After more than two years, Yaoguang has taught the first batch of array masters the fourth-level and fifth-level spirit gathering array improvement techniques.

Gao Shenghan, Huang Wei and others have already mastered the improvement of the sixth-level spirit-gathering array. After another year and a half of proficiency, they can officially start training and improve the sixth-level spirit-gathering array on their own.

When they become more proficient in technology, they can also teach other sixth-level formation masters how to arrange new spirit gathering arrays. Eventually, in the next ten years, they will complete the reform of all spirit gathering arrays in the entire Jiuding Sect, thus making the Jiuding Sect's spiritual Stone production capacity has soared from less than 100 million to 300 million.

And as the improvement of the Spirit Gathering Array proceeds in an orderly manner, the dividends that Yaoguang can get every year are getting higher and higher.

With this year's dividends arriving smoothly...

Yaoguang's gaze also focused on the [Shinto] branches again.

"Finally enough."

Yaoguang said.

It was not in vain that during this period of time, he kept leading Zixiao Institute to receive orders, and constantly sent out his spiritual thoughts to teach Gao Shenghan, Huang Wei, and Zi Qiangwei to set up the spirit gathering array. At the same time, he was also in charge of the Spring Rain at the Third Sky Patrol Research Institute. analysis and design of new battleships.

Cultivation makes "rest" no longer so important.

So much so that during this period, he was busy for more than 22 hours a day.

This feeling of solidity...

I never had such an experience when I was working at Blue Star.

Fortunately, he is a cultivator. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been so busy for more than two years, and his body could not bear it and he would have died suddenly.

"After so much hard work, it's finally time to reap the rewards. From now on... I'll feel a little more relaxed."

At this point, the newly added [Businessman] experience was directly thrown into the [Shinto] branches without being warmed up.

The progress that originally soared to 86% began to grow rapidly...

The branches of the ancient tree extend rapidly, seeming to plunge into the unknown void, distorting the concepts of time and space, and continuously collecting information from another dimension.

All the collected information was fed back to Yaoguang's "perception" and was quickly received by him. In this process...

What gradually appeared in front of Yaoguang's eyes was not a dharma image, let alone a divine thought, but a brand new power.

True spirit.

Yaoguang's heart has enlightenment, and the realm above the Dharma is the cave of the true spirit.

It's a bit like an upgraded version of Virtual God Realm.


The true spirit is not completely above the realm of Dharma.

In his mind, countless information continued to flow, but intermittently.

Something seems seriously missing.

Together with his [Martial Arts] branches, they are also constantly swaying, as if they want to share the nutrients of [Shinto] and grow.

In this change, Yaoguang realized the true spirit...

In other words, the essence of power above the Star God, Golden Pill, and Dharma.

"Beyond the Golden Core is Dongxu, which is the realm of controlling the power of the Infinite Mixed Cave. This is a kind of existence that can be called a powerful one if you look at the starry sky. If you look at any world, you can be called a person of great ability! But to truly break through to this level, one of the three elements, the Star God, needs... eh? "

Yao Guang was secretly shocked.

Due to the highly mixed nature of the three major systems of the new realm, he actually "saw" a realm above the Star God in [Shinto].

Open one thousand and eighty acupuncture points!

Every acupoint contains the power of a main star!

Then, the one thousand and eighty acupoints are compressed into a peculiar pulse energy state, and used as a carrier to collide with the power of the mixed hole, and then reach the point of binding the mixed hole and controlling the power of the mixed hole.

Of course, it is not enough to have the body of the Pulse Star God with 1,080 acupoints and the power of the Infinite Mixed Cave derived from golden elixirs. The true spirit's distortion of time and space is also a top priority.

The true spirit creates a cave in the void by distorting the chaotic time and space, and then allows the body of the pulsar god and the power of the infinite chaos hole to act as the positive and negative forces of the cave, making these two forces perfectly coordinated and integrated.

This is the real realm of cave!

If there is no Cave Spirit to open up a cave from nothingness, both the Star God's pulse body and the Golden Core's endless mixed cave power will become extremely unstable, just like the Golden Core realm in today's world.

Kong has powerful destructive power, not to mention precise control. He cannot even achieve the most basic goal of a long life for a strong man in the Cave Void Realm.


Longevity without borders!

Dongxu's basic lifespan is ten thousand years!

Compared with the golden elixir, which can only live for three to five hundred years, this is not just a little longer! ?

A Dongxu, even if he stays silently in the Cangwu world, is probably enough to witness the rise and decline of the ten immortal sects in the Cangwu world.

"True spirit."

Fluctlight said to himself.

To be precise, it is the Cave Void Realm.

He looked at the [Shinto] branches that had stopped growing at 99%, and then looked at the [Martial Arts] branches that had grown to 31%, and he understood.

To truly enter the realm of cave virtual reality...

I am afraid that [Martial Arts] and [Qi Dao] must both be improved to more than 60% of those of Star God and Golden Pill.

Before these two paths reach 60% of the Star God and Golden Elixir, even if he puts his "experience" into the branches of [Shinto], it will only make the branches of [Martial Arts] grow.


He had a hunch that when the [Martial Arts] branch reaches 60%, and he increases the [Shinto] experience, even if his realm has not yet broken through to the Dharma level, a branch belonging to the [Qi Dao] will still grow.

"You didn't even give me a choice, so you told me the answer in advance."

Yaoguang sighed with emotion.

However, although the Dharma Appearance has not been promoted to the cave-like realm where the Three Elements are unified into one, the various secret techniques derived after the Dharma Appearance reaches 80% have opened Yaoguang's eyes.

In particular, many secret techniques allow Dharma figures to save their lives in front of the true spirit. If they are used in confrontations with other Dharma figures...

It can even occupy an absolute advantage.

"What I need most now is to be promoted to Dharma in a quiet environment. As for the secret technique of fighting with other Dharma..."

Priority has to come last.

Otherwise, even if he could defeat the Dharma of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, the Immortal Alliance, and the Wuji Star Palace, he would not have a good way to deal with people who did not respect martial ethics and used golden elixirs to deal with him.

"The secret method... is there! The way of heaven is invisible! Huh!? It can actually be transformed into a soul formation? The way of heaven is only me?"

He watched for a moment.

This secret technique can not only effectively hide his existence at the spiritual level, but also turn it into a self-centered formation of heaven, evenly blessing his power to all people in the formation, and at the same time, it can also bring other souls to the formation. The divine thoughts blessed him.

This kind of blessing is different from the resonance of the Lord of God!

The characteristics of the God Lord are just to make a group of rabble become bossy.

But the way of heaven is self-centered, which is equivalent to concentrating the power of others into one person.

In this way, even if he displays the power of Dharma and is noticed by the Dharma cultivators of Wuji Star Palace, Immortal Alliance, and Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, he can be pushed to the Heavenly Way Self-centered Formation, reduce his attention, and thus promote himself to Star God. , Jin Dan buys time.

"It's really good. It can even be used to make the Yuanshen realm able to fight against the Dharma monks. Let's see... this... the true secret technique of Tiandao Sect? It is probably the same as the formless and formless technique I practiced during my mortal period. It is not the Cangwu Great World. Or the surrounding attached world inheritance, use it first and then talk about it.”

Fluctlight is in a relaxed mood.

In addition, through looking forward to the "true spirit", he realized the extremes of the Cangwu Great World's cultivation system. However, because he followed the path of Dharma, he could not currently find a solution to this extreme path.

When his [Airway] branches grow out and progress enough, I think this problem will be solved. By then, maybe we can find a way to completely solve the hidden danger of Li Hanqiu's golden elixir being unstable.

Thinking about it, Yaoguang calmed down, digested and adapted to the changes in the invisible and only egoistic nature of heaven.

One month later.

Streams of light came through the sky and gathered in Beidou Territory.

Although the owners of these streamers are not like sword cultivators, whose sword energy soars into the sky when flying, their importance is not at all inferior to that of great sword cultivators.

"Hahaha, Lord Yaoguang Palace, I'm here, how can I help?"

"Master Yaoguang Hall, just ask if you need anything. Let's talk about remuneration or not."

"My uncle Murong Hui asked you if you would like him to bring someone down from the Heavenly Palace to help?"

All kinds of voices sounded.

The people who appeared in front of Yaoguang were Yuanshen realm monks from all aspects of the Jiuding Sect.

And without exception, they are all powerful souls that can penetrate deep into the Zixiao Divine Thunder layer and be tempered by the Zixiao Divine Thunder.

Xu Kong, Cang Hai, Murong Tianguang and others were among them.

In addition, Jiang Zuoyue, the leader of the Guard Hall, also came in person and led several non-front-line battle wards to maintain order.

In the surrounding Jiuxiao Domain, Lou Yuyu and Shen Qinglian personally led their own elite teams to patrol the sea, and their defense power could be said to be stretched to the extreme.

While Yaoguang responded to the greetings of these Yuanshen Realm monks, he diverted his mind to have a secret conversation with the two of them in the Virtual God Realm.

These two people were surprisingly Li Qingshan, the leader of the Jiuding Sect, and Li Hanqiu, the Dinghai Shenzhen.

"Are you sure?"

Li Hanqiu looked at him solemnly.

"pretty close."

Yaoguang said.

"Then break through! I will deal with the rest. Even if Wuji Star Palace, Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, and Immortal Alliance want to do something, I will support you. At present, they are in a favorable situation. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes. , I don’t believe they really have the courage to die with me!”

Li Hanqiu waved his hand vigorously.

"I have a method. If I use this method to cover myself up, I won't be noticed by others."

Yaoguang said, passing the Heavenly Way Self-Improvement Formation to Li Hanqiu: "I called all the Yuan Shen monks here to cooperate with me in performing this method, and...if all the Yuan Shen monks can master this method, If we join forces, we may not be able to fight against the Dharma cultivators, at least we can tear apart the information black field of the Sky Patrol Battleship."

Li Hanqiu sensed it for a moment, and his eyes were filled with disbelief: "There is such a magic circle!? this what you researched!?"

When he said it, he realized that the question was a bit presumptuous.

Yaoguang must have his own secret.

But Li Hanqiu, Li Qingshan and others had already tacitly decided not to interfere, and would give him absolute trust and support as long as he stood by their Jiuding Sect.

Therefore, he immediately changed his words: "Okay! Okay! With this method to cover it up, your promotion is absolutely guaranteed!"

After saying that, he immediately turned to Li Qingshan: "You will let the Wai Xuan Palace announce that our Jiuding Sect is going to conduct a Yuan Shen magic array test. What is true and what is false, what is false and what is true, can we hide it for a long time."

"I understand, I'll make arrangements right away."

Li Qingshan nodded.

"Let's break through with peace of mind. We will take care of the rest."

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