Norton is also curious about the legendary Mjolnir, but ordinary people cannot get Mjolnir back.

So he refused: "No need to send anyone, we will go and see it in person this time!"

"I'll make arrangements right away!" Yuna had no objection to this.

"No need to call the door back, just prepare an RV," Norton ordered.


"The hammer is right there, no one can take it away, we don't have to worry this time." Norton explained.

This arrangement is mainly because Norton wants to go out for a walk and relax!

A few days had passed when the two of them arrived in New Mexico in a luxury RV, stopping and stopping along the way, like traveling.

"S.H.I.E.L.D moves really fast!" Outside S.H.I.E.L.D's simple base, Norton stepped on the brakes, then took out an ID and handed it to the agent who came to inquire.

This is S.H.I.E.L.D’s high-level consultant certificate. It is something that S.H.I.E.L.D took the initiative to give to Norton. It can be used in most S.H.I.E.L.D institutions. The most important thing is that it does not have any obligations. It is equivalent to a high-level pass.

There are many similar certificates in Norton, such as those from the military, FBI, CIA, etc. All the top agencies in the United States | Norton have similar passes.

The temporary base in front of us obviously does not belong to the S.H.I.E.L.D top-secret base, so the agent at the door did not stop him, checked that the certificate was genuine, and opened the door directly to let him through.

After finding a place to park the car, Norton and Yuna just got out of the car and saw Phil Coulson walking towards them.

He invited Norton and the two to the temporary base and made two cups of coffee himself:

"Mr. Carnegie, Miss Yuna, I'm sorry! The conditions of our temporary base are relatively simple, only instant coffee!"

Norton took the coffee and didn't dislike it: "The coffee is good!"

"We are curious about that thing that fell from the sky, so we stopped by to take a look!" Yuna directly stated her intention.

"We knew very little about that hammer, and the testing equipment had no effect on it!" Phil Coulson explained.

Norton had already expected this answer, so he made a request: "Do you mind letting us see it with our own eyes?"

"I definitely don't mind, you two come with me!" Phil Coulson immediately stood up and led the way without any hesitation.

As a high-level agent, Phil Coulson already has a certain understanding of Norton's identity. Coupled with Director Nick Fury's instructions just now, it is naturally impossible for him to refuse Norton's request.

Moreover, S.H.I.E.L.D knows very little about this hammer and does not know its importance, so it cannot be kept strictly confidential.

Soon, Norton saw Mjolnir lying in the center of the crater.

Different from the hammer in the movie, the hammer head of Mjolnir in front of you is larger, and the whole body is covered with mysterious patterns. Even though the charm is restrained, it still looks very extraordinary.

"Phil Coulson, evacuate your people!" Norton directly commanded Phil Coulson, "Also, turn off the surveillance here!"

Phil Coulson wanted to refuse. Norton was only a high-level consultant in name only and had no right to interfere with the bureau's tasks.

But then Director Nick Fury’s voice came from his earphones: “Do as he says!”

So Phil Coulson had no choice but to do it.

Phil Coulson did not make any small moves. Not only did he remove all the agents from the room, but he also turned off all the hidden cameras.

Seeing his actions, Norton nodded secretly. No wonder Phil Coulson has a good relationship with various superheroes and knows how to behave!

If it were Nick Fury, he would definitely keep it in check.

After clearing the place, Norton and Yuna walked up to the hammer.

Phil Coulson also followed, and Norton didn't refuse this time.

Yuna looked at the hammer up and down several times, but didn't see anything special, so she asked: "Is this Mjolnir?"

"Definitely!" Norton nodded affirmatively.

At his level of strength, even if Mjolnir's divine power is restrained, he can still feel the powerful power contained in the hammer.

"Carnegie consultant, do you know this hammer?" Phil Coulson finally reacted.

"Yes, it is the legendary Mjolnir in Norse Mythology!" Norton replied affirmatively.

"Norse Mythology? Is there really a god in this world?" Phil Coulson was a little unbelievable.

He was more willing to believe that the hammer-like thing in front of him was some kind of alien high-tech, and he was not willing to believe that it was a weapon of God.

"There are so many strange things in this world, isn't it normal for gods to exist?" Norton asked rhetorically.

As a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Phil Coulson has a wide range of knowledge and a strong ability to accept.

He knew that Norton would not deceive him with such absurd things, so he quickly accepted the setting that God in Norse Mythology really exists!

"Mjolnir, Thor's weapon? As long as you can lift Mjolnir, you can become the God of Thunder?"

Phil Coulson doesn't know much about Norse Mythology. Fortunately, the Internet is so developed now that he can look up information at any time. However, he can't determine whether these legends are true or false.

So Phil Coulson looked at Norton with doubt.

Norton shook his head and said: "I don't know much about these. I only know that they live in Asgard, the divine domain. Other legends need to be verified!"

He has no interest in answering Phil Coulson's questions.

What he knew was very limited, and unless he verified it with his own eyes, he was not sure how true the things in his memory were.

At least it says that as long as you can lift Mjolnir, you can become a thunderbody! Norton is skeptical.

Odin doesn't seem like such a generous person!

Norton is more willing to believe that, except for Thor, even if anyone else can lift 207 Mjolnir, they will most likely be struck to death by lightning instead of becoming the God of Thunder.

So after feeling the powerful power contained in Mjolnir, Norton didn't try it easily, and he didn't have much interest in becoming the God of Thunder.

The so-called gods are all self-proclaimed by Asgard. In terms of strength, they are not necessarily stronger than the fifth-level Mutant.

After observing carefully for a while and confirming that Mjolnir was not very aggressive in his current state, Norton reached out and grasped the handle of the hammer.

Sure enough, Mjolnir did not fight back directly, nor did he have any other reaction.

But when Norton was about to exert force, Mjolnir immediately felt a shock to his consciousness.

This impact on consciousness is not strong, and most people cannot even detect it. It is more like a detection program.

This impact on consciousness was directly offset by the mental shield blessed by Yuna, without any feedback to Mjolnir.

Without feedback, the test will naturally be unsuccessful and Norton will not be qualified.

Although Mjolnir did not attack Norton, he did not reduce his own heavy area.

The result of Norton's force was that the hammer did not move at all.

He increased his strength little by little, but even to his own limit, with nearly ten tons of strength, he still couldn't shake Mjolnir in the slightest.

‘Is this the weight of the Death Star core?’ Norton suddenly became curious about the material of the hammer. .

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