Da Shang Haizhou.

Demon Suppression Hall.

Yaoguang crossed the sea of ​​​​riots and did not return to Jiuxiaomen immediately, but came directly to the Demon Suppression Hall, which was specially used for bounties and repelling enemies.

He not only changed into the clothes of the inner disciples of Tiandaomen, but also showed his cultivation of blazing white golden elixir.

This kind of strength is considered the most powerful in the state capital.

In addition to the state guardian and the few Dongxu war immortals and azure golden elixir, it is already the strongest existence.

Therefore, as soon as he entered the Demon Suppression Hall, a cultivator took the initiative to entertain him. When he learned of his purpose, he immediately notified the master of the Demon Suppression Hall.

The Demon Suppression Hall of Haizhou has always been in the hands of the Xi family.

This is a top family with Dongxu ancestor serving as a second-grade official in the imperial capital.

In addition to Dongxu ancestor, there are five Dongxu war immortals, as well as a group of azure, blazing white, and dazzling golden elixir-level genius disciples.

Put it in Tiandaomen, it is a force of the same level as the Chi family.

Some of these people followed the ancestor to consolidate their power in the imperial capital, while the other part stayed in the capital of Haizhou.

The person in charge of the Demon Suppression Hall is the ninth uncle of the Xi family patriarch, named Xi Hai, a person who has cultivated to the level of Azure Golden Core.

The success rate of a cultivator in the Blazing White Golden Core to attack the Void Realm is less than 10%. If it must be quantified, it is roughly equivalent to 5% at the beginning of the transformation, and gradually climbed to 8%. Different talents, skills, and backgrounds may also make 8% become 9% or 10%.

But once the transformation of the Golden Core in "quantity" is completed and it becomes an Azure Super Star, the success rate increases to about 20%.

Each subsequent form change, that is, the middle, late, and perfect stage of the Azure Golden Core, can almost increase the success rate by 4% to 5% according to each person's different background and talents.

And 35% is basically the limit of the promotion to the Void Realm that an Azure Golden Core can achieve by practicing on its own.

Going up, there are top masters to protect you, and the success rate can be increased by 3% to 10% depending on the different levels of Refining Void and Shattering Void.

Or if you have a good chance and get the heavenly materials and treasures that can change your fate, the success rate can be increased by 1% to 100%.

Of course, there are more effective methods, such as letting the Taoist protect you, which can not only greatly increase the success rate of promotion, but also have the ability to control the out-of-control golden elixir of the cultivator if the impact fails, so that the Taoist can regress the state, recuperate, and continue to impact the Void Realm.

Until success.

However, the foundation of the Xi family...

Let alone letting the Taoist protect you, they may not be able to gather decent heavenly materials and treasures.

Even if they ask a Refining Void Realm master to protect them, they may not be willing to spend such a high price.

In any force, the top masters occupy more than 90% of the resources.

It is better to support their own ancestors to cultivate Refining Void as soon as possible than to spend resources on the younger generation of the Azure Golden Elixir.

In this case, if the Blue Golden Pill in the clan wants to improve the success rate, it can only rely on its own practice.

First practice to the peak of the Blue Golden Pill, and increase the success rate from 20% to 30%, or even 35%.

These are visible and tangible increases in success rate.

Practice, of course, requires resources.

From the initial formation of the Blue Golden Pill to the peak state, it is necessary to invest in a Pure Yang Pill worth tens of millions.

For this reason, Xi Hai has tried every possible way over the years. No matter how much money he makes, as long as the risk is within the controllable range of returns, he is unwilling to miss a single cent.

In this case, when his capable subordinate and disciple Fang Lang reported that someone came to collect the bounty for the "Black Dragon Thief", the eyes of the master of the Demon Suppression Hall immediately lit up.

"Black Dragon Bandit? Tong Yan!?"

Xi Hai said quickly: "If I remember correctly, his bounty is 300,000 Pure Yang Pills!?"

"Not 300,000, but 400,000. Not long ago, the Huangquan Sect increased their bounty by 100,000."

Fang Lang said, and quickly added: "In addition to Tong Yan, the person who received the bounty also has to receive the bounties of several other leaders of the Black Dragon Bandits. The total bounty is 64,100 Pure Yang Pills."

"460,000 Pure Yang Pills!"

Xi Hai took a deep breath.


is enough to cultivate three or five Yaoyang Golden Pills.

Even for him who sits in the position of the Lord of the Demon Suppression Hall, it is equivalent to more than ten years of income.

"Who is the person who received the bounty?"

Xi Hai asked quickly.

"An inner disciple of Tiandao Sect."

"Inner disciple?"

Xi Hai was slightly startled, and then his voice suddenly became louder: "Just an inner disciple!?"

"Yes, an inner disciple."

Fang Lang nodded excitedly.

"An inner disciple dared to come to claim the bounty of the Black Dragon Thief!?"

Xi Hai looked a little unbelievable.

"Yes, and he is alone."

Fang Lang said heavily.

"One person..."

Why have the various bounties of Dashang and many sects not been properly resolved?

The cunning and powerful people on the bounty and the top masters who look down on the bounty are all reasons.

There is also a hidden reason, which is the problem of bounty payment.

Although the probability of problems is not high, but...

It always happens every now and then.

Therefore, in order to ensure that such things will not happen, those who really complete the bounty task will basically show enough identity.

Even if they don't have an identity, those with connections will ask the big people they can invite to help claim the bounty and then share the account together.

This is almost the unspoken rule of the bounty circle.

In this case, if an inner disciple of the Tiandao Sect dares to come and receive the reward, it is still the reward of 460,000 from the Black Dragon Thief...

"He has absolute confidence in his own strength!? No! He has absolute confidence that he has become a true disciple of Tiandao Sect. How can he be an inner sect? Fishing? That's not right! Everyone knows that behind the Demon Suppressing Hall is our Xi family, and our Xi family was established for nothing. An enemy like this? Don’t mention it, but Dongxu will never use such dishonest methods! Is there someone behind him who would have already greeted our Xi family..."

Xihai's thoughts flowed extremely fast.

Ultimately, a result was reached that, although implausible, was otherwise impossible.

"He has no strength, no connections, and he really needs this bounty, so he takes a risk... No, he should still have strength. Otherwise, how could the Black Dragon Thieves fall into his hands? Even if he uses lurking , assassination and other methods, it is estimated that its strength is also among the top ones among the Blazing White Golden Pills, but this kind of strength should not have reached the level of the mass true inheritance, that is, the combat power is about 500,000. "

"This reward is very much needed..."

Fang Lang thought for a while and quickly guessed something: "His cultivation should have reached the peak of the Blazing White Golden Pill. He only needs to get the reward of 460,000 Pure Yang Great Pill to break the limit of quality in one go and be promoted to Zhanlan." In the realm of golden elixir, he became the true successor of Tiandao Sect in one fell swoop..."

Xihai nodded: "In the past, these bounties were sometimes swallowed up. Sometimes, the bounty was given to him first, but then the bounty was tampered with, and then he killed and took it after he left the state capital. Bao, he is betting on the second type now. I can guarantee that if we give him these 460,000 Pure Yang Pills, he will definitely take them as soon as possible and hit the realm of Azure Golden Pills as quickly as possible..."

Having said this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "However, I don't intend to give him this opportunity."

He stood up directly: "Let's go and see this golden elixir with my own eyes. If it is true as we guessed... I want the 460,000 Pure Yang Great elixir. I am also very interested in his method of killing the Black Dragon Thief."


Fang Lang responded.

"By the way, just to be on the safe side, where is the latest roster of disciples of Tiandao Sect? Let me see if he is a famous figure."

Xihai Road.

"I have already prepared it for you, Master."

Fang Lang handed over the jade talisman with great knowledge.

Xihai checked and walked towards the VIP room.

When he came to the hall, he saw the Tiandao Sect disciple being entertained by the maid, and then checked the list of disciples he had just looked at...

Not just any celebrity.

He is probably the kind of person who practices silently and thinks about becoming a blockbuster.

That’s it.

In the VIP room.

Fluctlight is waiting calmly.

Inner disciples...

I don’t know if I can suppress the Demon Palace in Haizhou.

While thinking about it, I saw a man with five to six hundred years of practice walking in, accompanied by a young man.

According to his preliminary understanding, it was Xi Hai, the master of the Demon Suppression Hall.

"Your Majesty, do you want to receive the reward from the Black Dragon Pirates and his party? Do you have proof?"

The master of the Demon Suppressing Hall has an upright appearance, and he is straightforward in his work, focusing on acting vigorously and resolutely.

"Of course."

Yaoguang took out the image stone and said, "This is the image of me killing the Black Dragon Thief."

Xihai took the image stone and scanned it with his mind, with a hint of surprise on his brows.

Red Refined God Fire Thunder! ?

This kind of killing weapon is worth a lot of money.

If it were sold, I am afraid that 300,000 to 400,000 Chunyang Great Pills could be sold.

However, based on these images, he finally understood why Fluctlight was able to kill the Black Dragon Thief.

The Crimson Divine Fire Thunder is activated very quickly. Once it hits, it is not difficult to kill the ordinary blue golden elixir.

Of course, if Azure Golden Pill is prepared, it can still be avoided.

The image recorded by the image stone in front of him was limited, and he was a little unsure whether Yaoguang's method of using the Red Refined Divine Fire Thunder was too clever, leaving Tong Yan of the Black Dragon Thief with no time to react, or...

While Tong Yan and others' attention was attracted by others, they sacrificed this object to complete the killing blow.

But that's not the point...

"Is this the only thing? Where is Tong Yan's head? Or where is his natal spiritual treasure?"

Xihai asked in a businesslike manner.

Yaoguang frowned after hearing this, but still answered patiently: "The master of the Shadow Stone Palace saw it. The red refining divine fire thunder struck, and no one among the top Black Dragon Thieves survived."


Xihai pretended to be slightly hesitant and continued to ask: "What do you call your honorable master? Where are you from? What is your cultivation level?"

After saying that, he added: "After all, you only have one image stone here, and Tong Yan is involved in a reward of hundreds of thousands of Pure Yang Great Pills. We must carefully confirm this kind of high-level reward to prevent anyone from pretending to claim it. Please forgive me for any offence.”

But Yaoguang's mood sank after listening to his words.

After a while, he said: "I have heard about the unspoken rules of the Demon Suppression Palace. However, my own strength is still easy to defeat the Black Dragon Thief. My origin is not important. In three years, I will be promoted to the True Successor of the Tiandao Sect. Therefore, I still have Please give this reward to me, Master Xihai, and when the time comes for a grand banquet, I will invite you to give me a toast and thank you.”

Three years later?

A true feast?

Xihai smiled secretly and felt more relaxed.

As expected.

But he still looked decent on the surface, and handed over a jade talisman with a solemn expression: "I don't know what you are talking about. Please register your information. It involves hundreds of thousands of Pure Yang Pills, which are all assets of our Great Merchants. If the information is incomplete, we cannot give you the reward."

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