in the car.

Zong Yan handed a piece of information to Yaoguang.

"Thanks to your killing spree in Tiannan during this period, there are only four suspected monsters left in Tiannan. Of course, this can be confirmed. There may be some that slip through the net, but in the end How much it is cannot be determined.”

He introduced.

Yaoguang took a look and saw several familiar names on it.

Wang Lie, Xie Yusheng.

"Monsters have a characteristic, and I think you know it, that is, after they become demons, their strength is often much stronger than their real bodies. A martial artist may be comparable to a grandmaster, and a grandmaster is even more comparable to a martial saint, so..."

Zong Yan pointed at Xie Yusheng and said: "Aside from Zhao Sheng, our real biggest problem is Xie Yusheng. My suggestion is to kill Xie Yusheng first, and then kill Zhao Sheng."

"Kill Zhao Sheng first, so as not to frighten Xie Yu's life or death."

Yaoguang said.

This is not an appropriate tactic.

However, considering that Yaoguang's first goal was to avenge Xia Wuyuan, once he alerted the enemy and allowed Zhao Sheng to run away, the gain would outweigh the losses. Therefore, it is reasonable for Yaoguang to make this relatively uncorrect decision.

Zong Yan nodded: "When the time comes, I will take the lead, and you will wait for the opportunity. You and I will work together to strangle Zhao Sheng."

"I said, Zhao Sheng, I will solve it."

Yaoguang said.

Zong Yan opened his mouth and wanted to speak.

But Yaoguang has already spoken again: "I have killed monsters with the strength of the Martial Saint."

There were no ups and downs in these words, and there was nothing cautious about them. They were just plain and straightforward.

But when it fell into Zong Yan's ears, it was like thunder, making his pupils suddenly widen.

He suddenly looked at Yaoguang: "You..."

"If not, how can I dare to say that I can kill Zhao Sheng?"

Yaoguang said: "You can keep the green hills without fear of running out of firewood. I understand the principle."

"The Grandmaster kills the Martial Saint... or kills the monster Martial Saint who manifested his true form!?"

Zong Yan had disbelief in his eyes: " is this possible..."

The monsters are refined from the blood soul banners of thousands of demons. Each one is proficient in fighting and is not afraid of death. In a head-on confrontation, it is better than a human martial saint!

Yaoguang kills monsters with Wu Sheng's combat power, doesn't it mean...

He has surpassed ordinary martial saints among humans! ?

“People often refuse to believe what they don’t understand, and I have always believed that words are not as convincing as actions.”

Yaoguang said, turning his gaze to Tiannan: "You will see it after you face Zhao Sheng."

The convoy soon arrived at the capital of Tiannan.

Before entering the city, Yaoguang dialed Yue Xingzhou's phone number.

"I need Zhao Sheng's whereabouts."

He said: "There should be nothing that can be hidden from your Yue family about Tiannan."


On the other end of the phone, the only sound was Yue Xingzhou's heavy breathing.

He knew exactly what Yao Guang's call meant.

This is forcing him to make a choice.

Between the Rebirth Society and Fluctuating Light, he had to choose one.

If he said he didn't know Zhao Sheng's whereabouts, it would undoubtedly mean that he had completely turned to the Rebirth Society. If Zhao Sheng's whereabouts were revealed...

"My eldest brother Yue Nanxing has prepared gifts and plans to visit Zhao Sheng, and spread the word to show the attitude of the Yue family..."

After a while, Yue Xingzhou spoke dryly.

"I see."

Yaoguang said before hanging up the phone.

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Yue Xingzhou's voice rang again.

His voice became firm: "But... I don't agree with what he did! Xia Wuyuan's actions in announcing these monsters did not care about the overall situation and would only put himself in danger, but I believe that when he did this, he had He put life and death at risk! A person who sacrificed his life to make the truth known to the world... He cannot and should not die like this. "

After saying that, he said resolutely: "Zhao Sheng is a guest at Xiejia Village, and we found out that many recently famous martial artists gathered abnormally at Xiejia Village. That is a trap."

"No, not a trap."

Yaoguang said calmly: "They chose the grave for themselves."


Yue Xingzhou didn't know how to answer the call.

"Thank you."

"Instead of saying thank you, I should say sorry."

Yue Xingzhou said guiltily: "I'm sorry that I can't fight side by side with you like Parkson Chemical Factory."

"I understand."

After Yaoguang said that, he hung up the phone.

Then he turned to Zong Yan: "Go to Xiejiazhuang."

"Dao Jue Xie Yusheng's manor?"

Zong Yan gestured for the convoy to change lanes and sighed: "Sure enough, he has also been replaced by a monster."

"Perhaps what you really should know is why Zhao Sheng was able to prepare in advance."

Yaoguang said.

"Perhaps their killing of Xia Wuyuan in Tiannan was a warning and a provocation. Since it is a provocation, they will naturally respond well."

"That's a possibility."

Yaoguang looked at the Martial Saint who was born in the small country of Lihuo: "But there is another possibility... your people who will help the world are not of the same mind as you."

Zong Yan obviously also had this guess.

Now that Yao Guang said it directly, he fell silent.

"The Jishihui's first goal... after all, is just to fight against the bullying of the Red Star Martial Saint and regain the quota to go to the Qi Sect... Some people don't care about other things besides the quota."

After a while, Zong Yan spoke again.

Then he added: "I will inform the president about this."

Yaoguang said nothing more, but checked the 5S-level battle suit he had put on and maintained the Shenying Sword in his hand.

"Xiejiazhuang is a trap, we..."

"When the time comes, you will make a feint outside to attract their attention. It is up to you to decide whether to enter Xiejiazhuang in the end. I will sneak into Xiejiazhuang and kill Zhao Sheng."

Yaoguang said.

"Sneak in... at least wait until night."

"Speed ​​is of the essence in war."

Yaoguang said: "Since we can do it now, why wait until night."

At night, it is at least easier to hide under the cover of darkness.

This is what Zong Yan thought in his mind.

But he couldn't say it out loud at the moment.

He could only say: "Let me sneak in with you."


Yaoguang shook his head: "The monsters have keen perception, you can't."

Zong Yan frowned and retorted: "I have been a martial saint for more than 20 years, and I have experience in concealing my breath..."

He didn't finish his words, and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Because, Yaoguang just disappeared completely in front of him, without revealing any breath.

"This... this is!?"

Zong Yan was shocked.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have noticed Yaoguang standing behind him in this state.

"You still lack experience in holding your breath."

Yaoguang said, looking forward.

A group of buildings surrounded by greenery on the outskirts of the city appeared in his sight.

"Stop the car, I'll get off first, you guys slow down."

Yaoguang said.


Zong Yan lowered his head and said, "Why do you have to do this!"

He sighed and added, "With your talent, you can wait until you become a martial saint in the future... At worst, you can wait until Zhao Sheng relaxes his vigilance before assassinating him. Why do you have to do it now, and choose the most unsafe way at the most unfavorable time to take risks?"

"Yes, why take risks in the most unsafe way at the most inappropriate time?"

Yaoguang said.

It seemed to be responding to Zong Yan, but also seemed to be asking himself.

And in the end...

He also gave his own answer.

"It's just... I used to be too safe and too cautious."

Yaoguang said: "Is there anything in the world that can really make plans and win thousands of miles away?"

He looked up.

"When Xiang Yu defeated Chu in Pengcheng, did he know that he could escape unscathed?"

"When Cao Cao attacked Wuchao at night, could he ensure his own safety?"

"What kind of faith did those people have in the bloody battle in Suiyang for ten months?"

He thought of what he said when he saw Xia Wuyuan for the last time.

"I know this is a difficult decision, because of this decision, I may lose my time, my family, my friends, my life, and even everything, but...someone must stand up and stop this kind of thing..."

"If no one..."

"I'll do it!"

He couldn't do what Xia Wuyuan did, and really risk his life to achieve a certain cause, but...

Since you have the ability and can do it with a certain risk, why not do it?

The reason why accidents are called accidents is that they never let you be fully prepared.

"Sometimes, don't be too low-key and too steady, otherwise, you will only be regarded as weak and can be bullied."

The vehicle stopped.

Yaoguang got off the car.

This time, Zong Yan, who was in deep thought, did not stop him.

He looked at Yaoguang...

He said carefully: "Be careful, everything is possible only when you are alive."

"I know."

Yaoguang said.

Only if you can stand firm can you output.

At that moment, he stepped forward, and after a few leaps, he disappeared from Zong Yan's sight.

Zhang Tianji on the side opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, he didn't say a word.

"Let's go next..."

"Go directly to Xiejiazhuang and visit this knife master Xie Yusheng!"



In the study room that originally belonged to the owner of the manor, Zhao Sheng, the person in charge of Tiannan Rebirth Association and even the general person in charge of the entire Dayu "God Blood" industry chain, was playing with a mobile phone.

Recalling the news just now, he had a hint of playfulness on his face.

"Interesting, these people... are really interesting."

He threw the phone to the ground and stood up.

"But... since they are so sensible... then we can accept them and be a snarling dog. We can watch the fun from time to time, right?"

At this time, a respectful voice came from outside.

"Chief, the people are coming soon."

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Zhao Sheng waved his hand: "I'm waiting to see your wonderful performance."

While speaking, he poured a bottle of fine wine worth hundreds of thousands of yuan into the wine glass and tasted it leisurely.

"As for me..."

Zhao Sheng held the wine glass and looked directly out the window: "Since you are here, why not come in? Let me see who you are against me."

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