to contact the heroes of Zhenhaiyuan. We can only follow the example of other columns and post the information first to make up the number. "

Dragon Fish Dance Road.

"What I mean is that we should do something special and start from other aspects, such as... the key behind Zhenhaiyuan-Zixiaoyuan!"

Gao Longfei said.

Zixiao courtyard.

Long Yuwu naturally knew about this weapon refining mechanism.

With the expansion of Zixiao Institute, it has now become one of the largest weapon refining institutes in the entire Jiuding Sect. It is also the pride of everyone in Longxiang City and even the entire Jiuxiao Domain.

The purpose of Zhenhaiyuan stationing in Longxiang City is that on the one hand, the Jiuxiao Domain is close to the sea and requires a strong enough reserve force, and the other reason is...

It is said that it is to protect Zixiao Courtyard.


"You don't want to tell me that you plan to go to Zixiao Courtyard for an interview, do you? With the defense level of Zixiao Courtyard, we can't even get in if we go there!"

Dragon Fish Dance Road.

"Although we can't enter Zixiao Academy, there are weapon refiners from Zixiao Academy in our school. Whether Professor Lin Sen or Professor Qin Yadong, they are both members of Zixiao Academy. We can interview them and learn about Zixiao Academy from their mouths. Exclusive news from Xiaoyuan and even Zhenhaiyuan.”

Gao Longfei was a little excited.

When he said this, everyone in Longyuan Society's eyes lit up.

"Yes, let's start with Professor Lin Sen and Professor Qin Yadong!"

"Zixiao Academy is also extremely popular in the Virtual God Realm. If we can get some information related to Zixiao Academy from the two professors, it will definitely make our column popular!"

"Tall buildings are rising from the ground. Maybe this is our opportunity to make 'Listen to the Dragon's Roar' the number one 'war' column in the Virtual God Realm!"

Everyone agreed.

Long Yuwu clapped her hands quickly: "What are you waiting for? Take action now."


Everyone's spirits were high and they quickly became busy.

Seeing the enthusiasm of everyone in the club, Su Yaoshuang hesitated for a moment and glanced at the communication bracelet in her hand.

There is a contact on the bracelet...

If you can contact him, there will be all kinds of breaking news.


Both the second sister Su Yaoxue and the eldest sister Su Yaoyu have warned her time and again not to disturb him if there is nothing important.

In addition, the gap between their identities was too big at the moment, and she didn't have the courage to bother him for a small matter.

Even though...

This was a career she took very seriously.

After a moment, she finally suppressed this idea.

However, she suppressed this idea, and Shao Li came to the president Long Yuwu: "Speaking of people related to Zixiao Academy, it seems that there are students in our school who have a close relationship with Zixiao Academy. Why don't we see if we can get information from her?"

"Oh, who is it?"

"A student named Su Yaoqin, I also added her as a friend."

Shao Li said, and with a little operation, the student's information was projected.

Judging from the daily photos she posted...

It's really Zixiao Academy.

Su Yaoshuang, who was standing aside, frowned when she saw it.

Can pictures and videos of Zixiao Academy be posted casually?

What if the information in some pictures is leaked?

She quietly clicked on Su Yaoqin's daily sharing, and after a moment, she felt relieved.

Su Yaoqin's photos were very well-proportioned. Each photo could prove that she was in Zixiaoyuan and ensure that no useful information was leaked.

As early as the level of Zixiaoyuan was raised, those who lived in Zixiaoyuan had received relevant confidentiality training.


She carefully looked at Su Yaoqin's daily sharing area, and the popularity was surprisingly high.

Every message she posted could get hundreds of comments.

This scene made her heart move.

She was a marginal person in the Su family who was destined to have no future. She didn't want to bring trouble to Yaoguang's life, so neither she nor Su Yaoqin mentioned her relationship with Yaoguang to anyone.

Su Yaoyu and the others didn't allow them to talk nonsense.

But they could freely enter and exit the extremely tightly guarded Zixiaoyuan...

This itself was special.

At the moment, she needed first-hand intelligence. If Zixiaoyuan itself happened to have some information that it didn't mind publishing, why didn't she take it and publish it on the "Listen to the Dragon's Roar" column as soon as possible?

It seemed that the information of the improved flying sword for sale of Zixiao 12 was specially publicized at that time.

Thinking of this, she looked for it and soon found Qin Yi's communication information.

Qin Yi was responsible for the security of Zixiaoyuan. She needed to communicate with the guards when entering and leaving, so she added him as a friend.

At that moment, she sent her thoughts.

At the end, she quickly added: "If it involves confidential information, forget it."

Qin Yi did not dare to be careless after receiving the news.

Although Yaoguang completely let Su Yaoshuang and Su Yaoqin go, as his relatives, he, as a great monk, also paid full attention to them.

"I'll ask for you."

Qin Yi replied and quickly contacted Yunlai, the "steward" of Zixiaoyuan.

Not long after, he had received Yunlai's permission reply.

Without delay, he also forwarded the message to Su Yaoshuang.

Seeing Qin Yi's reply, Su Yaoshuang breathed a sigh of relief: "It really works."

At that moment, she quickly caught up with Long Yuwu: "President, I think... I found a way for us to break out of the siege of "Listen to the Dragon's Roar". Make a column, take advantage of the popularity of Zhenhai Academy and Zixiao Academy, and make a column about Zixiao Academy producing flying swords."

"Is this... possible?"

Long Yuwu was a little surprised: "This kind of information is hard to find, right? And it is easy to be confidential. Don't let our column be closed directly if it is not done well."

"But if it is done well, it can directly make a name for itself by taking advantage of the popularity of Zhenhai Academy."

Su Yaoshuang's eyes flashed: "Once the name is made and has influence, it will be much easier for us to interview other people or get exclusive news. Maybe in the future, our column will develop into the first information portal. As long as the sect takes action, people will come to us first to explain."

She has always enjoyed the eyes of others.

When she arrived at Longxiong Academy, there were too many brilliant people. Although she always maintained and created her own image, she was still tepid.

Compared with the character image, Longxiong Academy students value personal ability more.

But now, she saw hope.

"The first information portal..."

Long Yuwu imagined that scene...

She couldn't help but be fascinated.

If they can really do this, they will probably be able to enter Jiuding Sect and work in the External Propaganda Hall in the future.

"Then try it! As long as you can really get the information, our Longyuan Society will fully cooperate with you!"

Long Yuwu said heavily.


Su Yaoshuang nodded: "For our career, work hard."


Yaoguang really didn't pay much attention to Su Yaoshuang and Su Yaoqin.

But if they can show certain abilities and ambition, he doesn't mind helping them.

Just like the inquiring message sent by Yunlai.

After giving an affirmative reply, Yaoguang went out.

Came to the Chunyu patrol battleship covered by the formation.

At this time, many weapon refiners and array masters have gathered around the warship.

Yaoguang glanced at the many professionals with suspicious eyes and looked calm.

It's time to show real skills.

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