The Master of the City

Chapter 1058: Chutian shows strength

"Om..." The Changhong, transformed into Wuhuang and Mingsihuan, came to the battlefield at the same time.

At the moment of arrival, the surging breath coerced the entire sky.

Like two gods descending!

The strength of the two is the eighth level of the Return to Void Realm!

"Okay, Pavilion Master Wuhuang and Peak Master Sihuan have come to help. No matter how strong this Chutian is, we have to punish him."

Ming Sheng Dao and Ming Guan Tian, ​​who were using Dao Fa to oppose the power transferred from Chutian Space Dao Fa, saw this scene and were immediately overjoyed.

Wuhuang and Ming Sihuan are the strongest in the entire world of the underworld besides Wuya. Now that they are assisting in the battle, even if Chu Tian is strong, it will inevitably be doomed.

"Thank you for your help!" Ming Wuya saw the arrival of Ming Wuhuang and Ming Sihuan, and saluted them!

"Ming Wuya, I am not here to help you, but for our underworld world."

Ming Wuhuang glanced at Ming Wuya indifferently, then looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Daoist Chutian, I intended to help you before, and wanted you to be a member of my Wuhuang Pavilion..."

"Unfortunately, you are from the human race..."

"As your human race said, if you are not my race, their hearts will be different. I have to fight to kill you. I hope you forgive me."

"It's okay." Chu Tian has completely abandoned the original plan now, and doesn't care.

When the words fell, Chu Tian looked at Ming Sihuan, "You should be Mingzhi's father. Once, you promised me that you owe me a favor..."

"What you are doing now is the so-called favor that you owe me?"

Ming Sihuan was ashamed, and bowed to Chu Tian to salute.

After giving the gift, he straightened up and said, "Farther Chutian Daoist, this situation is something I never expected..."

"You have severely endangered my world of the underworld, and in the face of such justice, I have to make such a choice..."

Having said this, Ming Sihuan pondered for a moment, and then said, "If Daoist Chutian is willing to leave the world of the underworld immediately, I can act as a guarantee to **** Daoist Chutian away."

This sentence was a bit beyond Chu Tian's expectation.

"Sect Master Ming is willing to watch me leave?" Chu Tian looked at Ming Wuya with a slight smile.

"You can't leave the world of the underworld." Ming Wuya stared at Chu Tian indifferently.

Chu Tian smiled faintly and looked back at Ming Si Huan before answering his question just now, "So, Peak Master Ming Si Huan, your proposal just now is unnecessary."

Ming Sihuan sighed, and said nothing after all.

"Two, he is delaying time intentionally. I will take action immediately to avoid extra branches." Ming Wuya's expression was cold, and his strong power surged out.

The Yin Ming God Chain in his hand burst out with powerful power again.

No more time for Chu Tian to talk about it!

Wu Wuhuang nodded.

"Om..." His surging power surged out instantly.

"Wuhuang Tower..." Ming Wuhuang yelled at the same time, with the illusion of the Secret Art Seal in his hand, and immediately saw a tower-shaped magic weapon filled with terrifying and dark power, which was sacrificed.

The moment this powerful magic weapon was sacrificed, the entire space was instantly distorted.

Although the power is not comparable to the Yin and Ming disk, it is not much weaker!

"Friend Chutian, offended..." Ming Sihuan sighed.

While the surging power is surging out, it is also the magical seal in the hand, offering his own powerful magic weapon.

"The Emperor Ming Banner..."

"Om..." The terrifying Emperor Ming banner magic weapon that was not weaker than Wuhuang Tower, the moment it was sacrificed, the space was shaken and distorted, creating a terrifying vision.

"Two of you, let's kill him together." Ming Wuya drank again, transforming the seal of the tactic in his hand.

Wu Wuhuang and Ming Sihuan nod their heads, and at the same time, they transformed their hands into the sacred seal and began to perform Taoism.

But at this moment

Chu Tian's flat voice sounded

"This is the end of the matter, and I will fight you."

When the voice sounded, the aura in Chu Tian's body no longer needed to be transformed into Mingli, and it rushed out directly.

The mysterious light radiated by the pure and incomparable spiritual energy appeared on Chu Tian's body like the scorching sun.

"He actually has such a majestic aura..." Seeing the aura from Chu Tian, ​​Ming Wuya, Ming Wuhuang and Ming Sihuan all shook together.

In the distance, Ming Sheng Dao and Ming Guan Tian, ​​their expressions are full of incredible color.

Especially when Ming Tianming, who had stepped farther back, saw the spiritual energy gushing out of Chu Tian, ​​his eyes were magnified by a point.

From breaking open the formation of that mountain, to being blocked by their three major sects, to fighting Ming Wuya, after so long, he still has such a majestic aura.

Just like Chu Tian's spiritual energy can't be used up!

It's so terrible, how can anyone believe it!


Chu Tian shouted again at this moment.

Under the blessing of his majestic aura, the five-spirited all-horse array on his palm prints instantly burst out with even stronger power!

"Boom..." Under the mighty power, the terrifying Dao Fa erupted by the combined force of the twelve ghost puppets was instantly repelled by Chutian's Five Spirits and Vientiane Array!

In the terrifying energy tide, the twelve ghost puppets were directly shaken and flew away.

The Yin and Ming disks that control the twelve ghost puppets are all trembling for it!

Ming Wuya, who was in control of the Yin and Ming Disk, was even more backlashed, and his whole body was shaken. He looked at Chu Tian in shock, and at the same time hurriedly cast a spell to stabilize the Yin and Ming disk, which stabilized the Yin and Ming disk.

"The Taoism of the Twelve Underworld Puppets has been broken..." Ming Wuhuang and Ming Si Huan were also shaking.

A look of horror appeared in his expression!

Before they saw that Chu Tian was held in a stalemate by the Twelve Nether Puppets, they could no longer get out. It was easy for them to join the battle to kill Chutian.

However, he never expected that Chu Tian could directly break the Taoism of the Twelve Nether Puppets.

"Could he have been hiding his strength..." Ming Sheng Dao and Ming Guan Tian were even more so shocked that they couldn't believe it.

Ming Tianming was so horrified that he took a breath!

Even the body trembled!

"If he showed such a powerful strength before, wouldn't he be able to kill me directly?" Thinking of the things he had blocked Chu Tian before, Ming Tianming's heart was beating wildly.


At this moment, in the mysterious fluctuations of the space, Chu Tian was full of extraordinary spiritual energy, standing in the sky like a peerless immortal.

The tactical seal in his hand was transformed, and the five-spirit all-horse array composed of five spiritual jade beads dispersed.

The Five Spirit Jade Orbs are suspended in the sky!

"Five Spiritual Change."

Chu Tian illusioned Jue Yin in his hand, and he let out a low voice.

Immediately after seeing it, Chu Tian's aura differentiated into five majestic auras with different attributes, and it rushed straight to the five spirit jade beads.

"The Five Elements Reiki..."

"How can this be……"

Seeing this scene, everyone, including Wuya, Mingwuhuang, Mingsihuan, etc., were all shocked and pale.

They all know very well that ascetics cultivate the Tao, generally they can only practice the aura of a single attribute, even those genius ascetics, the aura of the two attributes is up to the sky.

Chu Tian now has the five elements aura!

Do not!

Suddenly even if it is Wuya, my heart trembled suddenly.

"He doesn't just contain the five element spiritual energy..." Ming Wuya suddenly remembered that the Ming power that Chu Tian had been using before was another type of spiritual energy.

Aura of six attributes!

"Hiss..." Even Ming Wuya, when he realized this, he couldn't help taking a breath.

At this time

"Ka Ka Ka..." After the five spirit jade beads with different attributes received the aura of Chu Tian's corresponding attributes, cracks suddenly spread on them.

However, like a metamorphosis, the five spiritual jade beads split at the same time!


In the mysterious fluctuations of the space, five beads filled with the power of the pure five elements appeared in the space...

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