【I will resume updating tomorrow and make up for the updates I owed due to my travels in the past few days. I should only owe one or two updates, right?】

"Hahahahahaha, I am really awesome!"


"Mr. Lao is so domineering when eating!"

"Di, congratulations to Mr. Lao for successfully unlocking the new facial brake pose!"

"This reminds me of Pumbaa!"

"Peng Peng is possessed!"

"Xiaolao: I am an emotionless eating machine!"

"Xiaolao: I am Brother Piao, I can’t have any emotions while eating!"


Xiaolao's eating posture immediately made all the viewers in the live broadcast room laugh.

The way it tastes is really special!

It’s okay to eat as much as you want!

What is the most important thing?

The most important thing is that while Xiaoxiao was eating the dog food, he was rotating 360 degrees around the dog bowl.

Make a circular motion with the dog bowl as the center!

"Yo yo yo yo, slow down, little ladle, no one is going to compete with you, why are you so anxious!"He Jiong saw this and hurriedly shouted

"That’s right, what a big deal, eat slowly, eat slowly!"Huang Lei couldn't help but interrupt and said hello.

But Xiao Lao didn't pay any attention to He Jiong and Huang Lei. They were still eating wildly and circling around.

In less than twenty seconds, Xiao Lao had already taken the bowl. The dog food inside was finished.

Then, the emotionless little ladle turned his attention to the other dog bowl. He pounced on it and devoured it in big mouthfuls.

Still in the same posture.

While eating frantically, he walked around. The dog bowl rotated in circles.

In the blink of an eye, he finished the dog food in this dog bowl.

Then, he turned his attention to the third dog bowl.

"no! Xiaoxiao, you have eaten enough!"When He Jiong saw this, he shouted hurriedly and stood up.

At this moment,

Xiaolaiao had already rushed to the third dog bowl with lightning speed and started gobbling it up.

"Hahaha, Xiaolao is so interesting!"Huang Lei couldn't help laughing, but Peng Yuchang had already laughed so hard that he covered his stomach and kept laughing like"goose goose goose goose" and even burst into tears.

Wait until He Jiong left. When he got behind Xiaolao, he grabbed the back of Xiaolao's neck and picked it up. Xiaolao had successfully destroyed the third bowl of dog food.

It seemed that he was full.

Xiaolao did not resist. No matter how hard He Jiong was holding him, he could not move.

"Hey, good guy, you finished eating so quickly! He

Jiong looked at the empty three-mouth dog bowl, smiled angrily, carried the small ladle to the dog pen, shut it inside, and said:"I made you disobedient and made you eat so much." I'll lock you up and put you in confinement for a night to make you have a longer memory, hum!"

He Jiong snorted at the camera very proudly and proudly, turned around and walked back towards the pergola. He just turned around.

The live camera hadn't even had time to move away from the dog pen.

"There was a"pop" sound.

The little ladle locked in the dog pen suddenly jumped up, kicked a few times with its two hind legs, and successfully escaped from the dog pen.

Shaking slowly, slowly, Like an old man, he followed He Jiong all the way back to the pergola.

"Okay, Xiao Lin, I've taken care of the skinniest little one, now you can feed the other three!"

As soon as He Jiong finished speaking, he saw a familiar figure running slowly behind his feet, ran under the pergola, then lay down directly, turned over, and lay on the ground with his feet in the air.

He Jiong Jiong was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

Then he shook his head, rubbed his eyes, and looked over again.

Then, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Little, little scoop! ? He Jiong's eyes widened,"Didn't I just imprison Xiaolao?" When did you run out?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Lin Wu, Huang Lei and Peng Yuchang all laughed out loud at the same time.

He Jiong:"???????????"

"Ahem, Teacher He, in fact, you just put the little scoop in, and when you turned around and came back, the little scoop had already escaped from the dog pen, and it had been following you.……"Lin Wu reminded with a smile

"real! ?"He Jiong looked surprised.

"It really can’t be true anymore!"Lin Wu nodded.

"Oh, my little gourd, you are so amazing!"

He Jiong squatted down, rubbed Xiaoduo's belly, and praised.

Xiaoduo kicked his legs with a look of enjoyment, still lying on the ground with his feet in the air. There were pots, pans, and four little Shiba Inu dogs, although they were all from the same family. Born to the same parents, but with completely different personalities.

If Xiao Guo is a naughty child, then Xiao Guo is definitely a gentle and good boy.

Lin Wu poured the dog food again and asked Xiao Guo to eat.

Step by step, Xiao Guo, He walked to the dog bowl very gracefully, and then started to eat in small bites, which was very elegant.

If it was a small bowl, it would be a bit dull.

Lin Wu clearly poured the dog food into the dog bowl on the left and asked the small bowl to eat. At that time, he also let him come to the dog bowl on the left to eat. The small bowl trotted all the way over, and then faced the empty bowl on the right and started eating in big mouthfuls.

If Lin Wu hadn't been very sure, the dog bowl on the right was a little bit inside. There is no dog food. Maybe you really think that the small bowl is not eating air but dog food.

The last small bowl is also a child, but the skin of the small bowl is completely different from the skin of the small scoop. The same two kinds of skin.

Lin Wu poured the dog food into the dog basin on the left, and the small basin had to go to the dog basin on the right.

At first, Lin Wu thought that the small basin was also stupid, but later he discovered that the small basin was Aojiao, this is skin.

No matter how Lin Wu calls, Xiaopen just won’t eat the dog food on the left.

He has to wait for Lin Wu to pour the dog food in the dog bowl on the left into the dog bowl on the right. The arrogant Xiaopen will not Eat.

Yes, yes!

Xiaopen’s character is arrogant.

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