"Yaoguang, the deputy leader of Tiandao Sect, hahaha, you deserve this disaster."

The Lianxu demon cultivator known as the evil pupil appeared instantly.

No need to pretend.

With Yaoguang as the big fish, their Yinyue Sect's large-scale invasion has been a complete success.

"Back then, Tiandao Sect seized thirteen states from our Yinyue Sect. This time, our Yinyue Sect killed a deputy leader of your Tiandao Sect, which can be regarded as collecting interest first! Death Star, Weird Moon, Black Sun, attack together! Kill the fish and close the net!"

This Lianxu demon cultivator did not have the slightest pride of being a Lianxu strongman, and directly called on the three Dongxu who were traveling with him to start the siege.

And he himself, three pairs of eyes shone at the same time, condensing six dark lights, shooting straight at Yaoguang.

The appearing Yaoguang never thought that these demon cultivators would honestly fight him alone.

"One Lianxu, three Dongxu... It's enough to deter me."

His expression did not change at all.

But the Daoist art that directly targets the Great Dao of Souls - Supreme Selflessness, has already been performed.

Although this Daoist art has not been cultivated to the Great Success level like the Sword of Void and the Flash of Void, it is also at the Small Success level.

A Refining Void has at least one Daoist art cultivated to the Small Success level. If it is the Daoist art of the innate, there will be other aspects of enhancement.

The innate Daoist art of the evil pupil in front of him is the Mysterious Light of God-Shocking that directly targets the Great Dao of Mind.

The Great Dao of Mind and the Great Dao of Soul are quite similar, but one belongs to the ordinary Great Dao and the other belongs to the core Great Dao. One turns to attack the seven emotions and six desires of the mind, and the other encompasses the core of the existence of intelligent creatures.

In other words, the Great Dao of Soul is a bit similar to the upper Great Dao of the Great Dao of Mind.

Only cultivators who cannot cultivate the Great Dao of Soul will choose the Great Dao of Mind.

Just like cultivators who cannot cultivate the Great Dao of Destruction will choose the Great Dao of Killing and the Great Dao of Disaster.

Facing the attack of the Mysterious Light of God-Shocking of the Evil Pupil, Yaoguang flashed in the void and appeared directly behind this Refining Void Demon Cultivator.

The next moment, the Heaven Sealing Monument unfolded...

and directly took this Refining Void Demon Cultivator in.

This sudden change made the three Void Demon Cultivators who were called by Xie Tong slightly stunned.

Then they reacted quickly.

"He has a forbidden Taoist weapon!"

"No matter how powerful the Taoist weapon is, it can't trap Lord Xie Tong for long! We will do our best to contain him and force him to disperse his strength to help Lord Xie Tong quickly break the forbidden Taoist weapon!"

The three Void Demon Cultivators reacted very quickly, and one by one used Taoist magic to attack Yao Guang.


The great ways mastered by the demon cultivators are basically spiritual, soul, and dark.

Among the three Void Demon Cultivators, except for the killing avenue mastered by the Void named Black Sun, which made him good at frontal combat, the remaining Death Star and Weird Moon...

One mastered the Taoist magic of the mind, and the other mastered the Taoist magic of the death avenue.

It just so happened that they had not yet mastered these two Taoist arts.

Moreover, their own strength was not enough to plant the Tao seeds to form their own Taoist magic.

Two Taoist magic attacks were directly "ignored" by Yaoguang's Starlight Glass Body and Taishang Wuwo.

He carried the Taoist magic attack, flashed, and came to the side of Hei Ri, who was good at killing Taoist magic, and slashed down with a sword of the void, instantly shattering the demon body of this demon cultivator.

Then, the natal cave heaven appeared and directly refined the Void Demon Cultivator.

If this Void Demon Cultivator struggled a little, he would slash out a Void Sword to destroy his body.

The two Void Demon Cultivators, Death Star and Guiyue, saw this scene and felt awe in their hearts.

But they gritted their teeth and continued to attack Yaoguang.

But their Taoist magic could not break Taishang Wuwo and Starlight Glass Body at all, and even Yaoguang seized the opportunity to slash their demon bodies.

This scene immediately frightened the two demon cultivators so much that their souls were about to escape, and they quickly avoided it.

"How many Taoist arts has he mastered!?"

"At least four! And they are all small-level Taoist arts! In addition, he has at least two Taoist tools in his hand! That golden sword light, and the void-type Taoist tool that sealed Master Xie Tong!"

The two great cave-empty masters, Death Star and Gui Yue, were scared.

Four small-level Taoist arts!

Two Taoist tools!

How to fight him! ?

"Damn, didn't he just break through the Refining Void Realm? It's only been five or six years at most!? Can he practice four Taoist arts to the small-level realm in five or six years!?"

"This kind of combat power and configuration... is the top among the Refining Void Realm... Let alone we only have one Refining Void Realm and three Cave Void Realms, even if the three Refining Void Realms attack at the same time, we may be able to defeat him, but we may not be able to kill him... This is not a big fish, it's clearly a terrifying sea monster!"

Death Star and Gui Yue looked at each other, and the next moment, they unexpectedly withdrew and retreated at the same time, fleeing at full speed towards the end of the sky.

There is a saying among human cultivators that when disaster strikes, everyone will flee.

The favorable teams rushed forward.

The unfavorable teams fled in all directions.

The selfish demon cultivators took this situation to the extreme.

With the strength shown by Yaoguang, they had lost hope of killing him. Since they could not kill him, the fishing plan naturally failed.

At this time, it was most important to protect themselves.

As for the sealed evil pupil and the refined black sun...

What did it have to do with them.

They all came to be demon cultivators, so what should they consider about mutual friendship, benevolence and morality?

"Can you get away?"

Looking at the two fleeing Dongxu, Yaoguang's expression did not change at all, and the void flickered and he was about to use it to intercept the two.

But at this moment, he seemed to sense something.

The Sealing Sky Monument shook violently, and countless ripples continued to ripple, as if it was about to be defeated.

Seeing this, Yaoguang stopped refining the cave demon cultivating the black sun. He held it with his empty hand and exploded the Wandering Dragon Sword into thousands of golden lights. Each golden light contained the sharpness that could tear everything apart, instantly destroying the black sun. Tear to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, he formed a sword with his fingers and pointed it at the demonic cultivator's body that was torn into thousands or tens of thousands of parts. The terrifying power of destruction exploded at his fingertips.

This is……

Great Annihilation Sword Qi!

When Yaoguang tailor-made the Annihilation Sword for Qi Sha, he naturally also learned this Taoist technique.

Compared to the indestructible Sword of the Void, the Great Annihilation Sword Qi is obviously more effective in killing formless creatures like Demon Cultivators.

Along with the billowing surge of the Great Annihilation Sword Qi transformed by the power of destruction, the body of the demon cultivator that was torn into pieces was instantly crushed into nothingness by the power of destruction.

After doing this, he waved his right hand and the Heaven Sealing Monument opened.

Evil Eye jumped out holding a thunder halberd.

Yaoguang glanced at the crack on the Sealing Sky Monument...

His eyes fell on the thunder halberd in his hand: "The Taoist weapon of the Thunder Avenue? It seems that there will be unexpected gains."

However, Xie Tong, who relied on the Thunder Halberd to nearly defeat the Sealing Sky Monument and escape from trouble, didn't say anything nonsense. With a flash of his body, his whole body seemed to turn into a bolt of thunder, shooting toward the end of the sky at an incredible speed.


Along the way, thunder roared!

This demon cultivator from the Yinyue Sect...

He didn't even say a word and just ran away?

"The little fish will leave as long as it's gone, but you, the big fish...just wait and put me in the pot!"

The two rulers on Yaoguang's body flickered, and with his false step, he appeared in front of Xie Tong in an instant.

This method of traveling through the void caused Xie Tong's six eyes to shrink at the same time...

But his reaction was extremely fast. The terrifying mysterious light condensed and shot out from his eyes, and the thunder halberd in his hand immediately waved, blasting out a bolt of thunder containing brilliant purple light, heading towards the fluctuating light. Bomb away.

Facing this thunder attack, Yaoguang made a swipe with his empty hand.

The Void Sword had already swallowed up all the power of the thunder, and continued to slash at Xie Tong's body with unabated force.

At the same time, the starlight glazed body shimmered, mixed with the mighty power of Supreme Wuself, which seemed to merge with heaven and earth, and the mysterious light that frightened the gods was easily blocked.


Xie Tong waved the halberd in his hand, as if he were the god of war driving a purple thunder dragon.

But under the sharpness of the Void Sword, which can defeat all magic with one force, the lightning in the sky cannot stop it at all.

He could almost only watch helplessly as the Void Sword slashed at his body, cutting off half of his body.

The half of the body that was chopped off seemed to contain amazing activity and will. It actually rushed towards the main body, as if it wanted to reintegrate with his main body.

But as the second strike of the Fluttering Void Sword struck, his body was forced to retreat violently.

At the same time, the Great Annihilation Sword Qi that followed the Void Sword struck the half of the body that was cut off, and the avenue of destruction contained in it directly annihilated the half of the body into nothingness.

"So, what do you think? The natal Taoist technique is clearly the soul-destroying mysterious light, but the Taoist weapon is a halberd that contains the Great Way of Thunder? Can't it be replaced with a Taoist weapon that increases the power of the soul?"

Yaoguang's almost emotionless divine thoughts echoed in the void.

These words...

But it made Xie Tong, the Void Refining Demon cultivator, feel aggrieved for a while.

Is he unwilling to replace the thunder halberd with a spiritual weapon?

Treasures like Taoist tools...

One thing has already gotten rid of 50% of the void refining, right?

A Taoist weapon that perfectly fits your own path is something that is rare to find!

"You are definitely not a new Lianxu! It is impossible for a new Lianxu to master so many Taoist techniques... especially your Void Sword... you have definitely reached the realm of great achievements! Who are you!?"

Xie Tong growled.

Yaoguang did not speak, but continued to cut down the Void Sword.

Xie Tong had to wield the thunder halberd again to fight back. While blocking the Void Sword with thunder light, he had to dodge to avoid it.

But at this time, the power of the Sealing Sky Monument was projected down.

This time, although the Lianxu was not taken in directly, it was interfered with and suppressed the space where he was, causing his dodge trajectory to stagnate slightly.

The next moment, the edge of the Void Sword struck his demonic body again.


Xie Tong let out a roar and had to transform himself into the magic mist state.

Seeing this, Yaoguang sacrificed himself out of the cave without hesitation and forcibly refined this Lianxu.

"Stop! Yaoguang, I am the leader of the Yinyue Sect. If you kill me, you will start an all-out war with the Yinyue Sect..."

The evil pupil's divine thoughts exploded, and at the same time, he quickly gathered his demonic mist body to re-condensate.


How could Fluctlight give him a chance?

When his body was about to condense, the Void Sword driven by the Wandering Dragon Sword turned into thousands of sword lights and slashed down, then scattered it again.

The collapsed demonic body was quickly refined by Dongtian, and it continued to grow.

During this period, no matter how much the Void Refining Demon Cultivator begged for mercy or threatened him, he remained unmoved.

Even if he controlled his own demonic energy to corrode Fluttering Light's cave sky, it would not be effective at all.

His cave is integrated into the heart of the void, and its corrosion resistance is more than a little stronger than the ordinary void-refining cave.

The refining process...

Lasted for three full days.

Three days later, this Void Refining Demon Cultivator was completely refined and disappeared into thin air.

On the contrary, it was Yaoguang, the cave was full of Chinese light, the intensity was much higher than before, the effect was as strong as the ordinary thousand-year hard practice of Lianxu.

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