
Yaoguang quietly felt the void, one of the three thousand forces that constitutes the most basic but also the core of the entire universe.

When he was completely immersed in this power, he felt that he had become the "void" itself. He was the spokesperson of the void and the foundation that carried everything.

The deeper the immersion, the stronger the feeling and the broader the "range" it represents.

When he completely becomes a part of the void, he will become the void of the universe itself.

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Of course, with the spiritual thoughts and will of human beings, if they want to completely integrate into the void and expand their "perception" to the cosmic level, the only outcome waiting for them is to be swallowed by the void.

That feeling...

It's like placing an originally vast and great individual on an extremely broad scale.

Like a star or a black hole.

To humans, these individuals are so huge and vast that they are like gods, but as the field of vision continues to zoom out, the blazing stars will quickly become smaller.

When the field of view reaches the galaxy level, the star becomes a point of light. When the field of view reaches the galaxy group, the star has disappeared. When the field of view reaches the super galaxy cluster, it is even more difficult to find its location for the entire life.

This is what he is like when he is in harmony with the Tao.

Perhaps not as small as a star, or even greater than a galaxy.

But when the scale is put to the cosmic level, he is still one of those individuals who may not be found even if he tries his best.

How can this level of power, thinking, and soul truly control the operation of the Void Avenue?

Forcibly integrating into it will only end up drifting with the flow, until it is completely washed away and loses its self, becoming part of the void avenue.

"The path after joining the Dao is to make yourself stronger step by step, master more Void Dao... until... completely become the master of this Dao, and become the Void Dao Ancestor!"

Yaoguang was thinking in his mind.

This was the path he had seen as early as his level had risen.

Originally, he was still feeling lucky, thinking that he was not in tune with the Tao and had a misunderstanding.

But now, after truly coming together, he had to admit...

Road, that's it.

"This way, if you want to be strong, you don't rely on cultivation. Realm is one thing, and mastering the avenue is another."

Yaoguang stretched out his hand and felt the power of the void flowing through his fingertips.

At this point, the cultivators have the same share of the avenues.

Taojun is one in ten thousand.


It’s useless to rely on cultivation.

At best, cultivation can only enhance the Tao Lord's realm, allowing him to increase his control over the power of the void, so that he can better seize the share when the share becomes vacant in the future.

The true upper limit of Void power can only be achieved by killing other Void Dao Lords and taking the shares of other Void Dao Lords as one's own. This can achieve a leap in cultivation.

In other words, after embarking on the path of Hedao, the same type of Hedao is destined to become the mortal enemy of other Hedao.

"Especially... because they belong to the same avenue, Dao Lord and Dao Lord can actually have a reaction... This kind of reaction can not only understand the location of the other party, but even... can produce natural hostility!"

The fluctlight made my scalp numb.

The Void Dao Lord can only increase his share limit by killing another Void Dao Lord and improve his strength.

Because of this, Taoists of the same type will be naturally hostile when influenced by the Tao.

And Taoists of the same type can sense each other...

What's this! ?

This is simply raising a worm!

Now, the only thing that he can't understand is why three thousand Taoist ancestors have not been born so far?

According to the logic of the operation of the Dao, the Gu King has long been raised in the fairy world, that is, the Dao Ancestor.

Once Dao Ancestor appears, there should be no Dao Lord in this sect.

But this is not the case.

"There are forty-nine avenues circulated in Beihaixing Immortal Realm Gate alone, including the extremely popular Void Avenue... not to mention other immortal world gates... The Taoist techniques and paths that I can currently access exceed One thousand eight hundred kinds, according to this logic, there are at least one thousand eight hundred avenues that have not given birth to Taoist ancestors... This is not consistent with common sense. "

Yaoguang is puzzled.

After a while, he suppressed this idea.

This kind of secret information about Dao Ancestor may not be accessible until he goes to the Immortal Realm, or after his realm progress reaches one percent, or even one tenth.


Start in front of your eyes honestly.

“Although the road ahead for Hedao is destined to be bumpy, it has finally reached a new level.”

He said in his heart.

To a certain extent, he is already at the pinnacle of the lower universe.

Although Daojun has an upper limit of lifespan of 129,600 years, but...

Having become a Dao Lord, he can ensure that he has peace of mind for at least the next 120,000 years.


"The path to becoming a human being can now be completed."

He clearly felt that after joining the Tao, he could completely transform his energy and spirit into the three great weapons of Wuji Sword, Eight Desolations Mirror, and Endless Tower.

Use the Endless Tower as the body, the Endless Sword as the energy, and the Eight Desolate Mirrors as gods.

Then use the three as support to draw the power of the void avenue and infuse it into the three avenues to improve your own strength.

Even if there is no share, the three top Taoist tools all have power comparable to the natal Taoist tools. In frontal combat, they are far better than ghost immortals and earth immortals who are not in their base camp, and are not inferior to the path of gods.

"I don't have to endure the emotional indifference and lack of thinking brought by the increasingly 'Tao' path of immortals, but I have the combat power comparable to that of immortals... At most, I need to invest three immortal tools as the cost... The path of human immortals is indeed the most suitable path for me at present."


Just as Yaoguang quietly comprehended the changes brought by the combination of Tao to the path of human immortals, in the distance, Kunpeng Yaosheng and Jiemie Daojun, who were Daojuns of the Void Path, were a little restless.

Yaoguang's attainment of Taoism, at best, can only be regarded as one more Daojun in the Ten Sects of the Immortal Path, but for this Void Daojun, it is one more Daoist opponent.


This Daoist opponent has natural allies such as Penglai Daojun and Juntian Daojun, and there is also a person who is capable of refining top Dao tools behind him.

In addition...

A 200-year-old Daojun! ?

What a monster! ?

He has the background, talent, and equipment... If he really wants to participate in the Daoist competition in the future...

He will definitely become a huge threat to Daojuns of the Void Path.

How could the two Void Dao Lords ignore this?

Feeling the feeling of "Dao Lord" that Yaoguang already possessed, Dao Lord Jiemie's expression was full of jealousy and unwillingness: "How could this happen!?"

The unwillingness gradually evolved and became ferocious and terrifying: "I don't believe that Yaoguang, a junior, can really achieve Dao in such a short time! Looking at the entire history of Beihai Star, the fastest Dao Lord still took a month to successfully break through. A cup of tea!? What is the difference between this and achieving Dao on the spot? What does he regard Dao as? How can it be so easy! Fake! This is absolutely fake!"

Hearing what Dao Lord Jiemie said, Kunpeng Demon Saint, who was also full of jealousy and murderous intent for Yaoguang's achievement of Void Dao Lord, quickly realized something: "I don't believe he achieved Dao successfully! Perhaps, he has some kind of treasure on him, disguising himself as Dao! We must give it a try!"

His eyes turned cold: "There are so many Dao Lords in the field, especially me The two Void Dao Lords are here for Yaoguang. If we don't even dare to give it a try, how will the world see us? Besides, this is our Void Dao's business. If we don't take the initiative, who can stand up for us? Black Moon? Yulin? Guangmang? They are not our Void Dao Lords! "

"What do you have in mind?"

"We are Void Dao Lords. The world is so big that we can go anywhere! Even Penglai, how can it stop us! ? "

Kunpeng Demon Saint heard the question from Jiemie Dao Lord and immediately instigated: "Yaoguang must have a big secret, otherwise, how can he do such an absolutely impossible thing? Yulin and I can stop Penglai for a while, Guangmang and Heiyue can also stop Dihui and Juntian. You just go all out to deal with Yaoguang and strangle him in the cradle completely! "

"Deal with Yaoguang..."

There was a trace of struggle in Jiemie Dao Lord's eyes.

But these struggles only lasted for a moment, and were covered by resentment and jealousy: "Okay! But the body of Yaoguang and everything on him must belong to me!"


Kunpeng Demon Saint quickly agreed.

As for Taiwei Daojun and Danding Daojun, they were not too afraid.

Let's not talk about Taiwei Daojun.

As a Void Daojun, he was already doing a favor to Tiandao Sect by not taking action against Yaoguang.

And Danding Daojun would not easily end before the situation was clear.

On the contrary, Qingya Daojun needed to be more careful, and might really take action against Guangming God.


The difference in strength between Daojuns is not that big, and it is difficult to decide life and death in a short time in a life-and-death fight. Even if it is one against two, Guangming God can probably hold on for a while.

In short, watching Yaoguang become a Daojun so quickly, the two Void Daojuns did not believe it anyway, and...

were determined to take action once to test it.

If Yaoguang was just bluffing, or had paid a huge price to reach the Dao Lord realm, then they would kill him right after he broke through.

If he had really entered the Dao Lord realm, and they couldn't do anything to him in a short time...

At worst, they would retreat immediately.

The biggest confidence of the Void Dao Lord was that he could advance and retreat freely.

The trump card of the Penglai Dao Lord Dao Contest had been used, and they didn't believe that she had any treasure in her hand that could kill them, the Void Dao Lords, with one blow.

The thoughts of the Demon Lords, God Lords, Demon Saints, and Dao Lords in the He Dao realm quickly converged, and they reached a consensus in an instant.

So many He Dao Lords gathered here, confronting each other fiercely, and leaving without taking action would make people think that they were afraid.

What's more, Yaoguang only took a cup of tea to achieve He Dao! ?

Everyone knew that he must have an amazing secret.

Who doesn't want to find out this secret?

Therefore, after reaching a consensus, Kunpeng Demon Saint was almost the first to shuttle and use Kunpeng Swallowing Heaven Technique to devour Penglai Daojun.

While he was attracting the attention of Penglai Daojun, Jiemie Daojun followed suit, and his target was Yaoguang, who seemed to have just completed a breakthrough.

The Daojun War broke out suddenly when everyone in the Ten Sects of Immortal Dao thought that the dust had settled.

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