
Mobilize the army to quell the rebellion?

Massacre the city and exterminate the clan?

The powerful clans in Nandu who were united together were immediately stunned when they heard the information announced by Wanliu Gui's spiritual thoughts.

It was obviously you who made the first move, right?

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They were directly labeled as rebels without taking any substantive action?

Or is it a remnant of the past?

This will confirm your identity...

Some forces took the opportunity to intervene and ransack the southern capital on the pretext of suppressing the rebellion.

As for the fluctuating light…

He has not yet entered Nandu.

If something like this happened to him without entering Nandu, the responsibility would not be on him.

Instead, you can push it to the head Zong Wenxian.

After all, Zong Wenxian had been acting as Nandu's agent all these years and had jurisdiction over all matters of Nandu.

I really want Yaoguang to return to the sect and report the matter...

It's basically like flipping the table over.

"This fluctuating light is really unruly!"

Lu Qianshan, the elder of Lujiadongxu, couldn't help but curse.

"Does he want to attract other forces to enter? The entry of other forces will inevitably destroy Nandu. After the attack, Nandu will definitely be severely damaged. Doesn't his approach of Yaoguang hurt the enemy by one thousand and hurt himself by eight hundred?"

Li Guiren from the Li family also said angrily.

However, Wu Changfeng vaguely saw Yaoguang's plan and said: "I said, no matter what, we have to let Yaoguang enter Nandu first and stay in Nandu for a period of time. As long as he takes over the Southern Territory , no matter what happens next, the sect leader can blame him for his lack of ability and inability to be the leader of the Southern Territory, but blocking him out of the Southern Territory will only be counterproductive. "

He glanced at the crowd: "As for killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred... We have already clearly shown hostility. It can be seen that it will be very difficult for him to control it next. Instead of doing this, it is better to tear down the entire Southern Capital and rebuild it. Cleanse all the forces in the Southern Territory and turn it into a blank piece of paper, so that it can be easily carried out. "

"Retreat the Southern Capital to a new level and cleanse the Southern Territory into a blank piece of paper..."

Many of the weaker Dongxu people turned slightly pale.

According to Wu Changfeng...

This deputy head of Yaoguang is coming for real! ?


I really want to report to the sect that on the pretext of the rebellion in the southern region, they will bloodbath the southern capital and massacre the city and exterminate the clan! ?

"Elder Wu, he...he doesn't dare to do this..."

Some people have been frightened.

"Why don't you dare? The Southern Territory is not yet his territory. Do you care about the tragic massacres that are happening within other forces? Even if you are unfortunate, taking pleasure in others' misfortunes can be considered a conscience."

Wu Changfeng shook his head: "What's more, the Southern Territory has really been wiped out, and all the forces have obtained huge benefits from the Southern Territory. He then proposed that in order to develop the Southern Territory, in the next hundred years, it will be necessary to have light corvee and low-income people. Taxes, other elders don’t mind giving him this face, with these benefits, the Southern Territory will soon be able to develop again. "

He glanced at the vast starry sky above his head: "After all, in our Beihai Star, there is never a shortage of monks. Every moment, there are monks who hear the news from all over the starry sky and enter Beihai Star, pursuing that The opportunity to become an immortal.”

Everyone's faces turned pale when they heard what Wu Changfeng said.


Involuntarily, it fell on the head of the Jing family.

It was the head of the Jing family, Jing Zhengyang, who insisted on giving Yaoguang, the deputy head, a lesson so that he could learn what it means to be honest.

In the Southern Territory, although the attitude towards the outside world is consistent, there are still some less fierce battles internally.

This kind of struggle is also divided into two factions. One faction is the Jing family headed by Taishang Elder Jing Yuntian, and the other faction is Wu Changfeng who works for the sect leader Zong Wenxian.

Normally, Wu Changfeng had the upper hand in the fight between the two sides, but this time Wu Changfeng did not try his best to stop Yaoguang from showing his power, but allowed Jing Zhengyang to incite everyone.

It seems now...

With ulterior motives!


Jing Zhengyang noticed the eyes of others: "No one thought that the deputy head of Yaoguang would be so unruly. If he had sent someone in advance to discuss the division of interests with us clearly, instead of being so aggressive like now, With our consent, we will directly take over Nandu, how could such a thing happen?"

"Master Jing, now is not the time to complain about the other party not following our plan. Deputy Head Yaoguang is leaving soon. If we don't explain, Nandu may really be facing disaster."

Wu Changfeng looked like he was doing it for everyone's good.

The other fearful forces looked at Jing Zhengyang with urging eyes.

Seeing this, Jing Zhengyang knew that if he continued to hold on, he would become distraught even if he could solve the problem afterwards.

"Then let's meet the deputy head."

Jing Zhengyang said.

"Since you are sure to meet, you must have a correct attitude, otherwise it will only intensify the conflict!"

Wu Changfeng let out a breath: "Supreme Elder Jing Yuntian can't go against the general trend of the entire sect! Even... the general trend of the sect cannot match the rules written in the Golden Book of the Great Dao!"

After hearing Wu Changfeng mention the Supreme Elder, their biggest supporter of the Jing family, Jing Zhengyang calmed down his arrogance and said in a deep voice: "Of course, I, Jing Zhengyang, am not someone who cannot afford to lose."

At that moment, headed by the two of them, together with Lu Qianshan, Li Guiren and others, Dongxu quickly jumped out of the light and pursued the fleet of Yaoguang and others.

The huge fleet that Yaoguang belongs to has not yet completed its turn, and everyone in Nandu has already escaped from the light.

"Deputy Leader Yaoguang, please stay."

"Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding. Recently, the demons of the Yinyue Sect invaded the Southern Capital and caused trouble and trouble. As a result, the Southern Capital was not at peace and had to be more vigilant. The people patrolling the city did not know how to come in person and offended the leader. I will punish them severely."

The first two people spoke quickly.

"Jing Zhengyang, Wu Changfeng."

On the battleship of Tianshang Battle Hall, Yaoguang looked at the two people.

The two of them hurriedly handed over their hands: "I have met Deputy Head Yaoguang. We have prepared a banquet for you to welcome you, Deputy Head, for your arrival. You..."

"There's no rush."

Yaoguang said calmly: "Didn't you say that those who offend me will be severely punished? What kind of severe punishment?"

Wu Changfeng and Jing Zhengyang were startled. They didn't expect that Yaoguang would stick to such a trivial matter?

Isn't this just a scene statement?

Is it possible...

"Forcing us to attack our own people will damage our prestige, but... we have to do it, otherwise, believe it or not, he will turn around and leave."

Wu Changfeng's spiritual thoughts soon sounded in Jing Zhengyang's ears.

Because it was Jing Zhengyang's people who came forward to intercept Fluct Light.

And this head of the Jing family...

But also very decisive.

He gestured slightly.

A Jingjia Dongxu behind him quickly took action, and a golden light was like a fish swimming in the void, killing a small leader responsible for city patrol in the distance at an incredible speed.

This move immediately caused a slight commotion among the crowd.

But it only took a moment to calm down again.

And Jing Zhengyang...

His face jumped slightly, and he cupped his hands and said: "These people are ignorant and have offended Deputy Head Yaoguang. They should be punished."

Wu Changfeng also said at the right time: "Please rest assured, Deputy Head of Yaoguang, everyone in Nandu warmly welcomes your arrival. After so many years, we in Nandu have been looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally we have someone who can lead us." We are moving towards glory and becoming a bigger and stronger leader.”

"There's no rush."

Yaoguang waved his hand: "As soon as I arrived in Nandu, I was immediately blocked and attacked. Now you hurriedly invited me into Nandu... It's hard for me not to doubt whether there is some trap hidden in Nandu. Just waiting for me to pass, the trap It will explode and bury me, the little deputy leader, and everyone I brought with me..."

"Absolutely not!"

Wu Changfeng quickly spoke decisively: "We wouldn't dare to go against you, Deputy Head Yaoguang..."

"But I am responsible for the safety of the people I brought. Moreover, I am a timid person. I was frightened just now. Now no matter what I do, I feel that there is always someone who wants to harm me."

Yaoguang said, pointing with his empty hand: "Hand over the control of the Nandu City Defense Formation. Only in this way can I believe that you really have no intention of harming me. In addition, as the Lord of the Southern Territory, I am in charge of the Southern Capital City." Array, reasonable, isn’t it?”

As soon as these words came out, Jing Zhengyang and Wu Changfeng's expressions changed again.

Before Wu Changfeng could speak, the head of the Jing family had already spoken first: "Deputy Leader Yaoguang, the demon cultivators sent by Yinyue sneaked into Nandu and caused destruction, causing damage to the city defense array. Therefore, it's not that we don't want to I would like to hand over the control of the formation to you as soon as possible, but... Huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Yaoguang drove the battleship and turned around and left, saying as he walked: "Nandu has been attacked by the Yinyue Sect, and the entire city defense formation has fallen into the hands of the Yinyue Sect! I will go and invite the Supreme Elder soon, Bloodbath the Southern Capital and take it back from the hands of the Yinyue Sect!"

When he saw Yao Guang, he didn't even finish his words, turned around and left, and...

Jing Zhengyang and Wu Changfeng's faces were as black as the bottom of a pot when they came up with a terrible reason that was no worse than the rebellion of the remnants of the Song leader, and wanted to bloodbath the Southern Capital.


Jing Zhengyang, the head of the Jing family, was even more angry and cursed in his heart.

This is a hooligan! ?

Nandu was captured at every turn, and the Supreme Elder was invited to massacre the city...

Can you still talk properly?

Can we still have a good negotiation? ?

Would you really rather destroy all of Nandu than give it all up? ?

"Well, it seems that this deputy leader of Yaoguang really has the intention to completely control the Southern Territory even if he destroys the Southern Capital. Unless we really want to fight him to the death, otherwise, we want to stop him from taking charge of the Southern Capital. I can’t fight with him anymore.”

Wu Changfeng's spiritual thoughts said: "The bargaining chips of both sides are not on the same level, so they are incomparable."

The fish is dead and the net is broken...

But in the end result, Nandu was destroyed.

They suffered heavy losses.

Fluct light...

At best, the Southern Territory, which might have been more profitable, will have less income.


In fact, since all the forces have been cleared away, his final profits may not be any less.

In other words, the fish will die, but the net will not break.

"Hand over the control center of the city protection formation. No matter what, let him take control of the southern region first. Then we will slowly continue to fight against him."

Wu Changfeng said with a heavy thought: "Let him not be able to issue decrees out of Nandu and prevent him from collecting resources from various places. Anyway, there are ways. When the tribute is handed over ten years later, he will not be able to produce enough materials. The sect master and the people behind you will The forces will naturally take the opportunity to attack."

After hearing this, Jing Zhengyang felt helpless, but he could only nod.

Reluctantly, together with Wu Changfeng and others, he handed over the talismans of the city defense formation one by one.

Yaoguang immediately waved his hand, and Ling Ruogu and Chi Yu quickly led people to control the city defense formation.

At this point, they were truly in control of Nandu.

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