The Taoist flying boat that Yaoguang and others were riding...

To be precise, it is similar to a main ship that integrates speed, defense and life.

Moreover, since this battleship will inevitably travel frequently between Cangwu and Beihai in the future, it was named "Cangbei" after being refined by Yaoguang.

The Cangbei battleship is not only extremely fast, but also has strong defensive capabilities.

Although there are violent winds and icy rain on the surface of Beihaixing and in outer space, these natural disasters are not a threat to either the Taoist vessel itself or Li Hanqiu driving the Cangbei. .

The battleship climbed all the way, and not long after...

The vision in front of him suddenly cleared.

A vast expanse of darkness and depth appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Extraterrestrial sky.

As they initially left Beihaixing, everyone, including Li Qingshan, Lou Yuyu, Liang Qiu, Xu Qixing and others who followed Li Hanqiu, all felt a sudden lightness all over their bodies.

It was as if all the weight was suddenly removed from a high-intensity weight-bearing state, and a feeling of lightness and ecstasy came over my whole body.

What this lightness brings is a powerful feeling that seems to contain vast power in every move.

It seems that with just a slight movement, everything around it can be destroyed.

"We're leaving Starfish."

Li Hanqiu couldn't help but said.

As a Dongxu War Immortal, Wanliu Gui, who often travels to and from Beihai Star and battlefields outside Beihai Star, is accustomed to this change.

He glanced at the huge North Sea Star "below" and said: "The gravity and environment of the North Sea Star are so strong that it is so abnormal that any creature that comes out of the North Sea Star has the feeling that the sea is vast and the sky is high. The feeling of letting a bird fly.”

He smiled and said: "On Beihaixing, even if Dongxu detonates the cave in the body, it can annihilate a radius of several thousand miles at most. It is as powerful as Suixu. It will take a lot of effort to level tens of thousands of miles, but outside the territory In the starry sky, even if a star with a diameter of millions of miles can be crushed, it can only be done easily. "

"North Sea Star is different from other planets. Its anomalies do not originate from gravity and environment, but from the level of rules."

Yaoguang explained.

As Sui Xu, who is still standing at the pinnacle of Beihai Star, he has been exposed to information and learned much more knowledge than others.

He also looked at this huge planet and explained: "Deep in the star core of Beihai Star, there is a gate to the fairy world. Although the gate to the fairy world is closed, the three thousand avenues that escape from it are subtle changes. The structure of Beihai Star has changed its environment towards the 'fairy world'. Because of this, Beihai Star and its surroundings have tight rules, and even monks who go deep into it will feel restrained. "

"What are the rules of the gate to the fairy world..."

Li Hanqiu and Wan Liugui also heard about this statement.

It's just not as detailed as Yaoguang's understanding.

Li Qingshan on the side couldn't help but said: "No wonder we felt so uncomfortable when we first came to Beihaixing, but we didn't know how to get rid of this constraint. It turns out that this constraint is at the level of rules."

"Although it is uncomfortable, practicing in it makes your efficiency countless times higher."

Yaoguang smiled and explained: "Just like Cangwu World, there are many powerful people in those top cities. Ordinary monks will naturally be at a loss when they go there. But in an environment with many powerful people, they can easily obtain better resources and obtain Better opportunities allow people to soar to the sky quickly. Otherwise, it would be more comfortable to stay in a remote place for enjoyment. "

"It's a quiet place in a remote country, but it may not be a comfortable place to live."

Wanliu returned and said: "When I was born, drastic changes had not happened in Cangwu Realm. At that time, people in the countryside could not save one tael of silver through farming in a year. But if you go to the capital city, as long as you are strong and do whatever you want, you can earn money every year I can have more than ten taels of silver in my account, but similarly, the income of more than ten taels of silver is already considered a wealthy person in my hometown, but in that city I can barely make ends meet. Moreover, people who have seen the prosperous world , and may not be interested in returning to the countryside... This can be seen from the fact that there are fewer and fewer people in our countryside. "

Li Hanqiu, Li Qingshan and others nodded at the same time.

Compared to Cangwu Great World...

Although they, the monks, have a difficult time in Beihaixing, they have to admit that only by coming here can they have a better future.

If they stay in Cangwu Great World and associate with those Golden Core realm warrior immortals, in the future, their highest achievement will probably be at the Golden Core realm.

A cave with endless longevity?

Don't even think about it.

Not to mention coming into contact with the Tao Lord who has a life span of 129,600 years, and the gate to the fairy world that is said to be immortal once you enter it.

"First, we seek to be full, then to gain sufficient security, and then to pursue health, longevity, and evolution... This is the process that any living being needs to go through."

Yaoguang said, looking beyond the starry sky again.

Without the constraints of Beihaixing's environment, he clearly realized that space is so fragile.

Just like a creature living in a high-gravity environment, suddenly entering a low-gravity place and flying into the sky is by no means an extravagant hope.

Moreover, matter and life in a low-gravity environment are often relatively fragile. It is a bit exaggerated to say that landslides and ground cracks occur with one move, but it is easy to break the "rocks" on this planet with just one move.

This is Yao Guang’s feeling and understanding of space at this moment.

As divine thoughts spread...

Without the restraint and interference of external rules, his mind was like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins. It quickly reached the limit of the North Sea Star - 100,000 miles. Then, it easily broke through the shackles of 100,000 miles and spread to 1 million miles, 10 million miles, 100 million miles, 1 billion miles...

Moreover, through his understanding of the Great Dao of Space and with the help of the power of this Great Dao, he could spread his mind to a maximum of 10 billion miles.

10 billion miles.

Yaoguang's mind moved.

The next moment, his figure disappeared.

Void flickered.

In an instant, Yaoguang had appeared 10 billion miles away.

The whole process was almost unhindered.

After a short pause, Yaoguang performed Void Flicker again.

In an instant, it was another 10 billion miles.

Then, the third, fourth, fifth time...

In one breath, he had actually crossed 100 billion miles of starry sky.

"It's so easy. Whether it's the load on the cave heaven caused by activating the Void Flash or the activation speed... it's all much easier. If I used to perform the Void Flash with all my strength for a hundred times in the North Sea Star, crossing 100 million miles in one breath would cause the cave heaven to shake and be powerless, then now... let alone a hundred times, a thousand times, thousands of times are not a problem."

In other words...

In his extreme state, he can last for hundreds of breaths at the efficiency of 100 billion miles per breath.

That is tens of trillions of miles.

"So, at my level, the maximum combat radius has reached one light year."

Yaoguang calculated briefly.

One light year!

How far away!

But now he can cross it in a very short time.

This is his true strength at the moment.

And don't forget that there are a large number of space nodes in the universe, which are similar to wormholes.

Using these nodes to shuttle, it is not difficult to cross hundreds of light years, thousands of light years, or even tens of thousands of light years in one breath.

Even without using space nodes, with his speed and long life span of tens of thousands of years, he can complete a circumnavigation of a galaxy.

"So, it is absolutely true that Dongxu, Lianxu and Suixu are the overlords of the galaxy. With a combat radius of light years, plus the use of space nodes to project their power to any destination... it is easy to rule a galaxy in the end."

Domination is not destruction.

In a city of 100,000 people, as long as someone has the power to fight one against a hundred, and then uses this power to deter and pull up a ruling class of 1,000 people, these 1,000 people will naturally help him govern the remaining 98,900 people honestly.


Yaoguang triggered the void flash and returned to Cangbei.

"Okay, search for space nodes, speed up at full speed, and go to Cangwu World."


Li Hanqiu drove Cangbei and headed straight for the nearest void node.

Along the way, he encountered several warships wandering outside.

Although these warships did not reach the level of Daoqi, each of them had a very fast speed.

And the purpose of their wandering outside the North Sea Star...

is naturally to rob those who want to enter the North Sea Star.

However, after seeing the level of the warship that Yaoguang and others were riding, and the emblem of the Tiandao Sect on it, these warships hid far away and did not dare to meet them at all.

During the period, they encountered a looting war, and because of his passing, the looters gave up the target they were looting and fled in a hurry.

This scene...

can't help but make Yaoguang miss it.

However, after the warship entered the void node and completed a shuttle of hundreds of light years, the surroundings became obviously quiet.

The Cangbei sailed to the next void node calmly.

The Cangbei itself can also shuttle through the void, but the distance of the shuttle is only a few light years to dozens of light years, and it takes a certain amount of time to cool down.

Fortunately, there are many void nodes in the vast universe, and Cangbei can often find the next available void node after one or two shuttles.

Under such circumstances, in less than half a month, the Cangwu World was already within reach.

"Finally arrived."

On the Cangbei, a group of hundreds of people came out almost at the same time, looking at a planet "not far away".

"Cangwu World..."

Li Qingshan and others had mixed emotions.

"Originally, we couldn't see the structure of the Cangwu World clearly. Now it seems that this is a large void node, but it is an abandoned void node. Its internal space collapsed, absorbing the surrounding matter within a few light years, and filling the collapsed node with matter, and finally formed this special structure."

Li Hanqiu was a little emotional.

"Although this structure is rare, it is not uncommon in the starry sky... It's just that the void node in our Cangwu World is relatively large..."

Lou Yuyu said with a lonely look: "It turns out that the Cangwu World is not special."

Everyone watched for a long time, and finally, many people looked outside the Cangwu World.


There are palaces in the sky.

Looking at these heavenly palaces, Murong Hui, the former master of the Heavenly Palace of the Jiuding Sect, couldn't help but say: "So... decades have passed, and the Cangwu World has not changed at all."

"Okay, go back."

Yaoguang gave an order.

At this moment, the Cangbei accelerated again and soon arrived above the Cangwu World.

When Yaoguang arrived at the Cangwu World, Zong Wenxian, who was still entangled with the Light God Clan, finally received news from the Tiandao Sect.

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