"What's going on!?"

Hou Feng didn't know why, but he quickly took out the jade talisman. After sensing it for a while, his expression suddenly darkened: "Shaoguang has returned to Tiandao Gate."

"My tribe also sent news to inform me of this matter. In addition, they also said that Yaoguang was going to attack the true disciples."

Tongming then put down the jade talisman in his hand.

"Returning to the Heavenly Dao Sect!? How is that possible!?"

There was a hint of disbelief in Xi Liu's eyes: "We, the Xi family, have infiltrated Biyouxian City and are keeping tabs on key locations, and there are so many of us watching outside Biyouxian City. How could he be in this kind of situation?" He left Biyouxian City under such circumstances and returned to Tiandaomen? "

"That Yaoguang has received a lot of inheritance. It is not difficult to return to Tiandaomen with unknown means. It is no wonder that people in Cangwu's lineage say that Yaoguang is not in Biyouxian City."

Jiang Tianzun said, looking a little ugly.

However, he quickly adjusted himself and turned to Hou Feng: "Tiandao Sect is your home court. It should be easy to deal with an inner disciple."

Hou Feng nodded and was about to speak, but at this time, Tongming said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid there's trouble. I just said that Yaoguang is attacking the true disciples, but counting the time, Li Jue will leave the inner door. The first real disciple challenge is still a few months away, but Yaoguang... has taken the lead in the real disciple challenge..."

“You’re attacking the true legacy when you’re not challenging!?”

Hou Feng on the side frowned, a little confused.

"It's the Golden Book of the Great Dao! Under the witness of the Golden Book of the Great Dao, he will be promoted to a True Disciple by sweeping across the Eighty-Eight Peaks True Tradition!"

Tongming said, taking a deep breath: "Although I don't know how he asked the Golden Book of Dao to appear for verification, but according to the news... his process of attacking the true disciples has already begun."

"Sweep across the Eighty-Eight Peaks to achieve the true legacy!?"

Hou Feng's expression suddenly changed.

He obviously remembered the rules written in the Dao Jin Book.

"Impossible, he can't do this! This is to step on all the true disciples to get the position! Liang Lin will not agree, Lingxi will not agree, and Yan Huang, who is the sixth on the list of Dongxu candidates , and I won’t agree to it anyway!”

Dongxu said without hesitation.

But Jiang Tianzun said: "What if he succeeds?"

"This is one of the basic rules of the Golden Book of Dao. Once he can sweep the eighty-eight peaks of the True Tradition of Tiandao Sect, he will be the undisputed number one True Tradition of Tiandao Sect. Even if the master of Tiandao Sect asks the immortal, he cannot change it."

It was Mo Shan who spoke.

As a Dongxu, even if he is just a Dongxu from the Taiyi Immortal Sect, he knows all the rules recorded in the Golden Book of the Great Dao of the Tiandao Sect.

"The First True Successor!"

Jiang Tianzun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Don't worry, he can't succeed!"

Hou Feng immediately said: "You can't trust other people, and you can't trust Yan Huang? I remember that you once fought against Yan Huang. Although it was just a sparring match, you also know how powerful he is. Even you are half a step behind, right? What? No matter how great Yaoguang is, it is impossible for him to grow to this extent in such a short period of time."

His words seemed to be speaking to Jiang Tianzun, but also seemed to be convincing himself.

Jiang Tianzun heard this and was about to respond, but at this time, the communication jade talisman on Hou Feng's body shook again. He pinched the jade talisman and forced a smile: "It must be my clansman who was defeated by the fluctuating light, or even Here comes the good news that Yan Huang killed him on the spot..."

As he spoke, his spiritual thoughts had penetrated into the jade talisman.

But within less than a breath, the forced smile on his face had solidified and immediately turned gloomy.

This change immediately made Jiang Tianzun's heart plummet.

"Is he the true successor of Chengtian Dao Sect? Or is he the number one true successor?"

Mo Shan on the side couldn't help but ask.

If this news is true...

Facing the No. 1 True Successor of Tiandao Sect, even if the Jiang Tianzun he represented was a direct disciple of the Jade Emperor, he had to consider carefully whether to let Jiang Tianzun continue to snipe at Yaoguang.

Otherwise, an accident...

I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction from the Tiandao Sect.

This responsibility is definitely not something that a small true disciple of Jiang Tianzun can bear.

Even if he is the direct descendant of the Supreme Being, this is no exception.

"Yes, he... did defeat all the true legends, including Yan Huang, and became the number one true legend."

Hou Feng responded with a somewhat sour voice.

He glanced at Jiang Tianzun...

For the first time, I felt a little regretful for getting involved in this whirlpool.

The first true biography!

This name carries much more weight than the ordinary true biography.

Can't do it well...

He will be directly accepted as a disciple by the master.

No matter how bad things get, some Supreme Elder will come forward to accept him as his disciple.

In this way, Fluctlight's weight is no less than that of Jiang Tianzun.

The key is that he is Elder Dongxu of Tiandao Sect.

The county magistrate is not as good as taking charge now.

Because the Taiyi Immortal Sect's Supreme Immortal offended his own Supreme Immortal...

What a sin did you commit?

This fluctuating light...

How come he suddenly became the number one true successor of Tiandao Sect?

"The No. 1 true inheritance of Tiandao Sect!"

When Mo Shan heard Hou Feng's affirmative reply, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He turned to Jiang Tianzun with a serious expression: "I'm afraid this matter will have to be discussed in the long run."

At this moment, the transparent jade talisman also vibrated.

He immediately took it in his hand and inspected it.


With just one glance, Dongxu couldn't help but exclaimed: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"


The communication jade talisman in his hand was crushed to pieces by him because he was too excited.

His violent reaction made Hou Feng calm down.

While secretly feeling that Tong Ming was making too much of a fuss, he also said coldly: "So what if the First True Inheritor is here! I don't believe there is no other way... Don't forget, he is the murderer of Xuan Shuang True Inheritor, there is no doubt about it ...With his status as a true successor, he may not be able to bear the guilt of killing another true successor..."

"Not the number one true successor!"

The expressions on Tongming's face were ever-changing.

Shocked, appalled, unbelievable, incredible.

Various emotional changes were flowing across his face.

After a while, he said with an expression that suggested he was crying or smiling bitterly: "He is not the number one true heir. He is not the number one true heir..."

The Tianmai elder looked at Hou Feng: "It's the young master! He broke through the void and became the young master of my Tiandao Sect!"

As soon as these words came out, Hou Feng, Jiang Tianzun, Mo Shan, Xiliu and others were stunned on the spot.

"Young Master!?"


"Are you kidding!?"

After a while, these Dongxu people, including Jiang Tianzun, the personal successor of Suixu, couldn't help shouting at the same time.

Especially Jiang Tianzun and Xi Liu, their voices even had a hint of trembling.

"How is it possible!? Yaoguang, how is it possible to be promoted to Dongxu and become the young master of Tiandao Sect!?"

"This is not true, this is definitely not true. The realm of Dongxu is so easy to break through!? Yaoguang, how could it be possible to break through to the realm of Dongxu so quickly!"

Jiang Tianzun suddenly stared at Elder Tongming: "Are you kidding, right? You lied to me, right!?"

Tongming looked at the posture of the Taiyi Immortal Sect. He was stunned for a moment, and then realized something.

This true disciple of Taiyi Immortal Sect...

Did you expect anything?

His expression was not because he didn't believe it, but because he believed it and was afraid, so he lost control of his emotions and lost control of his language.

However, if you think about it carefully, according to the clues provided by Jiang Tianzun, Yaoguang only took fourteen years to cultivate the Blazing White Golden Pill from a monk in the Heavenly Fire Realm, and the combat power of the Blazing White Golden Pill is comparable to that of the Blue Golden Pill!

Later, he settled in the Sea of ​​Riots and Biyouxian City for four or five years...

Promotion to Azure Golden Elixir is a matter of course.

And based on his background, in order to break the situation after becoming a true disciple, it seems reasonable to force the azure golden elixir to attack Dongxu...

What a ghost!

"Dongxu! How can it be possible that Dongxu is really Dongxu! How is this possible!"

Tongming immediately went to get the communication jade talisman again.

As a result, the jade talisman had been crushed by him.

Fortunately, Hou Feng also received the news at this time.

He quickly picked up the slightly vibrating jade talisman. His right hand trembled slightly, stimulating his spiritual thoughts to sense the information in the jade talisman.

And under Jiang Tianzun's eyes of expectation, desire, and even a hint of pleading...

The elder of Tiandao Sect was so shaken that he couldn't even hold the jade talisman in his hand and let it slip and fall to the ground.

Xu Moshan, the cave of Taiyi Immortal Sect, didn't care about being presumptuous. He waved his hand and the jade talisman fell into his hand. He swept it with his mind and saw that there was a message from Hou's family inside.

"The fluctuating light swept across the eighty-eight peaks of the True Legend, and a cave was formed on the Tiandao Sword Platform. His name was recorded in the Golden Book, and he officially became the young master of the Tiandao Sect recorded by the Master of the Golden Book."

Seeing this news, even Mo Shan couldn't help but whisper a curse word at this moment: "*!"

Jiang Tianzun also took over the jade talisman and explored it with his spiritual mind.

After seeing the information clearly, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He involuntarily took three steps back and could hardly stand still.

"Dongxu, Dongxu, Dongxu!"

He kept talking, his whole person full of disbelief.

and even……

driven to distraction.


Saw this news too.

Compared to other elders, there was uncontrollable fear in his eyes.

Although Dashang also belongs to one of the four great immortal dynasties, his weight as a second-grade member of the Great Shang Immortal Dynasty and Dongxu is far from being comparable to that of a young master of Tiandao Sect.

"how so……"

He murmured quietly.

Just because of a bounty worth 460,000 Pure Yang Great Pills, the Xi family was not only wiped out from the Haizhou Prefecture, but now, it also offended a Dongxu! ?

A cave like the head of the top Tiandao sect! ?

At this moment, while he was frightened, there was also uncontrollable anger towards Xi Hai, and even murderous intent.

"You deserve to die, Xihai, for erecting such a powerful enemy for our Xi family!"

Everyone present was shocked by the news.

a long time……

Mo Shan spoke first.

He took a long breath and said, "It's pointless."

This Taiyi Immortal Sect Dongxu set his sights on Jiang Tianzun: "Let's go, return to Taiyi Immortal Sect, and retreat immediately. Don't leave the retreat until you reach the Dongxu! Cultivation of the Dongxu as quickly as possible will be the only thing you can do again." The hope of competing with him.”

After saying that, he didn't wait for Jiang Tianzun's agreement, so he took him up into the sky and disappeared from the sight of several other Dongxu.

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