"Demon slaying! It's actually a series of demon slaying assessment tasks!?"

"Damn it, I asked around. This time there will be several rich people taking the exam together. How come I didn't see any of them!? It's over now. The deacons didn't receive enough money and they were drawn by lot. The most difficult one among the thirty-four tasks... the ten thousand pure Yang pills were simply wasted! It took our whole family ten years of accumulation to get this opportunity for me..."

"If there are any wealthy monks out there, go and take the 'Genius Assessment' so that the deacons and elders can calm down and reduce the difficulty of the assessment."

"Where do wealthy monks come from? Those who can be said to be wealthy in the Golden Core Realm are all members of the big clans. Members of the big clans are accepted as direct disciples by Elder Dongxu behind them. They are one step ahead of the inner disciples. There is no need to evaluate their inner sect. Door?"

"It's over. Our family has been targeted by a demon who is waiting for me to become an inner disciple of the Tiandao Sect so that I can use the name of the Tiandao Sect to frighten the demon and make him dare not act rashly. If he fails the assessment this time, the demon will inevitably It’s so unscrupulous that our whole family is in ruins.”

There was a commotion among the more than 400 assessors.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓉𝓌𝓀𝒶𝓃.𝒸ℴ𝓂]

Many people had looks of fear and despair in their eyes.

Xiang Yunlong, who had just finished talking to the elder, returned to the scene. Seeing everyone's reactions, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart: "You want to use the name of my Tiandao Sect to do something with ten thousand Pure Yang Pills? How can you do this? Good thing."

On the surface, he spoke with an upright tone: "The Nine Meridians of the Demon Clan are the biggest enemies of our ten sects of immortality. As an immortal cultivator, we must take it as our duty to support justice and kill demons. If we continue to If you don’t have the courage to fight against the monster, what kind of immortality do you have? Therefore, your assessment task this time is to face this ninth-level monster and persist in the formation for ten breaths. "

After speaking, he paused slightly: "However, any sect has preferential treatment for geniuses, and our Tiandao sect attaches great importance to the cultivation of geniuses and geniuses. Therefore, I can give you another chance to consider yourself a genius, Those who are talented or talented can apply for the corresponding assessment. You have three minutes to consider it. The assessment will officially begin after three minutes. At that time, you can only enter the sect based on your strength. "

Yaoguang calmly watched the drama staged by the deacon and Elder Dongxu.

Although he had heard it more than once before, the so-called Ten Immortal Sects were actually an interest alliance formed by a bunch of people just to keep warm.

It's just that the elders, peak masters, pulse masters, and heads belong to the rentier class of this interest association, and the rest belong to the rentier class.

at the moment……

He finally had his eyes opened.

Rumors from the outside world have glorified these top sects.

"The top powerhouses actually have the strength to create the order of Beihaixing. However, the special situation of Beihaixing makes the top group of powerhouses only think about becoming immortals. After becoming immortals, they will go to the fairy world. As for the future of Beihaixing, they They don’t care much at all, but for those who are second only to the group of Shaoxu-level experts who have achieved enlightenment, they can make better profits in a chaotic situation and attain the Dao more quickly. The same is true for Lianxu and Dongxu.”

Yaoguang gradually saw the true face of Beihaixing: "I even suspect that Beihaixing's chaos is deliberately connived by them, just to better sell the 'security' brought by top bulks and force those who have achieved success to think Find a way to join the sect they belong to."

They tried their best to propagate that the outside world was in dire straits, plunged into wars and riots, and that everyone was in danger and had no food to eat. Only by joining their sect could they enjoy peace and tranquility.

In this way, no matter how much the sect exploits the middle and lower classes, and no matter how much they regard them as cattle and horses, as long as they can survive, these middle and lower classes will not dare to easily abandon the sect.

On the contrary, those powerful monks who have cultivated Dongxu have jumped out of the limitations of the middle and lower classes. They have a long-term vision and great strength. They have a greater choice and do not have to be limited to one sect or one sect. Some top sects are rushing to recruit them.

"Dongxu, only by cultivating Dongxu can one truly have the right to speak in Beihaixing and obtain the most basic 'freedom' rights."

Yaoguang said in his heart.



After becoming the inner sect, he immediately ran for the true disciple. When he became the true disciple, he went to Dashang to get the bounty from Tong Yan and others, and then hunted in the Sea of ​​Storms for a period of time to gather the pure sun that condensed the blue golden elixir. Great Dane.

When the Azure Golden Core transforms into the second stage, which is the middle stage of the Azure Golden Core, he will be promoted directly and aspire to be the leader of Dongxu.

Three minutes passed quickly.

Frightened by the difficulty of the Demon Slaying series of missions, three more people chose to take the genius path.


Just these three people.

The Genius Channel requires up to 30,000 Pure Yang Great Pills.

And even the Yaoyang Golden Pill, which is one of the ten sect-level forces in the Immortal Dao, makes money from all aspects, and the profit from the Pure Yang Golden Pill is only over 100 yuan in a year.

30,000 pieces...

It’s equivalent to saving for three hundred years!

This is still the case after not eating, drinking or practicing for three hundred years.

Under normal circumstances, a Yaoyang Golden Pill level disciple who can save 30,000 Pure Yang Great Pills in a thousand years can be considered a good financial manager.

Xiang Yunlong waited for three minutes, and then dilly-dallyed for another minute or two. When he saw that no one seemed to be entering the Genius Channel and the Genius Channel, he had no choice but to admit that he was unlucky and met a group of poor people, and then just waved.

"The assessment begins, from the 1st to the 10th, enter the formation!"

At his command, the operation of the formation seemed to have changed, and it no longer affected human cultivators.

At this moment, ten Yaoyang Jindan gritted their teeth and entered the formation.

These ninth-level monsters comparable to the azure Jindan were not beasts without wisdom. They knew very well what to do to make them suffer less in the future.

Since this group of people did not satisfy the elders of the Tiandao Sect, they could kill them ruthlessly, which could not only vent their hatred for the human race, but also please the human race Dongxu. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Therefore, as soon as the ten Yaoyang Jindan-level disciples entered, these ninth-level monsters, who were somewhat docile a second ago, suddenly rose up and roared to kill the Yaoyang Jindan of the human race.

In a few breaths, three Yaoyang Jindan-level examinees were torn apart and blood was spilled on the spot.

The remaining seven people, except for one who struggled to hold on, all escaped from the formation, their eyes full of fear: "No more exams, no more exams..."

"Hmph! As one of the ten immortal sects, our Tiandao Sect has always been striving for excellence in recruiting disciples! If you don't have talent, you must show enough combat power. You have neither talent nor strength, and you still want to join our Tiandao Sect!? Do you really think our Tiandao Sect is a garbage shelter?"

Xiang Yunlong said, waving his hand fiercely, and a violent force swept up the six Yaoyang Jindan who escaped and threw them directly to the bottom of the mountain: "Get out of Tiandao Sect."

Perhaps they are respected elder brothers, family hopes, and sect stars in their cities, families, and sects, but in Xiang Yunlong's view, these people can't pay, which proves that they have no background.

Weak strength proves that they have no talent.

Yaoyang Jindan, who has no background, no talent, and is not a member of Tiandao Sect, he bullies and humiliates him without any burden.

The six people who were thrown out suffered humiliation one by one, and were shocked, frightened and angry, but...

After taking a look at the elder Dongxu who was in charge of the assessment, the fear, anger and unwillingness were swallowed.

The life in Beihai Star had taught them how to respect the strong.

In this case, after being thrown down from the upper level of the mountain, the six people climbed up one by one and hurried away.


Xiang Yunlong sneered in his heart with disdain.

He glanced at the examiner who was holding on tightly in the formation, but...

He really died in the hands of the ninth-level demon, and said in a pointed way: "Things that can't see the situation clearly, don't know how much they weigh?"

He turned his eyes to the crowd again, and said in a condescending manner: "You have seen the difficulty of the assessment. If you are not sure, leave as soon as possible to avoid giving away your life. Okay, the next batch."

Of the ten examinees, six failed, four died, and no one passed.

This terrifying casualty rate immediately frightened the rest of the people.

However, 10,000 Pure Yang Pills are basically all the assets that many Yao Yang Jin Dan can save in their lifetime. Although the assessment is extremely dangerous, the opportunity gained by these 10,000 Pure Yang Pills is worth their lives.

Of the more than 400 people in the field, less than 30 left due to fear, and the rest still gritted their teeth and took the assessment one by one.

Of the ten people in this group, two died tragically, and eight reacted quickly and escaped from the formation, failing the assessment.

Looking at the eight people who escaped, Xiang Yunlong even cursed inwardly, why the sect allowed people to enter and exit freely when setting up these formations.

Those who fail the exam will die in it.

They can't even afford the fee for the genius channel, and they probably only come to take the exam once in their lifetime, and they will not be included in the category of "return customers" at all.

But if you think about it carefully, it is precisely because the formation allows free entry and exit, and there is a way to retreat when they feel defeated, that these Yao Yang Jin Dan will be lucky.


The high mortality rate of the assessment will also make others afraid.

When there are fewer examinees, their income will also decrease.

The assessment progressed very quickly with a ten-breath round.

But the pass rate was frighteningly low.

Of the first 130 people, only eight passed, less than 10%, but the death toll was as high as 25, nearly 20%.

Compared with others, Xiang Yunlong's attitude towards those who passed the assessment was obviously much better.

After all, those who can pass the demon-slaying assessment may not have no hope of competing for the position of true inheritance in the future.

"The next batch."

As Xiang Yunlong spoke again, Yaoguang also stepped out of the crowd and stepped into the formation.

As soon as he entered the formation, he felt something keenly.

This formation area looked only a hundred meters in radius, but the space inside it expanded ten times, and entering the formation was like entering a stream of water, and the energy dissipation and power burst were affected.


While he was thinking, the ninth-level demon that had devoured several Jindan realm assessors had roared and killed them. The ferocious expression and the bloody residue at the corners of his mouth were enough to give any cultivator a round of mental shock.

However, Yaoguang's expression did not change much.

He did not use the Wandering Dragon Sword, but directly attacked with a Sky-Splitting Attack.

The next step to becoming an inner disciple is to compete for the position of True Disciple Disciple, and the number of True Disciple Disciples in the Tiandao Sect is even less than that of the Taiyi Immortal Sect, with only eighty-eight. Among the eighty-eight True Disciples, there are only six Blazing White Golden Pills, and the remaining eighty-two are Azure Golden Pills.

If he wants to win the position of True Disciple Disciple, he must show the strength of Azure Golden Pill.

Therefore, facing this ninth-level monster, he used a Sky-Splitting Attack, even without the amplification of the Wandering Dragon Sword, and still forced the ninth-level monster back head-on.

This was also the first time since the assessment that someone could face off against a ninth-level demon.

This scene made Xiang Yunlong's heart tremble.

The elder Dongxu who was in charge of the assessment opened his eyes immediately, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

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