"Another skill has been temporarily maxed out."

In the void, a flying boat was rushing towards the residence of a demon lord at a very fast speed.

This flying boat was obtained by killing the Heavenly Prison Demon Lord.

A void-type flying Taoist instrument.

The performance...

is not very good.

It is just an ordinary Taoist instrument.

If it is auctioned, the price will be between 1.2 billion and 1.4 billion.

For Yaoguang, with the Wuji Sword and the Liangjie Ruler, it is faster to use the Void Flash than the flying boat Taoist instrument.

However, activating two Taoist instruments at the same time and then performing the Void Flash with all his strength is too much for him to bear as he has reached the Shattered Void Realm and possesses the Supreme Human Emperor.

Considering that the next battle is probably a tough one, he still needs to calm down the high-intensity operation of the cave as soon as possible and restore himself to the best condition.

While thinking, he glanced at the [Demon Hunting] branch that had just been upgraded to level 15 100%.

Compared with tracing the source and hunting instinct, the Dao Fruit magical power given at level 15 is somewhat useless.

"Top predator."

After sensing this talent magical power, Yaoguang sighed: "Through the pressure of the top predator, I can intimidate lives weaker than myself and make them surrender with a certain probability... It can only work on lives weaker than me, what's the use of it?"

Shaking his head, he still took his mind back from this talent.

It's a pity to give such a Dao Fruit magical power at level 15.

But the large number of talents he has obtained over the years also told him that not every talent can significantly improve his combat power.

Like the low-level talents such as induction and invisibility that he got at the beginning, they are now useless.

"There are still some left, next..."

Yaoguang glanced at the [Merchant] and [Alchemy] talents.

Considering that alchemy often takes a lot of time, he still invested the remaining "experience" in the [Merchant] talent to see if this talent can undergo a qualitative change.

After all, since he entered the territory of Yinyue Sect, he has killed five and one Shattered Void cultivators, and obtained no less than ten complete Taoist artifacts, and there are also more than ten broken Taoist artifacts that he broke. These can be regarded as huge wealth.

If the [Merchant] profession can be more magical...

"I really shouldn't have had too much hope."

After digesting the information of the [Merchant] branch that was upgraded to level 13, Yaoguang complained a little helplessly.

The talents given by merchants...

They are really talents related to merchants.

For example, improving language charm, improving others' trust in oneself, having more accurate valuation ability, etc.

The only talent that can be used is called merchant intuition - even if an item or material has never been seen before, its value can be roughly judged.

This allows him not to miss some precious treasures when "hunting for treasures".

But then again, since it is a treasure, it will naturally have all kinds of magic. When those treasures really show magic, he will not miss it easily.

Still useless.

While thinking, Yaoguang had already arrived at a sect built on the mountains.

He checked his memory and found that the ruler of this sect was called the Curse Seal Demon Lord, and the sect he opened was called the Heaven Curse Sect.

There were many small hills like this in the Yinyue Sect.

It seemed that they had received the news in advance. At present, all the cultivators in the entire Heaven Curse Sect were on full alert, and the formation covering the sky above the Heaven Curse Sect was also fully activated.

Yaoguang took a quick look and found that the level of this formation was not much inferior to the Tiandu Dragon Slaying Formation that had not been improved back then.

If it was presided over by Suixu...

Three or five Suixu would be trapped in it and it would be difficult to get out for a while.

Even if the strong men on the Daojun Candidate List took action personally, it would take some effort to destroy such a level 13 formation presided over by Suixu.

And this is the territory of the Yinyue Sect.

If the formation cannot be broken in a short time, other masters of Yinyue Sect will certainly come to reinforce through the teleportation formation, and then they will face the siege of the whole Yinyue Sect.


Yaoguang looked outside the formation for a moment, and soon saw something, and smiled slightly: "Yes, a turtle shell, since the sect protection formation has been opened, I think it will not leave in a short time."

He marked the Tianju Sect.

Then, his figure flashed and rushed to the territory of the next broken virtual supreme Jin Ni Demon Lord.

While rushing to the territory of Jin Ni Demon Lord, he was constantly searching for the way to break the Tianju Sect's sect protection formation in his mind.

Just a moment...

"Found it."

Yaoguang said in his heart.


"It's a bit troublesome. With my strength and means, it's still a bit difficult to break this formation in a short time..."

If the formation can't be broken, then interfere with its operation.

At the same time, sneak into the formation first, destroy the teleportation formation connecting to the Yinyue Sect, avoid being besieged, and then deal with the Curse Seal Demon Lord.

"See if I can find the next Demon Lord. If I can't find it, this Curse Seal Demon Lord is the last Shattered Void Demon Cultivator I can kill. If I kill more... The Yinyue Sect will definitely go crazy! It will be troublesome if I call back their Black Sky Demon Lord in advance."

Yaoguang thought.

Not long after, the flying boat he was riding arrived at a city.

However, compared to the Tianzhu Sect, this city was basically deserted.

Although there are many remaining demon cultivators, except for a few Void Immortals, there is not even a real Void.

"Hmm? I can't sense the teleportation array in this city? The owner of the city is the Golden Lion Demon Lord? A Shattered Void promoted within a thousand years... Yes, the last time the Black Sky Demon Lord came back was 2,600 years ago. At that time, he was not a Shattered Void. The Demon Lord would not arrange a teleportation array for him in advance. In this case..."

Yaoguang's eyes swept over several Void Immortals, and his figure flashed, and he came directly to a War Immortal.

When the War Immortal saw Yaoguang suddenly appear, a trace of misery flashed in his eyes. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something...

But the next second, his body was directly shattered, and a strand of the Heavenly Demon Origin that was not fully digested was extracted by him.

"Trace the source."

The magical power was activated, and Yaoguang quickly found the source of the Heavenly Demon Origin based on this Heavenly Demon Origin.

And the location of the source...

"Over there!"

Yaoguang looked at a location, and then compared it with the direction of Yinyue Sect. He was a little surprised: "He is not running to the headquarters of Yinyue Sect? Or...he deliberately took a detour to avoid being stopped by me halfway in Yinyue Sect?"

He estimated the distance slightly...

If this demon lord ran to Yinyue Sect with all his strength, he might not catch up with him considering the distance.

But now that he has taken a long detour...


"He is really smart."

This time, Yaoguang did not drive the Taoist flying boat to maintain the cave state, but directly activated the Wuji Sword and Liangjie Ruler, and ran the Void Flash at full speed.

One flash is hundreds of thousands of miles.

One breath can perform several Void Flashes.

In this way of rushing, the distance between him and the Jin Ni Demon Lord was quickly shortened.

When Yaoguang ran the Supreme Human Emperor once and replenished his own consumption, a Taoist flying boat driven by a Refining Void Demon Cultivator appeared in front of him.

His divine sense swept over, and it seemed that the strongest person on this flying boat was a Lianxu Demon Cultivator, with at most two Dongxu Demon Cultivators and a group of Jindan Demon Cultivators accompanying him.

But whether it was the "tracing the source" magical power or the light of the true spirit, they were telling him that there was still a big fish hidden in the flying boat.

Nowhere to hide.

With the dual talents, no matter how the Shattered Void Demon Lord inside hid and restrained his breath, he would eventually be exposed and could not escape.


Under the amplification of the time torrent, two void swords slashed down at the same time.

And they accurately aimed at the Golden Lion Demon Lord on the warship who was trying his best to hide his breath.

Feeling the sharpness of the void sword, the Golden Lion Demon Lord finally couldn't hide anymore, and his body suddenly jumped out of the warship.

But he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​fighting with Yaoguang, and he immediately sacrificed six strange objects after rushing out.

Each of the strange objects burst out with amazing Tao rhyme, and its might was not inferior to the Taoism released by a Shattered Void at full power.

In other words, the simultaneous offering of these six strange objects was equivalent to the instantaneous concentrated fire of six Shattered Voids.

However, even with such a terrible method, the demon lord did not dare to pursue.

Instead, he took advantage of the offering of these strange objects to tear a talisman and disappeared in the area in the blink of an eye.

Even if Yaoguang offered the Sealing Heaven Tablet at the first time, he could not lock his figure.

"Huh? The Great Teleportation Talisman? This level... It is probably made by a Taoist master."

Yaoguang was a little surprised.

The next moment, the Sword of Void cut through many Taoism arts and instantly broke five of the six Taoism arts in the field.

The remaining one broke through the interception and blockade of the Sword of Void and hit Yaoguang's body.

But as the stars flickered, his body seemed to emit a burst of glazed light, which dispersed the power of this Taoist magic.

"Can you get away?"

Yaoguang took a step in the air, crossed the void in the blink of an eye, and chased hundreds of thousands of miles away.


Yaoguang was slightly surprised when he reached his destination.

He actually...

lost the trace of the Golden Lion Demon Lord.

But it doesn't matter.

He turned around and reappeared on the warship. With a flick of his hand, the Great Annihilation Sword Qi blasted down.

All the demon bodies of the Lianxu and Dongxu Demon Cultivators on the warship were blasted away on the spot.

Then, Dongtian rolled up, and a Lianxu and two Dongxu Demon Cultivators were suppressed by Dongtian.

Yaoguang absorbed a Heavenly Demon Origin from one of them, stimulated the power of tracing the source, and soon sensed something.

"Flashing on the spot?"

His eyes turned and fell on a mountain only a thousand miles away.

Then, the Great Annihilation Sword Qi blasted down.

The small mountain of dozens of miles was crushed into nothingness by the destructive power contained in the sword energy.

A figure hiding in that area immediately rose into the air, and the demonic flame on his body was greatly weakened compared to the beginning.

"There are so many Daojun talismans? So, you got a secret treasure of Daojun."

Although Yaoguang asked, his tone was firm.

The Daojun talismans that could avoid the perception of his "light of the true spirit" must be soul-type Daojun talismans.

"Master Yaoguang, calm down!"

The Jin Ni Demon Lord was very happy to surrender: "As long as you are willing to let me go, I will tell you where the secret treasure of Daojun is right away!"

"If I kill you, I can naturally find the secret treasure from you."

Yaoguang once again sacrificed the Heaven Sealing Tablet to seal the space.

The new Void Sword also fell immediately.

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