Can a new energy source that can change the future of mankind be quickly promoted?


It will only be killed by the existing energy giants joining forces.

Taiwan Novel Network→🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼

As for how this energy will change the future and promote civilization...

"You have outstanding talent and can change the future, yes, but you want me to pay for it? No."

Shaking light smiled.

He did not feel that after he showed enough talent, the head of Tiandao Sect would focus on the overall situation and strongly support his practice for the future development of the sect.

In Beihaixing, every person in power is basically the ultimate selfish person.

All the powerful people feel that if they die, the death of the family, sect, or even the world behind them has nothing to do with them.

If they master the ability to destroy the world, if they fail, they will almost not hesitate to reopen the earth, water, fire and wind to destroy the world.

"When I was the Young Sect Leader, although I also profited from a lot of assets from the sect, the various shops added up to more than 3 million Chunyang Great Pills in a year, but compared to the deputy sect leader sitting in charge In a region, it is a small thing compared to a big witch. Which one of the deputy sect masters has an annual gross production value that does not reach several hundred million? "

Yaoguang understood in his heart: "It may not be easy to ask Zong Wen Xianzhangmen to hand over this interest now..."

This is the problem he needs to face next.

While thinking about it, the battleship had already passed through the sky and landed directly on Jiuding Peak.

On Jiuding Peak, everyone who had heard the news gathered immediately and lined up to greet him.

Among these people, apart from Lu Suoyu and other administrators originally arranged by the sect, the ones who were most excited, and even felt ridiculous and unbelievable, were the group of monks headed by Wanliu Gui.

Although Yaoguang came all the way from the mountain gate in an extremely high-profile manner, and someone had informed Wanliu Gui and others of the news in advance, the news was too unbelievable...

Especially Wanliu Gui, his heart was filled with wonder.

However, whether it was incredible or unbelievable, as the fluctuating light appeared in front of them, and the perfect fit between their own power and the power of the void was displayed at close range, they had to believe it.

After seeing it with their own eyes and getting confirmation, their hearts were filled with uncontrollable ecstasy.

"Refining the void! Refining the void! Refining the void!"

Wanliu Gui, the Dongxu War Immortal, was trembling in his heart, wishing he could look up to the sky and roar.

It’s not just Dongxu who supervises Master Quan!

But to be able to be canonized as the deputy leader, to be able to take charge of a region, is truly equivalent to the overlord level of Lianxu!

At this stage of cultivation, he is already an out-and-out giant, a dominant figure.

It is easy to protect the entire Cangwu world.

At this moment, they have not only established a firm foothold in Beihaixing, but also have extremely broad development prospects.

In the future, it is by no means an extravagant hope to take root and establish a foothold in Tiandaomen and become a powerful force.

The Dongxu War Immortal stared at Yaoguang, with an unprecedented intensity in his eyes.

He never expected that the Young Master Yaoguang, who was born in their Cangwu world, would bring him such a huge surprise after just a few years away.

He never felt for a moment that his decision to trust Li Hanqiu and keep Yaoguang at the risk of offending Jiang Tianzun in Cangwu World would be so correct.

"Young Master... No, that's not right, it's the Deputy Chief..."

Wan Liugui was so excited that even his thoughts seemed to be a little troublesome for a while.

After a while, he didn't know what to say, so he suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "Congratulations to True Lord Yaoguang for completing the practice of refining the void and being promoted to the deputy head of the Tiandao Sect."

As soon as he said these words, everyone else, whether they were the supervisors or servants of Jiuding Peak, or the disciples of the Cangwu lineage and the Jiuxiaomen lineage, all shouted: "Congratulations to True Lord Yaoguang for completing the cultivation of the void and being promoted to the way of heaven. Deputy Head of the Gate.”

"No need to be polite."

Yaoguang waved his hand to everyone.

For a moment, he seemed to think of something: "Today is indeed a good day. It's time to celebrate. Everyone, give me thousands of Chunyang Great Pills."

After saying that, he said to the people behind him: "The Tianshang Battle Hall is no exception."

Chunyang Great Pill!

One thousand! ?

As soon as these words came out, both the disciples of Cangwu and Jiuxiaomen, as well as the supervisors and servants arranged by the sect on Jiuding Peak, all opened their eyes in surprise.

There was no need for Lu Suoyu, Wan Liugui, Qi Sha and others to speak. The members of the Tianshang Battle Hall and everyone on Jiuding Peak had already spontaneously shouted: "Thank you, Deputy Master, for the reward."

"Thank you, Deputy Head, for the elixir."

"Long live the deputy leader!"

Yaoguang listened to the shouts of the crowd and smiled slightly.

There are currently about 600 people in the entire Jiuding Peak, and including the Tianshang Battle Hall, there are more than 1,000 people in total.

A thousand Pure Yang Pills per person would cost millions of dollars.

It is equivalent to the annual income of an ordinary person.

But to the current Fluctlight, such a small amount of Pure Yang Pill is nothing.

The amount of elixirs of this type in his body are now measured in hundreds of millions.

"Lu Suoyu, please arrange a rest for the people in the war hall. Don't neglect it."

Yaoguang gave instructions to Lu Suoyu.


Lu Suoyu already realized something when he saw that the people from Tianshang Battle Hall did not go to the battle hall to report, but followed Yaoguang to Jiuding Peak.

This battle hall...

It’s time to become one’s own person.

Therefore, Yaoguang's orders were carried out seriously.

He called many supervisors and servants, and quickly led Tianshang Zhantang and others to make arrangements.

"call out!"

While Lu Suoyu was arranging everyone to move in, streams of light quickly came from the end of the sky and reached Jiuding Peak.

The first few were Chi Yu, Ling Ruogu, Tong Ming and others who came at full speed after receiving the news. What surprised him was that Xianmai Elder Shu Chunqiu, Tianmai Elder Jin Yuliu and others also followed closely. .

When they arrived in front of Yaoguang, all the Dongxu elders raised their hands at the same time: "Congratulations to True Monarch Yaoguang for his success in Taoism, his achievement in refining Xu, and his further advancement on the road to immortality."

"Thank you."

Yaoguang bowed his hands to everyone, and then said: "In ten days, I will hold a celebration banquet at Jiuding Peak. If you are interested, you can come to Jiuding Peak to sit down."

"We will arrive on time in ten days."

Everyone quickly handed over.

Promotion to Lianxu is different from Dongxu.

Although the young master of the Dongxu Realm has completed a huge transformation in his identity, in the Tiandao Sect, he is still a noble person and cannot hold great power.

But Lianxu and deputy head are different.

As long as there are no more than four deputy heads, each deputy head will sit in one area, which is equivalent to guarding a quarter of the Tiandao Sect's territory.

Although it needs to be controlled by the leader, one can imagine how powerful this power is.

Not to mention too many, how many various industries and resources are there in one region?

How huge are the interests involved?

Even a small portion is enough to make a Dongxu strong man a lot of money.

Interests are related. Anyone who has something to do with Yaoguang or has an idea will naturally come out to show their familiarity.

It would be too troublesome to have people or families visiting him from time to time, so Yaoguang simply held a banquet to meet these interested people all at once.

Many elders left one after another.

But not long after they left, Xianmai Master Yuan Miaoyi came out of hiding with a smile on his face: "Hahahahaha, Young Master Yaoguang has been practicing Lianxu in just a hundred years, and he has been promoted from Young Master to Deputy Master. , the promotion ceremony should be handled by the sect with full authority for you. I will go and have people clean up the sect’s main hall. This celebration will be held in the main hall, and it will be a grand event to inform everyone in the world that our Tiandao Sect is again A Void Refining Realm was born and will bring greater glory to Tiandao Sect as the deputy leader.”

"I'm not a person who likes excitement, so just have a small one at Jiuding Peak."

Yaoguang said.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. We have full control over everything. The leader of Yaoguang only needs to arrive at the scene when necessary."

Yuan Miaoyi showed great enthusiasm.

Seeing this, Yaoguang did not reply immediately, but said with a smile: "Then let's deal with the promotion ceremony of deputy general and the corresponding arrangements when the time comes, so as not to delay the general because of my matter. valuable time.”

"Take care of things one by one, don't be in a hurry."

Yuan Miaoyi said with a smile.

"That's right. Anyway, all matters big and small can be resolved within this month."

Yaoguang nodded: "Currently, among the four regions of our Tiandao Sect, the Southern Region is vacant. If nothing else, I will probably go to the Southern Region. During this period, I will have a good understanding of the situation in the Southern Region. In addition, , my manpower should also be transferred to the southern region to avoid trouble later."

Yuan Miao's expression froze slightly when she heard Yaoguang's obviously warning words.

After a moment, he still pointed out something: "The talent of Master Yaoguang is really rare in the world. In ten years of cultivation from Dongxu to the realm of Lianxu, in the entire Beihaixing, except for those who have been taught by Tao Lord personally, Outside of existence, no one can reach this level in such a short period of time. Therefore, I personally feel that the leader of Yaoguang might as well continue to retreat at Jiuding Peak and maintain this forge ahead, maybe wait for a few more decades. , For hundreds of years, there has been a state of breaking through the void."

“Just because other people can’t do it doesn’t mean I can’t do it either.”

Yaoguang said and smiled: "Besides, going to the Southern Region will not affect my cultivation. Maybe I can improve my cultivation faster because I have more resources."

Yuan Miao frowned secretly when she heard Yaoguang's "pretending to be stupid" words.

He had already clearly mentioned the name "Dao Lord", but he didn't even mention that he was a pawn used by Penglai Dao Lord to break into their Heavenly Dao Gate. This True Lord of Yaoguang still pretended to be deaf and dumb?

"The Southern Territory has left a lot of hidden dangers because of the leader of the Song Dynasty. There are many big and small things in the Southern Territory. In recent years, thanks to the leader's personal intervention, the situation in the Southern Territory can be controlled. If the leader Yaoguang goes , I really may not have enough time to practice, so..."

Yuan Miaoyi emphasized his tone: "I think it would be more peaceful for Master Yaoguang to retreat in seclusion within the sect."

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