"The Dharma-level power of the Jiuding Sect..."

Feng Ao naturally knew that the Jiuding Sect relied on a Yuanshen magic circle and the Dharma Spirit Treasure Yuanjie to perform methods that were close to those of Dharma monks.


He could clearly see the volley exchange between Lin Deng and the so-called "Dharma" monk.

That kind of power is indeed unstoppable for bullying Yuanshen monks. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has Dharma-level power.

But in front of a real Dharma monk...

Totally not enough.

Not to mention that like the mysterious Dharma Prime just now, he defeated him with an almost devastating force and even severely damaged his Virtual God Realm.

That is the power of the peak Dharma phase level.


Although he knew in his heart that the mysterious fifth Dharma monk could not be from the Jiuding Sect, Feng Ao did not express these speculations and debates.

A crimson golden elixir went to the Immortal Alliance's base camp and caused more than 30 million damage to the Immortal Alliance...

No, it should be a loss of at least hundreds of millions!

For such a huge loss, someone must foot the bill and be responsible.

Since their Immortal Alliance said it was their Jiuding Sect that did it...


If the Jiuding Sect doesn't pay a sufficient price, this matter will never go away.

Ye Lisha, on the other hand, belongs to the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect and the Jiuding Sect...

Not to mention allies, but at least they have common enemies such as Wuji Star Palace and Immortal Alliance.

Thinking of this, she sneered and said: "Haha, Lin Deng has a good idea. We had a meeting within the Ten Thousand Beast Sect to discuss why Li Hanqiu of the Jiuding Sect has been significantly more active recently. Is it because the golden elixir has reached a point where it cannot continue to be stable? Go down and hold on until the others return from Beihai? Are you worried that Li Hanqiu will target your Wuji Star Palace before he dies, so you quickly encourage the people of the Immortal Alliance to take your place and die together with Li Hanqiu? "

After saying that, she turned her gaze to Feng Ao: "As for whether the Dharma that attacked you is the Jiuding Sect... you should be very clear about how powerful the Jiuding Sect's so-called 'Dharma' is, right? You want to do it in such a short time? Defeat your Virtual God Realm until one-third is lost... Who can do this? I don’t need to say more, right?"

Linden and Luofu looked at each other.

Luofu shouted directly: "That's nonsense. No one can destroy another one-third of the False God Realm in such a short period of time. No one can achieve this level of strength."

"I didn't say that one person can do it. What if it's two people? Or, what about a third person who is still hiding, and they jointly attack?"

Ye Lisha sneered.


"Don't confuse things with her here. Your Excellency Feng Ao has dealt with that Dharma minister, so you naturally know that that Dharma minister is not one of us."

Linden waved his hand, indicating that Luofu did not need to argue with Ye Lisha anymore.

Seeing this, Luofu said no more.

In fact, he just used this method to show that Wuji Star Palace had no intention of becoming an enemy of the Immortal Alliance.

"I think it's you who are confusing the public, right? Did the Jiuding Sect do it? You guys can tell."

Ye Lisha said bluntly: "Don't forget, in addition to a Dharma Prime Minister, the attacker also has a Crimson Golden Pill! Except for Li Hanqiu, the Jiuding Sect does not have any masters who can stand on the stage! Instead, some forces, hiding The power and the forces deployed in other sects are simply not too much. "

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, so it can't be that there is a red golden elixir hidden in the Jiuding Sect?"

Lin Deng waved his hand and then said to Feng Ao: "Don't worry, Mr. Feng Ao, our Wuji Star Palace will assist you and we will definitely find out the culprits who have caused great losses to the Immortal Alliance."

"Oh? Wuji Star Palace is willing to entangle Li Hanqiu for me?"

Von Ao asked.


This question blocked everything Linden wanted to say next.

However, Luofu immediately said: "We will support you and force the Jiuding Sect to give an explanation. The Immortal Alliance has suffered such a heavy loss, and the Jiuding Sect will hand over this spiritual treasure from the Yuan Realm. I think this is a very reasonable compensation plan."

Feng Ao glanced at him.

I know this is a painting of Wuji Star Palace.

He also knows that if he really forces the Jiuding Sect to hand over the Yuanjie treasure...

Li Hanqiu will definitely go crazy.

"Forget it, Li Hanqiu is really not feeling right lately. I'm afraid he won't be able to survive the next few decades. And there is a high chance that he will drag someone on his back before he dies. We, the Immortal Alliance, should not get involved. This is a bad thing."

Feng Ao secretly made a decision in his heart, but naturally he would not say these words. Instead, he nodded in agreement: "I also think this is very suitable."

It's blackmail anyway.

The asking price is high and the money is paid off.

More or less, something must be knocked out from the Jiuding Sect to compensate for the loss of the Immortal Alliance.

Who made your Jiuding Sect weak and easy to bully?

Such a big thing happened in the Immortal Alliance, which was news to the whole world, and there was a lot of discussion in the Virtual God Realm.

In this environment, the death of an alchemy master did not cause much trouble.

At most, Dengxian Tower will be asked to increase the price of certain special elixirs by a few percent.

The aftermath of the battle between the Crimson Golden Pill and a Star God only killed a few hundred people, which was considered a blessing among misfortunes for the entire Dengxianlou headquarters.

If the fight is longer and more intense, it would be normal for the entire Dengxianlou headquarters and even the entire Qiqiu City to be razed to the ground.

The death of the alchemy master was covered up by the news, not to mention the silent disappearance of a deputy minister not long after.

Three days later.

After Xie He personally killed the culprit who was behind the murder of his family, he came back to Yao Guang and said solemnly: "Palace Master Yao Guang, from now on, I will leave this person to you."

"As long as you don't let us down, Jiuding Sect will never let you down."

Yao Guang patted his shoulder and said.


He is several dozen years younger than the alchemy master.

A few days later, Yao Guang brought Xie He directly to the Jiuding Sect headquarters - Chicheng.

When he arrived with Xie He, in order to show sincerity, the Jiuding Sect's leader Li Qingshan personally led people to greet them.

Of course, for the sake of confidentiality, this welcoming ceremony was not so grand, but every person present was a palace master.

Among them, the Alchemy Hall Master Wu Qingying was also included.

This was the first time Yao Guang saw the Alchemy Hall Master in person, and he looked...

full of the temperament of an older female doctor.

She was listless and her eyes were dull. Even at the welcoming ceremony, she seemed to be in a trance.

Until Li Qingshan said to her: "Qingying, with the help of Grandmaster Xie He, you can leave the elixir for the master of Yaoguang Palace to him. You don't have to worry about it anymore..."


Wu Qingying seemed to be injected with positive energy, and she suddenly became energetic.

She changed her dazed look and came to Xie He with enthusiasm: "Master Xie He, welcome to join us. You came at the right time. The Alchemy Hall will depend on you..." Xie He saw Wu Qingying's sincere look and felt the sincerity of the people of Jiuding Sect again. He promised carefully: "Master Wu, you are too kind. I am only good at a few kinds of elixirs. The overall situation of the Alchemy Hall still depends on you. We help each other and learn from each other..." "What I said is true. I have decided to step down and let you take over as the master of the Alchemy Hall. I will transfer the control of the Qingyu Dan Ding to you. You will be in charge of this spiritual treasure. With your alchemy attainments, if you can take charge of this spiritual treasure furnace, you will definitely be able to refine more and better elixirs." Wu Qingying looked like she wanted to put down her burden immediately. "This... no need, no need, really no need. I am an outsider, how can I take over the position of the head of the Alchemy Hall as soon as I arrive..." Xie He waved his hands hurriedly. "Alchemy is also the way of the master. Master Xie is a famous nine-level three-star alchemy master in the Cangwu world, and I... can only be considered an eight-level one-star alchemist at best. This is because the sect has a lot of resources for me to squander, so I have the ability to refine a medium-grade treasure pill, but in fact, I can't even make a three-generation low-grade treasure pill... I... I..." Wu Qingying said this, thinking of the huge pressure she had been under over the years, and she felt a sense of choking. "Not really, not really..."

Li Qingshan, who was standing by, hurried to comfort her: "Qingying's talent in alchemy is beyond doubt. She can refine the second-generation inferior treasure pills before she is 40 years old, and can even refine the first-generation medium-grade treasure pills. If you are given another 30 years to grow, it is not a luxury to refine the first-generation superior treasure pills and enter the realm of ninth-level alchemists. After a few more decades of accumulation, it is entirely possible to become a ninth-level three-star alchemist before the age of 100, so you don't have to belittle yourself."

The other hall masters also nodded in agreement.

Wu Qingying is already considered a top alchemy genius.

It is expected that she will become a ninth-level three-star alchemist before the age of 100, which is not much inferior to Xie Helai.

The reason why he is so unconfident...

It is mainly because Yaoguang is pushing him too hard.

He asks people to come and ask about the progress of alchemy two or three times a year. Every time he asks, his cultivation seems to be improved by a level.

The people waiting for her pills were constantly improving, while her own alchemy skills were stagnant. In comparison, she looked like a waste.


Wu Qingying wanted to say something.

At this time, Yaoguang said, "Let's give the Qingyu Dan Ding to Xie He to use first to show the sincerity of our Jiuding Sect. It just so happens that I have a pill recipe here and plan to let Xie He try it. If there is a Lingbao Dan Ding, I think the success rate can be greatly improved."

Wu Qingying and others heard Yaoguang say this, but they did not object.

"Then do as you say."

At this time, she and the senior leaders of Jiuding Sect could see that Yaoguang represented the future of Jiuding Sect.

If he could be given enough time to grow, Jiuding Sect might not be able to compete with the top immortal sects such as Wanshou Sect and Xianmeng in the future.

Therefore, even though he is only a deputy hall master now and has not even been appointed as the main hall master, in the minds of many people, he is already the third most important person in the sect after Li Hanqiu and Li Qingshan.

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