Taiwan Novel Network→𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦

With two rulers in his possession and the art of flickering in the void, Fluctlight's movement speed has been increased to the extreme.

Information from a certain team in the Tianshang Battle Hall had just been transmitted, and his figure had already appeared at the coordinates provided by the team.

Under the somewhat astonished gazes of the team members, he accelerated again and reached behind the ninth-level demon who was being targeted by the team.

Before the ninth-level monster had time to react, the sword light of the Wandering Dragon Sword had already followed the ripples in the ethereal void, as if penetrating from the void, silently passing over the monster's body, and crushing its head on the spot. .

After doing this, Yaoguang nodded to the team members: "Decompose the corpse."

The next moment, his figure had disappeared from the team's sight.

The whole process takes just one or two breaths.

It wasn't until this moment that the other members of the team were able to react.

Looking at the corpse of the big monster that had not yet fallen into the sea, the two team members quickly stepped forward to collect the corpse.

The materials on the ninth-level demon are valuable, and they are a big fortune for the masters of the ninth-level golden elixir, let alone monks like them who are at the seventh- or eighth-level golden elixir.

"So fast! So strong!"

"Dongxu, this is the twisted power of the void controlled by the strong Dongxu."

"Is this young master acting... so resolutely? Moreover, he actually personally hunted these ninth-level monsters?"

The eyes of several team members were filled with surprise.

Some people even found it incredible that Yaoguang hunted monsters himself.

After all, for those in power, it is normal for people below to do things and take advantage of them.

Fluct light...

The Young Master actually hunted down these ninth-order monsters himself! ?

Doesn't that mean...

Is it true that the treasures exchanged for contribution points he mentioned earlier will be distributed to them?

Thinking of this, these war hall members suddenly became full of fighting spirit.

On the other side, the fluctuating light that killed a ninth-level demon did not stop at all, and continued to flicker, killing the coordinates provided by the other team.

Not long after, all the ninth-order monsters scattered in the area were killed.

After doing this, without any pause, he once again appeared at the coordinates of Qi Sha with the power of two rulers.

Far in front of him and dozens of Zhantang disciples, there was a small island looming.

The island is only a few miles in diameter and looks unremarkable in the vast deep sea. However, the part hidden under the sea has long been hollowed out by the demon clan, and numerous formations have been laid out to form a powerful demon clan nest.

"Hall Master."

Qi Sha said: "I don't know what kind of crisis is hidden in the demon clan's lair. For the sake of safety, let me take people down first..."

"No, as I said, as the leader of the war hall, if I want to convince the people, I must take the lead."

Yaoguang waved his hand.

As he spoke, he turned his attention to the demon clan's lair. The power of the cave that could penetrate the void, mixed with the power of the true spirit, quietly penetrated towards the island.

Relying on the innate characteristics of the Son of the Void and his own attainments as a level 10 formation mage, he soon had a slight idea of ​​the structure of this demon cave hidden under the sea.

After thinking for a moment, he made a calculation: "We don't need to go deep into this nest at all. Seawater irrigation will force them out of the ground."

In the North Sea Star, countless materials have been eroded by spiritual energy and affected by mysterious forces, and all have undergone changes. A piece of rock or a piece of grass placed outside can be used to refine spiritual weapons, and the water of the ocean is no exception.

Most of the currents in the sea are composed of Tianyi True Water and Xuanming Heavy Water. The layers of water are falling down, making it difficult for even the ninth-order monsters to resist, let alone ordinary monsters.

After formulating a plan, Yaoguang waved his empty hand, and the Wandering Dragon Sword rose into the air, easily creating ripples in the void.

However, unlike the tsunami of void caused by the previous blow, this time, all the ripples of void were compressed and smelted layer by layer by him, and finally...

It formed a thin and slender sword of the void that could cut through all things.

"This is...a void-attacking technique!?"

Qi Sha recognized it immediately.

The power of this Void Sword may not be as powerful as the Extermination Sword Light he cultivated.

Moreover, the way of destruction he follows is good at directly destroying targets. If it is really used to penetrate defenses and break formations, it is obviously not comparable to the Void Sword that can cut the void.

The moment the Void Sword was formed, there was no stagnation. Before many Jindan monks from Tianshangzhan Hall could see it clearly, the slender sword blade was already fiercely aimed at the void with enough force to cut it in half. The island below cuts down.

When the Void Blade cut into the island, the island did not even cause much shock. Although it stirred up some dust and splashed some water outside the island, compared to the vigorous and crushing blow of the sky-breaking blow, it was It seems a little quiet.

But not long after this silent blow fell, the entire depths of the seabed began to vibrate at the same time.

The violent roar caused some kind of drastic change, making the entire sea surface seem to boil and roar endlessly.

And inside this island, there is a leak of demonic energy from time to time.

It seems that all the formations have been cut open and destroyed, so that even the aura of these monsters cannot be concealed.

But these monsters obviously sensed that the Tianshang Battle Hall was getting ready on the sea and did not dare to come out at all. Instead, they tried their best to save the formations in the demon cave and tried to defend with the help of formations.

But in just a moment, the vibrations coming from the depths of the sea became stronger and stronger, and vaguely, it seemed that there was a terrifying energy brewing in it, and it was about to be released.

Qi Sha, who practiced the Dao of Destruction, immediately sensed something: "The Taoist technique that the young master just used not only cut through the sea surface, but also cut through the bed of the seabed. The doomsday magma hidden underneath is about to erupt... "

As he spoke, the temperature of the entire seafloor began to rise to the extreme, and the surrounding water seemed to be boiling. Steam rose, and a blazing red color emerged from its depths, and expanded rapidly...

"Back off!"

Seeing this scene, Qi Sha shouted loudly and led the monks from Tianshangzhan Hall to stay away.

At the same time, those monsters seemed to realize that the real purpose of the opponent's attack was to cause an undersea volcano to erupt and completely destroy the lair they had worked so hard to build.

Now that the volcano is about to erupt, they are helpless and have no choice but to break out if they don't want to be trapped in the eruption.

In this case, rays of green light controlled the rich demonic energy and shot out from the bottom of the sea crazily, trying to escape in all directions.

However, Fluctlight standing on the sea was like a patient hunter, controlling the dragon sword to strangle the monsters that rushed out from the bottom of the sea one by one.

Seriously, one will kill one, two will kill a pair.

By the later stage, his Dragon-Wandering Sword was no longer satisfied with just guarding the monsters on the sea surface and throwing themselves into a trap. Instead, it quickly rushed into the seabed, forced out the water flow, and strangled the monsters one after another.

Although there are many ninth-level monsters among these monster clans, and some of them may have a combat power of more than 1 million, but...

Compared with the current fluctuating light, there is a huge difference.

So much so that this battle was a one-sided massacre almost from the beginning.

"Combat strength 15.41 million."

Qi Sha tested it with instruments.

This value is not far from his 18.11 million.

But he knew that this was not the full power of Fluctlight at all.

After all, his opponents were just a group of ordinary monsters, and the strongest ones were only a few ninth-level monsters. It was impossible for him to show his full strength.

But in this case, Fluctlight's combat power still reached the figure of 15.41 million...

So how strong should his real strength be?


It only took him six short years to cultivate Dongxu!

"Six years... His strength is probably no longer inferior to mine. He has accumulated a lot of experience, but he has accumulated a lot of experience. No wonder those peak masters, pulse masters, including the headmaster and the supreme elders all think that he can reach his peak within a hundred years or even hundreds of years. It will definitely achieve the goal of refining the void.”

Qi Sha said in his heart.

It is said that the leader of Young Master Yaoguang has been practicing for less than a hundred years!

It takes less than a hundred years to catch up with his achievements that took him thousands of years of practice...

There is really no comparison between people.

You must know that Qisha was also known as one of the most outstanding true disciples of his generation. Because of this, he was arrogant and unwilling to accept the olive branch from any peak master or pulse master.

Aristocratic family? Rich family?

He Qisha is the world and the wealthy family.

It was this kind of pride that made him enter the war hall and wasted hundreds of years.

Even after hundreds of years of wasted time, he still firmly believed that with his talent, he would one day be able to cultivate the void, and he would achieve the cultivation of the void through the path of destruction. Once he entered the cultivation of the void, he would be a leader in fighting and fighting. .

Just now, looking at the fluctuating light...

His confidence and pride were slightly shaken.

"call out!"

In less than half an hour, Youlong Sword was back in Yaoguang's hands.

And in this demon cave, there is no longer any demon aura.

"Count the loot."

Yaoguang ordered.

At that moment, the monks of Tianshang Battle Hall quickly entered the sea one by one, braving the high temperature, and brought out the monster corpses one by one.

Not only are these corpses valuable in themselves, they are also proof of their contribution to the Penglai Immortal Sect to receive the Demon Slayer Palace.

Of course, the Demon Slaying Palace does not require a corpse to receive contributions, the image left by the image stone is also acceptable.

A demon cave can be destroyed, and how many demons have been killed specifically, but it is impossible to tell in detail with the image stone, so it is better to bring these demon corpses to calculate.

One by one, the monks from Tianshangzhan Hall went deep into the seabed and quickly brought out the corpses one by one.

There are all seventh-level, eighth-level, and ninth-level demons.

There are so many of them that it would take a year and a half to search them one by one under normal circumstances.

Not long after, a Dongxu War Immortal brought over a big demon that resembled a shark man, but had a circle of red scales on its body.

"Master, please look, this is one of the special groups of the demon clan, the red scale demon!"

There was a hint of solemnity in the expression of the Dongxu War Immortal: "The red scale demon is equivalent to a special physique in our human race to a certain extent. It also has a special physique of the void. They are very sensitive to the void and have always been among the demon clan's cultivators. An expert in teleportation formations. In addition, the red-scale demon and the red-scale demon appear in pairs, making it easier to calibrate the specific coordinates of the two teleportation formations."

"You mean, there is a red-scaled demon here, and there must be another demon cave in its corresponding position?"

Yaoguang said.

"Yes, a young man from our Tianshang Battle Hall has mastered a secret method. He can use this red scale demon to sense the location of another red scale demon and find another demon cave."

"Then what are you waiting for!? Find out."

Yaoguang said without hesitation: "Destroying the demon cave is much more efficient than searching for the scattered big demons one by one."


Qi Sha said: "This demon cave is close to the inner sea. It seems to have been built not long ago. There is no Dongxu Demon King in charge, but other nests may not be."

"Dongxu Demon King..."

Yaoguang glanced at him: "Are you afraid?"

Qi Sha was slightly startled and said: "It's just a demon king. It's not like I haven't killed one before."

"That's enough."

Yaoguang felt the growth progress of the [Xiandao·Lianxu] branch...

Destroy another demon cave, even if there is no Dongxu Demon King in the demon cave, it will be almost done.

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