【The fifth update on the first day! This is the last update today, I will continue tomorrow morning, go to bed! Asking for free flowers! Ask for a free review ticket! That kind person did a good job and gave me a reward, just 100v, so he broke my virginity! 】

There is no time in the mountains, time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, four days have passed.

According to the practice of the previous two seasons, Lin Wu, as a resident guest, needs to arrive at the Mushroom House one day in advance to familiarize himself with the geographical environment of the Mushroom House in order to prepare for the guests who will come later.

As soon as I finished sorting out the clothes I was going to bring as gifts, the phone rang.

"Hey, Teacher He, what's wrong?"Lin Wu answered the phone

"Xiao Lin, please get ready. Teacher Huang and I, as well as Peng Peng, are already driving to pick you up. It is estimated that we will be able to reach the village at the foot of your mountain in another twenty minutes!"He Jiong's voice sounded

"Okay Teacher He!

Lin Wu then said:"Teacher He, did you say that Teacher Huang and Peng Peng are coming together?""

"Yes, it is! He Jiong responded

"Then could you please ask Teacher He to help me say hello to Teacher Huang and Peng Peng first? Lin Wu said

"Okay, no problem, leave it to me! Okay, okay, let’s not talk anymore. Xiaolin, please tidy up first. We will see you in the village later, see you there or not!"

He Jiong finished speaking and hung up the phone.

"I really like this kid more and more, he is so polite! He

Jiong smiled and shook his head,"Teacher Huang, Peng Peng, you heard it, Xiao Lin asked me to say hello to you first!""

"This kid is really good!"Huang Lei admired from the bottom of his heart.

"Peng Peng, you can learn from your brother Lin Wu. Humility and politeness have been the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation since ancient times. Knowing how to be humble and polite is definitely a good thing!"He Jiong said seriously to Peng Yuchang.

"Well, I know, I will learn from Brother Lin Wu!"Peng Yuchang nodded seriously.

"Teacher He, isn’t that right? Huang Lei suddenly interrupted.

He Jiong was confused:"What's wrong?""

"I remember you said, Lin Wu is only 23 years old this year? Peng Peng, I remember he is already 24, right? Peng Peng is older than Lin Wu. How can Peng Peng call Lin Wu Brother Lin Wu? Huang Lei said with a smile.

"This this……"

He Jiong rolled his eyes and said:"There is an old saying in China, a master is a teacher! Xiao Lin knows a lot, why can't he be a brother! Right Peng Peng?"

"Hey, hey, yes, Teacher He is right! Peng Yuchang smiled and scratched his head.

Along the way, the three of them laughed and laughed constantly...

It wasn't just them laughing, there was also laughter in the live broadcast room of Mango Channel.

"Wow, wow, wow, first, first, first!"

"It has started, it has started, it is finally about to start, I am really blowing up this variety show of Longing for Life!"

"Caught up from the first season to the third season!"

"I like variety shows like Longing for Life, slow life, slow pace……"

"Just wait for my little brother Lin Wu!"

"I can't wait to meet my little brother Lin Wu!"

"My little brother Lin Wu is so polite. I love, love, love, love, love, love, love!"


Twenty minutes later.

In a mountain village deep under the mountains.

Lin Wu dragged a suitcase and quickly arrived at the entrance of the village.

It is a full five or six kilometers from the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain where Lin Wu lives to the village at the foot of the mountain.

Even running at a constant speed on a normal road would take almost twenty minutes. Not to mention that Lin Wu was walking on a mountain road, and Lin Wu was dragging a large suitcase!

The quintessence of the country!

Chinese martial arts is naturally one of the quintessences of the country!

After practicing martial arts for ten years, Lin Wu's physique, whether it is short-term burst or endurance, is not comparable to ordinary people.


Don't get it wrong.

What I mean by lasting is not the kind of lasting you think but the kind of lasting!

All the way down from the top of the mountain five or six kilometers away to the village entrance at the foot of the mountain, Lin Wu only took a few breaths, but still looked graceful.

After waiting for a few minutes, before He Jiong and his party arrived, Lin Wu frowned slightly.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

When I picked up the phone, it was He Jiong calling.

"Hey, Teacher He, what's wrong?"Lin Wu asked

"Xiao Lin, our car had a puncture halfway, and we are changing the tire now. It will probably take half an hour to reach the mountain village. Don't be anxious, just go down the mountain slowly. First place!"He Jiong's voice sounded

"Okay Teacher He, I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wu shook his head.

"Half an hour? That’s almost enough for one round of punching!"

Lin Wu muttered, then put down his suitcase casually, found an open corner, punched, punched, punched, and punched in a measured and deliberate manner.

It seemed that Lin Wu's punches were slow and leisurely, as if It can't hit anyone at all, but that's not the case.

Every punch Lin Wu makes does not release the power after the punching process. Instead, he waits until the fist is about to be used up before violently releasing all the power..The power is condensed together, concentrated on the fist, rather than scattered across the entire arm.

The power bursts out at the same time, instead of wasting power throughout the punch.

One punch, one punch, one punch , Lin Wu gradually got better.

Gradually, Lin Wu's fists gradually became faster, and the wind whistled.

Time passed quickly.

About half an hour later, a white Tianfeng Corolla car came to the entrance of the village.

Far away Stopped far away.

He Jiong, Huang Lei and Peng Yuchang got out of the car one after another. Along with them, there were the accompanying director and staff.

Seeing Lin Wu who was boxing, the group's eyes lit up.

Lin. What Wu is wearing today is still a white Hanfu.

As the wind blows, the Hanfu dances.

The switch between hardness and softness is just a thought!

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