"The Heart of Void is not bad. If I want to become an earthly immortal in the future, I can completely transform my cave into a blessed land, and then find a beautiful place in the fairyland, so that the cave with the Heart of Void can be integrated with the heaven and earth of the fairyland, and immediately have the foundation to become an earthly immortal."

Yaoguang sensed the state of his cave, which was completely different from that of other broken voids: "Then find a congenital spiritual root with huge potential to nourish the blessed land, and the road to earthly immortal will be a natural outcome."

The core of the human immortal road requires three immortal tools and treasures to carry the spirit.

The core of the earthly immortal road is land and spiritual roots.

Why are the five immortals often ranked according to ghost immortals, human immortals, earth immortals, gods, and heavenly immortals?

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It is not that earthly immortals are stronger than human immortals, but because human immortals need to borrow three external objects, while earthly immortals only need two, and the latter's promotion difficulty is only two-thirds of the former.

The lower the difficulty of promotion, the easier it is to obtain more shares and enter a higher realm.

As for the gods...

The only external objects borrowed are the avenues to which they belong.

The heavenly immortals are completely dependent on themselves.

This is the reason why the five paths are different, and the difference between high and low.

However, this thought lasted for a moment in Yaoguang's mind before he threw it away.

"After all, there are too many choices, so that other ideas will pop up in my mind at any time, and I don't miss Shu. Unlike other Daojuns, they will be extremely happy to have a complete path and practice..."

He laughed at himself.

He slightly adjusted his cave heaven, and soon burned the "Ten Prison Dragon Formation" that he had chosen in his mind towards the heart of the void.

As the formation was recorded, the entire cave seemed to have undergone slight changes.

"Using the Heart of the Void as the carrier of the formation, trapping a Taoist... If not done properly, the Heart of the Void will be destroyed... However, the practice of the way of human immortals itself requires the spirit to be carried on the three major immortal instruments or immortal treasures, and since the spirit of the cave is injected into the immortal instruments, the cave will naturally be unable to continue and fall into collapse... Even if the Heart of the Void is destroyed, it can be regarded as the last time to shine and heat before I impact the Dao."

Yaoguang had made a decision and naturally would not hesitate too much. One by one, the stored Taoist instruments were thrown around the Heart of the Void to enhance the power of the Ten Prisons Dragon Formation.

Of course, in addition to arranging the formation, he did not forget to refine the Eight Desolate Mirror and the End of the World Map.

These two top Taoist instruments, one will exist as Yaoguang's natal Taoist instrument to carry the "God", and the other is what he promised to refine for the Taoist Emperor Penglai to thank her for helping to deal with the Taoist Emperor Wujin, so he naturally has to do his best.

While Yaoguang was concentrating on refining these two top-notch Dao tools, although the North Sea Star maintained a certain calm, ripples were also stirred up secretly.

On the one hand, many Lianxu and Dongxu had begun to leave with their families, resulting in a lot more warships and flying boats in the outer space.

On the other hand...

The earliest batch of Daojuns began to return.

For example, Emperor Hui Daojun of Taiyi Immortal Sect and Biluo Daojun of Tongtian Sect made public appearances.

And among these returning Daojuns, Guangming Shenzun, who made Yaoguang a little pressured, also appeared in the territory of the Light God Clan.

Moreover, this Shenzun seemed to have formed an alliance with the Black Moon Demon Lord of Yinyue Sect and the Jade Lin Demon Saint of the Nine Veins of Demon Immortals, with the purpose of fighting against Penglai Daojun.

This kind of movement forced the people in the South Region, who had already annexed most of Yinyue Sect, to significantly slow down their actions.

If it weren't for the fact that Xujin Zhenjun and others were leading the charge at the forefront, Yaoguang would even have to consider the issue of retreat.

After all, neither the Juntian Daojun of the Tiandao Sect nor the Qingya Daojun of the Jinwu Sect had returned to the North Sea Star.

If it weren't for the deterrent provided by the Penglai Daojun, which made these Daojuns dare not easily leave the base camp or show up alone, the Jinwu Sect, which had entered the southern region of the Yinyue Sect and the territory of the Light God Clan, would have been in danger long ago.

In this tense atmosphere, time passed quickly for a decade.

With the proficiency of the technology, the refining of Yaoguang's last two top Dao tools has reached the final critical moment.

With the assistance of the Penglai Daojun, the endless Dao rhyme was drawn and injected into the two top Dao tools, strengthening the origin of the two top Dao tools.


At a certain critical point, the two top Dao tools completely transformed, emitting a continuous wave of Dao waves, dissipating in all directions.

"It's done."


The Penglai Daojun stretched out his hand and took the Tianya Tu in his hand.

On the other side, Yaoguang also quickly collected the Bahuang Mirror.

Due to the different materials used, although these two top-notch Dao tools were made at the same time, there is a clear difference in quality.

However, Penglai Daojun did not mind at all, but was full of praise: "Even those Daojuns who are proficient in refining tools often need hundreds of years to refine a top-notch Dao tool, and those who are slower will take thousands of years. You have refined two top-notch Dao tools in sixty years... This efficiency is really amazing."

"On the one hand, my refining method is different from the conventional refining method, on the other hand..."

Yaoguang stroked the Eight Desolate Mirror in his hand and smiled: "Is there a possibility that those Daojuns deliberately said that the time is longer in order to be lazy, or to show that it is indeed time-consuming and labor-intensive to refine a top-notch Dao tool?"

Penglai Daojun was slightly startled when he heard it, and then nodded in agreement: "It seems to be the case."

But the two of them obviously wronged those Dao Lords.

If a Taoist master refines weapons with all his strength, he can indeed greatly compress time.

But the material value of a top Taoist tool is not a small amount.

Even someone as strong as Daojun would feel very sad about the waste of these materials.

Not to mention that most Daojun help other people refine weapons.

And the person who can ask them to refine the top Taoist weapons is often another Taoist master.

In this case, they naturally have to be cautious and steady during the refining process.

With various factors superimposed, it is completely reasonable to spend several times longer than the actual time to refine a top-notch Taoist weapon.

What's more, Dao Lords also have their own matters that need to be dealt with. How can they be like Yaoguang in recent years, who almost completely stopped practicing and devoted himself to refining weapons.

"The next step is to take action and lure Taoist Wujin into action?"

Lord Penglai asked.


Yaoguang nodded: "Decades ago, I asked True Lord Xu Jin to secretly contact Taoist Wujin. Although Taoist Wujin was cautious, he would not believe a word of what True Lord Xu Jin said. , but Zhenjun Xujin’s words were a seed, telling Taoist Wujin that he still had this way to obtain a semi-immortal weapon, thereby greatly increasing the chance of his Taoist fighting for the top spot in the next few decades. , the seeds should have fermented and are ready for flowering, fruiting, and eventual harvest.”

Penglai Daojun nodded after hearing this.

Many times, when desperate criminals want to rob others and gain a chance of survival, their first thought is actually the people around them.

But then someone suddenly mentioned another person, even if it was insignificant, as long as that insignificant person still controlled a certain amount of wealth...

The murderer will soon change his target.

"Next, I'll just wait for a chance for you to leave the formation range of Tiandao Gate and Southern Territory, but this opportunity must be reasonable."

Penglai Road is the king's road.

"It makes sense."

Yaoguang smiled and said: "My Lord Juntian of the Tiandao Sect will return to Beihaixing in another ten years. I will take people to welcome him in person in the stars outside the territory. Is this reason reasonable?"

Penglai Daojun was a little surprised when he heard this: "Juntian is finally coming?"


Yaoguang nodded: "And he came back together with several Dao Lords. Some well-informed Dao Lords can even find out this news."

With a wave of his hand, all the maps of Beihai Star and the Outer Starry Sky were displayed: "From Tiandao Gate to the Outer Starry Sky, at our speed, half an hour is enough. In other words, I will actually only leave the Tiandao Gate range. Half an hour, and half an hour later, Daojun Juntian will return, accompanied by several Daojuns whom I have made friends with... In addition, there are even several Suixu companions around me... No matter how I look at it, they look like It’s a sense of security.”

He looked up with a smile: "So, I am traveling in this state..."

"Absolutely reasonable."

Taojun Penglai said with a smile: "Your Tiandao Sect and Taiyi Xianmen have signed a strategic alliance agreement. Taojun Dihui seems to have recognized this agreement. Once Taoist Jun Tian of Tiandao Sect comes back, you will be equivalent to having three Taoists by your side. Lord Protector, this lineup, not only can 100% eliminate the jealousy and stifling intentions of other Void Dao Lords, but it is also enough to make 99% of Void Dao Lords dare not act rashly. In other words, this will be the unstoppable Dao Lord. The last chance to deal with you."

"Moreover, he should still think that he is hiding in secret. Even if there is a certain risk in this operation, it is enough to be covered up by this mentality of thinking that it is calculated but not intentional."

Yaoguang said.

Taoist Lord Penglai nodded: "In the past ten years, either you or I, let's get used to the Taoist tools in our hands and prepare for this war."

She glanced at Yaoguang: "I'm really curious about how you plan to trap a Taoist Lord for a cup of tea."

"Daojun will see it."

Yaoguang smiled.

The two communicated for a while, and Penglai Daojun left quickly.

As for Yaoguang, he briefly mentioned to the top management of Tiandao Sect about welcoming Taojun Juntian's return and asked them to make preparations.

As the leader, he conveyed this order completely in line with the procedures and would not arouse any objection or suspicion from anyone.

After giving the order, Yaoguang also returned to Tianzhi Valley.

"The three top Taoist tools are all ready. Although I can't take the true path of human immortality because I have never joined the Tao, but I just carry out the corresponding training... and refine the three top Taoist tools into the essence, energy and spirit, I can do whatever I want. Let my strength take a huge leap forward!"

Yaoguang took a deep breath.

Next step...

This is the most important part for him!

It is also the moment when his combat power can completely transform and reach a level comparable to special beings such as the Golden Book Master!

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