The Master of the City

Chapter 1089: Chu Tian wakes up

"Three suzerains, the situation is very bad..."

Ming Tianming heard these words of Ming Huading, and said solemnly: "Chu Tian's body is now sacrificed to a point of power, and it is used by Ming Huading..."

"If the sacrifice continues like this, Chu Tian's body will really be refined into a magic weapon by the Minghua Cauldron sacrifice."

As soon as his words fell, suddenly


Chu Tian, ​​who had been being sacrificed all the time, suddenly rang like thunder in his body.

Followed by

I saw that the layer of light on Chu Tian's body completely dissipated, and the formation pattern of Ming Huading Ding used to sacrifice to Chu Tian, ​​under the terrifying Yin Ming Lu fire sacrifice, covered Chu Tian's body in a short time.


Chu Tian's body, as if opened up by the sacrifice, showed power in an instant!

The terrible power has caused the dark flames to be slightly distorted!

"No, Chu Tian's body is going to be refined..." Ming Guantian reacted first, and was shocked.

"Okay, great..."

Ming Huading reacted, but instantly ecstatic, and laughed wildly: "Now his power of body protection has completely disappeared, and he has begun to practice, hahaha..."

"Everyone, we only have one last chance..." Ming Guantian said with an extremely solemn voice, "If we can't stop Ming Hua Cauldron, we will also be completely finished..."

"Underworld Yin Luo, get up..."

Ming Guantian yelled violently, and turned the seal in his hand to sacrifice the treasure of the Ming Di Sect.

At the same time, he did not hesitate to expend his own essence and aura to use his strongest Taoism.

"Underworld Soul Orb, get up..."

Mingguantian, Mingshengdao and Mingxiansheng also sacrificed their own treasures at this moment, and they also did not hesitate to spend their essence and energy to display the strongest Taoism!


The Jueyin in the hands of the four people patted Minghuading at the same time!

The mighty power of Zhenzong’s treasure, the mighty power of Dao Fa, and the surging power of the Zhenzong’s great formation, at the same time blasted towards the Ming Hua Ding.

With this blow, the sky was torn in an instant!

Ming Huading saw the terrible blow from the four of them, and a solemn expression appeared in his expression.

This was a blow from the four great sect masters who did not hesitate to spend the essence of energy. The terrible power made him feel palpitations, and he no longer had the arrogance he had before.


Ming Huading also consumes his own essence and aura in an instant, using violent spellcasting to control the fierce fire profound soul array.


The power of horror was intertwined in the entire space in an instant.

A terrible sight, as if the space is being gasified!

"Puff..." At the moment of fighting, Ming Guantian, Ming Shengdao, Ming Xian Sheng, Ming Tian Ming, as if suffering a heavy injury, spurted blood instantly.

The four of them all flew upside down!

"It's over, we can no longer stop him..."

"The power of Chu Tian's body has now exploded. It is not something the four of us can break..."

"Chu Tian's body is too strong. Being borrowed from Minghuading's formation under the current explosion, Minghuading has made Minghuading completely invincible..."

The four people in the inverted flight looked at this scene with pale faces.

The blow just now was already their strongest blow, and they had not recovered their strength. This hit directly hurt them!

There is no more power to fight!


The dignity in Ming Huading's expression disappeared in an instant, and it was replaced by a wild laugh.

"I originally thought that your blow made me hard to resist. Who knows, I haven't used my full strength yet, you are vulnerable..."

"Four Sect Masters, you are defeated..."

"From then on, I am the lord of the underworld..."

Ming Huading laughed arrogantly, "From now on, I am not only the lord of the underworld, but also the lord of the world. Who else can sway my edge? Who else..."

The arrogant voice resounded throughout the space!

Shake the whole world!

However, at this moment


Suddenly, the terrifying power of Chu Tian's body suddenly burst out violently.

The originally seemingly powerful "Fighting Fire Profound Soul Array", under the impact of the terrifying power of Chu Tian's body, as if completely unable to withstand it, it burst open.

And at this moment, the formation that covered Chu Tian's body disappeared instantly!

The horrible dark flames that had been cultivating Chu Tian, ​​at this moment, were even more like retreat, and dissipated under the eruption of Chu Tian's body power.

Can't worship Chutian anymore!

"What's the matter?" The four Ming Guantian, who were originally gray-faced, looked at this scene in astonishment.

No one thought that when Chu Tian's physical might exploded, he would directly break the Ming Huading formation.

"Look, the formation on Chu Tian's body has disappeared. It is very likely that Chu Tian is about to wake up..." Ming Guantian was the first to discover this and was immediately surprised.

The three of Ming Tianming were also excited in an instant!

But the most exciting person is nothing more than the meditation and meditation in the distance.

"Great, Chu Tian is about to wake up now." Ming Ruyan said excitedly.

"Yes, Chu Tian is probably about to wake up. As soon as Chu Tian wakes up, it will be the death period of Ming Huading." Ming Zhi has never felt so excited before.


"I won't wake you up..."

Ming Huading, who was still laughing arrogantly a moment ago, screamed sadly and ferociously at this moment. He exhausted his mind to do all this, and he was about to succeed when he saw it, but he didn't expect Chu Tian to wake up!

He can't accept all this!

"I still have a chance..."

"As long as I destroy your soul, you won't be able to wake up again..."

Minghuading had a hideous face, and his essence and aura exploded violently.

With the phantom seal in his hand, he fiercely controlled the Five Underworld Soul Breaking Array, the majestic soul power that was refined by the sacrifice, and desperately bombarded Chutian's Sea of ​​Consciousness.


In the horrible bombardment of the power of the soul, although it did not produce a substantial roar, but this is the power of the soul. The soul of everyone present was affected, and a terrible roar sounded in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Even Ming Guantian and others, the spirits were severely shaken!

As if the head is going to explode terribly!

Suddenly, Ming Guantian and the others, who was still excited, became nervous.

"Yes, if Ming Huading does everything to destroy Chu Tian's soul, Chu Tian will still be unable to wake up..."

"In such a terrifying bombardment with the power of the soul, can Chu Tian's soul resist it?"

Mingguantian, Mingshengdao, Mingtianming, Mingxiansheng, Mingji and Mingruyan, at this moment, a heart was so nervous that it instantly raised its throat!

Now it can be said that Ming Huading has done everything to fight to the death of Chu Tian's spirit!

The success or failure of both sides, UU Reading in one fell swoop!

"I want to destroy your soul, I will not fail..." Ming Huading's face became more and more hideous.

He has come out of his soul!

I tried everything to put Chutian to death!

"Om..." However, at this moment, the space suddenly shook incomparably mysteriously.

Then I saw that the center of Chu Tian's eyebrows was filled with an incomparably brilliant divine light, which forced the power of the violent spirit that poured into the sea of ​​knowledge of Chu Tian back out.

The divine light is gorgeous, diffused with the supreme luster!

In front of this layer of divine light, that violent divine and soul power can't make any more points!


Chu Tian's eyes that had been closed, slowly opened!

"Sneez..." The light bursting in the eyes, like two terrifying light beams, penetrated the space, penetrated the world...

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