[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺]

“If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.”

At this time, we were in an equipment training center in the suburbs.

Pang Longzheng and Yaoguang explained the pros and cons of modern military equipment.

This was the second day after he, Yue Xingzhou, Xia Wuyuan and others wiped out the monsters in Parkson Chemical Plant.

After seeing with his own eyes that the demon's true body was still restrained by firearms and bullets, he called Pang Long and came to the training center.

"The strength of a warrior is often determined by three aspects: oneself, equipment, and logistics."

Pang Long introduced: "Not to mention the self, physical fitness, martial arts, experience, mentality, and fighting will will all affect the strength and weakness of a warrior. Logistics includes factors such as intelligence, maintenance, cover, and conditioning. What we are focusing on right now It’s equipment. Equipment is divided into four types: attack, defense, auxiliary, and coordination.”

He operated an electronic instrument and projected various weapons.

"In today's world, attack weapons have already become diversified. In addition to precision special equipment, individual warriors can use cold weapons, firearms, and heavy firearms."

He introduced the characteristics and power of these commonly used equipment on the market to Yao Guang one by one.

We even took him to experience part of it for himself.

Due to the limited scale of this training center, it is not possible to try Gatling, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, individual launchers, etc., and can only temporarily learn through videos.

After spending the whole morning explaining the mainstream equipment on the market, Pang Long came to the uniform area.

"Firearms pose an increasing threat to us warriors. Correspondingly, warriors have developed various ways to deal with firearms. Just like where there are arrows, there will be armor. The most popular ones on the market currently are various full-coverage weapons. Clothes."

He unfolded a set of battle suits: "This is the top-notch battle suit produced by our country of Dayu, but it can only be rated as B-level internationally. It consists of several major parts: clothes, trousers, gloves, combat helmets, and combat glasses... …”

Yaoguang took a look.

This suit...

The style is the same as thermal underwear, in gray, but with a bit more texture.

Due to the warrior factor, individual soldier equipment and bulletproof equipment here are more developed than in Daxia where he lived in his previous life.

"The main material of our country's uniform is high-strength fiber material, but Red Star uses nanotechnology, so their suit can reach A level and can completely withstand rifle fire."

Pang Long said with a pause: "I mean the level of resistance that will not leave any injuries such as internal bleeding except for the physical impact."

"Warrior Saint can be immune to heavy weapon fire when he wears it?"

Yaoguang asked.

"This... is just a suit after all... Large-caliber heavy weapons are still much more powerful than individual weapons."

After Pang Long finished speaking, he added: "However, above A-level, there are truly priceless S-level suits. This kind of suit uses a special material called golden black silk, which has excellent kinetic energy protection and heat energy absorption. Incredible effect.”

He held an instrument and pulled out a piece of information: "Thirteen years ago, a member of the royal family of our Kingdom of Dayu was kidnapped by local anti-government armed forces while on a visit. Afterwards, the royal family's Martial Saint immediately went to the rescue. As a result... …The royal member had been killed when he arrived. In a rage, the martial saint directly killed the anti-government armed force with three thousand people and equipped with heavy machine guns, grenade guns, rocket launchers and other related heavy firepower, and killed its senior officials. Almost all of them were caught in one fell swoop. At that time, he was wearing an S-class suit. "

"S-class suit."

"The outside world has a theory."

Pang Long said with a smile: "If a martial saint wearing an S-class suit and equipped with all the equipment is willing, he can single-handedly defeat the military power of more than 50% of the countries in the world."

"Fifty percent?"

"Fifty percent!"

Pang Long nodded heavily.

Yaoguang was speechless after hearing this.

Not even a Martial Saint can bear it.

What is the meaning of the existence of these countries?

But Pang Long obviously couldn't answer this question.

For the next day, Fluctlight spent the familiarity and training with hot weapons.

Night time.

Lei Yun drove to meet Yaoguang.

In the car, she reported: "Bai Ya and I have been searching for Governor Zhao's whereabouts all day long. It was not until half an hour ago that we confirmed that he stayed for a day after returning to Tiannan and then left again."


Fluctlight was a little surprised.

Then he realized something.

Want to escape?


Not really.

After all, he is the leader of the demons, and he has taken the position of deputy governor again. If he really has to struggle, it is not yet known who will win.

"Keep checking."

Yaoguang said.


Lei Yun nodded.

Vehicle returns.

But when he passed the Xingyu Center Building, he stopped.

At the door, he saw many official vehicles.

In addition to the Security Bureau, there are also the Audit Office, the Taxation Office, etc.

There was quite a commotion.

Considering that the Su family would have to transfer billions to him to help him increase his [Businessman] experience, he immediately asked: "What's going on?"

"Several directors, led by Zhang Yushu and Director Zhang, have made trouble and are looking for trouble with the chairman. The chairman is trying to find a solution."

Lei Yun said.

"Zhang Yushu?"

"He is the younger brother of the wife of the director of the Tiannan Development Administration. He may even be the white glove thrown by Director Zhang."

Lei Yun introduced.

The director of the Tiannan Development Administration, if he can find some connections, he can even govern a city at the local level.

"Although our Su family is not afraid of the director of the General Development Administration, if he catches some problems, it will be a bit difficult to deal with. What's more, he has united many forces."


Yaoguang responded: "Tell the head of the family, if you need help, let me know."


Lei Yun said.

However, she knew that the head of the family had been on guard against Zhang Yushu and his group for a long time, and in theory, Shake the Light wouldn't be involved because of this incident.

Next, it depends on who of the two sides has the better move.

The vehicle quickly passed the Xingyu Center Building and arrived at Yuyuan.

However, when entering Yuyuan, a car drove over.

Roll down the window...

Yue Xingzhou poked his head out.

"Brother Yaoguang, I was just looking for you, but I didn't expect to meet you at the door. What a coincidence."

Yaoguang glanced at him.

The car has been parked for some time.

Yue Xingzhou was clearly waiting for him.

"Is something wrong?"

"Don't you want me to come in and sit down?"

Yue Xingzhou said with a smile.

"Then come in first."

Yaoguang said.

At this moment, the two cars continued walking towards the Yu Garden.

And Lei Yun was driving...

His expression was shocked with a hint of astonishment.

"Master Yaoguang, that was... Fourth Master Yue, Yue Xingzhou?"


Yaoguang responded.

"You...you know him?"

"So be it."

Yaoguang said.

That counts?

Lei Yun has more or less understood Yaoguang's speaking style.

Really humble.

Judging from Yue Xingzhou's attitude towards him just now, it was not as simple as just acquaintance.

Yue family!

What a behemoth that is! ?

He has been the overlord of Tiannan since ancient times!

Although Wei Kongming, the governor of Tiannan this time, was extremely strong and joined forces with Lu Zhenhai, the chief prosecutor of the High Procuratorate, to make Tiannan's business impregnable, but even so, he still could not completely suppress the Yue family.

The Yue family still has unparalleled influence in all aspects of Tiannan.

Once the Yue family breaks out regardless of the consequences, it will definitely overthrow Wei Kongming and Lu Zhenhai.

Compared with such ancient aristocratic families, the Su family, which was only the richest man in Tiannan during its most glorious period, and now has fallen from the throne of the richest man in Tiannan, is more than one level behind.

Back then, the Su family relied on the Ye family's connections to barely be able to establish a relationship with the Yue family.

However, a few years ago, the relationship between the two families became tense. Su Chiming went to the Yue family, and sometimes he could not even see the head of the Yue family.

Now, Master Yaoguang can actually have a relationship with Yue Xingzhou, the absolute core of the Yue family?

The vehicle soon stopped at Villa No. 49.

Coming down with Yue Xingzhou, in addition to the martial arts driver with whom he had met once before, there was also a girl of similar age to Yao Guang.

At this time, both she and the martial artist carried a lot of things from the trunk, which looked quite grand.

"Master Yue, this is..."

Fluctlight was a little puzzled.

"There is no way to repay the kindness of saving a life."

Yue Xingzhou said cautiously: "I can only use these external things for a little while. I hope you won't dislike it, brother Yaoguang."

"It doesn't have to be like this, we fought side by side..."

"To you, you are just doing what you are doing normally, but to me, if it weren't for you... I would have lost my life. If I couldn't express my gratitude, I would not be able to express my feelings freely."

Yue Xingzhou looked serious.

He had already reached this point. Yaoguang didn't know what to say, so he nodded: "Come in and sit down first."

After saying that, he greeted several people into the villa.

Over there, Lei Yun and Ellie quickly prepared tea and snacks for the guests.

"You don't have to take this matter seriously."

Yaoguang said.

"We can't lose the principles of life."

Yue Xingzhou smiled: "Although the cultivation of a martial sage has no requirements on mind and principles, and even...I have almost no hope of becoming a martial sage in the future, I will still insist on practicing my principles."

"Minds, principles..."

Yao Guang was moved in his heart.

The Martial Saint has no requirements for these.


But God’s artistic conception is different.

Only when the mind is clear can the normal operation of divine will be ensured. Likewise...

Accidents can be smoothed out.

But if he has no bottom line of his own principles and his thinking is shaken by someone's words, today it is this idea and tomorrow it will be that decision, such a martial saint can never hope to condense his own divine will.

"Since you said so, I'll accept it."

Yaoguang said.

"Hahaha, that's good."

Yue Xingzhou said with a smile: "Actually, I am somewhat selfish. After all, you are a nineteen-year-old young master, and your future is limitless. I have to seize the time to curry favor, otherwise, I will try to curry favor with you in the future." I’m afraid there’s no chance.”

"Grandmaster Yue is joking, what happens in the future..."

Yaoguang responded politely.

But only halfway through his response, he suddenly froze.

Immediately he noticed something strange about the ancient tree in the spiritual world.

Then, he suddenly cast his gaze on Yue Xingzhou: "What did you give me?"

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