Night time.

Lei Yun took Yaoguang to a residential house in the suburbs by car.

Here, there are already two people waiting.

One, Xia Wuyuan, the initiator of this operation.

The other one is the Yue family's publicized master, Yue Xingzhou.

When he saw Yaoguang entering with his sword, Yue Xingzhou was quite surprised.

His eyes immediately turned to Xia Wuyuan: "Him?"


Xia Wuyuan nodded.

"How is that possible!"

Yue Xingzhou's pupils shrank.

He had heard from Xia Wuyuan before that he would invite a grandmaster from the Su family to combine the power of the three great masters to defeat this gathering point of demons.

At that time, he was still guessing, which one of the Su family had achieved the breakthrough to Grandmaster, Leng Jun or Su Chixin?

Why didn't you hear any movement?

With the current situation of the Su family, it shouldn't be a grandmaster who doesn't show up.

Now I see the fluctuating light...

"He is the Grandmaster?"

Yue Xingzhou couldn't help but ask again.


Xia Wuyuan said: "I won't joke about this kind of action."


Yue Xingzhou took a breath of air.

"Looking at your age, you are only around 20 years old? A grandmaster in your 20s!?"

What he was asking about was Yaoguang.

"He is nineteen years old."

It was Xia Wuyuan who answered him.

Suddenly, Yue Xingzhou couldn't help but rub his eyebrows.

He felt like he was no longer keeping up with the times.

Xia Wuyuan opened a guitar case.

What was inside the box was not a guitar, but a firearm.

He skillfully inspected these firearms, and his eyes shone brightly...

I felt that the sword in my hand was suddenly useless.

"Want some?"

Xia Wuyuan saw Yaoguang's strange reaction and asked.

Yaoguang thought about it, picked up one of the large-caliber pistols, and took two more magazines and put them away.

This scene made Yue Xingzhou sigh: "The world is declining, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be."

Yaoguang thought of Zhang Tianji's words yesterday and said to Xia Wuyuan, "Do you know about the World Jishi Association?"

Xia Wuyuan, who was adjusting the firearm, paused and his eyes immediately fell on him.

Not only Xia Wuyuan, but also Yue Xingzhou was stunned, and then showed a look of understanding.

"They contacted you?"

"Tell me about it?"

Yaoguang said.

White Crow searched all day yesterday, but there were very few records of Jishihui information on the Internet. Even in the Su family's intelligence system, there was no relevant information about Jishihui.

It's as if this organization is fictional.

"It's not surprising that you would be paid attention to, noticed, and absorbed by the Jishi Society."

Xia Wuyuan nodded, and then said with some emotion: "In fact, shortly after I won the 14th Martial Arts Competition, I was attacked and almost died. Later I found out that he was an assessor from the Jishi Society, but... I His performance... failed the final assessment.”

He looked at Yaoguang: "Ji Shihui has recruited me as a peripheral member and asked me to search for martial arts seedlings from various places and recommend them with merit. However, although they have high-sounding ideas, they can be secretive in their behavior. I don't like it."

Yue Xingzhou glanced at Xia Wuyuan with a strange expression.

Yaoguang on the side noticed this and asked directly: "Do you know?"

Yue Xingzhou thought about it and said, "I've heard of it, but I only know that it has a big background... However, I became a grandmaster late and have never been in contact with this organization."

"I heard from the examiner at the time that it seemed to involve many countries throughout Central Continent, just to create a martial arts holy land that everyone aspires to, but... who knows."

Xia Wuyuan said.

Yue Xingzhou glanced at him and didn't say much.

"If someone has contacted you, it won't be long before someone from Jishihui will come to assess you. Maybe if you succeed in the assessment, you will be able to come into contact with the real Jishihui. As for whether their claim of building a holy land of martial arts is false. , then the benevolent see the benevolence and the wise see the wisdom.”

Xia Wuyuan added.

Yaoguang nodded.

Soon, Xia Wuyuan finished tidying up and put on another piece under his clothes...

A vest similar to a body armor.

As for Yue Xingzhou...

Judging from some of the incongruities on his body, he was probably wearing a battle suit underneath.

I just don’t know what level it is.

The group of people went out, and there was already a seven-seater business car waiting at the door.

"If I die, all the information I find will be presented to the head of the country."

Xia Wuyuan said.

Yue Xingzhou shook his head: "I know what can and cannot be done, and I will not make fun of the entire Yue family."

As he said that, he glanced at Xia Wuyuan: "That's right... buyers of divine blood are everywhere in the privileged class. You have to think about the consequences of doing so."

"If something goes wrong, I'll bear the responsibility."

Xia Wuyuan said in a deep voice: "I know this is a difficult decision. Because of this decision, I may lose my time, my family, my friends, my life, and even everything, but... this kind of thing , someone will eventually stand up and stop it..."

Yue Xingzhou and Yaoguang's eyes fell on him.

"If no one..."

Xia Wuyuan said seriously: "Then, I'll do it."

An adult in his thirties actually said such a thing.

A bit ridiculous.

However, neither Yue Xingzhou nor Yaoguang smiled.

Don’t get used to darkness and defend it, don’t be proud of your own compromise, and don’t mock those who are braver and more passionate than you, because the light they burn and shine will shine on you and me one day.

“Let’s go.”

Yao Guang said.

In the car, a martial artist of the Yue family drove straight to the wilderness.

And behind him, Yue Xingzhou unfolded a map.

“The Parkson Chemical Factory, 40 kilometers away from the capital, is the largest and only ‘God Blood’ delivery point in Tiannan. This is the map of this factory... Considering that the other party may renovate the factory, this map can only be used as a reference...”

The master of the Yue family introduced.

The factory is not big.

It is not of the same level as the Qingyu Industrial Park, but it has strict security facilities.

Yue Xingzhou directly found the unit that undertook the defense work of this factory, which has only been established for a year.

"There are three main goals for this operation. The first is to collect as much video evidence as possible. The second is to find out if there are any people behind them. The third is..."

Xia Wuyuan glanced at Yaoguang: "I need to see those monsters clearly."

Yaoguang nodded: "I'll find them."


Xia Wuyuan nodded.

He knew that Yaoguang should have a way to find those monsters.

So, professional things should be left to professionals.

The three of them communicated, and soon, the Parkson Chemical Factory appeared in everyone's sight.

Although it was night, the factory was still brightly lit, and many people and vehicles could be seen coming and going.

The three of them were all masters, and their mobility was extremely amazing.

After parking the car in the woods hundreds of meters away from the factory, the three quickly approached the factory.

As soon as they arrived outside the factory, Yaoguang immediately sensed it.

It must be said that the information provided by the Yue family was very accurate.

There are demons in the factory.

And there are two of them.

"Follow me."

Yaoguang said.

"Found it?"

Xia Wuyuan quickly followed.

Although Yue Xingzhou didn't understand why, he followed closely.

Soon, the three of them appeared outside a three-story building.


Yaoguang said, taking a look.

The doors and windows of the small building were sealed, and the interior could not be seen clearly.

"Let me do it."

Xia Wuyuan said.

In his opinion, Yaoguang was invited to help, and this desperate and dangerous matter should be left to him to solve.


"Let's do it together."

Yaoguang said: "First kill him as quickly as possible, and then the second one will inevitably be alarmed, and then you will see his complete form."


Xia Wuyuan was startled, but immediately said: "Then we must fight quickly and decisively."

He turned to Yue Xingzhou and whispered: "Thank you for helping us to scout the battle and intercept the enemies who came after hearing the news."

Yue Xingzhou nodded.

Listening to the communication between Su Yaoguang and Xia Wuyuan, it is obvious that there is a leader-level figure inside, and his strength must be good, otherwise the two would not have come up with the idea of ​​working together to kill him as quickly as possible.


It could be a master who ran out from some unknown province or small country.

Compared to fighting a master, he would rather fight ordinary people.

At this moment, Yaoguang and Xia Wuyuan came to the door.

After looking at each other, they pushed the door open almost at the same time.


When breaking the door, a voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing the sound and locating the position.

Xia Wuyuan fired without hesitation.


The muzzle of the rifle with a silencer trembled slightly.

A burst of bullets was fired directly in the direction of the sound.


After all, they had awakened the demons living in the house in advance by breaking the door, making them alert. At the sound of the gun, he burst out instantly and rushed directly to the window.

Outside the door, Yue Xingzhou, who was planning to find a place to clear the soldiers, felt the broken glass and wood chips splashing continuously, and then a black shadow rushed towards him.

The master's reaction made him turn his strength instantly, and the sword he carried on his body drew a cold streak, aiming at the black shadow to kill.

But almost at the moment when he slashed the black shadow with his sword, the black shadow suddenly attacked...

Or rather, a sharp claw covered with scales!

The sharp claw slapped out and hit the sword light that Yue Xingzhou suddenly slashed.

The two collided, making a roar like metal and iron intersecting.

The power shock at that moment made Yue Xingzhou almost unable to hold the sword in his hand, and the blade was deflected and the door was wide open.

"Not good!"

Yue Xingzhou's face changed drastically, and he wanted to withdraw and retreat immediately.

In the night, he clearly saw that the black shadow, whose pupils had turned blood red and whose body was more sturdy, stabbed out with his left hand, like a sharp sword, stabbing towards his heart.

This attack was not only extremely fast, but also saw through all his reactions in an exquisite way.

At this moment, it seemed that no matter where he ran or hid, he would be stabbed through the chest, or even have his heart taken out!


The opponent's burst and speed were definitely those of a grandmaster!


He was also a top grandmaster who had mastered the martial arts to the pinnacle!

The first target of their ambush was this fierce existence! ?


Yue Xingzhou let out a frightened roar, and the blood and qi in his body burst out to the extreme, as if he had activated some secret technique.

The speed of the retreating figure increased suddenly.


Even so, the black shadow's grab was still like a net, following his retreating figure.

A moment of life and death!

Just as the black shadow's exquisite attack was about to land on Yue Xingzhou's chest, piercing and tearing his body apart, a cold sword light seemed to pass through the night sky.

Then, the black shadow that was rushing to kill him shook.

A sword blade pierced directly through his forehead.

Yue Xingzhou could even clearly feel the sharp cold light revealed by the sword blade.


Yue Xingzhou instantly distanced himself from the black shadow, and retreated several steps after landing.

Only then did he realize that Yaoguang's figure had chased out from the window that was smashed by the black shadow, and a sword like a dragon in the air pierced the black shadow's back of the head, completing the fatal kill of the black shadow and saving his life at the critical moment.


If he was half a second slower, he would have become the dead soul under the claws of this black shadow.


Under the claws! ?

Yue Xingzhou suddenly looked at the black shadow...

Although the black shadow maintained its human state, its monster-like arms had not yet completely transformed back and were clearly visible.

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