
Tang Fenghua's mouth twitched.

Isn't it normal that the alchemy skills are stuck for ten or eight years?

But thinking about the speed of improvement of Fluctlight cultivation level...

That's true.

Compared with this palace master, Wu Qingying Palace Master...

It’s really disappointing.

At this moment, Yaoguang seemed to have received some news, and with a thought, he appeared in the Virtual God Realm.

In the Virtual God Realm, Li Qingshan has arrived.

In addition to Li Qingshan, there are also several palace master-level figures such as Zhou Lijian, Jiang Zuoyue, and Lou Yuyu.

When he saw the fluke light arriving, he listened to Li Qingshan's solemn introduction: "Not long ago, we just signed an order with the Taiyin Sect. The Taiyin Sect invested 100 million to purchase 300 Zixiao 15 external-sale flying machines from us. The sword was agreed to be delivered in half a year. Since the recent conflicts between Taiyin Sect and Fatian Pavilion have become more and more obvious, we felt that this was due to the excessive consumption of flying swords within Taiyin Sect, so we urgently ordered a batch of flying swords from us. Unexpectedly... this It’s simply a trap.”

He said in a deep voice: "Just now, Wuji Star Palace, together with the Immortal League, Taiyin Sect, Shouyang Sect, Da Sun Sword Sect, Taiyi Sect, Asia Tai Dynasty and many other forces jointly announced a decision to us. The weapon refining raw materials, alchemy materials, and engraving formation materials purchased by the Jiuding Sect are under a comprehensive embargo! Without these materials, our efficiency in refining these three hundred flying swords will be greatly affected. This order..."

He turned his gaze to Fluctlight.

"That order?"

This order is as high as 100 million.

Yaoguang naturally showed up during the signing.

When the order was signed, it was agreed that for every day exceeded, a compensation of 1% of the order amount would be paid.

Xu Qixing still thought it was too high, but he felt that it would not be difficult to refine three hundred Zixiao 15 flying swords for sale in half a year, so he did not pay attention to these small details.

It seems now...

It's premeditated.

"This should be Wuji Star Palace's counterattack."

Yaoguang said.

Li Qingshan nodded: "And this is a counterattack against us constantly robbing their weapon refining market, but I didn't expect that the dignified Taiyin Sect would actually join forces with Wuji Star Palace to set up such a deal for us."

"What materials are affected? And to what extent?"

Yaoguang asked.

Li Qingshan quickly provided a detailed list.

Yaoguang glanced briefly, thought about it, and said: "It's not a big problem. I can also refine these refining components. I just delegated these tasks to save time... I will work overtime in the next six months. The mission can be completed, but..."

He paused: "I'm afraid this kind of thing will become more frequent in the future. Although Wuji Star Palace has not yet extracted itself from the quagmire of the Black Feather Sect's war, it has started to use its own influence from all aspects. We are afraid that we will suffer a lot for the next period of time due to the siege on us.”

Several palace masters nodded in agreement.

"In the past, we were not taken seriously by the Wuji Star Palace at all. They were not even interested in using other means to suppress us. They thought that as long as they took their hands from the Black Feather Sect, they could easily eliminate us, but they could easily destroy us. In the past five years, the King Kong... oh, it should be called the Jinshen sky patrol battleship, and the third-generation sky patrol battleship Longxiang, which was completely independently developed by us, have been launched successively. Our Jiuding Sect already has four sky patrol battleships, two of which This is still a third-generation sky patrol battleship, so Wuji Star Palace has no choice but to pay attention to us.”

Zhou Lijian from the Foreign Propaganda Hall said with emotion.

He didn't know whether being targeted by Wuji Xinggong in a non-military way was considered pressure or an honor.

"We have to be lucky that their current fighting force is dragged to the Black Feather Sect of the Black Flame Continent. Otherwise, their target will not only be on the economic level, but a military blockade will also come."

Jiang Zuoyue said.

"Speaking of which, Wuji Star Palace has blocked us because we robbed Wuji Star Palace's weapon refining market. Why are the Immortal Alliance and Taiyin Sect joining in the fun?"

Lou Yuyu frowned: "Come to think of it, we are one of the big patrons of the Immortal League, right? Especially Yaoguang, who doesn't spend tens of millions in Dengxian Tower every year!? Even though we buy some special elixirs, But out of tens of millions of spirit stones, they still made no less than six million! How can such a customer give up if they say they give up?

"Let me have a chat with the person in charge of Dengxian Tower."

Yaoguang said.

"If I'm not wrong, the problem of a large number of elixir gaps involved in the implementation of our new practice method should have been caught by the Immortal Alliance. In addition, he should also realize that your practice is on the verge of becoming the Star God."

Li Qingshan looked at Yaoguang: "If you ask him, he will even say that the production capacity of the several pills you need most has been reduced. If you want to buy them again, the price will have to be increased by 30%."

These words left Jiang Zuoyue, Lou Yuyu and Zhou Lijian at a loss as to how to interrupt.

Fluctlight was also silent.

After a while, he sent out a communication: "I contacted the general manager of Dengxianlou Tianxing Continent and the deputy director of the marketing department of Xianmeng Logistics Hall, Moore. Their price increase is not only 30%, but 50%."

Several palace masters looked at it for a moment, and all of them snorted coldly.

"Price an additional 50% on top of the original price!? That's too bad!"

"I knew they would be so aggressive, but I didn't expect... they could even quote such a price."

"Fifty percent! I'm afraid Yaoguang will have to fill in all the spiritual stones earned by Zixiao Academy in a year, and let the entire Zixiao Academy work for them in the Immortal Tower."

Li Qingshan did not speak.

The alchemy technology is controlled by others, and the price is decided by others.


Unless other people are asked to help purchase it, it will be difficult to obtain elixirs for rapid cultivation of fluctuating light from other sources.

You can ask other people to help you buy it. Whether you can believe it or not is one question, and the amount is another question.

Apart from Fluctlight, which top star master can support the consumption of tens of millions of spiritual stones a year?

The consumption of millions of level spiritual stones in one year can probably be counted on one hand.

"As for my problem of practicing elixirs, I do have a way to solve it."

Yaoguang said and glanced at Li Qingshan: "However, if this method is used, the impact will be worse. I didn't plan to use it originally."

Speaking of this, he laughed again: "But now, the Immortal Alliance has made it clear that it plans to join forces with Wuji Star Palace to target and blockade our Jiuding Sect. Then, this method that may bring considerable negative effects can be tried. Give it a try.”

After hearing what Yaoguang said, Li Qingshan's eyes lit up slightly: "What can we do?"

Yaoguang didn't speak, but waved his hand to directly display a person's information.

"Currently, the elixirs I use the most are the Chongxing Dan and the Yanion Dan. Among these two elixirs, the Chongxing Dan, a third-generation high-grade treasure elixir, is the most important to me. In the entire Immortal Alliance, there are There are only three alchemy masters capable of refining this kind of elixir, and the one we want to focus on is this one, Grandmaster Xie He.”

Yaoguang said calmly: "This alchemist is from the Xingchen Sect, and his family is quite wealthy. He was later sent to the Immortal League to study. During the eight years of studying, he showed an astonishing talent for alchemy. He was only thirty. He has been able to refine low-grade treasure pills. After gaining this ability, he wanted to return to his sect and serve the sect. In order to retain this alchemy master, the people of the Immortal Alliance tried many methods, but with great results. Wei, in the end, they directly sent people disguised as Quicksand Cult monks to wipe out the alchemist's entire family, and even the city where his family was located was razed to the ground. "

His words made Li Qingshan and others vaguely guess his plan.

"Do you have any evidence?"

"Yes, as early as five or six years ago, when the field of elixirs was controlled by others, I was thinking about whether I could invite a certain alchemist from the Immortal Alliance. I have been paying attention to the information of these alchemists, and the one I focused on was this one. Grandmaster Xie He who is not a member of the Immortal Alliance, and for the Dharma cultivators, as long as they want to find it, there is no news they can't find. "

Yaoguang smiled slightly: "I have sorted out these information half a year ago, and I also found the person who issued the order to destroy the entire Sheikh clan, who is now the deputy director of the External Intelligence Department of the Immortal League's Punishment Hall, Lewis. I think as long as we Being able to sneak into the Immortal Alliance, hand this information to Sheikh, and kill Minister Lewis is enough for this alchemy master to be used by us in the future."

After saying that, he glanced at Li Qingshan and then glanced at several hall masters: "Next, it depends on whether to take action. After all... Although I can do it very secretly, as long as the Immortal Alliance is willing to investigate, it will definitely be possible After finding out, our Jiuding Sect...especially me, is the biggest beneficiary."

"In this case... you are afraid that you will meet the Dharma cultivators of the Immortal Alliance, and it will be difficult to keep your secrets."

"Then I won't keep it."

Yaoguang was calm with a hint of confidence: "It's okay if the Dharma cultivator from the Immortal Alliance doesn't come. If he comes, I will let him understand that at the Dharma level, there are already people who have come from behind."

Having said this, he paused: "I think if a Dharma cultivator is seriously injured, it will definitely make the Immortal Alliance become honest."

Li Qingshan was a little surprised: "Are you so bold?"


Yaoguang responded.

Feeling the terrifying energy like the blazing sun in my body...

Although he is not the real owner of this energy, and there is an extra layer of barriers in using and replenishing it, but...

No one can deny that when this energy is released, it can destroy heaven and earth.

This is Waidan!

The outer elixir is refined with the red golden elixir as its core!

After these five years, his Qi refining cultivation level is still only at the "Foundation Building" level, not even at the Returning to First Level level, because most of his time and energy are spent on refining this outer elixir.


Although the practice time was delayed, the results were very significant.

With this outer elixir...

Coupled with the powerful star force field provided by the "God's Heart", he finally had some ability to protect himself.

Hearing Yaoguang's response, Li Qingshan pondered for a moment and said, "Are you sure?"

"It's not a big problem."

Yaoguang said with a smile: "I don't believe that the Immortal Alliance will start a full-scale war with our Jiuding Sect over such an alchemist, especially... we have already shown that we can severely damage their strength."

"Then do it."

Li Qingshan said seriously: "If you need our cooperation, just ask."

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