
A moment of thought.

Xia Wuyuan has already made a decision.

As a master, it is normal for him to be beaten to death when facing a "Martial Saint" level demon!

If death is inevitable, then die well!

Taiwan Novel Network→𝗍𝗐𝗄𝖺𝗇.𝖼𝗈𝗆

Die, yes.

There are teammates behind him.

A teammate who is a master like him.

Therefore, even if he dies, he will bite back on this monster and inflict heavy damage on him before dying, trying his best to give Yaoguang the opportunity to kill this monster!


Xia Wuyuan's eyes flashed with cold light.

Faced with this thunderous punch, he did not dodge even half an inch and allowed it to hit his head. Even if the punch would blow his head directly, his determination was still not shaken.

In the most decisive and fierce way, he thrust out the three-sided thorn in his hand, and the sharp edge...

Point it straight at his throat!

Every inch is longer and every inch is stronger!

Even though the monster's body expanded and turned into a three-meter giant, the punch it fired still did not have any advantage compared to the three-edged thrust that Xia Wuyuan thrust out at this moment.

When he hit Xia Wuyuan's figure with a punch, he was bound to be stabbed through the throat.

Fight for your life!

Fight for your life!

The demon instantly realized Xia Wuyuan's intention.


Although he was in a frenzy at this moment, and the ferocious aura on his body had reached an unprecedented level, he still did not choose to resist head-on when Xia Wuyuan stabbed him in the throat without dodging.

Or rather...

Xia Wuyuan's life-threatening fighting style was already within the scope of his changing moves.

When the punch was fired, his left hand had already followed.

His fist covered with a thick layer of scales turned into a palm, directly deflecting the three-sided thorns that came from the assassination. His left hand was like a huge millstone, aiming at Xia Wuyuan's head with incredible speed. Hit it hard.

This slap hits...

The damage caused is no different than a head-on punch.

They all died from skull crushing.

However, just when he shot out his hands at the same time and was no longer able to care about anything else, he seemed to notice something.

The next moment, a sword light that was almost invisible without looking carefully bloomed in front of his eyes like a thunderous giant, and expanded rapidly.

This sword light was so fast due to the explosion of Dan Jin that it exceeded the reaction limit of ordinary warriors.

If the demon's main attention was focused on this sword, he would be able to see clearly and make countermeasures.

But at this moment, he made it clear that he planned to beat Xia Wuyuan to death with a devastating force, and then took out his hand to beat to death another human grandmaster who was also not in his eyes. He never thought that the sudden burst of that grandmaster could So strong.

He roared, and with a twist of his left hand, he rolled it directly towards the edge of the Shadow Sword. Relying on the scales on his palm and the body of the bloody hand, he held the edge of the Shadow Sword alive in his hand.

Bloody light bursts out.

However, the moment he grasped the sword tightly, his expression suddenly changed.

The sword, which was already extremely fast, suddenly increased in speed at this moment.

With the shaking light, the whole person was like a furnace, and the blood was boiling. This thunderous sword was like a dragon coming out of the sea, struggling directly from the palm of the demon's left hand that tightly wrapped the sword body, and stabbed into the demon's chest with unabated force. !


Not penetration!

It should be a blast!

The strength contained in the sword's edge exploded wantonly, and the final wound caused made the monster's chest feel as if a bloody hole had been blasted out!

All the surrounding vital points, centered on the heart, were shattered.

The other side!

Xia Wuyuan, who was risking his life to fight, reacted extremely quickly under the stimulation of adrenaline.

After being slapped away by the three-sided thorn with a palm, he followed the force of the demon's slap on the three-sided thorn, spun 180 degrees into the air, and kicked the monster's chest hard with a back kick.

The rabbit kicks off the eagle!

This kick may not bring any serious harm to the demon, but it makes the demon in a state of madness retreat involuntarily.

His figure retreated, and the subsequent desperate counterattack against Fluolight was not only unable to be used, but the Shadow Sword that penetrated the vital part of the heart was also pulled out and free again.

But at this moment, Yaoguang didn't have time to explode with strength and thrust out a new sword.

He took long strides, his body suddenly rushed forward, and his left hand suddenly pushed forward as he rushed forward...


Instead of bursting out with violent fist attacks!

He had just gathered all the strength in his body to blast out a shot of pill energy, and then used the secret technique of point star to stimulate all the potential in his body. At this moment, he could no longer rely on the explosion of fist energy to cause fatal effects to the "inhuman" level monster after revealing his true form. Hurt, so he pushed out...

In other words, what was aimed at was the large-caliber pistol held tightly in the left hand!

Sword in right hand, pistol in left hand.

When the demon's body was knocked out of balance by Xia Wuyuan, the muzzle of the large-caliber pistol was steadily pushed forward, aiming half a meter between his eyebrows!

The next moment...

In the reflection of this monster's ferocious but suddenly wide-open pupils...

Dazzling, deadly fire suddenly burst out from the barrel of the large-caliber pistol.


In an instant, the unwilling and angry roar was covered by the sound of gunpowder detonation that followed.

"Bang bang bang!"

Fluctlight fired six shots in a row!

Empty the magazine!

With the distance as close as half a meter and a master holding a gun, none of the six shots aimed at the head missed!

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Blood splattered.

This monster's head was instantly punched with six bloody holes by special bullets fired from a large-caliber pistol!

The huge body, which was three meters high, fell on its back under the impact of the kinetic energy of the bullet.

The moment he fired all the six remaining bullets in the pistol, Yaoguang abandoned the gun.

His body shot the volley.

The sword light of Chengying Sword was like a cold flash of lightning, slashing towards the demon's throat as he lay on his back.

Like an arc of the waning moon.

Accurate! Swift! Sharp!

The three major elements were superimposed on each other, instantly decapitating this extremely fierce and tenacious demon with a sword.

As Fluttering Light volleyed and swooped in the air, it flipped 360 degrees directly above the demon's body and landed steadily a few meters away. The demon's body with its head missing also followed one after another, hitting it heavily. There was a burst of dust on the ground.

That’s it!

This demon was completely transformed, and the demon sitting in a strategic location was completely killed.


A long exhale came from Xia Wuyuan's mouth behind him.

As his breath relaxed, he quickly came out of that adrenaline state, and suddenly felt a deep exhaustion.

It seems that the only way to replenish oxygen in the body and speed up metabolism is by breathing quickly, so that the weakness and fatigue at this moment can be slightly dispelled.

Fluctlight also adjusted his Qi and blood.

However, as he has reached the fifth level of divine will, his control over his own energy and blood is far beyond what Xia Wuyuan can match.

Even though the elixir power broke out just now and triggered the sequelae of the Star Pointing Secret Technique, it was quickly healed through divine will's precise control of one's own energy, blood, and strength.

Although it is impossible to return to full strength immediately, it will never be like those third-level masters or even fourth-level martial saints who have understood the secret technique of point star, and have to fall into a period of decline after stimulating their potential.

After adjusting his situation a little, Fluctlight quickly came to the demon corpse and activated the strange object he named "Soul-Capturing Orb" in his hand.

At this time, Xia Wuyuan also calmed down a little.

He looked at the corpse of the monster with its head missing and gradually transforming into a human form, and seemed a little unbelievable: "This monster... definitely has the strength of a martial saint! We... killed a martial saint!?"


Yaoguang responded.

There isn't much change between the brows.

A complete demon that transformed into a demonic body...

This isn't the first time he's seen it.

But the demon that manifested the demonic body before was obviously not as powerful as this one.

After ingesting the demon's soul fragment, he raised his head and asked, "Is the record clear enough this time?"

"That's enough."

Xia Wuyuan said seriously: "Behind the divine blood, there is actually... something like this hidden..."

"Remember to blur my image."

Yaoguang said.

Xia Wuyuan was startled and quickly understood what he meant: "Do you think..."

"That's what you understand."

Yaoguang said calmly.

Xia Wuyuan was silent for a moment, and then nodded heavily: "I will keep it a secret, but... if it is as you guessed, even that class has been infiltrated, then even if I stand in the way, as long as they have the intention Investigation, this secret can’t be kept for long.”

"It doesn't matter."

Yaoguang said.

As long as he waits two more months, he will be able to break the limits of the human body and become a martial saint. By then...

I don’t care that much anymore.

Martial Saint!

As long as you don't face heavy firepower or get wiped out by cannonballs, you don't have to worry about any danger to your life even if you offend the royal family of Dayu.

After a moment, he said: "Go and support Yue Xingzhou, lest he destroy some evidence that is not suitable for seeing the light of day."

Xia Wuyuan nodded.

The gunfire at Parkson Chemical Plant has stopped, and the battle there has come to an end.

At the moment, Xia Wuyuan quickly headed towards the factory, shaking the light...

Then he followed him leisurely.

While following Xia Wuyuan back to the chemical factory, he also picked up the "Soul-Captivating Orb" in his hand again.

My mind was moved, and suddenly...

Picture after picture appeared in front of him.

The first is the demon who couldn't transform in time.

The picture provided by his soul fragment...

Basically, he honestly delivers bottles of refined "sacred blood" to his buyers in person.

In my memory, there were many buyers.

Each one of them is a high-ranking and powerful person standing at the top of Tiannan.

The head of the Su family, Su Chiming...

Even failed to reach this class.

Immediately afterwards, there was the manifested true form of the demon, which was obviously more powerful.

In just a moment, Yao Guang had already obtained the key information.

"Zhao Sheng!"

The name came out of his mouth.

The person in charge of many demons in the entire Tiannan Province is the Deputy Governor Zhao Sheng.

This person is the leader of the demons that Fluid Light is searching for, and the mastermind behind the divine blood business.

However, in addition to this information, the picture provided by this demon obviously also has the most profound memory in his life.

"These demons...were created!?"

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