The Master of Elves

Chapter 791 Got taken advantage of!

"Linka, go take over the rest of the rescue work. Humans, elves... I'm afraid the Black Rock Dungeon no longer exists. Let's temporarily settle them first."

"Yes, Lord Steel Mewtwo!"

After Iron Mewtwo watched the Xidulan En tribe return to the underground of the Black Rock Mountains, he teleported to Sky City's rescue commander Linka and explained the follow-up matters.

Linka accepted the task, and before Steel Mewtwo turned around and left, she suddenly remembered the things about the Gyarados trainer and the extinct Kuailosaurus, and immediately said: "Master Steel Mewtwo, on the way we came... a man appeared. An incredible Gyarados trainer, and the Kuailosaurus that was supposed to be actually appeared!"

Steel Mewtwo knew who Linka was talking about. Under its helmet, Steel Mewtwo's tone remained calm, as cold as a machine: "I know they are here to participate in the rescue. I will go meet them and Expression of thanks."

"After all...the heavy rain that extinguished the magma fire in the Black Rock Mountains...was dropped in advance by them."

Linka knew that the story behind the heavy rain could not be hidden from Lord Steel Mewtwo.

The weather in this world is out of control. Even if all the flying elves in the Sky City Flying Rescue Team use the method of praying for rain together, it will take a long, long time for there to be any sign of rain in the sky.

This heavy rain...

Coupled with the appearance of the extinct Kuailosaurus, it all confirms that Kuailosaurus has been called the "Weather Dragon" in the long history.

If I can get help from Kuailong...

Maybe this world can get more rainy days.

After a long drought, there comes rain.

Whether it's a city in the sky or an underground city...

All need a rain.

A heavy rain.

"Master Steel Mewtwo, I'm going to resettle the victims and elves first!"

"Go, if you can, comfort them more, I... won't be able to show up."

"Master Steel Mewtwo, actually..."

"There's no need to say more. It's useless to say more. You naturally understand the reasoning behind this."

Linka hesitated to speak.

As a subordinate and supporter of Iron Mewtwo, she understands the pressure behind Master Iron Mewtwo all too well.

Whether it is the Sky City or the Underground City, some conspiratorial public opinions are always secretly dividing the "rule" of Steel Mewtwo.

Linka knew very well that without the efforts of Master Steel Mewtwo, this world would have fallen apart long ago.

Even though some policies in Sky City are "high-pressure policies," in order to maintain world peace, Sky City has to use heavy codes.

She believes that Lord Steel Mewtwo will consider the future direction, and the future must be what most humans and elves expect.


More time is needed.

"Steel Mewtwo, it's coming."

Yang Kaibai stood on the head of the Gyarados dragon and could clearly see the departure of the Xiduranen group. Similarly, he could also hear the conversation between the leader of Xidulanen and Steel Mewtwo clearly.

From the rescue of Black Rock Dungeon...

Yang Kaibai discovered some clues.

Regarding Steel Mewtwo, it seems...

Yang Kaibai gained some deeper insights.

However, the arrival of Steel Mewtwo made Yang Kaibai stop thinking deeply and immediately woke up.

Hold your breath and concentrate.

Steel Mewtwo hung in the air in front of Yang Kaibai.

Gyarados's fierce eyes were fixed on the mysterious elf wearing steel armor in front of him - Steel Mewtwo's extremely restrained and extremely cold aura, which gave Gyarados a feeling that was completely unpredictable and even somewhat... Heartbreaking fear.

But even so, Gyarados still held his head high and faced off with great vigilance, always ready to enter a battle state——

During the Magikarp period, it was willing to face a hundred thousand volts for the Kodak Duck, and it was willing to give up everything for the trainer Yang Kaibai and leap into the twisted space of the secret realm...

Steel Mewtwo can't let Gyarados flinch even half a minute!

Yang Kaibai continued to look at the most powerful mechanical life form elf in the current time and space and the current world in front of him.

He had thought about what the first meeting with Steel Mewtwo would be like, but...

The rescue in Black Rock Dungeon made Yang Kaibai feel a little relieved.

At least……

Judging from the behavior of Steel Mewtwo, it fits the identity of a "savior".

"Steel Mewtwo, hello."

Yang Kaibai took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the horn in the center of the Gyarados trident, comforting the Gyarados, and at the same time, he and Kodak Duck exchanged greetings with Steel Mewtwo for the first time.


The three dull hairs on the duck's head stood up tremblingly.

Duck duck it...

I have never met such a deep, terrifying, powerful spirit that cannot feel the soul!

It’s not that you can’t feel the soul, let’s put it in a clearer way…

Steel Mewtwo, it seems to have no emotions!

"From the future time and space...the person chosen by Celebi is indeed very extraordinary."

In Steel Mewtwo's voice, there was only a dull mechanical sound, without any emotion mixed in.

Yang Kaibai felt like he was communicating with a program.

Mechanical lifeform elves...

Shouldn’t it be like Magearna, who has her own heart and emotions...


When Celebi first introduced Steel Mewtwo...

Steel Mewtwo has the most powerful fighting ability in the world, but it lacks the purest and most beautiful soul like Magearna's first generation soul heart, and what the soul brings is the emotion that belongs to the elves.

Yang Kaibai's thoughts suddenly moved.

Why did Emrido, the God of Emotions, follow Yang Kaibai this time? He and Wu Yuhan came to this world together...

Is it because of the "emotion" that Steel Mewtwo lacks?

While Yang Kaibai's thoughts were racing, the words of Steel Chaomeng suddenly echoed in his ears.

Steel Mewtwo...

Does it mention Celebi?

How did it know that Yang Kaibai was chosen by Celebi...

A human trainer from the future?

There seems to be a problem here!

Yang Kaibai seemed to have caught something.

Recall the previous details bit by bit, and then connect the details together...

Yang Kaibai's pupils suddenly shrank: "Steel Mewtwo, Celebi...were you sent to the future time and space?! Celebi...isn't on the side of the human trainers in this world?"

Under the metal helmet of Steel Mewtwo, his expression showed some uncoordinated approval: "Did you see it? It surprised me. You are right, but... there is something wrong."

"Celebi, from the beginning to the end, stands from the common perspective of humans and elves. The destiny of humans and elves, Celebi, chooses hope and the future..."


During Yang Kaibai's brief exchange with Steel Mewtwo, Celebi slowly floated out of Gengar's other-dimensional space with some embarrassment.

It travels to the future space and time...

The reason behind it was indeed partly Steel Mewtwo's request.

This part is that it hides something.

But Celebi was hiding it in good faith.

Because Celebi doesn’t know Yang Kaibai and Wu Yuhan in future time and space...

Their views on the relationship between the mechanical life form elves and humans.

If Celebi directly told Yang Kaibai and Wu Yuhan that it went to the real elf world in the future, it was not the request of the human trainer, but the request of the mechanical life form elf Steel Chaomeng who "enslaved" the human trainer...

So Yang Kaibai and Wu Yuhan...

Will these two future trainers who can save Magearna's first generation soul travel to the Ultron era in this past world, and believe that Steel Mewtwo is actually the "savior" of the current time and space?

Celebi’s initial description and introduction to Steel Mewtwo were all from a human perspective, describing Steel Mewtwo as a “villain who controls power”…

However, when Yang Kaibai and Wu Yuhan came to this world and gained a deeper understanding of this world...

They will find that Celebi's description of Steel Mewtwo is actually biased.


will arouse more curiosity about Steel Mewtwo.

It can be said……

The psychology of Yang Kaibai and Wu Yuhan was completely "controlled" by Steel Chaomeng.

"Trainer from the future, may I ask... does our world... have a future that we can choose?"

This question of Steel Mewtwo actually revealed a sense of "tiredness" and "confusion."

Carrying the burden of being a "savior"...

It's really tiring.


It must not lose! (End of chapter)

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