Yaoguang didn't say much to Li Hanqiu about this matter.

Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶

It just pushed this situation to a "cosmic disaster".

But deep in his heart there seemed to be a premonition.

This premonition made his guess about the vision in front of him more inclined to be the release of energy when a great creature fell.

The energy that escaped after his death caused a cosmic disaster and destroyed all the void nodes within a billion light-year radius. Therefore, plane worlds similar to the Cangwu world were born.

However, the lifespan of a planet is often calculated in terms of billions of years, billions of years, or even billions of years or tens of billions of years.

The same is true for Cangwu Great World.

Therefore, even the fluctuating light cannot tell how old this thing happened.

After these long and ancient years, the universe evolved, a new batch of void nodes formed, and gradually the civilization that is now prospering again emerged.

There is also a gate to the fairy world that leads all living beings into the fairy world, so that people can truly achieve enlightenment and become immortals, prove immortality, and find eternal life.

On the battleship that resumed sailing.

Yaoguang's mind was constantly digesting the information given by [Immortal Way·Broken Void].

These news...

Too many, too complicated.

It almost reminds Yaoguang of when he was an ordinary person and used search engines to find some niche information.

There are millions or tens of millions of search results, but really wanting to find something useful is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Fairy World..."

Yaoguang said secretly in his heart.

At the same time, I felt the ancient glazed tree that was about to completely transform...

"I hope that after my 'high-dimensional cognition' transforms, my 'information search' will be slightly more accurate."

He refocused his attention on the information related to the Broken Void Realm...

As a result, after searching for half a month, I still frowned.

"Originally, when I reached 80% of the progress of a realm, I would then involve all kinds of miracles in the next realm. This time, I have reached 100% of the Immortal Dao Shattering Void Realm, but the description of the next step of Hedao is still extremely lacking. ”

This is somewhat unreasonable.

Of course, it is not that there is no information about Hedao at all.

For example, the concepts of "ghost immortals, human immortals, earth immortals, gods, and heavenly immortals" involved in it should obviously not belong to the Shattering Void stage, but should be the cultivation method after Hedao.

Yes, the way, not the state.

"So, after joining the Tao and entering the immortal world, the next step is to choose one of these five kinds of immortals to achieve? Then can you live forever and live forever?"

Yaoguang guessed in his mind.

After all, there is too little news.

He felt the branches of [Businessman], which had little progress left, and the branches of [Alchemy], which had to start from scratch, and made a decision in his heart.

"Returning to Cangwu, allowing the 'high-dimensional cognition' to complete its transformation, and allowing the realm to enter the 'Hedao' to get a glimpse of the Dao Lord's scenery, is the next most important task that requires all-out effort."

At this moment, he set his sights on the "Star Map" again.

According to the distance shown on the star map, it is about...


At this time, Yaoguang seemed to have discovered something and suddenly stopped.

In his mind, he recalled some of the aura coordinates he obtained through the traceability technique when he was refining and killing the Golden Demon Lord...

It was actually not far from where he was at the moment.

Adhering to the idea that he has come, Yaoguang said: "Wait a minute."

He pointed at the positions of several void nodes above and drew a line: "Go from this road, pass through these six void nodes, and reach this area. I want to find a few people."


Li Hanqiu carried out the task of Fluctlight without any hesitation.

Although they had been wasting several years since they came out, which was equivalent to losing contact for several years, he still had no doubts about where Yaoguang was going.


Even if there are forces that want to deal with the Southern Territory during this period, they will never dare to kill them all.

Before Yaoguang fell, destroying the Southern Territory would undoubtedly shatter Yaoguang's bottom line and make it completely unscrupulous. No one could afford this price.

Although this path would only pass through six void nodes, it still took them a month because the nodes were slightly far apart.

After the battleship arrived at the area pointed by Fluttering Light, he ordered: "Wait here."

Immediately afterwards, several void flashes landed directly on a planet three million miles away from the void node.

This planet...

The oxygen content is extremely high, and there are a large number of large trees that reach into the sky. There are also various giant beasts that are more than ten meters or tens of meters high, similar to the Cretaceous period.

In addition, a technological civilization seems to have been born above.

These intelligent creatures are similar to humans, but are taller, often reaching three meters in height. Their bodies are dark blue, and they also have tails used to balance their bodies.

However, Yaoguang ignored him and went directly to the top of a mountain.

The breath of a cave he sensed...

He is hiding on this mountain peak.

This Dongxu demon cultivator did not build any manors or palaces for himself, so that he could enjoy the enjoyment of being domineering on this planet.

After all, for Dongxu, what is there about a group of mortal creatures worth bullying and enjoying?


It's no use to him.


A group of flesh and blood creatures, Dongxu could see all her structures at a glance.


That would be even more meaningless.

As long as this Dongxu is willing, he can wipe out this planet in an instant.

Just like modern people driving an advanced and highly automated sky mothership, they need to stay in the primitive era for some exploration missions. Will they be interested in ruling those primitive people whose hair has not yet completely degenerated?

Therefore, this Dongxu chose to designate an area as a forbidden area, live in isolation, and wait for the next order from the Jin Ni Demon Lord.

Locking on this demon cultivator, Yaoguang Xu clenched his hand, and the space he was in quickly solidified and collapsed, as if a black hole appeared on the ground.

But under the precise control of Yaoguang's power, this black hole only created a large hole with a diameter of dozens of miles on the ground, swallowing and annihilating the trees, rocks, and lakes in the dozen miles. Apart from that, it did not cause any movement.

In such a simple process, a Dongxu demon cultivator has become a prisoner in his palm, and even his cave heaven has been crushed and shattered by the void power controlled by Yaoguang.

"Senior... spare my life..."

The pleading voice came from the mouth of the Dongxu Demon Cultivator.

"I ask, you answer."

Yaoguang said directly: "Where is the secret treasure of the Taoist Master?"

This Dongxu Demon Cultivator had already guessed something when Yaoguang attacked him without hesitation and asked this question.

He immediately said: "If I tell you where the secret treasure is, can you spare my life?"

"Forget it, I'll look for any soul Taoist magic that is more efficient..."

Yaoguang thought about it, and soon divided a part of his mind to look for soul Taoist magic related to "searching the soul".

But when he stopped talking, the Dongxu Demon Cultivator immediately felt a fatal pressure, which quickly broke down his psychological defenses and made him shout in a hurry: "I say, I say... I am willing to take the senior there... However, a few decades ago, some masters of the Light God Clan suddenly came to that secret treasure, forcibly occupied the secret treasure, and hunted all of us, so that we dared not show up at all, and even couldn't spare time to send the news back..."

"Masters of the Light God Clan?"

Yaoguang immediately thought of what Zong Wenxian had been busy doing during this period.

What a coincidence?

"Point the way."

Yaoguang slightly relaxed the restrictions on the Dongxu Demon Cultivator.

"Yes, senior, please come this way... We need to walk 80 trillion miles."

The demon cultivator quickly pointed the direction.

Yaoguang sacrificed a Taoist flying boat.

80 trillion miles is four light years.

In the absence of void nodes, this is not a short distance.

It would take more than half a year for a Dongxu to cross this distance.

Even Yaoguang had to travel for several days.

"Tell me about the situation of the Taoist secret treasure."

Yaoguang said directly.

"Yes, the Taoist secret treasure is the cave that the Taoist left behind before he passed away. He even left his own inheritance... Of course, because his time was coming to an end at that time, he couldn't even return to the North Sea Star. This cave... He didn't put too much energy into building it. It was more like doing it casually. Because of this, it was discovered by the ancestor afterwards..."

Dongxu Demon Cultivator quickly introduced: "However, even if it is a cave that the Taoist casually laid, its defense is still not something that ordinary practitioners can break. The entire cave is composed of three layers of formations. The ancestor spent hundreds of years to only erase the outermost formation and obtained some daily talismans. Over the years, the ancestor has also gone deep into the starry sky several times, but has never been able to erase the second layer of formations..."

Yaoguang listened and pondered slightly.

According to this trend, the formation of the cave has reached at least level 14.

And there should be other Dao artifact spirits, or guardian beasts, combat puppets, etc. in the formation.

These things, together with a level 14 formation, can indeed make those Shattered Void Demon Cultivators who are not good at attacking helpless.

Of course, this cave has now fallen into the hands of the God Clan...

It is unknown how long the formation can last.

"During this period of time, because Zong Wenxian has been tracking this Daojun secret realm, even if the eight God Emperors of the Light God Clan come out together, they should not have much time to destroy the formation to stop Zong Wenxian and his people..."

Yaoguang smiled in his heart when he thought of this.

Zong Wenxian was busy in the outer space, but he was not useless.

At least he lasted until he found this Daojun secret treasure.

If it weren't for him...

The God Emperors of the Light God Clan took action at the same time. After decades, this Daojun secret treasure would have been broken by them and everything inside would have been emptied.

Three days later.

A super-large blue giant appeared in Yaoguang's field of vision.

This time, the Dongxu Demon Cultivator did not need to remind him, as he had already sensed the aura of the three Shattered Void God Emperors.

These three God Emperors were attacking a formation hidden in the blue giant with all their strength. Judging from the trend...

After another two or three years of attack, the formation will be completely broken.

However, almost when Yaoguang arrived not far from the blue giant, the aura of the three God Emperors attacking the formation seemed to stagnate slightly, and the next moment, the surrounding environment seemed to have undergone a huge change.

At this time, Yaoguang realized that when he was focusing on the blue giant, he had been unknowingly led into a trap by this Dongxu Demon Cultivator.

The trap was set by the God Clan.

"You actually betrayed the Golden Lion Demon Lord?"

Yaoguang glanced at the Dongxu Demon Cultivator.

But soon he felt that this was normal.

As for the Demon Cultivator, it was not strange to do anything.

Feeling the two God Emperors coming at him in an instant, he glanced at the demon cultivator in his hand and said, "But... are you too confident in these three God Emperors?"

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