The Marvel Journey Begins With The X-Men

100 Return To The Alien Planet

There seems to be only one difference between level three and level four, but the actual power, especially the coverage, is very different!

"What's the reason? The suppression of the main world, or the earth's law is too strong?" Norton thought of two reasons, but he couldn't verify it yet.

If it’s the latter, that’s okay, but if it’s the former, then the effectiveness of this skateboard will definitely be greatly reduced!

Norton is not in a hurry to verify the reason for the time being.

So he put the skateboard aside first, and then took out two crystal stones.

One is flawless and transparent, and the other is light blue.

The material of these two crystals is the same as the material structure of Galactus' life core. They are containers specially synthesized by Norton to store two special energies.

The crystal contained two kinds of energy that he collected at the last moment.

"This should be the essence of life energy!" Norton put down the transparent crystal. The role of life energy needs no introduction, but it is not what Norton expected.

The energy stored in the light blue crystal is Norton's target. It is one level lower than the power of creation, but has a certain similarity with the energy of creation.

"This should be the product of Galactus digesting the earth's core energy. It is very similar to the earth's core energy, but there are some differences!" Norton analyzed.

Unfortunately, the detector turned into a piece of scrap metal after passing through the space-time channel. The similarity between this energy and the energy of the earth's core cannot be accurately detected.

With further observations, Norton quickly came to a preliminary conclusion: "The main effect of this special energy is to promote the evolution and mutation of life!"

Higher energy originally contains a certain power of law and contains law information. By directly interpreting the law information, you can know the approximate effect.

However, the accurate effect still requires actual testing.

Energy is limited and cannot withstand consumption, so Norton chose to use single-celled organisms for preliminary testing.

The growth cycle of single-cell organisms is short, but to obtain accurate data, repeated cultivation and observation are still required.

He does not need to take care of this kind of thing personally. You can use an automatic culture instrument. You only need to set up the culture program, and the instrument can automatically cultivate and collect detailed data.

After taking care of all this, Norton took his skateboard and prepared to go out.

But before leaving, he told Yuna: "Yuna, I have to go out. You can help me look after the laboratory. If something unexpected happens, call John to come over and help!"

"No problem, I'll help you take a look, you go back quickly!" Yuna promised.

Letting Yuna watch the lab just in case, Norton wasn't really worried about an accident.

With the strength of the equipment in his laboratory, some single-celled organisms cannot make waves no matter how much they evolve!

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon!" Norton nodded to Yuna, then stepped into the space channel and disappeared.

Coming out of the space channel, Nuo has arrived near Brotherhood's Hope Island.

Norton did not rush to the island, but contacted Magneto first:

"Magneto, I'm outside the island, please send someone to greet me!"


Since the establishment of a permanent space channel on the island, Hope Island has been on alert, and Norton does not want to cause a conflict.

The key is not to make any noise, so as not to attract the attention of other forces!

Magneto attaches great importance to Norton's visit and even comes out to greet him personally.

The two came to the base in the center of the island, and Magneto asked: "Norton, you're coming over today, right?"

Norton definitely knew what he wanted to ask. Before he could finish the question, he answered:

"The space blockade cannot be opened for the time being, and the channel will still only be able to transmit in one direction for a few years!"

"How long will it take? Do you have an accurate time? We can make a development plan!" Magneto asked.

"I don't know the specific time either!" Norton shook his head again, then took out his skateboard and said:

"But I brought you a good thing today, which should be able to greatly speed up your progress!"

This skateboard allows people to obtain high-level permissions on the living planet. It is such a waste to use this kind of permission for fighting! (cjcc) Its real mission should be to transform the planet!

Although the living environment of alien planets is harsh and life is scarce, if there is life that reproduces naturally, it is a living planet. The silver skateboard should work!

"What does this skateboard do?" Professor X asked.

"You will know soon!" Norton smiled and walked into the space door with Magneto and Professor X.

Coming to the alien planet again, Norton found that the city he left behind had been fully constructed, at least the ground part was already complete.

Most of the buildings have undergone basic decoration and maintenance, and greening has covered the entire city.

Looking around, most of the entire city is covered in green!

"Erik, how many people did you send here to green the entire city?" Norton asked Magneto.

"Not many, less than a thousand people!" Magneto replied.

"A thousand people!?" Norton was quite surprised.

As far as he knew, the Brotherhood only had a total of over 2,000 people.

He didn't expect that Magneto would have such courage and dare to directly allocate nearly half of the Brotherhood's strength to develop aliens.

"They were able to green the entire city so quickly mainly because of the protective shield you left behind, Norton!" Magneto explained,

“We have also tried to transform the environment outside the city, and found that the vast majority of plants cannot survive, and even if they barely survive, they cannot continue to grow.

The protective shield over the city is made of transparent metal, which was done by Norton when he built the city.

The purpose is to close the entire city, isolate it from the harsh living environment of the outside world, and facilitate the transformation of the environment and air in the city.

Norton directly suggested: "Let's go outside the city first. This skateboard should be able to help us solve the problem!"

At this time, Brotherhood officials from the city also came to inquire.

However, Magneto sent them away directly without letting them follow.

This time he was not in a hurry, so Norton didn't walk too fast. He walked slowly towards the city gate while observing the new look of the city.

“The greening is quite good, but the design is a bit boring, more neat than beautiful!” Norton commented.

"It's definitely a bit different!" Professor X nodded in agreement.

Although Magneto has seen this city countless times from videos and surveillance, this is the first time he has observed it with his own eyes. The two senses are different.

However, he still explained: "I never considered the aesthetics of the greening from the beginning, and the current effect is already pretty good!"

Norton smiled and didn't refute

The city is not big, and while talking and laughing, the three of them have arrived at the isolation area at the east gate.

If you want to leave this completely closed city, you must go through the quarantine area.

Magneto and Professor X need to change protective suits here, which are similar to space suits.

Magneto first found a piece that suited Norton's figure and threw it to Norton: "Norton, go on!"

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