"Although the demon origins of the two Shattered Void Demon Cultivators and the five Refined Void Demon Cultivators have been broken up a lot, but... coupled with the top star cores that have been refined worth more than 3 billion Pure Yang Pills, the Cave Heaven has finally reached the limit of Shattered Void."

Yaoguang sensed the state of the Cave Heaven.

At this moment, the Cave Heaven has become powerful to a certain limit.

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At this level, going further is to shatter the void through the understanding of Taoism and peek at the three thousand avenues behind the Void Avenue.

If the Void Avenue is a wall that carries the three thousand avenues, then Shattered Void needs to temporarily break this wall so that the real three thousand avenues can be seen, rather than the three thousand avenues that are manifested by the Void Avenue.

With this thought, Yaoguang waved his hand fiercely.

Clouds and mists surged on the Bailian Peak.

Over the past fifteen years, the Tiandu Dragon Slaying Formation, which has been optimized to a fourteenth-level formation, has been surging rapidly, quickly enveloping the entire Bailian Peak.

Since Yaoguang himself achieved enlightenment through the Great Way of Void, the Tiandu Dragon Slaying Formation, which has been optimized to a fourteenth-level formation, has already called itself the void.

Just like now, he still seems to be in Bailian Peak, but in fact he is already in another vast starry sky.

The starry sky is dotted with 360 powerful star cores.

If each star core is placed in the outside world, it can collapse into a black hole.

In other words, the energy level of these 360 ​​star cores is equivalent to 360 cave virtual war immortals.

This power is integrated through the formation and merged into one. Let alone the Shattered Void-level Grand Elder, even if a top sect comes out in full force, a dozen Shattered Voids plus dozens of Refined Voids, and hundreds of Cave Voids join forces, it will take a lot of effort to defeat this starry sky world.

With this time, unless the people of Tiandao Sect regard the rules set by Venerable Jinshu as nothing and must perish with him, otherwise, no matter how slow the speed is, support will arrive.

"Broken Void."

Yaoguang took a deep breath.

The cave sky trembled, and the energy equivalent to a large mixed cave was released from the cave sky.

At the same time, the Dao rhyme belonging to the Great Dao of Void was stimulated through the Dao Seed.

The power of the Dao Seed and the cave sky complemented each other, and continuously dissipated in all directions, and actually dispersed all the surrounding void power that was enough to carry the manifestation of the Great Dao, making the void into real nothingness.

And behind the nothingness, what appeared in front of Yaoguang was the real rules that constituted the entire world.

"Three Thousand Great Daos!"

The Three Thousand Great Daos are like the underlying logic of the world, forming a dense network that accommodates all the changes and rules of the entire world, forming this world itself.

Practitioners can feel the supreme truth contained in these great Daos just by observing them.

If you can maintain this state and comprehend it at all times...

The practice of Taoism will surely advance by leaps and bounds.

Yaoguang's cave held open the power of the void, quietly observing the three thousand great ways presented in his perception.

"At this point, it is the real Shattered Void Realm."

He said with some emotion, as if he wanted to evaluate his breakthrough in the realm at the moment.

But in the end, there was only one word left.


The whole breakthrough was natural and smooth, without any danger or excitement.

After a while, Yaoguang smiled.

It's natural, isn't it reasonable?

Shattered Void?

Just have hands.

What's the fuss.

He set his eyes on the three thousand great ways again.

"No wonder... Daojun wants to raise the realm of a practitioner so easily. After the integration of Dao, they are already equivalent to the three thousand great ways themselves, that is, part of the whole world and the whole universe..."

Yaoguang thought of the test paper and the students.

Daojun is the one who sets the test paper. He teaches a student how to take the test. How can that student not get a high score?

At the same time, after witnessing the Three Thousand Great Daos, Yaoguang also deeply understood why Daojun was so much stronger than Shattered Void.

No matter how powerful Shattered Void was, its power came from its own cave heaven.

A cave heaven...

Even if it was a Shattered Void-level cave heaven, how big could its mass be?

"Cave heaven, if a cave heaven of the Cave Void Realm is fully released, its energy is roughly equivalent to a mixed hole with a diameter of a thousand miles! Although Refining Void and Shattered Void will increase the diameter, it can only be increased to ten thousand miles at most, and many Shattered Voids can't even reach this number! But Daojun... they use their bodies to merge with the Dao, and mobilize the energy release at the 'universe' level through the power of the Great Dao, which is converted into the power of the mixed hole... I'm afraid it can reach the level of a million miles of mixed holes!"

How many times is this difference?

Not a hundred times, nor a thousand times, but a million times!

Although the life-and-death fight between the caves is not about whose mixed hole has a higher quality, things like Taoist techniques and Taoist tools are also crucial.

But when the energy level gap reaches a million times, no matter what kind of skills and tools, it has no meaning.

The opponent can directly use the power of the Great Dao to mobilize enough "cosmic mass" to crush over, and then destroy all the targets in front of him.

This level...

It is the power of the galaxy!

Moreover, there is no comparison between the mass of the galaxy and the Daojun.

With the means mastered by the Daojun, even if a galaxy is to be destroyed, it is only a matter of time.

As long as they are willing, they can easily become the overlord of a galaxy, ruling tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of light years.

"Really... a great life."

Fluttering Light murmured to himself.

If it were in his previous life, he would not dare to imagine that one day he would be able to reach this level.

"Forget Dao Lord, if I were to live in the past life, if I could build the foundation, I would be able to rule the world and become an uncrowned king."

The fluctuating light frees up thoughts: "Go hunting in the tropical rainforest in the morning, barbecue at the world's highest peak at noon, go swimming in Antarctica in the afternoon, and look up at the stars in the desert at night..."

Of course, these are nothing.

The great figures at the top of the world in the previous life were also able to achieve this through some technological creations.


What if we go one step further and cultivate the golden elixir?

You can play with rabbits on the moon in the morning, go to Venus to inhale carbon dioxide at noon, go for a walk on Mars in the afternoon, and bask in the sun in the evening.

As for there being no rabbits on the moon...

After cultivating the golden elixir, would it be difficult for him to truly build a Guanghan Palace on the moon and create an environment for life to survive?

"The footsteps of Jindan are still limited to the solar system, but if you reach the cave... relying on the distortion of the surrounding space to jump through space... it will only be a matter of time before you travel throughout the galaxy. At that time... you will be able to truly see your past life. A scenery that no one can even imagine...and I am more powerful than Dongxu and Lianxu - Broken Xu!"

Yaoguang thought back to his achievements at this moment...

For the first time, he felt that he could now be regarded as a "great life" in the eyes of countless people and even countless civilizations.

As long as he is willing to step out of Beihai Star and leave this super planet with the gate to the fairy world, countless civilizations in the surrounding star fields will become his playground for him to roam.

Yaoguang stayed where he was, immersed in the glory of achieving "greatness".

If he had no higher pursuit...

Now I can really lie down.


"It's still not enough."

After a while, Yaoguang came back to his senses: "The universe is so vast... Dongxu, Lianxu, and Shattering Xu will probably not be able to travel throughout the entire galaxy in their lifetimes. Their lifespan is only a pitiful ten thousand years. Even if Dao Lord has a life span of 129,600 years and possesses greater magical powers, he can only travel the tip of the iceberg of the entire universe in his life. If I want to truly live forever, I will follow my footsteps. Go to every corner of the starry sky and watch every splendor and wonder in the universe, at least go one step further!"

Become an immortal!

Become an immortal who is said to be immortal and have unlimited lifespan.

At that time, without the worry of longevity, where can he not go where he wants to go?

What kind of scenery does he want to see but cannot see?

In his long life, he could even stop for a hundred years just to wait for a supernova explosion.

You can also watch two black holes devouring each other for thousands of years.

What's more, he could wait for the collision of two large galaxies for millions of years.

"So... this small goal is enough. Become an immortal, live forever, and be able to swim towards Mu Cangwu in the North Sea. That's enough."

A smile appeared on Yaoguang's face, and he restrained his thoughts of "traveling" outside the universe.

In his mind, the information belonging to the Sword of the Void and the Flash of the Void were constantly being retrieved.

If you want to become a Taoist in the Broken Void Realm, you must perfect a Taoist practice.

Only when the perfect Taoism changes the nature of the entire cave can practitioners "integrate" into the Tao and be accepted by the "Dao".

When Fluctuating Light pushes the realm of "Shattering the Void" to 100%, it will naturally involve a small amount of Taoist information that has been cultivated to a perfect level.

Not a lot, but…

His natal magic "Void Flash" is among them.

After all, there are a very large number of practitioners of Void Taoism. Even if Void Flicker and Void Sword are already considered exquisite in Void Taoism, under the huge base, there will still be "perfect" information about these two Taoisms.

His other natal art, "The Flood of Time," didn't even see the shadow of perfection.

It is estimated that the "Dao Lord" may not appear immediately.

If it is not possible, it will not appear until 20% or even 40%.

"The void flickers."

The avenue of void on Yaoguang's body keeps flowing.

In the process of the circulation of the Void Avenue, the Tao seed of the natal Taoist "Void Flashing" is also growing rapidly, and the Tao rhyme emanating from above is spreading in circles, filling every corner of the cave.

As these ripples of Tao rhyme continue to wash away, the practitioner's cave will become more and more characterized by the "Dao".

When the characteristics of the "Dao" reach a certain extreme, they can "cheat" the real Dao of the Void and try to integrate into the "Dao of the Void", which is the most critical step for Suixu to be promoted to the Dao Lord - to combine the body with the Dao.

However, no matter how hard a practitioner practices, the individual "Tao Yun" is still incomparably insignificant compared to the Tao of the entire universe.

More than ninety-nine percent of Suixu will be at the step of "integrating the body with the Tao", and their thoughts will be washed away by the "Void Avenue" at the cosmic level. They will lose the consciousness of time and space and sink into the "Void Avenue" forever. There is no way to "wake up" again.

This is what is called Taoism.

This step is so difficult that if ten Dao Lords who have successfully merged with Dao asked him to try again, nine would fail, and one would rather die than try again.

Even the progress of Fluct Light and Shattering Void has reached 100%, and it contains a lot of experience in impacting "He Dao", but after looking at it for a few times, I still have lingering fears.

"Until I raise my realm to the level of 'He Dao', or even less than 100% of 'He Dao', I will never take that step easily."

Yao Guang said secretly in his heart.

And not long after Yao Guang quietly stepped into the Shattered Void Realm, the news brought by Li Hanqiu interrupted his retreat.

"Master, the tribute team of the sect has arrived...but...they have made additional requests this time."

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