In a villa with an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters.

Zhang Yushu, who is the second director of Buzhou Group, listened to the news brought by Weber with smiles in his eyes.

"So, the opportunity has come?"

"Yes, we have checked. Although the Su family has a lot of assets, its working capital is only four to five billion. If it is more, he will have to embezzle funds from the group. And he first went to Baiyu Pavilion to order medicinal materials worth three hundred million. , and found someone to contact the Wanfa Chamber of Commerce, hoping to get the 5A level uniform from the Wanfa Chamber of Commerce. It can be said that all the liquidity in the Su family's hands was lost in one go. "

Weber smiled and said: "Perhaps some funds within the group have been used now, but the method is secret and we have not found out."

"He's really willing to give up 300 million medicinal materials, and they are all strong and powerful medicines that touch the heart. In addition, he purchased the 5A-level battle suit of the Wanfa Chamber of Commerce... I have probably guessed what he wants to do."

Zhang Yu wrote.

"The troops are in danger, and a grandmaster emerges!"

Weber said seriously: "Use these powerful medicines to force Leng Jun into the realm of internal training. Maybe these drugs will leave some hidden dangers on him, but as long as he can successfully break through the realm, the Su family will have one more figure." Grandmaster! With the capabilities of the 5A Red Star suit, who would dare to use off-the-shelf tactics against the Su family? The Su family will be able to rest easy in the next ten or eight years!"

Zhang Yushu nodded.

If Su Chiming succeeds, he can really save the Su family for another ten or eight years in the current unfavorable situation.

With these ten years and eight years of peaceful development, God knows what changes will happen to Buzhou Group.

"That old guy is quite courageous."

Zhang Yushu chuckled.

"He has no choice. Over the years, there have been too many institutions that have shared benefits with Buzhou Group. But in the eyes of shareholders, this is his poor management. With a little guidance from us, it will naturally become a problem of the board of directors. In addition, it will become a problem of the board of directors. Su Huaifeng's reputation as a playboy has been shared with Su Chixin and Su Huaigu. In short, this is all the fault of the Su family. In all likelihood, they will not be able to get Su Huaifeng's board seat. "

Weber also smiled: "Once we lose this seat, the Su family will only have three people on the board of directors. The chairman of the next board of directors can already announce a direct replacement."

Zhang Yushu nodded.

The Su family was indeed forced to take risks.

"The master realm cannot be broken through by taking strong medicine."

Another middle-aged man in the house said.

His name is Qi Qingsong, a top martial artist.

Originally, his development in the martial arts world had come to an end. Unless he could go further and train his heart and soul in the future, achieving great achievements in muscles and bones would be his ultimate goal.

However, internal training of the lungs was too dangerous. He tried it several times, and each time he lay down for several months. The most serious one almost did not recover.

This experience made him lose the courage to continue practicing, and he naturally focused on improving his status.

Zhang Yushu, who happened to be half a member of the martial arts circle, was determined to make friends with him, and he followed suit.

In just two years, he has gained both fame and fortune. Not only has he become one of the Ten Tigers of the South, but his various incomes add up to hundreds of millions every year.

Once you have money, you naturally want to have greater social influence.

At this time, Zhang Yushu and others wanted to join forces with some people to plan the Su family's ill-advised group, which would inevitably lead to the Su family taking risks. They also had to have strong enough force to take on the responsibility. The two sides hit it off immediately and entered into deeper cooperation.

Because he has experienced the dangers of the master realm, his words are naturally very convincing.

"I understand this of course. The internal organs are existences that can lead to death if they make the slightest mistake. Ordinary martial arts masters can make breakthroughs either by relying on their amazing talents to understand all the subtle changes in the physical body, or by relying on top-notch medicinal materials and spending a lot of money to continuously adjust and improve them. Room for error…”

Zhang Yushu himself also practiced martial arts.

Although he couldn't bear the pain of hardening his muscles and bones, and he had to treat the leaders of the martial arts association to eat and drink several times before he could get his fourth-level martial arts certificate, he still understood the principles of martial arts training very well.

"The Su family has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years. There are several martial arts masters in the family, and now they are taking drastic measures. If they really train a grandmaster for them, it will add variables."

"Then Zhang Dong means to cut off this medicinal material?"

"Intercept? If you intercept it, wouldn't you miss this opportunity for nothing?"

Zhang Yushu said meaningfully: "When this person is in a desperate situation, it is easy to put all his money on the line. The more difficult the situation, the greater the gambling tendency!"

He leaned back and leaned on the sofa, crossing his legs: "We not only have to help him complete the purchase of these medicinal materials, but we also have to try to get Bai Yuge to mix a bottle of Snow Shendan for him."

"Snow ginseng!?"

Qi Qingsong was suddenly moved.

This is the famous elixir of the Zhao family, the elixir sage of the royal capital, and it has miraculous effects on the inner body!

Even used by masters for daily practice, it also has excellent auxiliary effects.

Because of this, this kind of elixir is often sold out when it is released.

It is no exaggeration to say that for martial artists, apart from being expensive, this medicine has no side effects.

"Does Mr. Zhang have connections?"

Qi Qingsong asked.

"You don't need connections, you just need to release this news to attract the Su family into the situation."

Zhang Yu wrote: "The market price of a bottle of this kind of elixir can reach one billion. Since the Su family has taken the risk, we let Baiyu Pavilion spread the word that there is a bottle of Snow Shen Dan for sale. They will never miss it. At this time , we can ask the Su family to pay a deposit of several hundred million first."

He said confidently: "The purchase of these medicinal herbs and the Red Star Battle Suit has drained the Su family's working capital. As long as we don't give them time to sell assets to raise funds, they can only withdraw funds from the group to pay for the deposit of the Snow Ginseng Pill. If we pay close attention to the withdrawal of hundreds of millions of funds, we will definitely be able to detect problems. As long as the problems are found, joint investigations by major departments will follow. Su Chiming, the chairman, will not only be in trouble, but if everything goes well, he will have to spend the rest of his life in prison."

"This requires the full cooperation of the White Jade Pavilion. After all, this is related to the century-old reputation of the White Jade Pavilion..."

Webber said.

"I have my own way to make the White Jade Pavilion agree to cooperate with us."

Zhang Yushu smiled slightly.

"That's it."

"Not enough! We have to put more pressure on him, forcing him to become a gambler and gamble on Leng Jun's chance of becoming a master. If there is any more trouble, Su Huaifeng will no longer be able to perform his duties. He will convene the board of directors in advance. Such people who are just sitting there doing nothing should be cleared out."

Zhang Yushu said.

Wei Bolai nodded immediately: "I will contact Director Yan and Director Liu right now... The Buzhou Group has suffered from the Su family for a long time."


Deyue Building.

After a meal, Yaoguang "got to know" several relatives.


It was limited to knowing.

Although Su Yaoxue, Su Yaoshuang, and Su Yaoqin were a little curious about him, he didn't have much free time to communicate with them.

After a polite meal, he went straight to Yu Garden under the leadership of Lei Yun.

Although the location of Villa No. 49 in Yu Garden was not good, the area was indeed large.

When he chose this villa, all the daily necessities had been completed under Lin Xia's instructions, and he could move in directly.

When he arrived at home, he directly ordered: "Collect the voice data of all senior personnel in Tiannan for me."


Lei Yun did not ask any more questions and responded immediately.

And Yaoguang...

After taking a quick look at the villa, he nodded with satisfaction.

Although he could live in a rental house of dozens of square meters, wasn't he practicing hard to make his life better?

Since he has the ability to make himself live more comfortably, why must he squeeze into an old and dilapidated house.

After visiting the villa, he came to the entertainment room and turned on the equipped computer.

At the same time, he kept recalling the voice he heard in Youlong's office and in Baozhu's memory.

These two voices...

belong to the same person.

In other words, the black hand behind Yulong International and the demon who came to kill him belong to the same organization.

This is much more threatening than the demons he killed before.

"Even though there are only sounds... but... it's enough!"

Use the sound comparison to select a few suitable targets.

Then use the "sensing" secret technique to sense them one by one, and soon the mastermind behind the scenes can be found.

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