"Yaoguang him, he has such a good talent, why didn't he tell us earlier? If he had told us earlier..."

Li An was a little unwilling.

"Didn't he say that?"

His words were interrupted rudely by an old man Dongxu: "I think there is something wrong with your brain as a cultivator. Back then, Li Hanqiu clearly told Wanliu Gui that Wanliu Gui was extremely talented in the field of light. He also asked us more than once to give Yaoguang some training and establish a good relationship. What did you say? How did you do it? Wanliu Guidu was driven to the battlefield by you.

The very senior Dongxu snorted coldly: "Fortunately, Yaoguang was smart and didn't come looking for you when he arrived at Beihaixing. Otherwise, he might have become a withered skeleton for you to win the trust of Jiang Tianzun, right?"

These merciless words immediately made those who stood firmly beside Jiang Tianzun feel ashamed.

Fortunately, these people also know that now is not the time to show off.

Xie Xiong said: "We have missed an excellent opportunity. Now that it has come to this, we can only make up for it as soon as possible!"

He turned his gaze to the old man: "Elder Juekong, you have always had a good relationship with Elder Wan. I would like you to come forward and invite Elder Wan and the others back. Only through Elder Wan's intervention and through Elder Li Hanqiu can we have hope. Let us turn our hostility into friendship. We all belong to the Cangwu family. There is really no need to make things get out of hand. This is not a good thing for both of us. "

"Yes, Elder Juekong, we have traveled thousands of miles from Cangwu World to Beihaixing. If we cannot unite as one, we will be completely destroyed sooner or later in Beihaixing's extremely fierce competitive environment."

"Elder Juekong, it depends on you whether Cangwu's lineage can see a turn for the better."

Several other Dongxu War Immortals spoke one after another.

"A turning point? What turning point? What kind of turning point do you want?"

Elder Juekong glanced at everyone in the field coldly: "Not long ago, you guys had people collaborate with Jiang Tianzun to capture and kill Yaoguang in Biyouxian City. In this case, you can't think that Yaoguang can help us. Cangwu lineage? "

Green's face turned red upon hearing this.

It was he who gave the order to send Dongxu War Immortal to assist Jiang Tianzun in capturing Yaoguang...

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something. After a while, he seemed to change his tone: "To...at least for the sake of being of the same Cangwu lineage, let Yaoguang and Jiang Tianzun not kill each other."

"When Jiang Tianzun had the upper hand, you didn't see you jumping out and saying that we were both from the Cangwu lineage and couldn't kill each other. Now that Yaoguang has cultivated Dongxu and become the young master of the Tiandao Sect, showing infinite potential, you know that you are both from the Cangwu lineage. "

Juekong waved his hand fiercely: "With this attitude, you still want to turn conflicts into friendship? Go to whoever you love, don't look for me."

"Okay, okay, Elder Juekong, we are also trying to find ways to prevent our Cangwu lineage from splitting. Don't act out of emotion."

Xie Xiong said quickly.

"I'm afraid it's useless for you to think of a solution. Jiang Tianzun will have to speak up."

At this time, another Dongxu War Immortal spoke: "After all, you were determined to side with Jiang Tianzun before. Now, even if you want to turn the conflict into friendship, even if Yaoguang agrees with the persuasion of Elder Wanliugui, But Jiang Tianzun doesn’t agree? He has to let us, Cang Wu, use all our strength to kill Yaoguang, forcing us to choose one of the two, will you take action or not?”

Xie Xiong, Green, Li An and others felt their hearts sinking.

This may sound unbelievable, but...

Jiang Tianzun can do it.

"The only thing to blame is that we have invested too much in Jiang Tianzun over the years, and the sunk cost is so great that it has become a burden that we cannot afford to lose."

Elder Juekong said slowly: "Especially since we didn't give ourselves any room to maneuver, we cut off our arms and spontaneously expelled all the power that might threaten Jiang Tianzun. Now, we are completely controlled by Jiang Tianzun."

The elders were silent.

Sunk costs.

This is the real reason that everyone knows very well but does not want to mention.

Even though they knew that Jiang Tianzun's demands were becoming more and more excessive, they still had no choice but to let it go because Cangwu's lineage could not afford to lose.

Once it fails...

Cangwu's lineage will have nothing.

"The matter has come to this, there is no point in talking more."

Elder Juekong shook his head: "Just do what Elder Wan said first, don't put all your eggs in one basket."

He looked at Xie Xiong, Green, Li An and others: "We will divide our strength into two parts. One part will continue to support Jiang Tianzun, and the other part will join Elder Wan. Then we will take Li Hanqiu's route from Elder Wan and contact Yao Yao. Master Guang Shao, in this way, if one day there is a problem with one of them, the incense of the Cangwu lineage will not be completely cut off. "

"Our Cangwu branch is already the weakest among the nine branches. If we are divided into two parts...how can we gain a foothold in Taiyi Immortal Sect?"

Li An was a little worried.

His words made many people nod secretly.

This is actually what everyone in Cangwu's lineage is worried about.

Lack of security.

In the final analysis, they are not the real Dongxu, just a group of Dongxu warrior immortals.

It was precisely because of this lack of confidence that they became so eager to train Jiang Tianzun and let him, who was accepted by the Jade Emperor as his direct disciple, break through the void.

So that...

Many times, even though we know that we have done something wrong, we still have no choice but to make the mistake.


At this time, Jian Hanzhou suddenly reached out his hand and said: "I think if we are really divided into two parts, and one of them supports Yaoguang, as long as we can really get Yaoguang's acceptance, there will be no problems in our lineage."


The eyes of Xie Xiong, Li An, Green and others immediately fell on him.

"How to say?"

"In fact, Taiyi Immortal Sect accepts our Cangwu power and allows us to form a lineage of our own. There is a lot of money to buy horse bones. The Jade Emperor also has public opinion considerations in accepting Jiang Tianzun. In this case, As long as our lineage doesn't make too many mistakes, Taiyi Immortal Sect won't do anything to us because our strength is weak."

Jian Hanzhou said after considering it.

His words moved many people's hearts.

"In addition, even if the power of our Cangwu lineage in Taiyi Immortal Sect is weakened, as long as Jiang Tianzun can cultivate Dongxu, with his relationship with the Jade Emperor and the talent he has shown, we can still keep our lineage. ”

Jian Hanzhou's thinking was very clear: "Even if Jiang Tianzun cannot achieve Dongxu for a while, as long as Master Yaoguang accepts us, we will be able to benefit from his glory. If Master Yaoguang can succeed in the next few days, If we continue to cultivate the void in a hundred years, for the sake of Yaoguang, the Taiyi Immortal Sect will not kill us all..."

He paused and looked at the Dongxu War Immortals: "On the contrary, we have an extra layer of protection."

Everyone understood what Jian Hanzhou meant.

Following his train of thought, everyone also started thinking.

Jiang Tianzun and Yaoguang have conflicts.

But there are only interests between the big ones and the big ones.

If Yaoguang can really cultivate Xu in the next few hundred years and become the deputy head of Tiandao Sect, Cangwu's lineage can completely become the communication bridge between Taiyi Immortal Sect and the deputy head of Tiandao Sect.

In this way...

Their lineage truly has value, and their treatment may be better.

After understanding this, many people in the venue suddenly became excited.

How long has it been since Fluctlight came to Beihai Star from Cangwu World?

Twenty years!

It takes twenty years to go from being a monk in the Heavenly Fire Realm to the Realm of Cave Void. This kind of talent is so high...

No matter how optimistic they were about Jiang Tianzun, they had to admit that Jiang Tianzun's talent was far from comparable to that of Fluctuating Light.

Fluct light...

Forcing Jiang Tianzun was not just a little bit, but a large amount that was enough to change their decision.

In addition, Yaoguang is suspected to have a special constitution like the void. Compared with other caves, his process of comprehending the power of the void is bound to be rapid, and the possibility of achieving void refining is extremely high.

The probability of completing cultivation and becoming the deputy head of Tiandao Sect in the next few hundred years...


This kind of person is indeed worthy of the Taiyi Immortal Sect's indirect efforts to sell face.

"Elder Juekong and Jianhanzhou's suggestions are feasible!"

"If you are poor, you will want to change. We really can't continue like this."

"We placed all our bets on Jiang Tianzun... but he seems to take this benefit for granted... maybe we will really lose all our money and regret it later. It's time to try other methods."

After figuring out the cause and effect, these Dongxu War Immortals all agreed.

"Now, there's only one question left."

Juekong said lightly: "How to make Yaoguang accept us?"

These words also made many people calm down.

Yaoguang might be able to accept Wanliu Gui and others, but they...

"Or... play the Cangwu Great World card? Let's return everything that belongs to the Jiuding Sect in the Cangwu World to him?"

Green tried.

"Return? Do you think that if Yaoguang now needs the Jiuding Sect's territory in Cangwu Great World, he still needs us to return it? Even if he occupies Cangwu Great World, do you think Taiyi Xianmen will offend Yaoguang for such a trivial matter? Light? And we...can fight against Yaoguang for this matter?"

Juekong snorted coldly.

"What should we do?"

Green frowned.

Others are also thinking hard, but they have yet to come up with a result.

After about ten minutes, Xie Xiong let out a long breath: "Anyone who does something wrong must bear the consequences, and we are no exception. Yaoguang should not accept us, and even, with our Cangwu lineage, it will not be long before For what he did in Biyouxian City, even if he tries to destroy our lineage, we will be responsible for it. "

These words made many Dongxu look sad.

"The only thing we can do now is to let Elder Wan and the others bring a group of potential people to see if they can be accepted by Yaoguang, and retain some fire to ensure that when we suffer drastic changes, the traces of Cangwu's lineage will remain in Beihai. It will not be completely erased.”

Xie Xiong said and glanced at Li An and Green: "In any case, it is our Cangwu's blessing that a talented person like Yaoguang was born. Perhaps, Cangwu The future of the lineage no longer lies with us, but with Yaoguang... Those of us who have already embarked on the path of the War Immortal... will be buried in the wrong past with the passage of time and bear all the needs of our actions. Accept the consequences.”

After hearing this, Green, Li An and others fell silent.

a long time……

Li Ancai said: "Yes, if you do something wrong, you have to accept the punishment, apologize and make amends, just to get the matter out of the way. From now on, you are good to me, good to everyone, how can it be that simple? "


Green also sighed.

They made the wrong choice at the critical moment.

One wrong step, every wrong step.

Now that things have come to this, there is nothing we can do.

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