The Master of Elves

Chapter 131 The Power of Electric Moves Quality Inspector: Up to Duck! (update completed)

Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu.

Magnemite, a three-in-one magnet.

Thunder ball, naughty egg.

Electric shock monster, electric shock beast.

Meili sheep, velvet sheep, electric dragon.

Yang Kaibai saw a large number of electric elves in the training hall of the training hall.

Even in the safe zone, Yang Kaibai and Kodakya could feel the incomparable electrical power in the training ground.

"This is an experience card for the training halls of various departments of our Jianghai Elf University. You can use all the training facilities in the training hall for free. If the time limit is... you can start school in September, and you will get it from the school by then. After getting the campus card, just swipe the card!" Teacher Ni Songhong gave Yang Kaibai a white magnetic card, "There are also some advanced training facilities and venues upstairs in the training hall, but... they are basically used for electric-type elves. , like high-voltage charging..."

High duck charging...

Kodak duck hugged his head.

Blinking, some images came to mind.

Is it just like the way it uses Tidal Swirl and Water Wave on Magikarp, causing Magikarp to spiral into the sky, and using Magikarp to charge with waves... High Duck Charge?

And Turbo Duck.

Yang Kaibai nodded.

Those facilities that are accessible are basically unusable, so there is no need to go upstairs.

Just do it directly in the training venue downstairs!

After swiping his card at the entrance, Yang Kaibai got a set of insulating protective clothing from the staff to ensure that the trainer would not be accidentally shocked during the training.

Although the human trainers in the real elf world have quite good physical fitness, and being attacked by some of the less powerful moves of the elf will not cause fatal injuries, for safety reasons, insulating protective clothing is still required in the electric training hall. Up.


"Come on, Kodak, take the elf ball first..."

The battle training hadn't even started yet, and Yang Kaibai didn't want to get electrocuted by the overflowing electrical power in the electric training hall on the way to the battle venue.

This situation is actually rare, because there are devices and equipment in aisles and corridors that absorb electrical power to ensure that there will be no overflow of electrical power in these areas.

The important thing is...

Don't touch the fence!

Yang Kaibai is now wearing insulated gloves, so there is no danger if he touches the fence, but not the Kodak Duck.

Out of curiosity, if you accidentally touch the fence, it is equivalent to being hit directly by an electric-type move!

The effect on the spot was outstanding!

"A new person is here? The face is unfamiliar!"

"Well, maybe they are not students from our school, but there are also some who come to the training hall to experience it!"

"I just saw it when I came in. He had a Kodak duck with him. He must have come to the training ground to practice fighting against the electric elves!"

"Canduck? This... Canduck's reaction speed and dodge speed shouldn't be fast enough, right? In this case, if you can't dodge the electric moves, you can only train to be hit?"

At this time, the more than thirty electric trainers who saw Yang Kaibai arriving in the training ground couldn't help but focus their attention on Yang Kaibai.

From their position, if they look towards the entrance of the training hall, some trainers can see Yang Kaibai coming in with the Kodak Duck.

Most of the people who often come to the electricity-type training center have elves with electricity-type attributes.

Even for freshmen, after nearly two semesters, there are usually few unfamiliar faces who come here frequently during class or by chance.

If more than 30 people feel unfamiliar, it must be the newcomers from outside the school who came to the school's electrical department training hall to experience it!

"Teacher Ni! Why are you here?"

A boy named "Jiang Teng" recognized Teacher Ni Songhong next to Yang Kaibai.

"This classmate, how are you? I'm bringing a newcomer to the telephony training hall to have a look. Is any of you free now? Can your electric elf compete with his elf for a while?" Ni The teacher introduced with a smile.

He did not specifically mention Yang Kaibai's specific identity.

Just talking about a newcomer.

"Well, today I want to come to the electric-type training hall... to train my reachable duck. It's just normal training. You can attack it with electric-type moves." Yang Kaibai nodded and said, "Can reachable duck, come out !”

"There are quite a lot of training like this in our electric training hall." Jiang Teng continued, "Like some flying elves, some other water elves, but the most important thing is that as a trainer, you have to do your best. Prepare for the elf to get hurt.”

"Yes, after all, the electricity type attacks the water type, which will cause extraordinary damage."

Several electric trainers here explained with concern.

Looking at the elf Kodak appearing next to Yang Kaibai, he looked dull and naive. To be honest, the intensity of training... shouldn't be very high.

"You must be more professional than me when it comes to training... Haha, I'm in charge of recruiting students. If I don't do these trainings, I won't train them. Just follow the training methods of you young people. Don't look at me! Training is always necessary. It's normal to be injured!" Teacher Ni noticed that the boy who knew him looked at him with a somewhat troubled expression, so he explained again and again.

Yang Kaibai also said: "We can increase the intensity of training little by little. It's okay. I'll just let the duck duck dodge or defend."

"That's right, when defending this, don't use water-type moves! This must be agreed in advance."

"Yes, yes... I forgot that the Kodak Duck is a water type. This elf appears too rarely. We are in an electric training gym after all. If the venue is full of water..."

I understand everything!

Yang Kaibai saw that these electric trainers looked very experienced, and he probably knew that some unforgettable things might have happened in the electric training hall before, well...

And it’s also related to water!

Yang Kaibai nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, I won't let the duck use water-type moves!"

There were some electric trainers in the crowd who looked at each other blankly.

Then here comes the problem.

The Kodak Duck doesn't use water-type moves... so what other types of moves can it use?

"Then let's start with the least powerful training first! Pichu, come over here and use electric shock on the duck!" Jiang Teng was quite a leader and arranged for Pichu to come over for training.

It just so happens that everyone can take a break and watch the excitement at the edge of the training ground with the electric elves who are training.

Training like this usually ends in a few minutes.

It's perfect to think of it as halftime.

An elf who is restrained by the electricity attribute will not be able to hold on for long before being hit by an electric move. Once hit, the next power move will be impossible to dodge.

Therefore, it only takes one attack and the training is basically over.

The Kodak Duck will definitely not last long!

This is the exact same thought in everyone's mind.

In the electric training hall, if the power of the electric moves of the elves during training is graded...

Level 1: Pichu.

Level 2: Pikachu.

Level 3: Thunder Ball.

Level 4: Meili Sheep.

Level 5: Electric shock monster.

Later there are levels such as Furry Sheep, Magnemite, Naughty Egg, Raichu, Electric Beast, Three-in-One Magnemite and so on.

Because the Kodak Duck is a side that avoids and defends, the electric elves only need to think about how to make moves.

This is a bit like during the waterfall special training, Yang Kaibai let the Kodak Duck attack and asked Magikarp to hide, but now the Kodak Duck has become the side of evasive moves and defensive moves.

"Hmm? The duck duck evaded it? So easy? Pichu, try the electric shock again!"


Pichu's first electric attack move has a slow concentration speed and a very obvious forward swing when the move is launched. The duck just glanced at it and basically knew where Pichu wanted to attack.

He flashed to the right in an understatement.

Pichu's electric shock immediately hit the air.

Koda Duck held his head and glanced in the direction where Pichu's move had just hit, confirming that his judgment just now was not wrong, and he felt a little more happy.

Come on duck again! Come on duck again!

Pichu saw that Kodak easily evaded its electric shock move, so he puffed up his mouth, closed his eyes, and began to do his best to gather all the electrical power in his body, and then...

A beam of lightning attacked in the direction around him.

Kodakya widened his eyes.

Yang Kaibai was stunned!


Trainer Jiang Teng is glowing!

"Pichu, stop, you...the direction of the electric shock is deflected, and the target of the electric shock is me..."

Under the insulating protective clothing, Jiang Teng's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Fortunately, he was wearing these insulating clothes, otherwise Pichu would have had to lie on the bed in the dormitory for at least a whole day to recover from the paralysis effect of Pichu's full blow.

"Pichu! Pichu Pichu!"

When Pichu opened his eyes, he found that the Coduck had not moved at its original position. Instead, the electric shock moves on his body were mercilessly attacking the trainer who commanded it...

Sorry, Pichu!

Sorry, Pichu!

Yang Kaibai couldn't help but ask: "Is this Pichu... temporarily unable to control his most powerful electric shock move?"

Jiang Teng nodded: "The less powerful electric shock moves can be controlled very well, but if it concentrates on condensing the electrical power of the whole body, it will mainly close its eyes... and then, it will not know who it will attack. So. , it is also training its own here in the electric training hall."

"Come on, Pichu, take a good rest first. Let's move on to Pikachu!"

"Pichu Pichu!"

Pichu hugged Jiang Teng's shoes and rubbed his cheek on the shoes with an apologetic expression.

"It's okay, Pichu. Mistakes are normal. Just practice more and you'll be fine. By the way, you'll see how Pikachu uses electric shock later!"


Pikachu's electric attack moves are obviously faster and more powerful than Pichu's condensed moves, and the ballistic speed of the moves when attacking is also significantly faster.

Correspondingly, the time given to the duck to react becomes less.


The duck ran a few more steps to the left on the ground.

Pikachu's electric attack move... also failed!

"This duck's reaction speed is a bit fast!"

"I actually dodged it. I thought the duck would be unable to hold on at Pikachu's level! He would be attacked!"

"Pichu and Pikachu are both electric elves who belong to the training hall. Their strength is relatively average at the moment and they can't hit the duck... which is understandable."

Yang Kaibai's eyelids twitched slightly here.

From his perspective, Pikachu's electric attack move can be said to be quite fast. It attacked almost instantly, but it was still dodged by Ducky.


He escaped without using his superpowers!

Kodak... has made great progress!

"Canada, are you okay?"


"Okay, then use the same method to dodge Pikachu's electric attack again!"


Kodak looks calm and composed now.

After two successful escapes, Kodak Duck gradually began to become more confident.

Although it may become more and more difficult later, but...

Yaya will definitely work hard and keep training!


Pikachu fired another electric shock beam. This electric shock was obviously more powerful than the previous electric shock.

But Kodak's reaction was faster and he still avoided it without using his superpowers!

This is purely the result of battle experience and one's own strength!

"Next, change to the thunder ball! Liu Zhengkai, your elf, you take command!"


Liu Zhengkai brought his elf partner Thunder Ball to the field.

If Pichu and Pikachu in the training hall are a warm-up for evasive move training...

The next training will be difficult!

Since the Kodak Duck has shown a certain level of strength, the difficulty of training must also be mentioned.

"Thunder ball, roll around the duck in the outermost ring, use electric shock moves to attack!" Liu Zhengkai added some difficulty as soon as he started.

"Wait a moment, Kodak, let's go to the middle of the field! Let the thunder ball be able to launch electric shock moves anywhere. This kind of training is the best!"

“Kah da kah da!”

Yang Kaibai's command made Liu Zhengkai stunned for a moment.

Why did this person start commanding him, Liu Zhengkai?

Isn't he worried that the duck will be hit by an electric attack?

However, Liu Zhengkai also admitted in his heart that through this training method, the Duck can be trained to avoid the electric attack of the thunder ball. If the Duck can successfully dodge, the training effect will be very effective!

That is much more effective than the training effect of the electric elf standing on the spot and making moves for the duck to dodge!


This newcomer, are you sure you can dodge your reachable duck?

This is a sure-kill combination move of Thunder Ball!

By rolling at high speed, the enemy elves are trapped in the center of the field, and then use electric shock moves to perform 360-degree "arbitrary fire" in the center direction, which can reach ducks...

Can you react?

Don't let the thunder ball knock you out before you use the electric shock!

"Let's begin, Thunderball!"


After receiving the instructions from trainer Liu Zhengkai, the thunder ball began to roll rapidly around the edge of the training field.

Thunder Ball has been practicing such combination moves recently.

Now, it’s time to use the Kodak Duck to practice the effect of the “360° random fire” move combination!


Thunderball raised his eyes.

The red and white ball gradually began to glow golden. As it rotated at high speed, the thunder ball turned into a golden ball. It kept rolling around the field, but it had no intention of attacking.


Is this the real direction that the lightning ball intends to attack?

A ray of golden lightning suddenly shot out from the high-speed rolling thunder ball in the direction of the duck in the center of the field without warning!

Thunderball is always looking for opportunities to make moves.

It's now! !

"What a cruel thunder ball!"

"Damn, this is too fancy, isn't it? How can Kodakya react to such a difficulty! The difficulty is a bit high, Lao Liu!"

"Indeed, the difficulty has suddenly been raised too high! The duck may not be able to escape!"

Just when all the electric trainers in the electric training hall thought that Duck Duck could not avoid the attack of the thunder ball...

Suddenly, two frightening light blue lights appeared in the center of the venue!

Didn't you say that you should never use water-type moves in the electric-type training gym?

The it going to explode again? !

Yang Kaibai looked at the movements of those electric trainers lying down together with a confused look on his face...

Neat and skillful.

What happened?

"They... seem to have mistaken the light blue superpower light of the Kodak Duck for water-based energy?" Teacher Ni moved his glasses frame, opened his eyes slightly, and murmured, "I am still the first Once I saw the super power used by Kodak Duck on the spot..."

"The super-powered duck is so awesome!"

In the eyes of the duck, super power is released!

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