The elemental master has the potential of level five, but in order to reach level five, X genetics needs to reach level five first.

Returning to Cumberland Island Mutant Academy, Norton found Selina and asked about the Rakshasa Girl's study progress.

"Ana will be able to complete the basic course in one month!" Serena replied.

"One month?" Norton glanced at the Rakshasa girl who was studying hard in the classroom and nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad!"

It took just over a year to complete the basic course, much faster than Norton expected.

Obviously the Rakshasa girl is eager to solve the problem of her own uncontrollable ability.

"Anna is very smart and studies very hard. She devotes almost all her energy to studying and is the hardest-working student in the entire school!" Serena was also full of praise for the Rakshasa girl.

Norton can understand the Rakshasa girl. Obsession is a very powerful force, sometimes stronger than hatred. The Rakshasa girl's obsession is obviously that she cannot control her X Ability.

The Rakshasa girl's learning progress exceeded expectations, so Norton made arrangements in advance:

"Selena, this month you will take her to familiarize herself with the laboratory. Once she successfully condenses the law runes, she will immediately participate in the research!"

"I know!" Serena nodded in agreement.

After completing the basic course, condensing the law runes, and being able to fully control their own abilities, every student must choose an advanced course.

Either enter the laboratory, continue learning, and become a researcher in the future; or enter the training ground, learn combat skills, and join the action team in the future.

This is a choice that every student in the academy must make, and Rakshasa Girl is no exception.

But because of the special ability of the Rakshasa girl, Norton determined her choice direction in advance.

Norton had already told Rakshasa about this, and she did not resist it. She did not like fighting, and her personality was not suitable for fighting.

"Most people outside think that the X gene is a mutated gene, but we don't think so."

"In the X genetics of our college, the X gene is a key and the fulcrum that leverages the world's laws. X Ability is the result of leveraging the world's laws through the X gene..."

At the end of the talk, Norton asked a question: "Anna, why are most of Mutant's X Abilities uncontrollable?"

"Because Ability and will are not in balance!" Rakshasa gave the answer instantly. Because she has suffered from the uncontrollable ability for a long time, she knows a lot about this issue.

"What is the working principle of the law rune?"

"Anchor X Ability in the soul, get rid of the restrictions of the X gene, and form a relative balance!" Rakshasa Girl quickly replied.

"Norton, why is it that after condensing the law rune, the strength of X Ability is completely fixed and cannot be changed?" Rakshasa asked.

"This is the question I want to talk about today." Norton did not give the Rakshasa girl a direct answer, but asked a question:

“What happens when you add a weight to a balanced scale?”

"The scales will be thrown off balance!"

"Yes, the scales will lose balance!" Norton explained, "Only when an absolute balance is achieved can we continue to increase the amount!"

"Ability and will only have two points. It is impossible to form a completely stable state, and naturally it cannot continue to improve!"

"Am I the third point?" The Rakshasa girl immediately realized something.

"The hope for the third point lies with you, and your X Ability is the key to finding the third point!" Norton nodded affirmatively.

Hearing Norton's affirmative answer, the Rakshasa girl was not sad, but asked curiously: "What is the third point?"

"Energy!" Norton replied.

"Energy?" The Rakshasa girl didn't quite understand.

"It is not ordinary energy such as wind, fire, electricity, and light, but the energy consumed when leveraging the law.

This energy cannot be detected by instruments, nor can it be felt when used, and there is no direct evidence of its existence! ” Norton explained.

Norton has been studying the consumption issue of X Ability, but there has been no progress.

Many X Abilities seem to be completely cost-free. For example, Scott's Cyclops can be played all the time, Wolverine's Self-healing is also permanent, and there are many other examples.

Even if I feel tired occasionally, it is just a tired heart.

Only when Rakshasa absorbs X Ability do they look truly exhausted.

Norton solemnly said to the Rakshasa girl: "I named this energy law energy, and the only person who can find it is you!"

The reason why Norton is 100% certain that law energy exists is because X genetics has been unable to break through the bottleneck and reach level five.

"Norton, I will help you find the energy of law!" the Rakshasa woman solemnly promised Norton.

"I believe you! The next experiment will be led by you, and I will fully cooperate with you!"

Norton held Rakshasa's hand and released the self-protection of the law rune, allowing Rakshasa to successfully absorb his Ability.

After condensing the law rune, Rakshasa has a detailed understanding of her X Ability, and can clearly control the process of using the Ability.

For this reason, it is still a huge amount of project for the Rakshasa Girl to analyze the absorbed law energy, which requires repeated experiments.

For more than half a year, in order to cooperate with Rakshasa's experiments, Norton was absorbed into Ability at least ten times a day.

Fortunately, the Rakshasa girl only absorbed law energy from Norton and did not absorb the life force. Otherwise, Norton might not be able to bear it.

"After condensing the law runes, the law energy is carried by the runes. Before condensing the law runes, the law energy is mostly carried by the life force!" Norton speculated in his mind.

Norton also tried to find someone else to replace him. Anyway, Rakshasa only needs to analyze law energy, and the type of ability does not matter.

But it was quickly discovered that this was not possible. The weaker the ability absorbed, the harder it was for the Rakshasa girl to clearly feel the law energy, and the analysis speed was seriously reduced.

So Norton had to do it by himself!

Fortunately, the efforts of more than half a year were not in vain, and Rakshasa Girl finally produced complete results.

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