Not far from the palace, a convoy was coming quickly.

In a bulletproof car in the middle, Kong Fang suddenly opened his eyes.

On the corner of the screen of his glasses, the latest news from the palace was displayed.

"Liao Zhenguo and Bian Liancheng died so soon!? Who did it? Lu Tianhe? Jiang Wenqing? Impossible! They don't have such strength!"

Kong Fang's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Soon, a voice sounded in his earphone: "The one who killed Liao Zhenguo and Bian Liancheng was Su Yaoguang!"

"Su Yaoguang?"

Kong Fang's mind flashed the information of this young man.

Because of some special relationship with Xia Wuyuan, he knows much more about Su Yaoguang than everyone in the Liao family.

It is suspected that he has only been practicing for about a year.

Grandmaster level, but his combat power may be catching up with the Martial Saint.

Since entering the martial arts, he has been tracking the Rebirth Society.

Now he has entered the Eye of the Jishi Society and is being trained.

Not long ago, he and Yue Xingzhou and Xia Wuyuan destroyed the Rebirth Society's largest "God Blood" transit base in Dayu Country, angering Zhao Sheng, the person in charge of the God Blood project.

In the end...

Xia Wuyuan was killed.

He should have been treated as prey and died at the hands of Zhao Sheng, but he overthrew the Rebirth Society with his combat power that was not inferior to that of the Martial Saint and the great assistance of the Jishi Society. Even Zhao Sheng, the person in charge of the God Blood project, died at his hands.

All kinds of achievements...

It's appalling.

And now...

He is not only suspected of catching up with the Martial Saint in combat power, but he has truly demonstrated the strength of the Martial Saint.

He is still the top batch among the Martial Saints.

Liao Zhenguo and Bian Liancheng who died under his sword are the best examples.

"Is his growth... really that fast?"

Kong Fang thought.

He even thought of the monsters in the Rebirth Society.

Their growth rate is also unreasonable.

In a year, or even a few months, they can complete the journey that many warriors cannot complete in their lifetime.


Yaoguang was able to pass the certification of the Jishihui, so it seems that it has nothing to do with the power behind the Rebirth Society.


"A true genius?"

He whispered.

He couldn't help but think of Xia Wuyuan in his mind.

He had conveyed his intention to him not to investigate further, but in the end...

He was stubborn and had to investigate to the end.


He found some news that should not have been found at all.

Thinking of the despair brought to him by this news, including the despair of him, the Martial Saint, and the other purpose of Xia Wuyuan's choice of death...

Kong Fang was silent for a moment, muttering to himself: "A genius that only appears once in a century."

Is it useful?

Compared to the truth of the world, this kind of genius...

Is it really useful?

Figures flashed through his mind.

The servile head of the Liao family, the high and mighty president of the Rebirth Society, Xia Wuyuan who died generously, the people of Dayu who became consumables...

And what Xia Wuyuan said to him before "leaving" the Supreme Procuratorate.

After a while, Kong Fang slowly exhaled: "At least... it's more useful than us..."

Besides, even if you know you will fail, you should do something.


They are not lambs to be slaughtered.

Thinking of this, Kong Fang ordered: "Stop! Return!"


The subordinate's somewhat surprised voice came from the headset.

"Turn around!"

Kong Fang spoke directly to the driver.

Without any hesitation, the driver, who was an absolute confidant, turned the car around and returned to the Procuratorate.

Soon, someone who was loyal to the Liao family asked: "Chief Kong, what's going on? Why did you suddenly turn around?"

Kong Fang did not reply, but directly closed the public channel and ordered his logistics team members: "Pay attention to the approaching personnel."


Soon, the car returned to the Procuratorate.

As for the other vehicles, some followed him back, but most of them went straight to the palace.


Encountered an ambush.

Kong Fang did not know what the outcome would be.

He was too lazy to care.

At this time, he had come to the deepest part of the information room of the Procuratorate, passed through several security doors, and came to a safe.

When he opened the lock of the safe, he seemed to feel something and suddenly said, "Is it here?"

Yaoguang, wearing a battle suit and holding a sword, appeared in the information room.

Kong Fang stepped aside and pointed to the safe he opened: "This, perhaps, is the real cause of Xia Wuyuan's death."


Yaoguang glanced at Kong Fang.

This Chief Prosecutor, who is theoretically the sharpest sword in the hands of the royal family, did not set up an ambush and counterattacked immediately?

"He... found some things, and Liao Shanhe asked me to destroy them, but I kept them."

Kong Fang said: "I don't know if it's true, but during this period of time, as I have been comparing the information I have with his remarks above, it is very likely that... the truth is really approaching the cruelest direction."

Seeing this, Yaoguang was not afraid that Kong Fang, the martial saint, was right beside him, and went directly to the safe and took out one of the cameras.

As he turned on the camera, he never saw Xia Wuyuan appear in the camera again since they parted at the Parkson Chemical Factory.

He looked very tired and haggard.

There were dozens of cigarette butts in the ashtray next to him.

As if he realized that the filming had begun, he came to the camera.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, and finally said: "Our world is in captivity."

A strange color flashed in Yao Guang's eyes.

"I have read through history books. The Great Destruction is not a natural or man-made disaster, but a historical cycle. Every eight hundred to one thousand years, a Great Destruction will occur. The purpose is to forge the strongest immortal weapons and magic weapons. The only record I can find for the Great Disaster is more than five times.”

The Great Disruption.

Yaoguang knows.

Refers to the disaster that destroyed human civilization thousands of years ago.

One thousand and eighteen years from now.

This is also the reason why the current human calendar only has 1018 years.

"I have read many books and verified that the so-called Great Disruption... indeed happened more than once."

Kong Fang on the side said in a heavy tone.

Fluttering light turns his gaze to the camera.

Inside, Xia Wuyuan continued to speak, but what he said was not coherent and even a little confusing.

Obviously, he is in a bad mental state right now.

"There has never been a fish leaping over the dragon gate, everything is a scam. The reason why Wu Sheng was taken away was just because Wu Sheng initially met the criteria of becoming a disturbing factor. Therefore, the reason why they were 'fish leaping over the dragon gate' and became disciples of the Qi Sect Taken away, and then secretly eliminated, none of the living Martial Saints of one generation, two, three generations, returned to the country and hometown where they lived. "

Xia Wuyuan's eyes were a little empty: "Except for Red Star and Snow Dragon."


Yaoguang glanced at Kong Fang.

"I also checked, but... the data we have in our hands does not make much sense, because Dayu, and even the entire Central and Eastern Continents, have not had the opportunity to become a disciple of the 'Armor Sect' for decades. ”

Kong Fang explained: "However, there are records in some classics that a martial saint once returned from the Qi Sect."

After speaking, he added: "There is a refutation here. It is limited to classics. The Martial Saint who came back one has seen it."

"Limited to classics."

Panguang looked at the camera.

Xia Wuyuan was still narrating: "Only Red Star and Snow Dragon are the real managers of this world. Others, even the royal family, have difficulty in contacting the truth. Even the royal family is like this, not to mention aristocratic families, common people, everyone, all living beings, billions of people , are all materials, materials for cultivating immortal weapons and magic weapons. For the materials of immortal weapons and magic weapons, they can all be sacrificed. "

"This great destruction of reincarnation should have started in the turbulent era a hundred years ago, but for some unknown reason, perhaps the interests behind Red Star and Snow Dragon have not yet been clearly divided, or perhaps there are unknown variables that have occurred, and the great destruction has not occurred until now. It has never happened so far.”

"Due to the interruption of progress, the number of Martial Saints in our world is much higher than in other periods. Therefore, the Rebirth Society was born in order to involve the energy of all Martial Saints and attract their attention..."

"Our world is not called Huntian, Zhanlan, or Earth Star. It is really called the Weapon-Raising World, where all living beings are used as firewood and flesh and blood are used as fuel to forge immortal weapons and cultivate magic weapons."

"Everyone must unite to fight against Red Star and Snow Dragon, and against these Red Star and Snow Dragon nobles who regard all things in the world and all living beings as stupid dogs."

"But... no one believes my words."

"No one wants to believe it either."

"There must be someone with more ability, more status, more strength, and more status to do all this."

When Yaoguang heard this, he vaguely guessed something.

"Su Yaoguang."

Xia Wuyuan read out his name: "You are a genius, a peerless genius, the most talented warrior I have ever encountered in my life, a nineteen-year-old...Martial Saint! If it were you, with your strength, what you have shown Potential... I believe that as long as you raise your arms, you will be able to summon a group of powerful forces to surround you and save the world!"

Yao Guang watched the video.

Xia Wuyuan in the video thinks the same.

"But I know that you won't do this. You are more cautious than me, and you are more wise to protect yourself than me. So, I am thinking about how I can make you really pursue it."

"I thought about it."

The two people's eyes seemed to intersect with each other through the screen, through time, through space, and even through life and death.

"A gentleman can bully others."

"Only when I die can you really investigate this matter carefully, because it was you who involved me in this incident and allowed me to see the truth of the world."

"If you want to avoid being treated like a stupid dog, and if you want to fight for the right to survive, someone is destined to bleed, and someone is destined to sacrifice. I am not afraid of death, nor am I afraid of sacrifice. I only hope that my death can have such a small effect. To have this image appear in front of you.”

"Su Yaoguang, with great ability comes great responsibility. You have this ability, but also this..."


Flutterlight closed the video.


He made no secret of the indifference in his eyes: "Everyone is dead, but he still looks upright and engages in moral kidnapping."

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