"War between humans and Mutants!" Norton replied.

After confirming the time of crossing, Norton stopped covering up and took Yuna directly to the sky.

Then he took out a pair of strange glasses and put them on.

The glasses have no lenses, and the frames are engraved with mysterious runes.

This rune is naturally the law rune of Spirit Eye.

Glasses engraved with the spiritual eye law rune do not have the ability to share vision with contracted animals, but they can also provide Norton with a spiritual vision effect.

This allows Norton to directly see the law fluctuations caused by Mutant's use of Ability, and the field of view is very wide.

Norton flew to an altitude of one thousand meters and brought the entire city into his field of vision.

After flying high in the sky, Norton saw the whole city.

This is a big city with a population of at least several million, but at this moment there are no lights visible in the city, and no breath of living people can be felt.

Definitely, Norton didn't see any law fluctuations either!

This place is completely abandoned!

But even in a completely abandoned city, there are still Sentry patrols.

Norton's swaggering act of flying into the sky soon attracted two tombstone-like flight machines.

Seeing the approaching flight machine, Norton put a pair of spiritual eyes on Yuna and then ordered:

"Sentry is here, please pay attention to the city below, I will take care of this garbage!"

Norton had already guessed that it would attract Sentry, but he didn't care. He just wanted to see the level of Sentinels in this world.

With his level 5 strength, he was invincible in this world. Norton didn't pay attention to the mere Sentinels.

The Flight Machine didn't say hello and directly attacked Norton. However, it did not release the Sentinel. Instead, it was an overwhelming attack of lasers, bullets, and missiles.

Norton waved his hand gently, and physical weapons such as bullets and missiles instantly decomposed into atoms and were controlled by Norton. The laser was also easily blocked by Norton's particle shield.

Not only the bullets, but the weapons loaded on the Flight were also destroyed by Norton at the same time.

The only thing Norton wants to see is Sentinel. He has no interest in these technological weapons at all!

After the weapon was destroyed, the Flight machine opened the hatch and released the Sentinel!

More than a dozen Sentinels turned into pyromen, spraying flames from their feet and crashing into Norton like meteors.

"Law fluctuations?" Norton's eyes narrowed, and he felt real law fluctuations in these Sentinels.

In other words, these Sentinels do not simulate the effect of X Ability, but directly simulate Mutant!

Sentinel did not hit Norton directly, but surrounded Norton from all directions twenty meters away, and then sprayed pillars of fire at Norton from all directions.

More than a dozen fire pillars illuminated the sky. In the center of the gathering flames, Norton and Yuna were completely enveloped in flames.

The high temperature of nearly 10,000 degrees scorches the particle shield arranged by Norton, and the atoms become extremely active in the high-temperature environment.

Fortunately, these particles are originally in an atomic state and there is no problem of melting. Moreover, no matter how high the temperature is, they are still atoms and are still under Norton's control.

However, atoms may not care about high temperatures, but the flesh and blood bodies of Norton and Yuna cannot withstand high temperatures.

Norton's heart moved. A small number of atoms in the particle shield began to undergo nuclear reactions, and the high-temperature energy brought by the flames was quickly absorbed.

This is a method that Norton only came up with after mastering the Elemental Furnace Ability, specifically to deal with high-energy attacks.

The principle is actually very simple. Nuclear fission reactions will release massive amounts of energy, so the reverse reaction naturally needs to absorb massive amounts of energy.

It is difficult to achieve this process with pure technology, but Norton’s Elemental Dominance Ability can do it easily.

Although many Mutant Abilities do not obey the law of conservation of energy at all, simple material reactions still need to abide by this theorem.

The master of elements controls the process of atomic reactions, rather than directly manifesting the results, so the nuclear reactions controlled by Norton also need to release or absorb material energy.

This is actually a good thing for Norton, as the massive amount of energy required to travel through time and space comes from this.

Norton did not fight back quickly and allowed Sentry to burn for dozens of seconds. Unfortunately, the flames released by Sentry did not continue to grow stronger.

This made Norton a little disappointed: "Is there only a third-level attack?"

The nuclear reaction intensified, a massive amount of energy was absorbed instantly, the fire pillar sprayed by Sentry was instantly extinguished, and the temperature within a few hundred meters suddenly dropped below zero.

Even Sentry showed signs of freezing, and the flames had cooled before they were released.

Sentry's intelligent combat system reacted immediately and quickly changed from a fireman to an Iceman. The flames sprayed under his feet also changed to cold air, and the attack method also changed from flames to freezing air.

And half of the Sentry flew directly towards Norton, seemingly wanting to attack at close range.

"It's still only Level 3!" Norton shook his head in disappointment, "It seems like this is the only level!"

Norton lost interest in continuing the test, and with a wave of his hand, he directly decomposed these Sentinels and the two Flight machines into the most basic atoms.

These Sentinels can simulate a lot of abilities, but Norton doesn't think they have the ability to break down into atoms and then reassemble!

Sure enough, after being broken down into atoms, they disappeared with the wind, and the law reaction completely disappeared.

After dealing with Sentry, Norton looked at Yuna beside him with questioning eyes.

"No signs of Mutant activity were found, and no living people were perceived!" Yuna replied.

"There are really no living people left in this city!" Norton sighed.

There was such a big movement just now. If there are hidden Mutants in this city, there is no way there will be no reaction.

"Are these the ultimate forms of Sentinel?" Yuna asked.

She has also seen the information about Sentinel in the main world, which is far worse than those robots just now!

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