The ancestor of the aliens was able to control the aliens, mostly through his own genetic ability to control the specific genes of other aliens.

The Terrigen Crystal serves as a medium to activate alien genes, and Norton is not prepared to let it wander outside.

The ancestor of the aliens has died, and the remaining aliens who have not activated super abilities, let them die naturally!

Norton personally came forward, so it was impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D to refuse Norton's request because of two items of unknown use. Anyway, there are many such items in S.H.I.E.L.D's Warehouse.

Even the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D is unwilling to do so.

After Norton played the financial threat card, he had no choice but to compromise.

With the influence of the Carnegie family in the United States, it only takes a little effort to get Congress, which already has objections to S.H.I.E.L.D., to cut funding.

After taking the things back, the Terrigen Crystal was useless and was directly sealed by Norton.

It was the main body of the black squares that aroused Norton's interest after integrating all the black squares and revealing their true colors.

"This thing does not seem to be a natural creation, nor is it an artificially synthesized substance, but a creation of the law of aliens or Mutants!"

Norton quickly studied the essence of black matter, a kind of law creation between energy and matter, with extremely excellent space compatibility.

With in-depth research, Norton soon discovered that this thing could solve huge amounts of his own problems.

Originally, the biggest problem in developing alien planets was transportation. After all, Norton could not help open space passages at any time.

And black matter can solve this problem.

"This thing seems to be able to be used to build a permanent space passage!" Norton's eyes lit up and he began to deduce the construction plan.

This was not difficult for Norton, and a complete construction plan was quickly developed.

However, Norton did not directly build the space channel, but called Yuna and others over to discuss it.

After all, if alien planets are really to be developed, Yuna and the others will definitely be the ones to contribute. Norton has no interest in traveling to alien planets anymore.

"Are you interested in developing aliens?" Norton asked.

"Not interested!" John shook his head first. Alien didn't have the X gene he was interested in.

Selina is also not very interested, and there are no Mutant students on the alien planet.

However, Yuna was more interested in developing a new planet and asked a series of questions:

"How is the environment on the alien planet? Are there any resources worth developing?..."

"The environment of the alien planet is not suitable for human survival, but I built a city on the alien planet, which is enough to support the long-term survival of a small number of humans.

As for the resources of Alien, I haven't paid attention to it, but for such a big planet, there must be resources worth developing..." Norton briefly introduced the basic situation of Alien.

"Is the alien planet dangerous?" Yuna asked again.

"In addition to the harsh environment, the dangers of the alien planet mainly come from the bugs living underground. These bugs are difficult for ordinary people to deal with, but they pose no threat to the Nova Team.

However, the living environment of those bugs is very complex and difficult to clean completely. Norton replied.

This answer disappointed Yuna, and her interest in alien stars also dropped greatly.

Yuna knows that Norton is not short of money, so her interest in alien planets does not come from the income from developing alien planets, and Norton does not have enough manpower to develop a planet.

Yuna just hopes to find a place where she can train the Nova Team.

However, judging from the information provided by Norton, Alien's training for the Nova Team is very limited.

Seeing Yuna's expression, Norton understood what she was thinking, but still asked: "Why, you are not interested?"

"It's a piece of cake!" Yuna commented.

"Since you don't want it, I have to find a home for it!" Norton did not interfere with their choice.

Even if Alien is not developed, it cannot be left alone.

After opening two space channels back and forth, Norton discovered that there is a space link between the alien planet and the earth.

This link usually has no impact, but once an accident occurs, it is likely to form a natural space channel connecting the two planets.

If left untreated, such channels could form anywhere on Earth.

Once alien bugs are allowed to travel to the earth along the subspace channel, it will be a disaster for ordinary people.

It is difficult for ordinary people to deal with those bugs that can appear and disappear underground.

Although under normal circumstances, such an accident may not occur once in hundreds of thousands of years.

But now that the curtain of the Marvel world has opened, any accident may happen.

Norton has to be careful!

Only by establishing a stable link between the two planets can the random opening of space channels be avoided. A permanent space channel is the most stable link...

However, building a space channel in your own home is completely different from building it elsewhere.

Until there is no problem with the three holy places, even if the space passage is established, free travel will not be possible.

If the space channel is built in his own home, Norton only needs to inlay the sigil on it to solve this problem.

But if the space passage is built elsewhere, Norton is not willing to inlay the sigil on it.

To Norton, the value of ten alien stars is not as good as this talisman.

As a result, the benefits of alien stars will only be visible but not tangible in a short period of time, and organizations that accept space channels will have to guard the gates for several years.

There are only a handful of organizations that are strong enough to guard the gates.

"The major violent organizations under the U.S. government are not fuel-efficient. They will definitely not be honest gatekeepers, so..." Norton quickly thought of a suitable choice.

So Norton brought the black substance to Hope Island where Brotherhood is located.

Magneto, who has been staying at home for the past few years, is definitely the best candidate to guard the door. Even if there is an accident, Brotherhood has enough strength to guard the space channel.

And now Professor X is also on Hope Island, which is equivalent to adding another layer of insurance.

Importantly, Norton thought Magneto would be interested in aliens.

Sure enough, Norton’s feeling was right!

After Norton briefly explained his intention, Magneto0.4 was indeed very interested.

Isn't an independent planet without ordinary people what he has always longed for?

So what if the environment is a bit harsh? Mutant can be transformed slowly!

No matter how dangerous the bug is, can it be the opponent of Mutant?

Before even listening to Norton's detailed introduction to the alien planet, Magneto urged Norton to establish a permanent space channel first.

Norton didn't waste any time and first established a space passage in the secret base in the center of Hope Island.

The space passage looks like a black door frame ten meters wide and five meters high. There is a black light curtain in the door frame, and the situation on the other side cannot be seen.

After the space channel was established, Norton explained to Magneto the details of connecting the space channel to the alien planet:

"In a short period of time, this space door can only transmit in one direction, and you can't go back..."

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