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Pick up the pen, dip in ink, and paint.

The brush was waved by Lin Wu and began to dance on the white paper.

One stroke at a time, graceful.

Clear mountains, green forests, small bridges and flowing water.

Soon, the outline of the painting appeared.

With just one glance, one can clearly tell that what Lin Wu painted is exactly Wengcao Village.

Time passes slowly.

One minute.

Two minutes. three minutes


After about half an hour, the painting was almost finished.

From the village entrance to the village, there are distinctive ethnic buildings, winding stone paths, vegetable fields and paddy fields mixed in between the houses, and green mountains in the distance.

This can really be called a picturesque scene!


Lin Wu put away his brush and let out a long breath.

"Xiaolin, are you done painting?"

He Jiong looked at Lin Wu's painting with disbelief, and exclaimed:"It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful. Is this Chinese painting? It's really amazing, Xiao Lin, you have simply moved the entire Wengcao Village from reality to drawing paper!"

"Yes, that’s amazing!"Huang Lei gave Lin Wu a thumbs up.

"Brother Lin Wu is so awesome!"Peng Yuchang looked like a little fanboy, staring at Lin Wu with piercing eyes, as if he was looking at a half-hidden beauty.

Not only the group of mushroom houses, but also the live broadcast room was filled with uproar


"If no one is convinced, I will be convinced by Lin Wu! If no one helps me, I will help Bai Wu!"

"King of Forces, I finally discovered it. It turns out that Lin Wu is a King of Forces! If I remember correctly, Lin Wu just said that he only knows a little bit about Chinese painting, but his painting is not very good!"

"Not very good at painting? uh-huh? Are you kidding me? I am from the Huaxia University of Fine Arts, and Lin Wu’s level of Chinese painting will definitely not be lower than that of the old teachers here who specialize in teaching Chinese painting!"

"Damn it! Damn it! real or fake?"

"Wow ah ah ah ah, my little brother Lin Wu is so good, little brother Lin Wu, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"I don’t want to learn oil painting anymore, I want to learn Chinese painting!"

"I also want to learn Chinese painting!!!!"

"+1 for learning Chinese painting!"

"Learn Chinese painting +10086!"


In the live broadcast room, barrages surged wildly. the other side.

Inside Huaxia University of Fine Arts.

A student knocked on the office door

"It's Xiao Li, what's the matter? Hurry, what happened?"A gray-haired old man asked doubtfully

"Professor Zhang, I have a video here, you will definitely be happy after watching it!"

"oh? What video?"

"It’s about Chinese painting!"

As soon as these words came out, the old man suddenly became interested.

The old man's name is Zhang Houde, and he is one of the few remaining masters of traditional Chinese painting at the Huaxia University of Art.

He has been studying traditional Chinese painting all his life, and he has been working hard to continue traditional Chinese painting. Hard work.

However, things are not as expected. Under the double impact of Western culture and capital, fewer and fewer people are interested in Chinese painting and are willing to learn it.

Even in this class, among the more than 5,000 freshmen, there are only Twenty freshmen chose Chinese painting.

When Lin Wu closed his eyes and meditated, Xiao Li silently turned on the recording function.

He opened the recorded video and handed the phone to Zhang Houde.

Zhang Houde was only slightly interested at first. But when he saw Lin Wu open his eyes and write, his breathing suddenly became heavier. His eyes widened, staring at Lin Wu on the screen, staring at Lin Wu, not even willing to blink!

Every stroke and every stroke of Wu was so leisurely.

When he watched until the end, when he saw Lin Wu put away his pen, Zhang Houde breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Professor Zhang, do you think his level of Chinese painting is good?"Xiao Li asked cautiously.

Zhang Houde shook his head and sighed:"Quasi master level! This kid definitely has quasi-master-level Chinese painting skills!"

"Quasi-master level!!!!"Xiao Li's eyes widened and he couldn't help but exclaimed


Zhang Houde shook his head and sighed:"His painting skills are actually at the level of a master, but in his Chinese paintings, there are only shapes, no souls, only objects and no people. It's a pity... By the way, Xiao Li, what is this child's name? Where did you see it?"

Xiao Li hurriedly opened the live broadcast room and said at the same time:"Mr. Zhang, I saw it in a variety show called"Longing for Life". This variety show is broadcast live.……"

"Nonsense, such a talented Chinese painting talent, why did he go to the entertainment industry!"Zhang Houde looked dissatisfied.

At this time, the live broadcast room was loaded and opened.

As soon as it was opened

, there was a bang.

One by one, countless barrages came out.

On the screen, all of them were similar to"I want to learn Chinese painting." Words.

Thousands, countless, endless streams!

Zhang Houde shuddered when he saw this.

The next second, the old man's eyes immediately turned red.

Tears began to roll in his eyes.

The old man persisted in the process of traditional Chinese painting. Fifty years, for what?

The reason is this scene before you!

The reason is to prevent the Chinese painting, the quintessence of Chinese culture, from being completely lost.

"Mr. Zhang, you……"

"I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Zhang Houde waved his hand and looked at Lin Wu on the screen, his eyes full of kindness:"Good boy, what a good boy!"

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