The Master of the City

Chapter 247: Didn't you have a chance with Senior Chu?

Xia Ziyan didn't know it, the stigma was imprinted deep in her heart, and she had always wanted to know who that vague figure was. In fact, she had already seen it, it was Chu Tian!

It's just a pity, that memory has disappeared from her memory!

Chu Tian was close at hand, and she didn't know that Chu Tian was the person she was looking for to meet!

Naturally, Chu Tian wouldn't let Xia Ziyan restore that memory!

Since the Xin family left, Chu Tian has already returned to Tiannan and came to the territory of Su City. Under the secluded night, on the quiet city road, he walked towards Julongzhuang.

"Miss, do you look at the person in front of you, does it look like the young man we met in Tianmai Town?"

Behind the road, in a car, there was a sound of astonishment!

Sitting in the back seat, Xiao Xuan looked forward through the window glass.

Sure enough, I saw a somewhat familiar figure walking alone in the night!

She also recognized it, this figure was the strange young man they met when they went to the palace clan!

"Isn't there a pair of very powerful twin girls beside him? Why is he alone now?" Xiao Gang, who was driving the car, asked in confusion.

"The two twin girls should have died in the hands of the palace people." The white-bearded old man sitting in the co-pilot sighed lightly.

Xiao Xuan in the back seat nodded slightly.

Regarding what happened in the palace clan, apart from the top families present, no one outside can know!

And when Xiao Xuan was in Tianmai Town outside the palace clan, because of the contempt and insult of the palace clan, he left the palace clan and didn't know what happened to the palace clan later.

There is no information about the palace clan that can come out!

Before she left Tianmai Town, the two twin girls around Chu Tian killed the palace clan. How could the palace clan let them go?

How powerful the palace clan is, the two twin girls, I am afraid that they have died in the pursuit of the palace clan powerhouse!

Only Chu Tian survived by himself!

"He seems to be in trouble." While thinking about it, Xiao Xuan suddenly saw that three mysterious men suddenly appeared, blocking Chu Tian's path...

Under her gaze, Chu Tian stopped at this moment.

Looking plainly at the three people who appeared in front of him.

Three Yingdao warriors who can ninjutsu.

"Are you Chu Tian?" A Yingdao warrior compared the photo with Chu Tian before asking, staring at Chu Tian sharply.

"Now all your major families in Yingdao are looking for me?" Chu Tian asked indifferently.

Chu Tian had already seen that the three Yingdao warriors who appeared now, and the four Yingdao warriors who had appeared in Los Angeles before, were not members of the same family.

"It seems that we didn't find the wrong person, follow us." Yingdao Warrior said sharply.

The other two Yingdao warriors showed fierce light in their eyes at the same time!

Once Chu Tian is disobedient, he is ready to abolish Chu Tian first!

"In our land, it is not your turn to be arrogant."

At this time, an indifferent voice came!

The three Yingdao warriors looked at them and suddenly narrowed their eyes.

I saw a tall middle-aged man walking over at this moment.

"Kill him." The Yingdao man in the middle had already sensed the danger of the middle-aged man coming, knowing that he might not be able to take Chutian away.

Since Chu Tian can't be taken away, then kill Chu Tian!

Anyway, the order they received indicated that if Chu Tian could not be taken away, then Chu Tian would be killed on the spot!

The three Yingdao warriors immediately moved towards Chutian!

"Damn..." Xiao Gang's expression changed in an instant. He didn't expect these three Yingdao warriors to be so cruel. He didn't hesitate to directly kill Chutian.

Although he is a half-step master of strength.

But now the distance from Chu Tian is impossible to save Chu Tian before the three Yingdao warriors kill Chu Tian!

"You still had a chance to live, but unfortunately, his appearance killed you."

The three Yingdao warriors looked at Chu Tian with a grinning smile, and slayed towards Chu Tian bitterly.

Chu Tian looked at the three of them calmly!

No waves have occurred!

"Huh, in front of me, do you dare to be arrogant?" A cold snort sounded beside Chu Tian, ​​and the figure of the white-bearded old man appeared beside Chu Tian.

Suddenly shoot out with a palm!

The surging energy rushed straight to the three Yingdao warriors.

"Not good..." The expressions of the three Yingdao warriors changed sharply.

They never expected that there would be a master Xiaochengjing appearing!

The three yelled, but when they wanted to escape, it was already too late.

The power of the white-bearded old man had already bombarded the bodies of the three of them, and the three of them instantly flung out like a broken kite, and after struggling for a few times on the ground, their breath broke and died.

Xiao Gang, who had just arrived, heaved a sigh of relief.

Thanks to the three elders, even if they shot, Chu Tian would have died!

"Why are these Yingdao people killing you?" Xiao Gang asked Chutian suspiciously.

"You don't need to know." Chu Tian replied plainly, and after a glance at the three dead warriors of Yingdao, he stepped away.

Xiao Gang's heart is a little angry!

They saved Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian treated them so coldly!

"Young man, now Yingdao people want to kill you. I'm afraid there is still danger on the road. Why don't we send you a ride!" The white-bearded old man remembered Xiao Xuan's order and invited him.

"No need." Chu Tian replied indifferently, already far away.

"I don't know what's good or bad." Xiao Gang said a little uncomfortably, and returned to the car with the old man with white beard.

While starting the car and leaving, Xiao Gang angrily said to Xiao Xuan in the back seat: "Miss, such a person shouldn't save him..."

"We saved him. He not only didn't appreciate him, but he was also very cold. The feelings were the same as when we saved him by mistake."

"Indeed." The white-bearded old man also nodded slightly and sighed, "This young man is a bit too arrogant, and a little arrogant."

"Forget it." Xiao Xuan looked at Chu Tian's direction through the car window, and said, "He can meet us again. It doesn't matter if he rescues him once, this is also a kind of fate."


At the thought of this word, Xiao Xuan was startled. UU reading

Sigh again!

She remembered about that senior Chu!

Before leaving, Shengyi Lin told her that she needed fate to find Senior Chu!

Now she and this young man have met twice by fate, but she has not been fate to find the senior Chu!

No news at all!

Since the palace clan left, she has not returned to Xiao's house. During this period of time, she has been secretly looking for the traces of the senior Chu, but she has no clue for more than half a month!

"It's only more than a month..."

I remembered that Grandpa only had more than a month, staring at the Xiao family closely with the major families, and waited until the moment her grandpa fell, giving the Xiao family a fatal blow to these things.

Xiao Xuan's beautiful face was full of haggard and sadness, and there was a touch of sadness!

She is eager to find the senior Chu!

However, until now, there hasn't been any news of that Senior Chu coming back!

As if everything showed, their Xiao Clan had no chance with that Senior Chu...!

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