* * *

Sung JiHan, who had logged out, scratched his head.

When Im GaYoung asked for his number, the number that came to mind was the one he used in the United States.

He vaguely remembered the phone number he used in Korea.

If he wanted to contact her somehow, he could have asked for GaYoung's phone number in return.

"Anyway, I'm not going to join a guild now."

It's like a thirsty person selling a well.

Sung JiHan didn't feel the need to get GaYoung's number.


"I'm looking forward to the rewards."

When he was ranked 7th in the world, even if he got first place in a game, his experience points only increased by a tiny amount.

But in the low-level bronze range, there was a taste of growth.

Sung JiHan looked at the system's message window.

[Limited Quest - 'Achieve first place in 10 towers' has been cleared.]

[Obtained 1,000 achievement points.]

[Recorded first place in a defense game.]

[Experience points and GP acquisition rate increased by 50% as a first place reward.]

[Leveled up by 2.]

[Obtained 1,500 GP.]

He didn't experience as much growth as he did during the tutorial, but the first place reward itself was abundant.

He also gained divine power and even acquired GP (Game Point), so it was quite a harvest for finishing one game.

"If I keep doing this, I can reach the promotion match without playing many games."

The first place reward in Battle.net games is tremendous.

Not only is the reward itself significant, but there is also a 50% increase effect.

If Sung JiHan continues to get first place, he will reach level 25, which allows him to challenge the promotion match in less than a month.

"Well, the game structure is not that easy."

When achieving good results in a game like this, inevitably, the next opponent will be a player of a higher level.

In that case, the chances of continuing the streak of first place victories would become difficult.

The level difference in Battle.net has a significant impact.

"But it doesn't seem like I'll lose in the bronze league."

If he records consecutive first place victories and finishes the bronze league.

That would be a record in itself, wouldn't it? He might not receive additional achievement points.

With the determination to aim for first place in every game, Sung JiHan opened the Battle.net market.

"With the GP I received as a reward, I can buy relics..."

And not long after, he closed the market.

No matter how cheap relics were in 2020, he couldn't find any relics that he could buy with 1,500 GP.

Even F-grade relics required a minimum of 3,000 GP.

"...I guess I have to search the rooms more."

After allocating the remaining points to strength after reaching level 2.

Sung JiHan calmly decided to explore the house.

There were still many spaces in this spacious penthouse that he hadn't examined yet.

"Then, shall we go?"

Sung JiHan, who came out of his room, headed towards his sister's room through the living room.

A high-rise complex building in Gangnam.

Among them, the penthouse that was converted into his own home at the very top was Yoon SeJin's house, so it took quite a while to pass through the living room.

And as he passed by the living room, he once again noticed the family photo hanging on the wall near the sofa.

Was that taken 10 years ago?

In the picture frame where Yoon SeJin, his sister, and his young nephew were smiling brightly, only Yoon SeJin's face was shattered.

"Should I just cut it out completely?"

When he first broke it, before his stats changed to strength, Yoon SeJin's figure was still intact.

Sung JiHan walked towards the photo.

In that family photo, Sung JiHan didn't even want to leave a trace of his face.

At that moment.

Beep beep. Beep-

From beyond the living room, the sound of the door opening in the entrance could be heard.

"I'm home~. The Jeju Island training camp, I was the only one who finished early."

A high and cheerful voice.

At the sound, Sung JiHan flinched.

"Oh. Uncle... alcohol. Did you finish it all?"

A girl in a school uniform took off her shoes and walked into the living room.

Looking at Sung JiHan with a smiling face.


She quickly discovered the broken family photo and hurriedly walked over to his side.



The niece who discovered the broken photo of her father smiled meaningfully.

"Why did you break it first?"


In an instant, she completely shattered the face of Yoon SeJin in the photo.

"I was going to do it."


Sung JiHan's gaze at his niece, Yoon SeA, who mercilessly crushed her father's face, was a mix of joy and apology.

"SeA... you're healthy."

Yoon SeA, who is 9 years younger than him at the age of 18.

They have been getting along well like close siblings since they were young, despite the age difference.

"When our parents passed away, it was really awkward when you got pregnant less than a year later."

After Sung JiHan's parents passed away.

His older sister took care of her younger brother, who was 10 years younger, and took on the responsibility of running the household by working various part-time jobs, and that's how she met Yoon SeJin.

His sister, who fell in love with him like a wildfire, had a baby at the young age of 20.

At that time, Yoon SeJin also took responsibility and had a modest wedding ceremony before entering Sung JiHan's house.

Since they didn't have money to buy a new house, they came to the apartment that was inherited by the siblings.

"I saw this kid a lot while the two of them were working, earning a living."

Sung JiHan, who took care of Yoon SeA a lot since her infancy.

She was a special existence to him.

"But... in the past, I couldn't take care of her."

What happened to Yoon SeA in her previous life was terrible.

A memory he didn't even want to recall.

"Such a thing should never happen again."

Sung JiHan, who looked at Yoon SeA with a heavy heart, regained his determination.

"Uncle? Why are you like that? With a serious expression."

"Oh, no, it's nothing. You did well. But, what about the training camp?"

At Sung JiHan's question, Yoon SeA smiled bitterly.

"There was a big commotion the other day, right? So the teacher sent me home first."

"If there was a commotion... a press conference?"

"Yeah. You know, the other day, before the press conference. Dad called me."

"What did he say?"

"He said he fell in love."

Fell in love...

Sung JiHan was taken aback by those words.

That person, Yoon SeJin, said that to his only daughter.

"That bastard... is that the end of it?"

"...I'm sorry, and I won't ask you to understand Dad. And he said he can't take me with him..."


Sung JiHan's fist shattered the fragments of Yoon SeJin's album and pierced through the wall.

In the real world, his power couldn't fully manifest compared to in the BattleNet, but even so, his Level 12 strength was formidable.

Yoon SeA's eyes widened at the sight.

"Uh... Uncle? Why are you so angry?"

"Ah, sorry. I couldn't control my anger. Please continue."

"Yeah. Instead, he said he'll give me the property in Korea and told me to live well with him, and then he cut off contact."

"Ah, that damn bastard..."


From the beginning, Yoon SeJin had organized most of his property and fled to Japan.

The reason rumors spread about Yoon SeJin going to another country was because he hastily organized various properties, including guild shares.

The only thing he didn't organize was Sword Palace, where Yoon SeA resided.

"But eventually, the government will confiscate this building too."

When Yoon SeJin first went to Japan, the government was also wary of him.

To persuade Yoon SeJin to return to Korea, they didn't take any action regarding the building he left behind in Korea.

But after Yoon SeJin emerged as a representative of Japan and trampled over Korea, public opinion completely turned.

"Wow, because of that bastard, our country is at the bottom of the East Asia League rankings."

"He's like a modern version of Iwan Yong."

"What? Even worse than Iwan Yong! He abandoned his country for one woman!"

And their anger turned towards the family members left in Korea.

"Why did his daughter stay in Korea?"

"That's suspicious too!"

"And Sword Palace that Yoon SeJin left behind... Wasn't that supported by taxpayers' money?"

"The building should be confiscated!"

Public sentiment was at its worst, and Yoon SeA's personal information spread throughout South Korea.

Privacy laws didn't apply to Yoon SeA.

The National Assembly passed a bill in response to the boiling anger of the citizens.

The bill was related to the revocation of tax exemptions and the recovery of taxes for players who renounced their nationality.

And by that bill, the government confiscated the building.

Sung JiHan and Yoon SeA were kicked out of their home.

"...It was hell."

Because of this, Sung JiHan had been pointed fingers at by the entire nation in the past.

But since he wasn't directly related to Yoon SeJin and had his sister Sung JiA's achievements, he was slightly less affected.

"But he is still the younger brother of Saint Sung JiA."

"That's right. Saint Sung JiA prevented the Dungeon Break in North Korea and returned. It's not right to curse her brother along with her."

"That's right. He's not even related by blood to that guy."

If you look at it that way, Yoon SeA was also Sung JiA's daughter.

But to Yoon SeA, people judged her more as the daughter of a traitor than as the daughter of a saint.

"...I have to avoid such a situation as much as possible."

It was Yoon SeJin who abandoned the country, not his niece Yoon SeA.

She was also a victim.

To prevent the horrific events of the past from happening again, he had to do everything in his power.

At least for now.

"I have to become a reliable adult who can support him."

The past Sung JiHan was young.

He was too busy dealing with people's criticism and couldn't pay attention to Yoon SeA.

That's why, seeing Yoon SeA now, who seemed calm and courageous at first glance...

"SeA is amazing. Uncle, it's really like hell..."

He was blabbering such nonsense.

In the midst of such a bright and innocent appearance, it was hidden how corrupted his heart had become.

It was after everything had ended, irreversibly.

But now, it's different.


"Yeah, Uncle."

"I'm always on your side."

"...What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

"Until now, I may not have been reliable..."

Sung JiHan of 2020.

He was far from being a trustworthy adult.

Other than using the gift "Wanderer's Eye" to predict battles on the Battle.net, he had no stable occupation.

He received a house, a car, and everything else from his in-laws.

In the eyes of young Yoon Se-ah, her uncle must have seemed like a jobless wanderer.


"Now it's different. I'll be the adult who gives you trust. So... don't suffer alone. Rely on me."


At those words, Yoon Se-ah's expression briefly changed.

The smile on her face, which she was trying so hard to maintain, faltered for a moment, and her eyes became moist.

Just for a moment, her face showed signs of wanting to cry.


"It's okay. I..."

That face quickly disappeared, and Yoon Se-ah smiled slyly.

"Of course it's me. I'll rely on my uncle."

Despite facing a big problem, she had the same smiling face as before.

It was as if she was wearing a perfectly crafted mask.

A mask that always smiled.

Seeing that, Sung JiHan smiled wryly.


Now, even if he asked her to believe him with words, it wouldn't resonate.

He couldn't express the emotions he felt after being abandoned by his father.

"Through actions... let's slowly gain trust."

Behind the smiling face, until his niece opened up her heart a little more.

Sung JiHan decided to wait silently.

"But more importantly..."

As if the slight change in expression from earlier was an illusion, Yoon Se-ah reached out her finger to Sung JiHan with a bright smile.

"Actually, Uncle! Now that you're living with me, you're the one relying on me!"

"This house?"

"Yeah. Dad, that guy, said he'll pass on the Korean properties, so he'll give this to me too, right?"

Sung JiHan looked around the house at her words.

A penthouse in the heart of Gangnam, incredibly spacious.

If you consider the price of the building below, Yoon Se-ah is undoubtedly one of the wealthiest people in Korea.


"Se-ah. I have something to say about that."

"What...? If it's you, Uncle, you can have about half of the building!"


To give away half of this massive building, she's such a kind child.

But that wasn't Sung JiHan's intention.

"No. That's not it."


"Let's donate this building to the country."


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