The martial arts immortals in the modern world

Chapter 300: Destroying the Family

"Supreme magical powers for protecting the Tao, supreme magical powers for killing, and supreme magical powers for body skills..."

Xihong looked at Yaoguang, who came back to kill with two realm rulers and a traveling dragon sword, a trace of misery flashed in his eyes.

Those two treasures are at least the top spiritual treasures from three generations up.

In addition, he possesses three supreme magical powers...

And without exception, these three supreme magical powers have been cultivated to an extremely profound level by him, and they are probably not much less than perfect.

This kind of monster...

They were actually met.

At this moment, he didn't even think about blaming Xihai anymore.

It's not that Xihai wasn't cautious enough, or that he didn't investigate in advance.

No matter how you look at it, this Tiandao Sect disciple named Yaoguang is just a relatively powerful blazing white golden elixir. At best, his combat power is a bit beyond the standard, reaching the level of a figure comparable to the blue golden elixir.

For 460,000 Pure Yang Great Pills, it was easy for the Xi family to control him.

I just didn’t expect that…

It happened that they encountered such a monster that could not be measured by common sense.

You often walk by the river without getting your shoes wet.

At this moment, the Xi family finally had to bear the consequences of what they had done.

"Master of the family, call all the masters of the clan to kill him, kill him!"

Xihai growled.

His expression was full of anger, hatred, and even...

A hint of fear.

"Only by killing him and finding out the supreme magical powers and top spiritual treasures in his body, the sacrifices of the Sixteenth Brother and the Third Grand Master will not be in vain, and we can make up for the losses of our Xi family, and our Xi family... can have a way to survive..."

A way to survive!

Xihong was startled and suddenly realized the true meaning of Xihai's words.

The Xi family's way of survival!

Theoretically, even if their group is wiped out, the Xi family will not be completely wiped out. After all, they still have enough power in the imperial capital.

But it is not difficult to guess from the fear in Xihai's tone that what he is really worried about is Yaoguang's talent potential.

Can the Blazing White Golden Pill make the practice of the three supreme magical powers almost perfect?

This will turn him into a blue golden elixir, and how much of a monster he is! ?

After becoming a true disciple, how many masters of the Void Realm and even the Void Shattering Realm will rush to accept him as their disciples! ?

Once he becomes a broken person from Tiandao Sect...

Even if he is a disciple of Lord Lianxu, he can be said to have truly become a trend.

By that time, the Xi family is afraid that Jiang Zhen will encounter a crisis of survival and face the disaster of annihilation.

"You did a good job!"

Xi Hong scolded Xi Hai angrily, but his spiritual message immediately spread to all Xi family monks: "All Yaoyang Golden Pills listen to my order and kill the murderers!"


After receiving the order, everyone in the Xi family shouted loudly and joined the battle circle.

As a member of a clan, we have always been prosperous and devastated.


Facing these monks who participated in the war, Yaoguang showed no mercy.

In other words, under the supreme method of forgetting emotions, at this moment, he has almost completely blocked the impact of emotions on himself, and only wants to destroy all enemies as quickly as possible.

The two world rulers cooperated with the Nine Changes of Tianxing. He did not even fight against the two powerful azure golden elixirs, Xihai and Xihong. Instead, he kept flashing, and the golden light transformed by the Wandering Dragon Sword killed one Yaoyang golden elixir after another. Blazing white gold elixir.

Almost every time the golden light flashed, a Xi family master would fall or be severely injured.

Although Xihai and Xihong continued to use their magical powers to try to restrain Yaoguang's figure so that others could focus their fire to gain opportunities, their combat power was 640,000, and one was 770,000, and they could not trap Yaoguang at all. Light.

In addition, Fluolight did not collide with them head-on, but only cut off other Yaoyang Golden Core and Blazing White Golden Core monks. They could only follow behind, watching helplessly as their elites were being killed but there was nothing they could do.

Seeing another blazing white gold elixir being killed, Xihai couldn't help shouting angrily: "Can a dignified disciple of the Tiandao Sect just run away with his head in his arms? If you have the guts to fight me head-on!"

"The majestic blue golden elixir can only use the big to bully the small, and use the crowd to bully the few? If you soar three thousand miles into the sky alone, I will have a life-and-death showdown with you!"

A voice without much emotion came from the Fluttering Light Divine Mind.

Xihong and Xihai looked at each other.

But it didn't soar straight into the sky.

They have already experienced the power of Fluctlight. Even if they work together, they may not be able to defeat him. If they are separated...

It is only a matter of time before each one is defeated.

"We need more people!"

Xihong, the head of the Xi family, was anxious.

His spiritual thoughts quickly filled the air and swept through most of Haizhou City: "Comrades in Haizhou, if you can follow me to kill this thief, the entire Xi family will be grateful! Yaoyang Jindan takes action, and my Xi family is willing to give you a thousand pieces As a reward for the Great Pure Yang Pill, I am willing to give out 10,000 Pure Yang Great Pills and 100,000 Azure Golden Pills, regardless of the outcome!”

Can you get thousands, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand Chunyang Great Pills by taking action?

No matter the result?

All the Yaoyang Golden Elixir, Blazing White Golden Elixir, and even a handful of Azure Golden Elixir-level monks in the field were immediately moved.

But before they had time to take action, Yaoguang's spiritual thoughts had already filled the air: "Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Pure Yang Great Pills, please ask Blazing White Golden Pill and Azure Golden Pill to deal with me, but you will die because of it." My refusal to give you 460,000 pills has put your Xi family in such a dangerous situation? Or is it that the credibility of the Xi family is just like farting? They will pay for the pills first and then refuse to acknowledge them once the crisis is over. Account? Even the monks who took advantage of the situation were accounted for one by one!"

As soon as these words came out, the monks who were about to make a move immediately calmed down.

Yeah, credibility.

What credibility can the Xi Family have?

Didn’t this mysterious master attack the Xi Family because Xi Hai of the Xi Family was too greedy and kicked the iron plate and tied himself up in a cocoon?

Now that the Xi Family is in a crisis, it is natural to offer chips that can get tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Pure Yang Pills by making a move. When the crisis is resolved, whether they will still recognize the money is completely unknown.

Do you want to gamble your life on the credibility of a big family?

Don’t be naive.

In Beihai Star, the reputable forces were eaten up by others when they were weak.

For a while, those cultivators who were interested quickly stood by and watched.

Some people even wondered, if the Xi Family is really in trouble, should they fish in troubled waters and get some resources?

They didn’t dare to take action in Haizhou Prefecture, but there were also Xi Family cultivators in the surrounding cities, and they might not be able to take advantage of the fire.


Golden light flashed.

Another Xi Family Blazing White Golden Pill died on the spot.


This Blazing White Golden Pill is Xihong's biological son, a figure who became Blazing White Golden Pill after only practicing for more than a hundred years.

Originally, he had entered the Jixia Academy of Dashang, and his status was similar to that of a true disciple of a top immortal sect, but he did not enjoy the resources of the sect like a true disciple.

This time he came to Haizhou Prefecture just for a mission, passing by here and resting in the clan, but ended up like this.

For a moment, Xihong could not help but be filled with grief.

The offensive became even more violent.

Yaoguang relied on the Two Realms Ruler and the Nine Changes of Heavenly Movement to shuttle back and forth on the battlefield.

Seeing that the time was ripe, the divine consciousness once again filled the entire Xi family.

"Xi Hai, this matter started because of you. You and I will go deep into the clouds to fight to the death. After you die, I will forgive the Xi family. After all, I don't want to offend a family with Dongxu power! But... if you insist on fighting to the death with the power of the Xi family, I will not leave a single Xi family member alive in Haizhou Prefecture today, and I will exterminate the entire family!"


Xi Hai's eyes flashed with crazy anger.

At this moment, Xi Hong's divine thoughts echoed in his mind: "Promise him to delay time. The family formation will be able to be opened after repairs. Then lead him into the family. With the power of the formation, even if you can't kill him, you can trap him to death until the imperial capital clan members come!"


Xi Hai responded with divine thoughts, but the ferocious meaning on the surface was even more severe: "Life and death battle! Then I will fight to the death with you! After the battle, no matter the result, it ends here!"

While responding, his figure had already soared into the sky.

Yaoguang followed closely behind.

However, the distance between the two of them soaring into the sky was only a thousand miles, and Yaoguang's figure, who followed, suddenly fell sharply.

He slashed the Dragon Sword in his hand, and ripples flickered in the void. Taking this opportunity, he even stimulated the power of the Longxiong Flying Boat.

Even if it was just a little bit, relying on the power of the Longxiong Flying Boat, the power of the Two Realms Ruler was exerted to the limit, making him seem to shuttle through the void with one step, and directly kill Xihong who was preparing to repair the family formation.

The void ripples formed by shuttling through the void further amplified the power of the Sky Breaking Strike, so that when he fell from the sky, the power of this supreme magical power had reached the extreme.


This scene immediately made Xihong's eyes burst.

The two azure blues could barely block Yaoguang's sword together, but now they were suddenly separated by Yaoguang, and he used this method of shuttling through the void like the cave, descending from the sky and attacking brazenly. What could he use to block it! ?

"You are despicable and shameless!"

The angry and furious divine thoughts exploded in the void.

With this strong unwillingness, this azure golden elixir fought back brazenly, and the magical power it played collided with the sky-breaking blow that fell from the sky.

"Boom boom!"

Xihong, who was at the center of this energy explosion, was crushed into powder on the spot in anger and despair.

The land where the entire Xi family was located seemed to sink suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a void ripple that seemed to be able to crush everything exploded from the center point of the collision between the two, and all the buildings, attics, and palaces of the Xi family were lifted into the sky and torn into pieces.

At the same time, those low-level cultivators in the Xi family who were not qualified to intervene in the battlefield battle were also torn into pieces.


Above the sky, Xi Hai, who turned back and rushed down, saw the entire Xi family being wiped out, and screamed in extreme pain.

"Why! Why! 460,000 Pure Yang Pills! Isn't it just 460,000 Pure Yang Pills!? It's not enough for you to kill the two great cave voids of my Xi family, you also want to kill the head of my Xi family and wipe out my entire Xi family!?"

The eyes of this azure golden pill were bloodshot, as if it had fallen into madness.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't listen. Then, I can only use this method to wake you up."

In the smoke, flowing light, and flames, Yaoguang, who was located on the ruins of the Xi family, slowly rose into the air again.

"But from the look of you, you are still not awake..."

"Die! Die! You must die today!"

Xi Hai's face was full of madness, his divine thoughts burst out, and the azure golden pill in his body began to collapse suddenly. At this moment, he actually wanted to rush into the cave void!

Because he knew very well that without the cave void, he alone could never defeat this opponent who was so powerful that he was like a monster!


Only by charging into Dongxu can he kill Yaoguang in front of him and avenge his previous shame!

Otherwise, even if he is lucky enough to survive today, he has committed such a big mistake, and the Dongxu ancestor will definitely not forgive him!

"Break it for me!"

You can't live without being crazy or demonic!

"Dongxu, you didn't break through like this."

Yaoguang saw through Xihai's intentions at a glance, and even saw through his golden elixir transformation.

At this moment, he adheres to the firm belief that there is no life or death, and the probability of impacting the cave is probably increased by 10 to 20%.

Although the probability increases by 10% to 20%, it is only 30% to 40%, but...

At this moment, he was in a state of forgetfulness, and he obviously would not give Xihai any chance.

Nor will any variables be allowed to occur.

In this state, he will only abandon all distracting thoughts and desires, and use all means to achieve the final victory.


The golden light transformed by the Youlong Sword was like a flying sword tearing apart the sea surface, pushing the waves of void under a burst of ripples visible to the naked eye, and finally condensed these waves of void into a point, and struck Xihai fiercely through the tip of the sword.


Under the desperate cry of the master of the Demon Suppression Hall, his azure golden elixir, which had only a 30 to 40% chance of success, completely collapsed and lost control.

A bright blue light emerged.

In an instant...

Countless azure radiance and energy swayed out from this azure ocean, instantly filling hundreds of miles around, and its radiance illuminated the entire Haizhou City.

When his body was completely swallowed up by the rampaging azure energy, deep resentment, fear, and...

Unspeakable irony.

"460,000 Pure Yang Great Pills..."

Only 460,000 Pure Yang Great Pills!

But it was the Xi family, the king and hegemon in Haizhou Fucheng, who ended up like this.


The desire for profit inflames the heart, which is beyond the reach of foolishness.

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